Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the two (2) videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos.
Video 1:CJ in Practice: Judge Sentencing Guidelines
Video 2: Criminal Justice in Practice (scenario) Jury Selection
Then assess the impact that understanding and complying with the Sixth and Eighth Amendments will have on your future career and your ability to do your job effectively.

Juvenile VS Adult

There are differences between the juvenile and adult court systems. In this assignment, you will choose a criminal case study of your choice or you may use one from the Chronline Website. You will read and summarize the case involving the adult. Then you will examine the case from a different perspective considering how this case would unfold differently if a juvenile had committed the crime.

Read the case information and write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
Summarize the facts of the case.
Examine how the procedure would be different if the defendant(s) were a juvenile at the time that the offense was committed.
Identify and discuss how juvenile proceedings differ from adult criminal proceedings, and discuss the differences between an adult and a minor being charged with the same crime.
Define the waiver process of transferring a juvenile into the adult court system.
Assuming that the defendant in your selected case was a minor being tried as a juvenile, make recommendations for disposition and support your recommendation.
Use at least three (3) quality references.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Determine the appropriate legal procedures for both the adult and juvenile court systems to make sound decisions informed by criminal justice policy. 
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric

public and private sectors

Based on the three videos listed below, class readings and outside resources, what do you think the future holds for union in the public and private sectors? Do you think unions have lost their effectiveness? Explain your answer.

Students should specifically use the Turabian (Author-Date) Style for all citations.


It is often stated that the United States does not have two systems of courts (i.e. State and Federal), rather, we have 51, because each State has its own system and then there is the Federal system.  Discuss two pros and two cons of our current court system and then detail how having 51 “systems” may impact the idea of equality under the court of law in your opinion. Be sure to use resources to back up your opinion.

BookIntroduction to the American Criminal Justice System

COVID-19 Situation Report

In this case study, you will examine the essential elements of an incidents impacts that must be understood by emergency management leaders, to both scale the response and transition into recovery.  A Situation Report is an essential tool for providing condensed/consolidated overviews of an incident, including impacts to the community, and status of current operations.  Sometimes referred to as SitReps, they may only be reviewed by those within your response organization or may be accessible to the public; “accurate” and “professional” are absolutely essential ingredients!

Using the incident you selected for your final paper (COVID-19 from when it started in the United States around February-April 2020) , develop a Situation Report, no more than 3 pages of content (references can be the fourth page).  This Situation Report is intended to be read by the Chief Elected Official (CEO) of the jurisdiction impacted by your incident, and must concisely and efficiently brief the CEO on the incidents impacts.  Pretend that I am your jurisdictions CEO and I have less than 5 minutes to be briefed on the incident prior to walking into a response and recovery planning meeting with you, the Emergency Manager.
Consider the failures of initiative identified in the Hurricane Katrina response and ensure you provide enough and appropriate content to assist “our jurisdiction” with not making some of the same mistakes.  You should be focusing information about the response, just prior to us transitioning to recovery (e.g. life safety, protecting property and protecting the environment).
This is an opportunity for creativity.  Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, similar versions of each, etc.  Graphics, bullets, tables, charts are all great examples of packaging up information for visual impact and quick review.  This should not look or read like a typical paper; avoid paragraphs of text.

You must include references and in-text citations; this is both essential for academic integrity and real world application for validating and updating information.  Other than citations and references, APA formatting does not apply to this assignment.  For quick reference guide on in-text citations/references:

Below are several, very diverse, examples of Situation Reports:

FEMA Daily Operations Briefing September 30th, 2020
World Health Organization Ebola
Dept. of Energy 2017 Hurricanes
National Interagency Coordination Center –

homeland security

Develop an intelligence report that collects, analyzes, and disseminates information on the Boston Marathon Terror Attack (Bombings) of 2013. Your briefing to the media and to the general public should occur  within 36 hours after the attack. The intelligence report should be 4 pages, using APA (6th edition) format.

custody mod

Texas Custody Modification Request 

Asking for supervised visit be removed 

Requested time with the kids 

Requested that angel and adaline meet there younger sister 

Allow the kids to visit with one another 

Requesting access to school records and doctor records 

Requesting holiday visit 

Requesting access to children with out supervision 

Requestion court appointed laywer 

Access to my children as much as possible .

Be allowed to visit them on a  month notice 

Department of corrections

Assignment 3: Concerns for Corrections Staff and Inmates
Due Week 8 and worth 200 points
Use your SC Department of Corrections website to research the roles of correctional staff within the correctional organization.
Write a paper in which you:
Discuss the correctional facility staff hierarchy of a correctional facility and the four main goals of correctional staff members. Distinguish between the four main goals and discuss the importance of each.
Rank the five types of power available to correctional staff in order of effectiveness in managing inmate behavior (one [1] being the most effective, five [5] being the least effective). Provide a rationale for your ranking.
Identify and analyze the factors that have contributed to correctional officer corruption within correctional facilities. Provide an example of a correctional officer engaged in corruption from within the last three years to support your response.
Examine the underlying factors and symptoms of stress for correctional officers and analyze the methods that correctional officers use to deal with stress and the effectiveness of these methods. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
This course requires that citations and references follow the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than others Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Position Paper

Position Paper
This is a continuation of the first and second assignments and uses your accumulated research. Imagine you are two different lobbyists, supporting two different sides of the policy issue you wrote about in the Week 6 assignment, Analyzing Policy.

Submit your revisions from the Week 3 assignment, Historical Perspective and the Week 6 assignment, Analyzing Policy based on your professors feedback. You will be graded on your revisions. Then, write a 45 page paper in which you:

Write a one-page position in favor of the policy.
Write a one-page position against the policy.
Write a one-page response to the argument in favor of the policy.
Write a one-page response to the argument against the policy.
Include at least four peer-reviewed references from material outside the textbook. Note: Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles and governmental websites. Wikipedia, other wikis do not qualify as peer-reviewed. Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to identify references.
Note: The revisions from the Week 3 assignment, Historical Perspective and the Week 6 assignment, Analyzing Policy, must flow together with this assignment as one seamless paper.

Ferguson, MissouriA Violation of National and International Laws

Read the three articles about Ferguson, Missouri, and discuss the following questions.

Ferguson police were accused of violating national and international laws with human rights abuses in Amnesty International: Ferguson Police Crackdown Violated US and International Law and in Rights Violations Documented in Ferguson, MO. Do you think the media aggravates the situation, causing it to become more volatile? Many times, a newsworthy situation creates opportunities for profiteers. The article titled Why Digital Ally Stock Is Up Today illustrates this situation. What is your stance on profits resulting from tragedy?