Category: Law

business formation

You are about to start a new business selling a new product, a male birth control pill that works within 10 minutes of ingestion and lasting for 24 hours. You already have FDA approval and have gone through clinical trials.  You think the pill will sell millions and millions of units.  You now want to set up a company to make, market and sell this product.  What type of business entity do you think will be best for this endeavor? Make you sure you factually and legally support your answer.  Make sure you use the appropriate terms of art as used in the chapters.

Contract Clause and Element of Capacity

Article I, section 10, clause 1 of the United States Constitution provides that No State shall … pass any … impairing the Obligation of Contracts … This is known as the contract clause, and shows just how important freedom of contract is to a fair and orderly society.

Yet, in this Unit, we’ve learned about an element of contract that impacts the ability of some people to enter contracts, the element of capacity.

Considering what you’ve learned about the element of capacity, and any research you complete to enhance your understanding of capacity, answer the following questions:

1. Do the limitations on contract imposed by the element of capacity make sense from a public policy perspective? What are we trying to achieve by limiting the rights of some people to contract?

2. Fully describe the differing outcomes for the following three contractual scenarios:

A. A minor who lives with his parents leases an apartment for a year. May the minor disaffirm after three months? What are the rights of the minor tenant and the landlord at the time the minor disaffirms?

B. A minor who does not have an adult to provide him shelter leases an apartment for a year. May the minor disaffirm after three months? What are the rights of the minor tenant and the landlord at the time the minor disaffirms? How is the resolution to this scenario different from the result in part A?

C. An adult leases an apartment for a year. May the adult disaffirm after three months? If the adult moves out of the apartment after three months, what are the rights of the adult tenant and the landlord at the time of the move out? How is the resolution to this scenario different from the result in part A and part B?

Write your answers to the above questions in a 1,000 word essay, double-spaced, and cite any sources that you use in APA style

Problems that exist with communication

You have just been hired as a consultant by the Department of Homeland Security to develop some potential ideas for technology to assist with homeland security. You have been tasked to think about problems that exist with communication and interoperability, and potential ways that technology can solve them. Be creative and think about ideas that may spark something substantial down the line. You must include the following:
Relate the benefits of interoperability to terrorism response operations.
What ideas do you have to improve interoperability and communication?
To which sector of homeland security might your ideas apply?
Would you expect your ideas to be easy to implement or impractical in reality?
The completed assignment must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. At least one peer reviewed reference/source is required for the successful completion of this assignment.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced using APA formatting; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Critically assess whether the availability of patent protection has helped or hindered the international development of a vaccine for COVID-19.


1.    Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font.
2.    Line spacing must be at least one-andahalf lines; except that indented quotations may have single line spacing.
3.    Margins of at least 2 cm must be used at the top and bottom of the page, and 2.5 cm on the right and left sides of the page.
4.    Footnotes or endnotes must be included within the specified page allowance; each note must be no smaller than 10 point font and must start on a new line.
5.    A bibliography may be added:  this does not count towards the specified page allowance.  No other appendix may be attached.
6.    Pages should be numbered.
7.    Include a list of references after the essay and word count. All sources materials must be referenced using in-text citations and a reference list in the OSCOLA referencing style.
8.    The reference list is not included in the word count.
9.    The limit of plagiarism is 25%.

Critically compareany rescue procedure in the UK with the rescue procedure of your chosen jurisdiction, making recommendations to improve either or both systems.

1.    Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font.
2.    Line spacing must be at least one-andahalf lines; except that indented quotations may have single line spacing.
3.    Margins of at least 2 cm must be used at the top and bottom of the page, and 2.5 cm on the right and left sides of the page.
4.    Footnotes or endnotes must be included within the specified page allowance; each note must be no smaller than 10 point font and must start on a new line.
5.    A bibliography may be added:  this does not count towards the specified page allowance.  No other appendix may be attached.
6.    Pages should be numbered.
7.    Include a list of references after the essay and word count. All sources materials must be referenced using in-text citations and a reference list in the OSCOLA referencing style.
8.    The reference list is not included in the word count.
9.    The limit of plagiarism is 30%.

Write a reflection paper of ” Hard Measures ” by Rodriguez, J. A. (2012).

A reflection paper is not meant to be a regurgitation of information presented in the book. Do not provide me with a review of the books content. Rather, provide your own thoughts, opinions, and unique insight from the information learned in your reading in short, your reaction to the information.

Each reflection paper must be at least three full pages in length (not including cover page and reference page) and should be in APA format. It should be focused and concise clearly setting out your organized reactions to the reading. It should be well-organized by utilizing descriptive headings to organize your paper.

I have some extra information thought will be helpful:





Discuss how power is exercised in police or correctional settings.

Each student will apply the principles of organizational theory and management to an area of criminal justice of ones choice. The body of the paper should be at least 10 pages in length, not counting title page, abstract, reference list, and any tables, figures, pictures, appendices, and other items. It must conform to APA formatting rules.


1. Identify and Describe Broken Windows Theory and how it can be used to reduce crime.
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.
Of the weaknesses you’ve identified above, explain what you consider to be the main criticism of the Broken Windows theory and why.
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

2. Explain why police patrol methods have remained reactive in nature for decades.
Numerous studies have shown patrol has little effect on crime or the fear of crime. If so, why do departments refuse to change?
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

3. List and describe the limitations of modern patrol allocation models. Select one limitation which you feel is especially concerning and why. What would you recommend as a possible solution to the limitation you have identified?
Your essay should be well-developed (3-4 paragraphs) using at least two scholarly references and written in APA format.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the two news reports below regarding the uncovering of the Dozier School scandal in Florida and some recent developments.

DNA can be used to make a positive identification, while the forensic anthropology information can generate a biological profile.

In your opinion, what other information can be gleaned from the skeletons recovered at Dozier that cant be extracted from DNA? How could this additional information be used as evidence in court?  Alternatively, is there any information that the anthropology analysis could generate that could provide the family with answers about the life and death of their loved one?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare a closing statement that you would deliver at the end of an arbitration hearing. Please read the instructions below and the scenario before responding.


Attempts:  As many as you’d like. You may save as a draft and revise before submitting.

Due date/time: 11:59pm Sunday, November 22, 2020

Total points: 150

Writing expectations:  Please use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation and topic sentences. Please submit your work by attaching a Word document.

Grading Rubric:

Quality of writing = 20 points

Adherence to chapter 14 guidelines and primacy-recency effect = 60 points

Thoroughness = 40 points

Effective storytelling = 30 points

Academic integrity:  You may discuss this assignment with others; however, you must produce your own work without the assistance of others.

Format:  Essay

Closing statement: Using the scenario below, the content in chapter 14 of the CP&P text and the primacy-recency effect, write a closing statement that you, the Bank’s Senior Manager of HR, will draft for the Assistant General Counsel’s consideration for delivery at the end of the hearing. Since the arbitrator has given the parties a 1-hour break before giving each 5 minutes to make a closing statement, you must draft quickly and be prepared to please the AGC and persuade the arbitrator.

You believe that telling a story is the most compelling method of persuading an arbitrator.
You have put together the entire case and have been present for the entire hearing.
You are a good persuasive writer, believe in the primacy-recency effect and adhere to the recommendations offered in chapter 14 of the CP&P text.


Arbitration – Week 12 Scenario (Spring 2020).docxPreview the document