Category: Law

Policing in america today

Please submit a five page paper that will discuss the above listed topic. Your paper will first define issues facing the police today (Summer 2020). Discuss the positive changes that you see taking place as well as the negatives of the changes expected. Discuss what would happen  if the police were ‘defunded’ (some may already be by the time you do this assignment), the impact on the law enforcement agencies, the police themselves, the people they serve. . Large city police departments are seeing record numbers of retirements and officers just leaving to change careers. Police academy classes are being cancelled due to not being able to fill the classes with recruits.  Do you think that a police department could exist with less officers? What types of services could they/would they provide? How would this impact society as a whole?

You should cite at least three references (books, periodicals, newspaper articles, etc…) used in writing your paper. Do not use your textbook as a reference. Your paper should be double spaced. You should use a Times Roman font, size 12. Place page numbers in the upper right corner of your pages. Page number 5 (five) of your paper should list works cited. Please follow the APA standards when citing sources.

Put your name, course title and course number on the first page of the paper. Title page and works cited page do NOT count toward the four-page requirement. Please remember to use spell check on the paper before submitting it. Points will be deducted for incorrect use of English.

The paper should be 5 pages, to include one works cited/reference page, double-spaced pages and should have a title page.

Terry Vs Ohop

One of the most important facets of police work is knowing when it is legal to stop a person and whether he or she can be searched. The US Supreme Court case of Terry vs Ohio determined an officer can stop a person and conduct a pat down under a very specific set of circumstances. For this research paper, please research this landmark case and explain when an officer is allowed to stop a person and conduct a pat down. The difference in this case is the suspects had not yet committed a crime and the officer did not have a warrant to search them. Explain why the Court permitted this. How are pat downs affected by the exclusionary rule? If you need something else to write about to fill the two-page requirement, also explain the US Supreme Court case that governs vehicle searches and what factors allow an officer to search a car. This paper must be two pages in length and in APA format. Cite your sources on a references page and be sure to use in-text citations for each source.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Order number.  #183469107
Managing Global Cities – Meta Theme

In The paper instructions stated to not -Do not use sources other than those provided in the course; do not search the internet or the library for additional sources.

I had to release all the m one before seeing references. I would like this to be fixed. I am disappointed. I attached all the needed materials. The writer was only supposed to use the attached material.

I rated this writer a 10 and all.

International Law Essay Question

Airedale and Beagle are two neighbouring States. Ronald Drump is a prominent businessman
living in Airedale; he is the Chief Executive Officer and owns 75% of the shares in a gold
mining company, Chihuahua Gold Ltd (CGL), which is incorporated in Chihuahua, another
neighbouring State. Chihuahua is a country which has a very conservative faith-based culture,
but has very low corporate tax rates, thus making it an attractive place for companies like CGL
to call home. The remaining 25% of the shares in CGL are owned by nationals of Airedale.
Ronald Drump was born in Beagle, and he therefore holds Beagle citizenship. He lived there
until the age of 12, when his family moved to Airedale. His parents are also Beagle nationals.
Ronald completed his secondary schooling and attended university in Airedale. At the age of
25, he moved to Chihuahua to take up employment with CGL. Over time, he acquired shares
through his salary package, and was repeatedly promoted until he was appointed Chief
Executive Officer.
In his role as Chief Executive Officer, CGL experienced sustained growth, and controlled
interests in gold mines in Chile, Australia, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. CGLs success led to
Ronald being extremely influential, and he even hosted a late-night television programme on
Chihuahuas main commercial television station. Ronald used his position to express his
liberal views, which were inconsistent with the conservative belief structure of Chihuahuas
strict regime. The Government of Chihuahua began to mistrust Ronald and find his conduct
threatening and destabilising.
In January 2019, Ronald was arrested at his office in Chihuahua on fabricated charges of fraud.
He was taken to the Chihuahua Security Service headquarters, where he was imprisoned for
one week. During that time, he was interrogated and subjected to multiple beatings and
electrical shocks by Chihuahua Security Service officers (although the beatings and electrical
shocks were not part of the officially authorised interrogation techniques, and were carried out
by Security Service officers when their superiors were not present.) When he was released,
Ronald discovered that Chihuahua had enacted a new statute which had the effect of
transferring all the Chihuahua-based assets of CGL to the Chihuahua State-owned Trading
Company. Fearing that he would be re-arrested, Ronald fled to Beagle. His substantial
personal assets within Chihuahua were then seized by the Chihuahua Government.
Chihuahuas treatment of Ronald Drump sparked outrage in Airedale, which had regarded him
as one of its favourite expatriates. Airedale nationalists began a campaign of intimidation and
fear against ethnic Chihuahuans living in Airedale. One incident got out of hand when a group
of four masked Airedale thugs beat up a group of ethnic Chihuahuans in the streets of
Airedales capital city. Two of the ethnic Chihuahuans were badly hurt, with one eventually
dying from his injuries. Airedale police arrived on the scene and arrested the group of maskedassailants. After they had been taken into police custody, it became apparent that one of the
thugs was the Airedale Minister for Internal Affairs. The Airedale police subsequently released
all of the group (including the Minister) from police custody, and no charges were laid even
though the ethnic Chihuahuans wished for prosecutions to be brought, the Airedale police
claimed that they lacked evidence.
However, news of this episode (and its outcome) quickly spread, and the Chihuahua
Government reacted swiftly. It announced:
We have no choice but to respond to Airedales clear and wilful violation of
international law. We are therefore suspending all Chihuahuas treaty obligations with
Airedale, with immediate effect, for a period of at least six months.
Chihuahua also quietly dispatched its elite special forces into Airedales territory (without
Airedales knowledge or consent), where they searched for and located those responsible for
the attack on the ethnic Chihuahuans, including the Airedale Minister for Internal Affairs. The
group was abducted and transported to Chihuahua, where they were arrested on suspicion of
complicity in murder. They were tried before a Chihuahuan court, convicted, and sentenced to
life imprisonment.
Airedale, Beagle, and Chihuahua have made optional clause declarations in which they have
accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) under Article
36(2) of the ICJ Statute. Chihuahua has included a reservation with its declaration, which states
that: Chihuahuas acceptance of the Courts jurisdiction does not apply to disputes which
Chihuahua considers to be within the national jurisdiction of Chihuahua.
You have been engaged by the Government of Airedale to advise it on the international
law issues arising in this set of facts.
You may find it helpful to approach this task by analysing each incident, issue or potential
claim, and:
consider what or who might complain, about what violation of international law, against
whom or what, and in what forum
consider what the response might be
assess the strengths and weaknesses of each argument
form a view on which argument is likely to prevail in each case.

Return to “Get Tough” Policies

The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages of text (doesnt include cover page or reference page). The paper should be double spaced and have margins no larger than 1 inch. Use appropriate APA format for all aspects of the paper. You do not need to include an abstract. Be sure to address all aspects of the assigned question. In order to fully address the question for the assignment, you will need to make reference to the textbook.

You should cite where appropriate within the paper and have a reference page. You may use outside resources to complete the paper, but you are not required to. If you do use outside sources, be sure to cite and reference appropriately. Your grade will be based on both the content and format of the paper. The readings in this module (CHAPTER 20 to CHAPTER 24)

While it is still early in the Administration, comments made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions indicate a possible shift in the federal criminal justice system back towards many of the War on Drug policies of the 1980s.  This follows several years of bipartisan support for sentencing reform, especially for first time or low level drug offenders.  Sessions has indicated support for increased use of mandatory minimum sentencing and sentencing enhancements for drug offenders. 

Based on the readings from this module (as well as any other module in the course), do you believe a return to the get tough policies of the War on Drug era is warranted and beneficial to society (No)?  Why not?

Text required: Maguire, M. & Okada, D. (2015). Critical issues in crime and justice: Thought, policy, and practice.  2nd ed.

Readings required:
Chapter 20 Public Policy
Chapter 21 Courts
Chapter 22 Juvenile Justice
Chapter 23 Corrections
Chapter 24 Community Corrections

DB 4 replies disaster response

You must reply to at least 2 classmates threads (will be uploaded to assigned writer). Each reply must be 100135 words. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and experience. Each thread and reply must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives. A minimum of 1 academic/scholarly source is referenced appropriately in each response; cite all sources used.
Responding to a classmates post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.

Thread topic:

Discuss different factors related to the reporting of myths as facts in mass media. In your discussion, include the various reporting sources (e.g., local, network, and print). How does reporting (facts and myths) affect the general population and decision makers? Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience.

DB 5 Disaster response

You must create a thread in response to the Discussion Board Forum prompt. Thread must be 250275 words. Clarify the issue being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and experience, and must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives. A minimum of 1 academic/scholarly source is referenced appropriately in each response; cite all sources used.


What is an emergency organization? Describe issues with actual organizational response and effective organizational response. Relate your discussion to the findings in either Case Study 1 or Case Study 2 from this module/weeks textbook readings. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience.

The Development of and Reason for Teenage Drug Addiction and Delinquency


Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this paper, you will design a criminal justice agency of your own vision.  What is the agency? How is it designed? What is its mission?  I want you to incorporate what you consider valuable needed aspects of the organization.  For example, you would want to include but not limit it to:

1) How would your facility align with criminal justice reform and not contribute to the “broken criminal justice system” in exsistence today?

2) Compare how your criminal justice organization would mirror or operate to one that is already established.

3) Discuss how Communication would be conveyed and evaluated to the employees in your agency and whereit falls on the list of the organization’s priorities.

4) List some ways you would incorporate motivating employees and how important is motivation in your organization and why.

5) Are there any historical CJ perspectives you learned about in this course that are successful still today and that you would incorporate in your organization?

6) How would you effectively evaluate your employees and what does that look like?

7) What would you have planned for occupationa socialization in your organization?

8) How would you strengthen the decision making skillset of your employees?

9) What kind of change and innovation do you have in place for your organization that does not exsist in CJ agencies today that really should have already been in exsistence.

10) Think of your past interview with your criminal justice professional.  What did you learn from that CJ leader that you can incorporate in your organization.


Your paper MUST be formatted with proper APA in text citations and references for ALL supporting details you cite.  This is essential to stay in alignment with the academic integrity policy.  Be careful when you copy information as the plagarisim tracker picks up identical words and phrases, so you will want to make sure you are rewriting that information in your own words.

The paper should have a APA title page, Abstract page, besides those pages you should have  at least  3 pages of  supporting details and analysis/self reflection about your organization, then the Conclusion, and Reference pages. Set up should most likely resemble this:

1)  APA Title Page

2) Abstract

3) Research/Supporting Details and Self Reflection/Analysis of what you comprehended.

4) Conclusion

5) References

Are Private Prisons Unconstitutional?

For CJ400, you must conduct research on a constitutional issue approved by your instructor and write a paper analyzing what you find, using U.S. Constitutional provisions, statutes, and court cases to support how you would solve the constitutional issue, and discussing social policy implications of your solution to the issue. The purposes in conducting this research and writing this paper are to improve your ability to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information carefully and objectively, using the U.S. Constitution, statutes, and U.S. Supreme Court cases; use this information to propose a solution to a constitutional issue; discuss social policy implications of your solution; and present your ideas in clear written form directed to a specific audience, in this case, your class. To complete this research paper, you should: Select a current constitutional issue and have it approved by your instructor. Research the provision(s) of the United States Constitution that are at the heart of the issue. Research any federal or state statutes that impact this issue. Research previous decisions of the United States Supreme Court that impact this issue. Search for any pending case(s) before the U.S. Supreme Court that may involve this issue. Based on your research, determine what should be the solution of this constitutional issue. Consider social policy implications of your solution. Write a paper explaining the issue, your proposed outcome, the social policy implications of your solution, and the research that supports your outcome. Your paper must include: A cover page Introduction Clear statement of the constitutional issue Discussion of your research Clear statement of your proposed solution, with supporting argument Discussion of social policy implications of your solution Reference page, using APA style The text of this paper should be at least 3,750 words or fifteen computer-generated/typewritten double-spaced pages long. You must demonstrate that you understand the terminology and the concepts used in constitutional law, and how constitutional provisions, statutes, and case decisions are interrelated. You must demonstrate that you can synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information. You must use correct APA format in source citations in both the body of the paper and in the reference page.