Category: Law

Draft of International Agencies and Law

The topic I chose is Ghost Stories: Inside the Russian Spy Case

Milestone Three is an analysis of international agencies and laws involved in the case. Summarize the location and role of each international law enforcement
agency involved in the case. Address the following questions in bullet point format.
1. Identify the laws regarding case-specific violations in the country where the person of interest was or is currently residing. How did these laws aid in the
investigation or apprehension of the criminal?
2. Were there any political factors that influenced the facilitation of the crime? Provide a brief explanation.
3. Determine the ability level of the law enforcement agency to effectively mitigate these types of crimes. Provide evidence to support your claim.
4. How did each law enforcement organization aid in the investigation? What were their limitations?
5. Was U.S. law facilitated in all agencies related to this case?
6. Does the United States reciprocate their laws? Use examples to illustrate the extent of reciprocity.
7. Was there a cooperative relationship between the United States and international law enforcement agencies, and is this cooperation still ongoing?
8. How did the United States cooperate with the international organizations in this case?
In general, explain how the United States aids foreign organizations in apprehending and enforcing justice. Use examples to demonstrate the United States
cooperation. Why is it necessary to coordinate and cooperate with international agencies?

Draft of Violation

The Topic I chose is Operation Ghost Stories
Milestone Two requires students to write a summary of the crime that was committed in the case they have chosen and to address the following questions in
bullet point format.
1. How does the citizenship status of the criminal in the case impact the ability to adhere to procedural due process? Be sure to include whether or not the
criminal has dual citizenship. How does this affect your ability to apprehend and charge the criminal?
2. Where did the criminal reside at the time that the crime was committed? Does this information interfere with the investigation and apprehension of the
criminal? Explain.
3. Which laws were violated domestically and internationally in the case? What consequences are associated with eachcrime?
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
For the following, review the elements of the case regarding the violation of the crime.
II. Violation
A. Determine the criminals citizenship status and how this impacted the United States ability to adhere to procedural due process.
1. Was the criminal a U.S. citizen?
2. Did the criminal have dual citizenship?
B. How does this information affect the United States ability to apprehend and charge the criminal?
C. Determine how the criminals location impacted the United States ability to adhere to procedural due process.
1. At the time of the crime(s) committed, where did the criminal reside?
2. How did this interfere with the investigation and apprehension of this criminal?
D. Explain which laws were violated domestically and internationally and the consequences associated with the violations.
1. What crimes was the criminal charged with in the UnitedStates?
2. What were the associated consequences in violating these laws?

Draft of American Justice System

The topic I chose is Operation Ghost Stories
Milestone One requires students to compose an analysis of the American justice system. Include an overview of the case you have chosen and address the
following questions regarding the American justice system in bullet point format.
1. Identify the implications of the procedural laws when mitigating both domestic and international crime. How do the legal requirements involved in
processing a case impact the ability to combat criminal activity?
2. What rights and responsibilities do American citizens have according to procedural laws?
3. How does the enforcement of procedural laws differ when applied to people who are not legal U.S. citizens?
4. According to the American justice system, what are the rights and responsibilities of people who are not U.S. citizens?
Use elements of the case you have chosen, and any additional resources necessary, to illustrate the impact of citizenship on the investigation and prosecution of a
criminal according to the American justice system.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. American Justice System
Before analyzing the specific elements of this case, you will need to be aware of the procedural laws and how citizenship can play a factor in the
investigation and eventual prosecution of a criminal.
A. What are the implications of the procedural laws when mitigating domestic and international criminal activity? How do the requirements related
to the steps in processing a case impact the United States ability to combat criminal activity?
B. What rights and responsibilities do citizens have according to these laws?
C. Explain how procedural law applies to people who are not legal U.S. citizens and how these laws are enforced.
D. According to the United States justice system, what are the rights of people who are not legal citizens?


Discuss the three main design options for controlling particulate-phase pollutants. Be sure to mention all of the available filtration options when discussing each engineering control.

Discuss the three design types of catalytic systems, and include factors that often degrade these systems.

Abolition organization

A 6-7 master level research paper on the topic:Victoria law

– Violence Against Women Act (1994) resulted in more police more punitive sentencing in an attempt to reduce domestic violence
– carceral feminism reigns in the feminist movement – grants the nation state and legal system power over handling violence against women. in the same way that feminism is often code for white feminism or cis feminism its also code for carceral feminism
– “carceral feminism describes an approach that sees increased policing, prosecution, and imprisonment as the primary solution to violence against women”
– relies on criminalized response
– prioritizes interpersonal violence over state violence
– discourages organizing community responses and interventions

forensic science

Biometrics and privacy concerns

Fingerprints and other biometrics are more commonly being used as a biological password unique to an individual.  Read the following articles about how biometrics is being used today and concerns about privacy of biometric use:

Biometrics more common now, but what about privacy issues?

Hacking Our Identity: The Emerging Threats From Biometric Technology

Do you think the benefit of biometrics outweighs the privacy concerns?  Explain why.

Terrorism and Communication

Please answer the following questions separately. Please cite all scholarly references used.

1.    Using the scenario (listed below) list and elaborate on the top three social media actions you will take in order of priority 1 having the highest priority and 3 the lowest priority. Make sure to identify which specific social media portals will be utilized and why.

You are a city Public Information Officer (PIO). It is Saturday afternoon and you are watching TV. Your favorite TV program is interrupted by an announcement by the local news station that three explosive devices have been found inside the City Hall building.

2.    What role does credible intelligence/information play in the planning and execution of a crisis communication plan? Please elaborate in detail.

Textbook (Not available for download)
Matusitz, Jonathan A.  2013. Terrorism and Communication: A Critical Introduction.  SAGE: Thousand Oaks. 

References (Websites)

United States vs. Saudi Arabia and China

Compare and contrast the criminal justice system of the United States against those of Saudi Arabia and China. You should be detailed in your response and discuss issues related to law enforcement, the judicial system, and the correctional systems of the countries. Advantages and disadvantages of each system should also be discussed, as well as anything about the  countries that you find to be interesting. Examples and anecdotal evidence are welcome.


The obsession for secrecy and the reasons for not sharing intelligence at a national level was exposed after the attacks of September 11, 2001.  Answer the following questions in your initial response.

1.  Do you believe law enforcement has since overcome the obstacles of not sharing intelligence information between the federal, state and local levels?

2.  Find one real life example since September 11, 2001 where intelligence sharing between agencies occurred. You may use current events as sources.

3.  Using the knowledge you have gained from this course.  Describe your position with three (3) specific recommendations of how to effectively share intelligence information to prevent or reduce crime.


Answer each of the following questions in your initial response:
1.  Provide an example of a law enforcement agency in the United States that has implemented effective operational security (OPSEC) procedures since 9/11?

2.  What were the OPSEC procedures?

3.  Describe what problems you envision the lack of an effective OPSEC program could hold for a local, county, state, tribal, or federal law enforcement agency.