Category: Law

Jeffrey Epstein

1) Please review the Action Means Purpose (Model) on  The AMP Model simplifies our understanding of how U.S. federal law defines human trafficking.

2) Jeff Epstein faced trafficking charges before he died. What typology of human trafficking did Epstein allegedly operate under? See:

3) According to the AMP Model, what actions id Epstein allegedly use as an alleged trafficker?

4) Review the Power and Control Wheel on, what forms of abuse did Epstein and Ghirlane Maxwell allegedly use? For what purpose?

5) From a Victimology perspective, what victimology theory explains the high risk factors that may have made the victims vulnerable to trafficking?

6) How did privilege and wealth influence Epstein’s power and control?

6 pages; +1 Reference page; Double spaced; Font;: 12 point Times New Roman; Pages Numbered

Theoretical perspective

In week 4, you learned about the importance of theory, the various theoretical perspectives and the ways in which theory help guide research in regards to crime and criminal behavior.

To put this assignment into context, I want you to think about how Lombroso thought one could identify a criminal.  He said that criminals had similar facial features.  If that was the case you would be able to look at someone and know if they were a criminal!  Social theories infer that perhaps it is the social structures around us that encourage criminality. Look around your city- what structures do you think may match up to something you have learned about this week in terms of theory?  These are just two small examples to put this assignment into context for you. The idea is to learn about the theories, then critically think about how can one “show” the theory without providing written explanation for their chosen image. 

Directions: With the readings week 4 in mind, please do the following:

1.  Choose a theoretical perspective (I.e., biological, psychological sociological)

2.  Look through media images (this can be cartoons, magazines, newspapers, internet stories, etc…) and select 10 images that you think depict your chosen theory without written explanation.

3. Provide a one paragraph statement of your theory, what kinds of behavior it explains and how it is depicted through images. Be sure to use resources to support your answer.

4.  You will copy and paste your images into a word document, along with your paragraph.  You do not need to cite where you got your images, but you do need to cite any information you have in number 3.

Format Directions:

Typed, 12 point font, double spaced

APA format style (Cover page, in text citations and references)

Book:Introduction to the American Criminal Justice


1.Why do heroin addicts who do not want to abandon drug use enter treatment?
2.How does methadone differ from heroin?
3.How does Antabuse affect alcohol users?
4.How do sex-offender statutes pose problems for P/P officers?

1.Discuss the substance abuse issues/treatment options for probation and parole officers/offenders.
Which of these methodologies do you think is the most effective? Why?

Business Law

I have two assignments in business law that need to be completed.
1. a case study 260 words,
2. a journal about a certain topic 400 words.

These are actually 1/6 of the full submission. I need someone to continue them as they are on the 3rd section. Basic business law.

Attached was my previous case studies so you have an understanding of context

trial observations

Objective: o To present an understanding of civil court proceedings in presenting the operation of court proceedings, reporting and presenting.
Deliverables: Prepare a written report, 4 page maximum, that includes: o An overview of the proceeding watched o Identify the steps in the process o Identify the purpose of each step o Describe the approach to the presentation of evidence o Describe the elements that supported natural justice o Parts of the proceeding you considered effective and ineffective o Recommendations for improvements of the process. o A summary of the question of fact and/or law in issue

Disaster Case Analysis

Disaster Case Analysis

Select major U.S. or international disaster, and prepare written analysis 5 – 8 double-spaced pages (12 pt. font, 1 inch margins), including in-text citations and references in APA format.
*****I have chosen the topic: Covid-19 pandemic in the United States around when it became serious in our country so around the months of February-April.****

The analysis should include:
-Incident overview
-Description of the disaster and impacts
-Community/jurisdiction demographic overview
-Overview of response (involvement of government, private sector and non-profits)
-Major Emergency Management policy issues raised, some examples may include:
-How effective was the mitigation, preparedness in advance of the event?
-How coordinated was the response and recovery?
-What went well, what could be improved?
-Relate back to the Emergency Management principles

-Emergency management organization and preparedness program, examples include:
-How the EM organization structured (inclusive of emergency management, fire responders, government, private sector, etc)
-Emergency Operations Plans and how they address the phases of emergency management covered (mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery)
-How is the whole community integrated in the preparedness programs
-How all-hazards are considered and addressed.
-Discuss improvements you would make, including integrating an all-hazards, whole community approach and addresses all phases of emergency management, and why


Topic: Evaluate the threat that may be posed to the U.S. from international terrorists entering via Central and South America.
Change Question

Word count: 450-500

Use the following source: Terrorism Today – The Past, The Players, The Future by Jeremy R. Spindlove & Clifford E. Simonsen, 6th edition, 2018


Topic: Evaluate how the Diplock Commission was set up to look at ways of dealing with the legal aspects of controlling terrorism in a democratic society.

Word count: 450-500

Use the following source: Terrorism Today – The Past, The Players, The Future by Jeremy R. Spindlove & Clifford E. Simonsen, 6th edition, 2018


Topic: Analyze how terrorist groups use of the Internet and social media is an effective recruiting tool.

Word count: 450-500

Use the following source: Terrorism Today – The Past, The Players, The Future by Jeremy R. Spindlove & Clifford E. Simonsen, 6th edition, 2018

9/11 terrorism attack with osama bin laden and the terrorist group al qaeda

must have an abstract and a reference page. these sources must be scholarly journal articles. That are peer reviewed. must use citation. times new roman font size 12 double spaced. must have a conclusion. must talk about the terrorist group and the terrorist attack that happened during 9/11 including information about 9/11 and osama bin laden and the terrorist group al qaeda that he was involved in how did it start.