Category: Law

The Importance of the criminal procedure and criminal law

10 full pages of writing only and reference page 12 font APA students will discuss The Importance of the criminal procedure and criminal law in protecting civil liberties and Constitutional protections under the United States Bill of Rights.

Assess how do criminal law and criminal procedures ensure justice?

Explain how does criminal law and procedure try to minimize injustice?

Illustrate how does the criminal law and procedure ensure a safe and democratic society?

answer question

Consumer Behavior Challenge. Respond to ten (10) total questions in a write-up. Include the questions in your assignment, but do not count the questions in your word count. Use the Consumer Behavior Challenge area at the end of each chapter (using chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10) to choose the 10 questions. Select any 10 items of interest and address the material touching on general concepts that permeate throughout the readings.

Florida State Legislature

Find here below the instructions for this research assignment. Also, find attached the first assignment directly linked to this assignment which discusses the bill Im proposing in the Florida State Legislature
Your task for the first major assignment is to research and report on the fundamental characteristics of the state government and legislature you will be trying to impact with your lobbying issue. This assignment, unlike the next two, is research-heavy, so I am looking for a well-documented variety of sources with a bibliography.
The paper has three distinct components that I will be grading on:
A. Political Culture
Assess and report on the political culture of your state [Florida]. Analyze how political culture, history, demography and social forces have shaped how citizens view politics, what they expect from government, and especially how they have shaped governing institutions. “A” papers will describe how political culture and history have shaped and influenced how politics is practiced and how institutions such as the legislature and executive branch utilize power.
B. Key Relationship Analysis
Pick a key member from the Florida State committee that will be considering your bill. This should be someone you’ve identified as important to the prospects that you hope to influence, and should not be a dedicated supporter or committed opponent.
Analyze what makes them tick. What are the key internal and external relationships that influences their voting behavior? Please make certain that you comment on the variety of external relationshipsi.e. interest groups, family, colleagues, governor and so forth. Also, take a look at the member’s district and the type of relationship and memberships they have back home. Look at this committee member biography, quotes, and other key voters in the committee to see how you can leverage them on your side for the purposes of this bill proposal.
How can those relationships be leveraged for the purposes of your issue?
C. Institutional and Parliamentary Structure
Based on the lectures and readings about parliamentary procedure and the four “knows” of the legislature, demonstrate you know something about how the legislature is organized. In this section, provide me with a concise backgrounder on what I need to know of the rules and make-up of the Florida state legislature. Pay particular attention to relevant facts that impact your legislation. This should be an informative essay about the committee structure, partisan structure, leadership, and relevant rules that someone unfamiliar with your state would need to know if they start to lobby. Please do not simply cut and paste from the state legislatures website. Give me practical information.
Grading Rubric
Your papers will be graded based on the following rubric.
1.    Lobbying Plan proposal: Submitted, timely and well-prepared lobbying plan proposal. 10 points
2.    Answered specified questions: Paper addresses fully all the questions posed in the assignment. 20 points
3.    Integration of lecture/reading materials and analysis: Paper addresses and integrates key themes from lecture materials and pulls from these themes to assert well-argued conclusions. 40 points
4.    Writing/concise: Paper is well written, avoids grammatical and spelling errors, observes page constraints, and is succinct. 10 points
5.    Research: Paper uses a variety of quality and credible sources to argue points effectively. Student conducted an interview. 20 points


Propose and defend recommendations to prevent or otherwise reduce Sex offending. Your  recommendations can be aimed towards policy, programming, practices or other approaches at  any level of government (local, state, federal) and domain within the formal CJ system (police,  courts, corrections) or organizations around the CJ system (schools, non-profits, etc.). Regardless  of your chosen audience, your recommendations must be heavily supported by research on crime  causation and evaluation studies. 

adult correction powerpoint presentation

Directions for Power point slides: include the following components with a min. of 10 slides  worth 30pts.

1.  Title/Cover Page

2.  Summary of the research topic chosen (introductory paragraph and body):

      A. Topic

      B. Purpose

      C. Objective

      D. Thesis Statement

      E. Introduction

      F. History & Literature Review

      G. Discussion: Thesis Statement and Variables/Concepts and Components

3.  Conclusion

4.  Reference Page (sources cited in your essay and presentation, if you use any statistics or sources

Overall Power Point Directions:

      1.  You will submit your powerpt slides to Black Board (Bb) by the due date as a power point. * use Word (Power Point) applications

2.  You must design a power point presentation following the guidelines and including the components (headings with a minimum of 10 slides)

3.  power point design worth 30pts for the slides (approx 2pts. Per slide).

4.  Each slide should contain no more than 30 words (you will discuss and explain the information) ; use bullets and outline format not paragraphs

5.  Show how and what you learned from the criminal justice field along with your research topic in APA style

6. You can use creativity but do not just copy your essay onto the power point slides.   

Directions for Power point slides: include the following components with a min. of 10 slides  worth 30pts.

1.  Title/Cover Page

2.  Summary of the research topic chosen (introductory paragraph and body):

      A. Topic

      B. Purpose

      C. Objective

      D. Thesis Statement

      E. Introduction

      F. History & Literature Review

      G. Discussion: Thesis Statement and Variables/Concepts and Components

3.  Conclusion

4.  Reference Page (sources cited in your essay and presentation, if you use any statistics or sources

Overall Power Point Directions:

      1.  You will submit your powerpt slides to Black Board (Bb) by the due date as a power point. * use Word (Power Point) applications

2.  You must design a power point presentation following the guidelines and including the components (headings with a minimum of 10 slides)

3.  power point design worth 30pts for the slides (approx 2pts. Per slide).

4.  Each slide should contain no more than 30 words (you will discuss and explain the information) ; use bullets and outline format not paragraphs

5.  Show how and what you learned from the criminal justice field along with your research topic in APA style

6. You can use creativity but do not just copy your essay onto the power point slides.   

Women and Trauma: Shifting the narrative of women offending

Prompt : can you construct a narrative that might shift how we understand the issue, deliver services and experience outcomes? What new narrative can you construct that might change and improve outcomes in oneof the areas we have studied?

*Do not include a reference page. I will do that on my own. You will be writing based on the topic idea I have developed.

Topic Idea: Instead of focusing on the criminal behavior of women, a program in which women are treated through a trauma responsive lens. It is understood they endure the most sexual and physical trauma in society and as such the focus of jail time should shift to their rehabilitation. The whole idea is for society to stop punishing women who commit crime to a harsher extent because they go against societal expectations of a woman and instead understand the vulnerabilities of women as a result of our patriarchal society which lead them to commit crime in the first place. We accept that our environment shapes the actions of women and as such choose to re-shift focus on healing them from the trauma of it.

**I provided you a list of the references you need to use. I uploaded the articles and the rest are websites that you can look up.


Alexander, M. (2012). The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: The New Press.

Brown, A. (2019). Black, Female, and Controlled: An Historical Overview of Policing Black
Womens Bodies. PHILOSOPHY &, 27.

De La Rue, L., & Ortega, L. (2019). Intersectional trauma-responsive care: A framework for humanizing care for justice involved girls and women of color. Journal of Aggression,
Maltreatment & Trauma, 28(4), 502-517.

Klein, D., & Kress, J. (1976). Any woman’s blues: a critical overview of women, crime and the criminal justice system. Crime and Social Justice, (5), 34-49.

Klein, K. (2019). Narratives of Incarcerated Women.

Nixon, V. (2020). The Need for a Trauma-Informed Approach to Female Incarceration.
Retrieved from

Sudbury, J. (2002). Celling black bodies: Black women in the global prison industrial
complex. Feminist review, 70(1), 57-74.

Swavola, E., Delaney Ryan Shanahan, R., & Nuevelle, T. (2020). Vera Institute. Retrieved from

Verrecchia, P. J. (2009). Female delinquents and restorative justice. Women & Criminal
Justice, 19(1), 80-93.


Identify, describe, and examine (analyze) the five conditions that allow the use of lethal force set by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case Tennessee v. Garner (1985) (pages 256-260).

Do you agree with the five conditions? If not what would you change and why? If you agree, why?

Provide support and justification for your position on this topic.

Leadership Theories

After assessing the theoretical building blocks of leadership comment on some that you feel are important to the Christian leader and why. Compare transformational and transactional leadership effectiveness. Assess and comment on leadership approaches Christians should avoid. Apply at least 2 biblical passage that speaks to biblical leadership approaches and styles or give an example of a biblical leadership approach using a verse. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you.

Discrimination Thesis (DT) and Non-Discrimination Thesis (NDT)

For your Final Exam you will write a 5-7page paper critically assessing the Discrimination Thesis (DT) and Non-Discrimination Thesis (NDT) as they relate to explaining extent criminal justice disparities.  Your exam should cover all components and stages of the Criminal Justice system and how each thesis explains disproportionality within such components and stages. 

Death Penalty

Write an APA Style 2-page paper (double-spaced). Advocate for the death penalty to be preserved in America. Your rationale must be based on the law, studies, articles, cases, or web sites that you learned during this course. The paper must contain at least 3 legal reasons, along with reference pages