Category: Law

Module 5: Emergency Communications Plan

Your assignment is to develop an Emergency Communications Plan for New Braunfels, Texas. Consider how New Braunfels, Texas might establish a plan of operations during an incident, including redundancy should your primary method fail. The plan should be 3-4 pages total, and will provide a brief synopsis of your communication strategy in the following areas (at a minimum):

Intra-agency Communications (Communications within your own agency, including field personnel)
Inter-agency Communications (Communications with outside agencies that would be assisting/support you)
Communications with the General Public (everything from early warnings and evacuation notices to recovery support)
Each of these three sections should follow this format:

Concept (a short summary/overview of the Section and why it’s important)
Communications Strategy (what do you wish to accomplish through this portion of the plan?)
Direction/Command/Control (who has the authority to make decisions within this area?  Who are the key players and what are their roles?)
Execution (what will your execution plan for this area look like?  What resources will you need, and what methods will you use?)
For an example of some of the above areas, take a look at the AlbNM CommunicationsWarningandEmergencyAlert.pdf. This plan is obviously much more comprehensive then what I expect from your submissions, so please use it only as a resource to stimulate ideas, etc.

Please also keep the size of your jurisdiction in mind when planning these items.  For example, you probably wouldn’t need multiple mobile communications vehicles with satellite capabilities for a jurisdiction of 6,000.  Cost and personnel should not necessarily be limiting factors, but try to keep it within the realm of reason.

Applying Models and Innovations In Policing To A Community Problem

1-The City Council is considering different approaches for combating the problem; Community Policing, Problem-Oriented Policing, Broken Windows Policing and Evidence-Based/Intelligence-Led Policing.  As the expert consultant it is your job to select which approach you feel would best combat the citys problems with the Pit and present it at the next City Council meeting for discussion.

2- I chose the problem Problem-Oriented Policing. So, talk about why I chose this method and how this method is going to help the city. Also, talk about why not choosing the other three methods which are: Community Policing, Broken Windows Policing and Evidence-Based/Intelligence-Led Policing. 

3- Problem Problem-Oriented Policing may not solve the whole problem, but it will fix a lot of things in the city for sure. After doing that, pick a few things that you want to fix in the city and why the approach that you picked is the best and why it will work.

4- Pros and Cons? Advantages, Disadvantages?

5- Make sure to support your statements from the uploaded files.

6- Do NOT spend time restating/describing the facts of the Pit and Whoville in your paper. The City Council is familiar with the Pit and their City. You must however USE those facts to discuss or illustrate specific examples of how the different models and innovations in policing could be used to address these problems. Remember–you job is NOT to devise specific solutions to specific problems in the Pit. The presentation to the council is about the models and innovations and which approach would be best suited to the problems manifested by the Pit, and how these approaches would impact the police department and the community in their efforts to address these problems.

7- PLEASE make sure you go through the uploaded files.

8- Check this link out too! You can use it as a source too!

9- I also uploaded the book for this class. You can use Ch. 6, 13,14 for statements and sources too. 
8- For the references page. You can use as many sources as you want. But make sure they’re all from the materials (uploaded files) that I provided you with.

Incident Reviews

The questions are in the attached word document. Below are the two lists.

1. List and assess the assets
2. List and assess the threats
3. Assess the vulnerabilities
4. Assess the risks
5. Determine the control options
6. Control the risks

1. Assess the risks of critical assets
2. Develop controls on the risks
3. Develop a protection strategy
4. Develop  risk mitigation plans


The writer is required to read the attached SLEIPNER in order to understand SLEIPNER and successfully finish this job.

The order is consists of 3 main categories, the writer is required to read each category and after a thorough read, draw a conclusion according to the categories.

2- Link association
3- SLEIPNER assessment SOURCE
4- SLEIPNER assessment REPORT

Literature Review

Using the topic and problem/subproblem statements attached to this order, begin a literature review search of your topic using at least four (4) peer-reviewed articles. 

Your paper should include the following format:

Introduction to Problem
a. Problem statement and subproblem statements

Discuss the resources you will use to locate related literature and include a rationale.

Research and select at least four (4) peer-reviewed articles related to your topic.

In a few paragraphs, begin to organize and synthesize the literature you found into a cohesive review. Describe general trends in the research, common themes, or show how approaches have changed over time

Conclude with a discussion of what additional information needs to be researched and where you plan to look.

Include a final reference page with full source citations in the APA style.

non-violent drug offenders

Discuss sentencing of non-violent drug offenders and give your opinion on the issue of long sentences for drug violations. Support your stance with academically appropriate sources.You will complete one paper (minimum 1,000 words, double-spaced/1-inch margins/12 pt. font). Your paper should refrain from casual language, any slang (unless it is in reference to the subject proper) and must be scholarly in nature. In other words, I expect you to fully research the subject and show me that you have comprehensively understood what you have read, citing your sources appropriately.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please review a case in Chapter Five (Criminal Law and Procedure).  In selecting a case, please only choose a case that is featured significantly rather than a problem case in the back of the chapter.  For example,  in Chapter Five,  Sekhar v. United States and Shaw v. United States,  would be appropriate cases to discuss.  Please share the following information regarding one of the cases in these chapters. 

Case name and please reference the page number that the case begins on in the textbook. 
A  brief summary of the facts. 
Issue or problem the court is being asked to address.
Please explain how this case is applicable or relevant to a career in business.  Elaborate on why students studying business law should be familiar with this case.

Marc Mauer

Project Justice: Marc Mauer, National Best Practices for Reducing Racial Disparities. 
                        You Tube URL:
In response to the video, each student must complete a 3 – 4 pages response essay.
                  Marc Mauer begins his lecture with a story about two different teenage boys, and their experience with the Criminal Justice System. Using that story, explain the influence racism, resources, and judicial policies have on the juvenile cases to this day. In addition make sure to your essay defines the importance of prior convictions, and drug offenses. In your conclusion go over alternatives proposed by Mauer, remember this is not an opinion – based essay, but a video respose.


Write a 5-page paper on the Case of Ramarley Graham. Explain what caused the interaction between the police and the civilian, What happened during the interaction, What was the result of the interaction, What was the result, i.e. the officer was fired, the department changed policy, etc, What would be your recommendations to keep this from happening again, or if it did should the officers be trained to respond differently or should there be no policy or law changes?

Criminal Profiling for Crime Control

This paper is based on Criminal profiling for crime control. Please utilize the attached documents (Crime Control and Crime Control data) to expand and write a full and thorough term paper. Please also review the paper template which will provide you an idea on how the paper should be written. 

Project Report – Criminal Profiling for Crime Control
Project Report Complete presentation of project proposal.

Components of report
1.    Description of problem
2.    Proposed Method, Technology, Concept and Policy.
3.    Experimental, Simulation, Survey Results.
4.    Expected outcome, Impact and Significance.
5.    Conclusion
6.    Future works

Report format
1.    Title Compact, Attractive, Meaningful.
2.    Abstract & Summary Brief summary of the proposal. Includes problem, proposal, and outcome.
3.    Keywords Major terms related to paper. (Minimum of 10)
4.    Table of content List of chapters and page numbers.
5.    Charter 1 Topic, challenges, Review of previous works, objectives of works, organization of paper.
6.    Charter 2 Proposal. Includes proposed method, technology, concept, and policy.
7.    Charter 3 Experimental, Simulation, Survey Results. Description of experiment. Discussion on results.
8.    Charter 4 Expected outcome, Impact and Significance. Expected outcome.
9.    Charter 5 Conclusions of the work. Salient features of proposal, significance of the work.  Limitations and challenges faced during project.
10.    Acknowledgement Any individuals, organization, fund that supported the project.
11.    Appendices Any supported material. Mathematics, Diagrams, Data sheets, letters.
12.    Citations Direct quotes from source. Information from source.