Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

To complete this particular assignment, each student will need to select a specific offender. The selected offender can be a current or historical figure. The more information you have on the offender, the better your assignment will be. Each student will research the background of the selected offender and apply a criminological theory to explain the subjects criminality. Based on the chosen criminological theory, you will then develop two crime prevention, control, or treatment efforts that could be applied to the offender and others similarly situated. Students research and theoretical applications will be submitted as a paper in the appropriate folder on Blackboard. Each student will later make/give a brief presentation to the class through Zoom. This assignment constitutes 20% of your final grade.

Course Project Guidelinesrequired 
Your Course Project must be typewritten, using 1 line spacing, between 5-10 pages in length plus references/bibliography. Alternatively, you may prepare a video as your course project, provided that it satisfies the requirements set out in this syllabus and also accompanied by the text version. Every paper must have a cover page and formatted/referenced according to the American Psychological Association Writing Guidelines. Ensure that your work conforms to proper use of grammar, spelling and sentence structure. All Course Projects will be submitted through the appropriate Turnitin link available on Blackboard. Be advised that this program provides information on unlisted sources, and similarity scores (double submission) among other features of the system. That means you must list all sources used, and check your work properly before final submission. Feel free to use the Turnitin for Self-check link on Blackboard. 
Your paper (or video) should do a good job of integrating materials from relevant sources. Also, this Paper must be newnot merely a version of some previously written Paper and not a Paper written for another class. (Trying to do that may result in getting an F.)
The similarity index for your Course Project and each Reflection Assignment must not exceed10%.

Conducting a Cost-Benefit Analysis

Please see the U5A1 instructions. Attached is copy of the assignment completed previous about the topic. Please write the new assignment with the help and feeback from U3A1. This is for a Masters Program!! It MUST include refrences from within 10 years as well as in text citations.

Ethics Governance &Statesmanship public health

ADD Biblical Perspective in each paragraph
Add the effects to governance and statesmanship

Evaluate historical models for government administration.
Compare and contrast with American founding principles.
Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above.

Ethics in the administration of Public Health and the Minority Health Disparities
We have the covenantal responsibility to protect all forms of human life. African-American religious organizations assume primary roles aimed at solving health problems. Places of worship gradually provide health exhibitions, inspections, or training in their health service organizations. Still, there are few ideas about linking these organizations to the many evidence-based intermediaries from research. Medical problems tend to affect African Americans more and are commonly referred to as health inequality/disparity. Due to these differences, more and more religious organizations sometimes organize health promotion activities, including health exhibitions, inspections, or counseling. African American worship places do their best to take care of their health from an ethical perspective (Noonan, Velasco-Mondragon, and Wagner, 2016). In working for the community to make progress on all roads of life, the African-American minister was promoted as welfare, change director, legislator, missionary, and operator. From a general health perspective, the evidence-based mediation provided for African American
faith-based organizations now has a wide range of problems, including coronary heart disease, HIV/AIDS, cancer, obesity, smoking outcomes, and influenza antibodies. In the absence of any exceptional circumstances, most of these mediations have been tried in the preliminary feasibility study without further dispersion.
The health disparity of blacks and other minorities is inevitable. It saturates medical services, health conditions, and health outcomes. There are differences in life expectancy. At the beginning of life, black babies are almost certain to have low birth weight than white children. They die before they complete one year. Compared with whites, blacks are more uncertain about the end of their lives because “toxic suspicions about the system of health care” prevent whites from regularly receiving hospice care or regularly executing pre-orders. They also show that they are reluctant to receive palliative care at the end of their lives, which causes greater suffering (Vargas et al., 2020). According to 2014 health statistics, whites’ future is longer than that of blacks by more than four years when scientists consider a comparable financial situation.
There are differences between different lives and past problems: black women die of cancer than white women, while black women must die of prostate disease. They also affect the general part of clinical considerations: Compared with whites, black patients devote more energy to clinical considerations. Noonan, Velasco-Mondragon, and Wagner (2016) observe that blacks and whites had many diseases in the United States before, with more serious illnesses and a faster spread of diseases and higher comorbidities and barriers. Levels pass through the survival process and expand mortality.
The cause of racial health differences is malicious and unethical. The most obvious is that
the unbalanced rate of terror and death cost humanity. McNeil et al. (2020) assessed that killing the death loophole between whites and blacks would kill more than 83,000 blacks every year. Inevitable health changes also bring other more subtle consequences to be social and political structures. Similarly, because blacks have a shorter lifespan than whites, they have less motivation to invest in the social security system. Unexpected weakness brings difficulties in teaching achievement and work. Black people’s knowledge or attention to isolation in the system of medical services and clinical examinations may make them less inclined to seek ideas or adhere to suggested treatments.
The Affordable Healthcare Act, an empathetic and inclusive Act, is a huge health change regulation covering all healthcare financing and transportation systems. It incorporates various arrangements designed to fight change in legal and detour ways. There is no doubt that by combining changes in the protection market, protective purchase orders, and sponsorship of public subsidies for low- and medium-paid buyers, medical insurance coverage has been extended to many uninsured Americans (Noonan, Velasco-Mondragon, and Wagner, 2016). The law should reduce protection. Less conspicuous Affordable Care Act sections also are used to reduce variation. For example, these measures include expanding attention to online health and increasing financing for the National Health Service Corps to alleviate the shortage of suppliers in large populations, small populations, and well-restored areas. It also includes measures that require all government-maintained health programs to collect and report information by race and identity. Affordable Care Act has also adopted a wide range of social freedom measures to extend existing segregation restrictions to more entertainment circles in the medical system.
From a personal
benefit perspective, how white people and the medical industry are not aware of their tendency to responsibilities for racial health inconsistencies may help clarify the lack of progress. The persistence of aberrations has not harmed the breakthrough tip. Community Health Needs Assessment preconditions to promote mutual influence between sponsors of medical institutions and sponsors of health promoters.
Most emergency clinics in the United States are classified as charities and have been excluded from government funding. To more clearly reflect the remuneration that emergency clinics must bear and afford the considerable budgetary advantage of exceptions, Congress has added a new rule to exclude medical clinic expenses in the Affordable Care Act. One of the disqualifications of new job status is a prerequisite for community health needs assessment. The resolution determines the steps that the clinic should follow. First, just like clockwork, the clinic must lead an assessment of the health needs of the area and consider contributions from people interested in the broad interests of the medical clinic service community, including those with extraordinary personalities. Information or skills related to general health (Thorpe et al., 2016). After the evaluation is completed, the emergency clinic must make its reports accessible to the public. Then, the medical clinic should adopt a use method to meet the needs of determining online health through the evaluation. By setting up this multi-step measure, Congress requires clinics to legalize fee exceptions by finding a way to respond to online health needs.


Research Paper (30%) One (1) research paper on a pre-approved topic relating to some identified law or policy and examining its impact on African-Americans. The paper shall be at least ten (10) pages, not including Works Cited or References (will accept either MLA or APA style), typed in no more than 12 point font, double spaced, with default margins. The paper must be on TITLE VINONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS.

Terrorism and Communication

Please answer the following questions separately and cite all scholarly references used.

1.    You are a city Public Information Officer (PIO). It is Saturday afternoon and you are watching TV. Your favorite TV program is interrupted by an announcement by the local news station that three explosive devices have been found inside the City Hall building. List and elaborate on the top ten actions you will take in order of priority 1 having the highest priority and 10 the lowest priority.

2.    In your opinion, can terrorism be eliminated? Explain why, or why not. In this context what are challenges for the 21st Century?


Matusitz, Jonathan A. (2013). Terrorism and Communication: A Critical Introduction. SAGE: Thousand Oaks.
Chapter 9, 10, 11, 12

Leadership Theories and Styles PDF Document

Terrorism Challenges for 21st Century PDF Document

Impact of Group Dynamics on Terrorist Decision Making (From Understanding Terrorism: Analysis of Sociological and Psychological Aspects, P 63-75, 2007, Suleyman Ozeren, Ismail Dincer Gunes, et al., eds

Attorney Client Priv.

Research Paper: Attorney-Client Privilege. 6 pages with 1 page works cited.
The paper is to be of publishable quality and properly footnoted/end noted.  MLA, APA, style footnoting formats are acceptable. Sources must be of academic quality and may be primary or secondary in nature.  Each paper must use at least four references and at least three of them must be from learned journals/sources other than newspapers, blogs, or other Internet sites having less reputation.


You need to fill out the CREAC 2 Doc, you will find under each point an explanation of what you should do, and you’ll find more explanation in the outline of CREAC photos that i will send. There is “The King of the sea” case, and Dugong Client file. If you need any question or more information let me know thank you.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion – CJ Organizations and Impacts on the Individual

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Stojkovic, Stan, John Klofas, and David Kalinich. 2010. The Administration and Management of Criminal Justice Organizations: A Book of Readings (Fifth Edition). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland.  (Chap 13, 9)

Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. 2010. Classics of Organization Theory (Seventh Edition). Belmont, California: Wadsworth/CENGAGE Learning. (Chap 10, 16, 17)

Leaving policy, unemployment Insurance, Privacy

Petty v. Metropolitan Govt of Nashville & Davidson County
Brian Petty was both a police officer in Nashville, Tennessee, and an officer in the Army Reserve. In October, he informed the department that he would be deployed to Iraq at the end of the year. While in Iraq, Petty was charged with a violation of the Military Code of Justice. He resigned his commission and received an honorable discharge in lieu of a court martial. Upon his return to the United States a little over a year after his deployment, he requested reinstatement to his position as patrol sergeant. The police department commenced its customary return-to-work process for all officers who have been away from the department for extended periods of time. The process required Petty to complete a personal history update questionnaire, a medical examination, a computer voice stress analysis, a drug screening, and a debriefing with a psychologist. Petty received no pay or benefits for three weeks while the return-to-work process ran its course. At that point, Petty was reinstated to a desk job and not his former position as a patrol sergeant, due to an ongoing investigation into this military discharge and his alleged untruthful answers on the return-to-work questionnaire about the discharge.

Has the police department complied with its responsibilities under USERRA and its interactions with Petty?

Please answer the case question in law fact, and basically related it to the employee law: Leaving policy, unemployment Insurance, Privacy, 2 pages!

Final Project – Case Study

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.

Final Project –  Case Study

Your assignment is to read the Case Study document in the Course Content. This document describes a homicide case that includes crime scene sketches, a list of evidence at the scene and the results of specific analysis, photographs of the scene, preliminary and follow-up investigative reports, a list of investigative contacts and suspects.  You should assume that there are some constitutional challenges to the case in the form of a motions hearing.  Evidence such as confessions and physical/forensic evidence will be challenged by the defense.

You will write a report that addresses the issues and problems listed. References must include course instructional material and at least three external scholarly sources that support the points you make in the report. Your paper must include the following:

discussion of the crime scene investigation and analysis of the evidence at the scene
discussion of investigative steps and strategies involved in this homicide investigation
discussion of both interviews of witnesses and interrogation of suspects
explanations to counter defense efforts to suppress evidence (constitutional challenges)
an analysis of what you learned in class and how it was applied in this case, including any glaring differences between the text and the application process
discuss the application of modern scientific techniques and technology to investigative processes
The list above is to be used only as guidance in collecting information for the final product; items above are not to be listed and/or used as topical items in the final paper.

Formatting Requirements

Your report should include the following:

an introductory section that explains the purpose of the paper
your reflections on the agency and its administration
the body of the paper, addressing the previously mentioned factors
Paper should be a minimum of 2,500 to 3,000 words (ten to twelve pages)
Double space
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use APA citations for all sources
Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)

Additionally –

Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)
Include your name
Course title and number
Project title
Date of submission
See above this project description for Project Documents