Category: Law

Children Exposed To Domestic Violence

Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Is it a Factor that Causes Harm?
Describe the ways children who witness domestic violence are impacted and include any
relationship domestic violence has to child abuse; identify what visitation, custody and safety
considerations should be made by the court.

Take a position related to the question asked in the topic description. Your position should be clearly stated based on the question asked and included  on your abstract page.

Explain and support your position including at least five key areas (these may be different from your outline). Include the elements noted in the topic description and any other related information you believe is important to substantiate your position.  Keep in mind that you are “selling” your position, backing it up with credible and academic research.  Substantiation is very important in this position paper.

Is the American criminal justice system prejudice?

Ensure the articles are properly applied in your analysis. That is, ensure the use of key
elements of each article are utilized. Simply using quotes and adding a sentence or two
thereafter will NOT suffice. Utilize, for example, major themes, findings, conclusions,
policies, etc. is important when integrating scholarly works. Presumably, you will
NOT agree with both publications, which is great. You will need to be objective in your
presentation of both publications, however.
Each article MUST have its own substantive paragraph. In short, there MUST be a deep
and cogent reflection for each publication.
Ensure that you have a strong introduction and conclusion for the paper. Being able to
set-up and wrap-up your position in a written format is important with academic writing.
Use quotations sparingly. The over-use of quotations is likely to detract from ones
analysis, which would result in a grade reduction.

A bibliography is not needed when using the assigned articles and textbook from the
course. When citing course readings, simply put the last name of the author(s) and the
page number you are referring to, at the end of the corresponding sentence. Here is an
example: (Monk, p. 1596). However, if you are accessing readings from outside of the
course, you MUST include a full APA citation and corresponding bibliography in your
Ensure a cover-page is included. For materials outside of the course, a bibliography
MUST be included.
In-text citation are required. The lacking or failure to in-text cite will result in a zero
for a grade.
Ensure the entire document is in 12 point, Times Roman font and double-spaced
The response MUST be at least 500 words, which does not include quotes, citations,
cover-page and bibliography. To be clear, if a posted response has 499 words, for
example, a zero will be the grade (Yes, I will do a word count.).

Authority of the Designer

Purpose of Assignment: To increase awareness in the student of key differences between two common standard contract forms as they relate to the authority of the design professional during construction.

Relevance to the Profession: Construction management professionals will encounter many different construction contract forms during their careers, including those of the AIA and EJCDC.  Since the authority of the designer performing services to the facility owner during construction is a frequent source of dispute, it is important that the construction manager understand the limits of that authority.

Audience: Your audience for this paper is the CEO of your company/organization, the Facility Owner of construction.  You have been directed by her to prepare this analysis to help in deciding which of two standard construction contract forms is better suited to use in an upcoming construction project.


Part A (15 points)

Compare and evaluate the language pertaining to the authority of the designer in current standard contract forms (2007) of the AIA and EJCDC as stated in their respective general conditions.  Focus on the following five key elements:

    Site visits and inspections
    Rejection of contractors work
    Review/approval of contractors submittals
    Determinations regarding concealed or unknown conditions
    Interpretation of the contract documents

Part B (10 points)

Based on your findings in Part A:

    Give a general description of a project type and facility owner type that are a better fit for the AIA standard contract form. State your reasons.
    Give a general description of a project type and facility owner type that are a better fit for the EJCDC standard contract form. State your reasons.

Format: This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman or Arial font size 12.  The overall length must be at least 1,200 words (provide a word count).

The Audit Analysis

The Audit Analysis
You are preparing for a challenging City Council meeting. You need to be able to give the other council members and mayor an accurate “city of affairs” to make sure significant cuts can be made in the appropriate areas, and other critical areas can continue to be funded. Select an agency or program from your local city to analyze the financial plan to respond to the following questions in a 45 page paper:

Evaluate a financial plan of your local city agency or program. Title this section Financial Plan.
Propose one issue for improvement for the budget of the agency or program. Title this section Improvement.
Develop a budget proposal for the improvement issue. Title this section Budget Proposal.
Justify your recommendations.
Distinguish the similarities and differences between the federal, state, and local budget submission process. Title this section Federal, State, and Local Submission Process.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Include a short introduction (include background information of agency or program information) and use the questions as section headers.
Please include at least four references; at least two references must be peer-reviewed.
Include the URL of the location of your city’s financial plan and any other documentation you used for your budget analysis.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

Read the book Gideons Trumpet by Anthony Lewis


Read the book Gideons Trumpet by Anthony Lewis

Please begin reading in the first week of the quarter. Besides being an interesting book, this will also help to get you in the mindset for legal analyses as we progress throughout the quarter.

Your report should be no more than 12 pages and no less than 10 pages. It should be double spaced. Upload as a Word or PDF file here in Canvas. DO NOT  send to my class email.

It should provide the reader with a summary of the book and evidence that you read it in its entirety. It should address the following points:

1. Prior to receiving this assignment did you know anything about the subject matter?

2. Do you think that the outcome and the subsequent change to US law was a step in the right direction? Why or Why not?

3. If you or someone you loved were to be charged with a crime what factors do you believed would have influenced the outcome of the case prior to Gideons Trumpet? What factors do you believe would influence the outcome of the case post Gideons Trumpet?

4. Do you think that much has changed as a result of the case?

5. Do you agree/disagree that there was a need for a constitutional amendment? Why? Why not?

6. A systemic problem is the large caseloads of many public defenders, making it difficult for them to provide the same kind of quality representation to their clients that their counterparts in private practice can provide to their clients. Speak to these societal issues and give me your thoughts on how meaningful changes may be implemented.

Please don’t copy any text from the Internet.

Ethics and the Profession of Arms

1.    The essay must not exceed 1200 words in length, double-spaced, one-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font with page numbers. Due 6 Feb 2021.

2.    The thesis will be the last sentence of the first paragraph. The paper should be an argumentative essay, not merely describing or explaining and address and extended presidential terms as reasons for U.S concern and intervention.

3.  Present an outline with the paper.

Military Toxic Leadership
Thesis: Most human nature is good, but with accolades and promotions over time, that power causes one to lose self-awareness, and that lack of awareness is usually the thing that gets them caught. 

Write on how the power of being a senior leader can feed temptation. The paper will address the below:
-Common character traits of toxic leaders
-How to develop young leaders to avoid these character flaws
-Experience teaches us skill/talent cannot compensate for immoral character or unethical behavior
-Use Bathsheba syndrome as an example of how power can get you in trouble if you dont have elements(family, friends, church) in place to check your behavior
Martin Cook, The Moral Warrior. Albany, NY. State University of New York Press, 2010.
Malham Wakin, The Ethics of Leadership, War, Morality, and the Military Profession, 2nd
Edition (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986), 181-199. 978-0813303604.
Yuval Levin, Taking the Long Way, First Things Magazine,
Martin Dempsey, The Profession of Arms
D. Stallard & K. Sanger, The Nathan Solution to the Bathsheba Syndrome, Marine
Corps Gazette, (Apr 2014): 40-44. (5pp)

Upload Assignment: Unit 5 Assignment: Criminal Attempt

The assignment shall be in APA format, typed in 12 font Times New Roman, and shall not have been
turned in previously to any other instructor for any other course or assignment. Paper length is 1-2
pages not to include the cover page or bibliography. It is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word
Document. The assignment shall be an individual effort and not a group project. Since criminal justice is
a social science, the writing requirements of the American Psychological Association, otherwise known
as the APA, will be in effect for the research paper assignment

Declining using the full body imager when travelling

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

Race, Ethnicity, and the Administration Of Justice

Question: Immigration is a hotly debated topic in America. Some believe the United States
(US) should open their borders to those who seek a better life. Others, however, believe that we
need to place stronger criteria on who can enter the US. Who is correct? Specifically, should the
US have an open access policy for those seeking a better life, or should criteria to enter America
be stringent?

Adelman, R., Reid, L. W., Markle, G., Weiss, S., & Jaret, C. (2017). Urban crime rates and the
changing face of immigration: Evidence across four decades. Journal of Ethnicity in
Criminal Justice, 15(1), 52-77.
Choi, S. W. (2018). Does restrictive immigration policy reduce terrorism in Western
democracies?. Perspectives on Terrorism, 12(4), 14-25.

In your response:
Ensure the articles are properly applied in your analysis. That is, ensure the use of key
elements of each article are utilized. Simply using quotes and adding a sentence or two
thereafter will NOT suffice. Utilize, for example, major themes, findings, conclusions,
policies, etc. is important when integrating scholarly works. Presumably, you will
NOT agree with both publications, which is great. You will need to be objective in your
presentation of both publications, however.
Each article MUST have its own substantive paragraph. In short, there MUST be a deep
and cogent reflection for each publication.
Ensure that you have a strong introduction and conclusion for the paper. Being able to
set-up and wrap-up your position in a written format is important with academic writing.
Use quotations sparingly. The over-use of quotations is likely to detract from ones
analysis, which would result in a grade reduction.
REVIEW the rubric prior to submission. The rubric for this assessment is located via
the Paper Submission link. Look for the View Rubric tab.

your choice in criminal justice

Submit a prospectus of the paper or work to be performed, including the following:
    the working title of the paper;
    a one-page abstract explaining the topic to be investigated;
    the research approach to be taken, including a list of the types of literary and/or other resources to be used;
    a date-specific schedule of activities and deadlines for tasks to be performed.
    Due in Drop box February 12th no later than noon.