Category: Law


In this sections of your paper, you will locate research studies that focus on persistent crime or disorder problems in your assigned city.  This will require additional research on your part and you will need to think critically about your city and about what could impact violent or property crimes.

Find at least 7 studies that focus on problems in your city, or on problems that are common to your city or cities that are similar if there is difficulty finding articles on your assigned city.  For example, there may be cities nearby that have similar problems, cities of comparable size that have common concerns, etc.  But try to find studies that focus specifically on your city too.  You may rely on one, and only one, newspaper article.  The rest of the studies should be research studies (journal articles, books, government reports/stats, etc.).

Consider some questions within your research inquiry.  For example, did your city implement a new law or policy that would have impacted crime?

What theory of crime might best explain what is occurring in your city?

Are the demographics of your city changing or does your city have a large proportion of people living in poverty?  Has the city experienced a significant increase/decrease in population?  Are there more urban or rural communities in your city?

These are just some fundamental questions to get you started. LEARN ABOUT YOUR CITY.  Study it and find research to support your problem oriented policing approach.

Now, assume you are the Mayor of the city.  Write a four-page letter to your police chief, summarize the research you have discovered, and recommend a problem oriented policing plan .  Be specific and let the chief know what you expect within the SARA process, how you want the department to scan, analyze, response and assess, and what resources you will provide to help.  You should focus on no more than two major crime/disorder problems in your letter.

As always, upload your paper in M.S. Word format and include full references and links to all of your research resources on a separate reference page.  Format your references using this document as a guide.

You should cite literature within the text according to the following format:

Kuhns (2001) suggested that coming to class greatly improves your chances of getting a decent grade.  On the other hand, some scholars have disagreed (Maguire, 2000; Snipes, 1999).  Regardless, Kuhns relied on numerous scholarly publications (for example, see Olsen, 1998) for his wild assertions regarding observed relationships between attendance and class performance.


United Nations’ Economic and Social Council

double spaced, MLA format, including the works cited, maximum 20 pages.

i uploaded the rubric for what must be done. i also uploaded an example paper that you can use to make this one and just follow that template.


Describe the role of the crime analyst in solving crimes and identify various crime analysis strategies they may utilize. In addition, define the concepts of Intelligence Applications in Law Enforcement.

Using double spaced, 12 pt font size, and common font style (Times New Roman).

APA format (most recent edition) is required of all Summary Paper assignments, including a cover page, in-text citations, and a full reference list. If tables, charts or images are used an Appendix is required. 2-3 pages of content maximum.

Short Discussion

During the shut downs related to COVID-19, speedy trial has been postponed due to the concerns of not social distancing.  This has resulted in many defendant’s not having a trial when they desire to have one.  Thinking about the impact a pandemic or other national emergency can have on the right to speedy trial and a right to a jury trial, answer the following.

Do you think the right to a speedy trial should be absolute? Meaning, there should be absolutely no circumstances which should infringe on that right.  If so, discuss why and cite any relevant case law or statute or constitutional amendment.  If not, discuss why and again cite any relevant case law or statute or constitutional amendment.

Reaction Paper

Reaction Paper
Write a reaction paper based on the first 6 chapters of the textbook. This reaction paper will be in response or reaction to what you have learned from each chapter.  Your reaction paper will be in accordance with APA format and will summarize factual information from each chapter.  Your reaction paper will follow the standard format for a reaction paper.  Refer to the preparatory section to refer to the general guideline provided for preparing reaction papers. 

The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice
Victor E. Kappeler; Gary W. Potter

statement of academic purpose and interest

Good day
I just have applied for Taxes A&M University in united state to get a PHD degree in public administration and one of the requirements is statement of academic purpose and interest. 

(( Statement of Purpose: Please describe your academic and professional goals and how this degree will assist you in meeting your goals. This item
must be completed in order for your application to be reviewed. The box allows 1200 characters only, you may write your Statement of Purpose
on a separate page (or pages  )

Plain View Doctrine Criminal Justice

Plain View Doctrine CJ101  2nd  JS  unit 8
Respond to this Other Post from the prospective.    
1)    presenting original ideas
2)    contribute to the quality of the discussion without criticism
3)    150 words minimum
4)    2 to 4 citations APA
5)    Clearly written and are original ideas rather than a recap of the KR POST contributions
Topic: Plain View Doctrine
Describe the Plain View Doctrine. Should the court ever have created the Plain View Doctrine? Is this doctrine difficult for police officers to keep in mind in their daily work?
The plain view doctrine gives officers the ability to seize anything that is in plain view of them. That means that they cannot search for it but if it is left out in their immediate view, they can take it for evidence. If an officer is seizing with the plain view doctrine the officer must have a legal right for being there (Schmalleger, 2020). I think the doctrine shouldnt be difficult for the officers to keep in mind when working but I think it would be difficult to not search. Especially if you really think that they are hiding something and wanting to prove it without jumping through all the hoops, which takes forever.
What do you guys think? Would it be hard to keep it in mind when working?

Schmalleger, F.  (20200401). Criminal Justice Today, 16th Edition. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]].  Retrieved from vbk://9780135770849

2: Plain View, Open Fields, Abandonment, and

Officer Williams asked the neighborhood’s regular trash collector to put the content of the defendant’s garbage that was left on the curb in plastic bags and to turn over the bags to him at the end of the day. The trash collector did as the officer asked in order to not mix the garbage once he collected the defendant’s garbage. Then, Officer Williams’ partner, Officer Martinez, searched through the garbage and found items indicative of narcotics use. Officer Williams and Officer Martinez then recited the information that was obtained from the trash in an affidavit in support of a warrant to search the defendant’s home. Officer Martinez and Officer Williams encountered the defendant at the house later that day upon execution of the warrant. The officers found quantities of cocaine and heroin during the search and arrested the defendant on felony narcotics charges.

Write a 1- to 2-page paper in which you:

Identify the constitutional amendment that would govern Officer Williams’ and Officer Martinez’ actions.
Analyze the validity and constitutionality of the officers’ actions.
Assess if the officers’ actions were justified under the doctrines of plain view, abandonment, open fields, or border searches. Support your response by citing specific case law and/or contemporary cases.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Research and analyze procedures governing the process of arrest through trial.
Critically debate the constitutional safeguards of key amendments with specific attention to the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments.
Describe the difference between searchers, warrantless searches, and stops.
Write clearly and concisely about the criminal procedure.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the two (2) videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos.
Video 1:CJ in Practice: Judge Sentencing Guidelines
Video 2: Criminal Justice in Practice (scenario) Jury Selection
Then assess the impact that understanding and complying with the Sixth and Eighth Amendments will have on your future career and your ability to do your job effectively.

Article III Federal Court

Article III Federal Court
Task: Submit to complete this assignment
Due November 29 at 11:59 PM
  Starts Nov 3, 2020 11:59 PM
Based on your address, 77382 research which district court you would file a federal case in, where it is located in your state, and how many judges are currently serving on that court.

Following the first question, give a specific case that you could file directly in federal court and describe why it would be filed there instead of in a state court.

Write an 800 word legal memorandum answering these questions at length.  Address the memo to me as your supervising attorney.  Please use a Word document only.