Category: Law

DB2 disaster replies

You must reply to at least 2 classmates threads (will be uploaded to assigned writer). Each reply must be 100135 words. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and experience. Each thread and reply must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives. A minimum of 1 academic/scholarly source is referenced appropriately in each response; cite all sources used.
Responding to a classmates post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.

Thread topic:

Disaster research is available to emergency management practitioners from a variety of sources. Which source do you find most valuable and why? Find an article or presentation about a disaster research study from that source. Write a summary about how the study supports your position. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience.


The case study is a review of a current homeland security issue and one that affects the U.S. You will prepare five to seven pages (not including the cover or reference pages) exploring the issue presented. The case study will focus on immigration and the threat to homeland security in the United States. A cover page and reference page is required. 7 academic and/or professional sources required. Make sure you can identify an issue relating to a topic of immigration.

The Basics Behind Effective Police Operations

The Basics Behind Effective Police Operations

Select at least two types of changes (for example, public and society, law enforcement officers, police bureaucracy, standards community involvement, technology), and examine how the selected changes have affected police operations, mission, and values, or goals and objectives in the 21st century in the United States. Support your response.
Explain the various lines of communications present within any given local law enforcement agency. Next, determine at least two challenges and concerns that law enforcement might encounter with communication and suggest your strategy to mitigate the challenges. Support your response.
Examine the importance of police patrol in modern policing.
Identify at least two quality of life issues (for example, panhandlers, prostitution, problems associated with bars and clubs, police interaction with individuals who are mentally ill, homeless people and civil disobedience) that permeate modern law enforcement practices. Propose a response to these issues, based on common practices as outlined in the text, and provide your rationale.
Compare and contrast police reactions as they relate to violence in schools, homes, and workplaces. Provide one example of each to support your response.
Use the Strayer Library to find at least three academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites are not considered quality references.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Outline the challenges and issues that society causes for police operations.

11 discussion

Throughout the semester we have examined some of the challenges and shortcomings of the typical response to crime in the United States. Restorative justice is viewed as an alternative approach with the potential to address the harms of crime through a process of restoration and reintegration, involving victims, those who committed offenses and community members. What do you think about restorative justice?

research and elaborate the ruling of the decisions for each judges for the case Harris funeral homes vs. EEOC

please add on to the following in regards to the decision of the judges on the case:

Justice Gorsuch ruled based on sex discrimination. Justice Gorsuch points out that the case dealt with Stephens gender identity and that sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids (Supreme Court of the United States, 2019, p2). Breyer specified that the problem did not stem from Stephens inability to perform her job but on her gender identification.

Justice Samuel Alito argued that the concurring opinions were based on assumptions of what is included in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Since society did not require transgender to be a part of sex discrimination, it cannot be interpreted because it was not explicitly stated.

Police Community Relations

Interview a minimum of 25 citizens based on their views of the police (you can make people up)
These citizens must be randomly chosen and represent several groups based on age, occupation, residence, etc. These citizen can not be family members
Each citizen must be interviewed on a personal, face to face basis. Written questionnaires, surveys, etc. are NOT acceptable ways of gathering information
a minimum of ten (10) minimum specific questions must be developed to ask each citizen
Basic format of paper
Introduction: How does your project relate to the idea of Police community relations? What do you expect to find? Provide a brief summary of the project (an abstract). Include how you conducted the questioning of any and all subjects
Results regarding your topic of choice
List of the questions you developed and utilized
Report the citizens answers and reactions to the questions
Analysis of the results. What do the answers mean?
These results are an analysis of the information, not simply the presentation of raw data. Draw your own conclusions based on all information
No outside sources (no research is necessary)

Police Community Relations

>Interview a minimum of 25 citizens based on their views of the police (you can make people up)
>These citizens must be randomly chosen and represent several groups based on age, occupation, residence, etc. These citizen can not be family members
>Each citizen must be interviewed on a personal, face to face basis. Written questionnaire’s, surveys, etc. are NOT acceptable ways of gathering information
>a minimum of ten (10) minimum specific questions must be developed to ask each citizen
Basic format of paper
>Introduction: How does your project relate to the idea of Police community relations? What do you expect to find? Provide a brief summary of the project (an abstract). Include how you conducted the questioning of any and all subjects
>Results regarding your topic of choice
>List of the questions you developed and utilized
>Report the citizens answers and reactions to the questions
>Analysis of the results. “What do the answers mean?”
These results are an analysis of the information, not simply the presentation of raw data. Draw your own conclusions based on all information
>No outside sources (no research is necessary)

Police Community Relations

>Interview a minimum of 25 citizens based on their views of the police (you can make people up)
>These citizens must be randomly chosen and represent several groups based on age, occupation, residence, etc. These citizen can not be family members
>Each citizen must be interviewed on a personal, face to face basis. Written questionnaire’s, surveys, etc. are NOT acceptable ways of gathering information
>a minimum of ten (10) minimum specific questions must be developed to ask each citizen
Basic format of paper
>Introduction: How does your project relate to the idea of Police community relations? What do you expect to find? Provide a brief summary of the project (an abstract). Include how you conducted the questioning of any and all subjects
>Results regarding your topic of choice
>List of the questions you developed and utilized
>Report the citizens answers and reactions to the questions
>Analysis of the results. “What do the answers mean?”
These results are an analysis of the information, not simply the presentation of raw data. Draw your own conclusions based on all information
>No outside sources (no research is necessary)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Overview: Business law impacts our everyday lives, both personally and professionally. Businesses enter contracts, manufacture goods, sell services and products,
and engage in employment and labor practicesactivities that must all adhere to certain laws and regulations. Recognizing and evaluating legal issues is a
fundamental skill that will help you navigate commercial relationships and avoid potential problems in the business world.

Prompt: Imagine yourself as a paralegal working in a law office that has been tasked with reviewing three current cases. You will review the case studies and
compose a short report for each, applying your legal knowledge and understanding of the types of business organizations. In each of the three reports, you will
focus on areas of law covered in this course. Case Study One focuses on the legal system, criminal law, and ethics.

Case Study One: Chris, Matt, and Ian, who live in California, have decided to start a business selling an aftershave lotion called Funny Face over the internet. They
contract with Novelty Now Inc., a company based in Florida, to manufacture and distribute the product. Chris frequently meets with a representative from
Novelty Now to design the product and to plan marketing and distribution strategies. In fact, to increase the profit margin, Chris directs Novelty Now to substitute
PYR (a low-cost chemical emulsifier) for the compound in Novelty Nows original formula. PYR is not FDA approved. Funny Face is marketed nationally on the
radio and in newspapers, as well as on the web and Facebook. Donald Margolin, a successful CEO and public speaker, buys one bottle of Funny Face over the
internet. After he uses it once, his face turns a permanent shade of blue. Donald Margolin and his company, Donald Margolin Empire Inc., file suit in the
state of New York against Novelty Now Inc. and Chris, Matt, and Ian, alleging negligence and seeking medical costs and compensation for the damage to his face
and business reputation. It is discovered that PYR caused Margolinsskin discoloration. The website for Funny Face states that anyone buying their product
cannot take Chris, Matt, and Ian to court. Novelty Nows contract with the three men states that all disputes must be brought in the state of Florida.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Apply the rules of jurisdiction to the facts of this case and determine what jurisdiction(s) would be appropriate for Margolinslawsuit against Funny Face
and Novelty Now, respectively. Consider federal court, state court, and long arm principles in your analysis.
B. Assume all parties agree to pursue alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of two types of ADR appropriate for
this case. Be sure to define the characteristics of each in your answer.
C. Applying what you have learned about ADR, which type would each party (Funny Face, Novelty Now, and Margolin) prefer and why?
D. Apply concepts of criminal law and discuss whether or not corporations and/or corporate officers may be held liable for criminal acts.
E. Identify, per the classification of crimes in the text, any potential criminal acts by Funny Face and/or Novelty Now.
F. Assume the use of the emulsifier PYR, at the direction of Chris, is a criminal offense. Apply concepts of criminal law and discuss the potential criminal
liability of Funny Face, Chris, Matt, Ian, and Novelty Now. Include support for your conclusion.
G. Apply at least three guidelines of ethical decision-making to evaluate ethical issues within the case study.

Administration of Justice Organizations

This is a continuation of the Disciplinary Assignment Part 1. Students read the following journal articles found in the Reading and Study section of Module/Week 7.

Judge, Lisa A.  (November 2005).  Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense: Is a Liars Squad Coming to Your Town?.  The Police Chief, 72(11). 
Serpas, Ronal, & Hagar, Michael.  (August 2010).  The Untruthful Employee: Is Termination the Only Response?.  The Police Chief, LXXVII(8).
Copyrights held by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, 515 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA.

Since 1963, a series of United States Supreme Court case decisions have clarified that in criminal cases, prosecutors must disclose to the defense evidence favorable to the defendant. This includes information that may be used to impeach the credibility of government witnesses, including law enforcement officers. These decisions mean that police officers who have documented histories of lying in official matters are liabilities to their agencies, and these histories may render them unable to testify credibly.
With this in mind, you are the Chief of Police of a municipality. Your Deputy Chief of Police advises you that one of your officers was investigated for inappropriate use of one of the computers in the patrol division. As a result of this internal investigation, it was determined that the officer used this computer to search pornographic web sites. When confronted with this allegation, the officer denied any knowledge of this incident. Upon further investigation, the computer crimes analyst determined that the officers logon password was used to enter the unauthorized web sites. The officer then admitted to his wrongdoing and stated it would never happen again. This officer has been with your organization for 15 years, and the only other disciplinary action taken against him was for being involved in an at fault traffic accident 10 years ago. As the Chief of Police, you must decide how you will handle this situation?
Write a professional memorandum outlining and explaining how you will handle this situation. What recommendations would you make?

Use the references listed below to assist and support you in your decision.
You must have at least 2.5 pages and should attach these new pages to Part 1, for a total of 5 pages. Therefore, in Module/Week 7 you will submit the entire Disciplinary Assignment with a title page, and a reference page citing the cases you used, and any outside references.
    Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)
    Giglio v. United States, 405 U. S. 150 (1972)
    United States v. Agurs, 427 U. S. 97 (1976)
    Kyles v. Whitley, 514 U. S. 419 (1995)
    United States v. Bagley, 473 U. S. 667 (1985)