Category: Law

Administration of Justice Organizations

Creating Intelligence Systems in Corrections

How can communication be improved in an organization that is structured in a traditional bureaucratic form?
How might computerized communication be utilized to improve the effectiveness of communication in a bureaucratic organization?
How might computerized communication be ineffective?

Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2014). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management. Cengage Learning.

Mental health in courts

this is a follow up assignment. the last two assignments are attached
please answer all the questions. each question in separate paragraph.
please only use attached links for references. no outside resources are allowed

Mental Health in the Courts Part II due Sunday November 8

Refer back to the last two assignments,  PL 40.15 CPL 730 .

Consider the facts as reported in the following New York Post articles, you can look up the cases or just take the facts as stated. If you are unable to access the links, type the name  of the article in your search engine. If you still have difficult, let me know by 6 pm on Friday.

Apply the law to the facts. Do not make conclusory statements,support them with the facts. For example: the defense attorny, or the Judge, or the prosecutor will  ask for a mental health examination, the defendant wil be examined by two independent  psychiatic examiners, they will prepare a report, based on their observations -detail them- they will make a report, then follow up with the challenges, indicate why the defednant is not an in incapacitated person , the take role of prosecutor point out why he is not incapacitated.  THen discuss the elements of the insanity defense point out the act which show he is insane, is not insane. For this exercise you should assume 3 sides, defense, prosecution, judge.  Assignment does not have to be long, it should be short but substantive.

De Blasio: Arrest coming ‘soon’ in assault on journalist in Borough Park

‘Showtime’ goes awry in a hurry as subway breakdancer hits straphanger with speaker

Off-duty cop punched in the head by unhinged stranger in Queens

Man allegedly beat girl in mall food court for rejecting advances

Assume you are a defense attorney and determine if the

suspects meet the requirements for an insanity defense or CPL 730 exam,then assume you are the prosecutor and argue why the Defendants do not meet the requiremets for a 730 exam and are  are not insane. Be as thorough as possible. There are no right or wrong answers for this part. This exercise is designed to expand your understanding of mental health issues in the criminal court process.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Format:  essay

Opening statement: Using the scenario below and the guidelines in chapter 9 of the CP&P text, write an opening statement that you, the Bank’s Senior Manager of HR, will draft for the Assistant General Counsel’s consideration for delivery in the hearing.

You believe that telling a story is the most compelling method of persuading an arbitrator.

Background For Week 9 Assignment

Use the scenario in the week 8 materials link.

Once again, here is the AAAs Employment Arbitration Road Map that youve followed closely so far: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Assume for this assignment that the arbitrator held a pre-arbitration conference within the time frame permitted under the AAAs Employment Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures (the Rules) and addressed many of the topics in 8. Arbitration Management Conference. See this link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The arbitrator’s scheduling order confirmed:
The issues to be arbitrated;
Bank must prove its termination of Ms. Slicks employment contract was justified.
Ms. Slick must then prove that the Bank’s termination was not justified.
The date, time, place, and estimated duration of the hearing;
November 19, 2020, at 9am 12pm at the arbitrators office in the large conference room;
The resolution of outstanding discovery issues and establishment of discovery parameters are consistent with AAA guidelines;
The law, standards, rules of evidence and burdens of proof that are to apply to the proceeding;
The arbitrator stated that the parties burden of proof is a preponderance of the evidence (51%/49%).
The exchange of stipulations and declarations regarding facts, exhibits, witnesses, and other issues;
The names of witnesses (including expert witnesses), the scope of witness testimony, and witness exclusion;
Witnesses for Bank President of the Board of Directors, VP of Audit, Senior VP of Customer Complaints
Witness for Slick Ms. Slick
The arbitration will be bifurcated (liability phase and damages phase will be separate);
The parties agree to share the expense of stenography; arbitrator will select the stenographer.
The parties will summarize their arguments orally;
The award will consist of a finding/no finding of liability and an amount of damages, if appropriate;
The allocation of attorneys fees and costs, if appropriate, will be awarded consistent with the RULES AND MEDIATION PROCEDURES of the AAA;
There are no undisclosed claims;
Documentary evidence must be submitted at the hearing;
Witness testimony must be provided at the hearing;
Confirmation that the dispute arose from an individually-negotiated employment agreement.
The parties subsequently agreed to mediate this dispute utilizing an AAA mediator, but were not able to resolve their differences. Consequently, the November 19th hearing date is approaching.

Funeral Law and Ethics

Introduction- The purpose of the NC funeral law paper is to help demonstrate how police power works in creating or promulgating laws that protect its residents.

The Assignment-  You must answer the questions below. The Project should be typed on a computer. Words should be spelled correctly.  You should include the question and then the answer for each.  It may be submitted anytime during the semester, but I must receive it via the Safe Assign link (found under the “Assignments” tab), on or before December 1.

Resources –  The North Carolina Board of Funeral Service no longer distributes the hard copy of the Funeral Service and Cremation Laws book, so it is found .  You also can find helpful information from the North Carolina Cemetery Commission at . Complying With the Funeral Rule can be found at . The paper is to be only your work and you will want to rely on the paper to assist you in studying for your NC funeral law exam which is administered by the state board before licensure. Only two questions are ask for your opinion, recommendation, or observation. All other answers can be found in the aforementioned resources. Please do not contact the NC Board of Funeral Service in order to gain answers!  I have asked the staff of the Board to contact me immediately if this occurs.

Acceptable Length – The length of the paper may vary, but must throughly cover the questions. “Yes” or “No” answers are generally insufficient. You must defend your answers by explanation and citing the statute and paragraph (example: 90-210.23 (h2) or administrative code (example: 21 NCAC 34C.0202). This is a research paper.  All research work must include a well thought out introduction and conclusion.

Formatting Requirements  –

Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title at the top of the document.
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Enumerate your paper exactly the way it is given in the assignment.
For ease of grading, write all of your questions in one specific colored font (like blue); and answer all of your questions in another specific colored font (like red).
Grading Criteria – This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.    The writing assignment rubric is attached.  The paper must thoroughly answer the questions below:

1. Discuss the negative possibilities of living in a state that has no regulatory board of funeral service:

2. How does one get to be a Board member?

3. How are the members distributed by occupational class? (How many must be funeral directors, embalmers, or a combination of both licenses?)

4. How many members are on the Board?

5. Is this a paid position with the Board?

6. Are there any public (non-licensed) members on the Board? If so, how many?

7. If there are public members, how are they chosen?

8. How often are new members placed (or elected) to the Board of your state?

9. How often does your state’s Board have meetings? (stated/required) meetings)

10. What positions with the Board are salaried positions?

11. Does your Board control cemeteries, funeral homes, pre-need, crematories, casket stores, and the like? If not, which do they not control?

12. Define “funeral director” and “embalmer” according to your state’s definitions:

13. Define “funeral home” according to your state’s definitions in your law book:

14. Does “funeral directing” merely imply being present for the funeral service, or does it encompass more duties? If so- what are those duties or responsibilities?

15. If I own a funeral home in a larger town, but I want to keep my market share in a nearby town, (20 miles away), must I have a funeral home there- or can I locate just a funeral chapel there? What are your state’s laws concerning this?

16. What are your state’s requirements as to the manager of a funeral establishment?

17. Does your state have any rules or regulations that control how a funeral home can/must be named?

18. Does your state differentiate between a memorial service, funeral service, and graveside service? If so, what are the differences?

19. Does your state have an inspector to inspect funeral homes?

20. If your state has an inspector, what type of professional license must this person have?

21. Your state has a list of “things that can cause me to either lose my license” or “things that I may do that can keep me from getting a license in your state”. This may be an extensive list, but name each:

22. I wish to complete a resident traineeship or apprenticeship in your state- what are the requirements to be an apprentice in your state?

23. How much time is required to complete the state’s apprenticeship?

24. Are there forms that must be completed and submitted to be Board of your state on a periodic basis? What are the specific forms? How often are they submitted?

25. Who can be my preceptor (my teacher) at the funeral home where I wish to do my resident traineeship?

26. Is there a limit on how many resident trainees a funeral home can have? If so, what is the number based on?

27. What are the requirements for me to be a licensed funeral director in your state? (If your state has a license specifically for funeral directing)

28. What are the requirements for me to be a licensed embalmer in your state? (If your state has a license specifically for embalming)

29. If your state has individual licenses for funeral directing and for embalming, does your state also combine these two licenses into ONE license for someone who wishes to have both licenses?

30. When one has a professional license with your state’s Board, when exactly does that license expire each year?

31. What if I am licensed in another state before wanting to locate and be licensed in your state- what must I do to become licensed in your state?

32. Does your state require licensees to have continuing education hours each year as a condition to retaining licensure? If so, how many hours must they have?

33. Does your state allow you to carry over excess continuing education hours into the next year? If so, what amount?

34. Does everyone that holds a license have to take continuing education hours each year, or are there any exceptions?

35. Are there any requirements as to WHO may own a funeral home? How does it vary between ownership types? (like sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation)

36. Does your state require any public official, physician, or professional-type person to procure permission from the spouse or next-of-kin before releasing the remains to a funeral establishment? If so- explain this law-

37. Does your state require caskets to have a price card in/on each casket? If so- explain this-

38. Are cemeteries allowed by law to sell outer burial containers in your state?

39. Does your state have any special certification or card for mortuary school students? If so- what is it?

40. What happens in your state if an individual has not kept their license current for a few years, but now has decided to become licensed again?

41. What are the requirements necessary for someone to open or start a funeral establishment in your state? Be specific-

42. Does your state differentiate between a pre-arranged service and a pre-funded service? What is a pre-need?

43. Explain how your state mandates the securing and safeguarding of monies given to a funeral home for a pre-need? (In order to protect the public). What has to be done with monies paid to a funeral home for a pre-need. What are a family’s options?

44. If a funeral service is paid for in advance of the need, is the funeral director allowed to keep any part or portion of the total cost of the arrangements? (before the death has occurred)

45. Does your state allow families to take their monies from a pre-need account after it has been legally deposited according to state laws? Please explain-

46.What happens to a client family’s monies in a pre-need account if the funeral home goes out of business?

47. In your state, can (or must) a licensed funeral director sell a pre-arranged and pre-funded funeral to a family?

48. What are the legal methods of disposing of cremated remains in your state?

49. What are some examples of solicitation according to your state?

50. Define who your state board protects in their practices, laws, and everyday business:

51. Does your state control crematories in your state?

52. Who may own a crematory in your state?

53. What is required to manage or operate a crematory/hydrolysis facility in your state?

54. Are remains allowed to be cremated without an outside container? If no, define what type of container must be used-

55. Define “pulverization” or “processing” as defined by your state:

56. What is the order of preference as to arranging a family members cremation? (For instance, if an adult male dies, what is the sequence for survivors to control his disposition, i.e., mother, father, wife, grandparents, adult child, etc.)

57. Is there a waiting period in your state before a dead body can be cremated? If yes, what is it?

58. What paperwork or documents must be completed before a body may be cremated?

59. Define “alternative container” according to your state’s definitions: “Complying With the Funeral Rule,” Page 5.

      An alternative container encase the body and can be made materials like fiberboard or composition materials (with or without an outside covering).

60. Define solicitation in your state- (if it has been defined in your law book)

61. What happens in your state if the family doesn’t pick up the cremated remains from your funeral home? What is your legal recourse, if any?

62. Does your state require a crematory to also have refrigeration? If yes, describe it:

63. Does your state require a certain type of crematory unit? If yes, describe it:

64. What is a provisional license? How does it differ from the funeral director and resident trainee?

65.If you were going to change something about your states’ Board of Mortuary Science or Funeral Service laws, what would it be and WHY?

Writers choice

In Unit III, you have learned about different criminal justice theories, one of which is transnational crime. For this assignment, examine how transnational crime affects the global communitys economic, social, or legal qualities and important issues that arise in todays news for this crime.
Select one type of transnational crime from the list below:
illegal immigration,
human trafficking,
drug smuggling, or
another similar crime.
Select a country other than the United States for this transnational crime, and show how that country is affected economically, socially, and politically by this crime.
Your case study must be at least three pages in length. You must provide a minimum of two sources, one of which can be your textbook.

Q1. Given that the terrorism contributes to low homicide numbers in the US, assess whether it is a significant domestic threat? Q2. Discuss what ideologically inspired extremist individuals or groups are currently seen as a domestic terrorist, thre

You must answer both Q1 and Q2. ‘ in a 4-5 page (about 1500 word) research paper each, which must have thesis in the first paragraph and citation of sources according to APA7.

There will not be a penalty for those going over the word count by 10 % (150 words for each section) but those below the requirement by a similar amount may attract a penalty.

For a good paper, you must cite at least one appropriate  (peer – reviewed or primary source) for 150 words. In other words, for each section ‘A’ or ‘B’, that translates to 10 appropriate sources.

It follows that fewer appropriate citations will attract lower grades, and the minimum requirement for each question is 5 peer-reviewed sources.

You must provide a reference list at the end of each section.

The paper should be written in paragraph form and  submitted on D2L in Word, 12 point Ariel font, justified, with 1.5 line spacing. D2L does not always recognise other formats.

Pages should be numbered.

Critically assess the hierarchical structure of the court and tribunal system in England and Wales. To what extent are appeals accommodated within this system?

Every details concerning how to write about :
Critically assess the hierarchical structure of the court and tribunal system in England and Wales. To what extent are appeals accommodated within this system?

is in the attached file, do not hesitate to ask me any question you have

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion – Organizational Cultures and Behavior

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Stojkovic, Stan, John Klofas, and David Kalinich. 2010. The Administration and Management of Criminal Justice Organizations: A Book of Readings (Fifth Edition). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland.  (Chap 15, 17)

Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. 2010. Classics of Organization Theory (Seventh Edition). Belmont, California: Wadsworth/CENGAGE Learning. (Chap 13, 18, 34)

Article- Van Fleet & Griffin 2006

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion – Organizational Cultures and Behavior

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Stojkovic, Stan, John Klofas, and David Kalinich. 2010. The Administration and Management of Criminal Justice Organizations: A Book of Readings (Fifth Edition). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland.  (Chap 15, 17)

Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. 2010. Classics of Organization Theory (Seventh Edition). Belmont, California: Wadsworth/CENGAGE Learning. (Chap 13, 18, 34)

Article- Van Fleet & Griffin 2006

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion – Organizational Cultures and Behavior

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Stojkovic, Stan, John Klofas, and David Kalinich. 2010. The Administration and Management of Criminal Justice Organizations: A Book of Readings (Fifth Edition). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland.  (Chap 15, 17)

Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. 2010. Classics of Organization Theory (Seventh Edition). Belmont, California: Wadsworth/CENGAGE Learning. (Chap 13, 18, 34)

Article- Van Fleet & Griffin 2006