Category: Law

Many poor and working-class families dream of living in the suburbs, believing their children will have the opportunity to attend better schools, will have access to non-dead-end jobs, and to escape from the looming threat of urban violence.

QEP Assignment 2: Many poor and working-class families dream of living in the suburbs, believing their children will have the opportunity to attend better schools, will have access to non-dead-end jobs, and to escape from the looming threat of urban violence. Consequently, their children will have a better chance of being successful in life. However, many suburbanites balk at the prospect of government-subsidized housing in their neighborhoods. They fear that when poor people move next door crime, drugs, blight, bad public schools and higher taxes inevitably follow. They worry that the value of their homes will fall and the image of their town will suffer.  50 Points

    Prepare an essay that addresses the following:
    Does your neighborhood shape who you are? Explain
    Would you be a different person if you grew up someplace else? Explain
    Should suburbs be mandated to rewrite their zoning laws and allow a fair share of affordable housing? Why or Why Not?   
    Your paper must be at least 1000 words (+/- 2 pages). 
    Please double-space your paper and use standard 12 point font.
    Make sure to proofread your paper before submitting.
    Please follow APA format when referencing information from outside sources.
    Please include your word count at the end of your assignment.


All members of the class are required to read A Mind for Murder: The Education of the Unabomber and the Origins of Modern Terrorism (2004) by Alston Chase.  You should read this book with the expectation of writing a 6 to 8-page (i.e., 1,500-2,000 words)
This is an analytical exercisenot a review of Chases A Mind for Murder. As such, your task is to reflect on the material presented in this book in its entirety.  Your essay should demonstrate comprehension of the reading, and contain a critical and thoughtful reaction to the book.  Here are several examples of how you might approach this task: 

I. Focus on an aspect of the reading that you will argue pertains to some issues or ideas have arisen in class.  Does the reading support, undermine, or come into tension with previous issues or concepts?  Explain why it is significant.  Does this book implicate civil liberties in some way?  What (if anything) does it say about terrorism and the Criminal Justice System, and its efficacy for dispensing justice in terrorism cases? 

II. Focus on a particular theme or issue that was raised in the book, and give your own perspective on it.  Be sure to elaborate on your opinion.  What is your thinking based on?  What are the strengths and the weaknesses of the main sides of the issue, as you see it?  Does the book inform the reader about the human costs of the fight against terrorism? 

I am not giving you a specific focus on which to write your paper.  That said, what you write must be related to Terrorism and the Criminal Justice System.  You must give a brief summary of the reading in order to write a good paper, but only summarize what is necessary to write your essay.
Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, and in a Word file.  The length of the paper should be no less than 6 pages–ideally, it should run about 6 to 8 pages long. 
It is also important to avoid vague impressions about the reading.  Be specific–base what you say on something concrete in the reading, such as a quote, a concept, or an argument.  However, do not over quote in your Essay. 
The more thorough you are the better your grade will be at the end of the day.  In that regard, you are encouraged to populate your essay with information gleaned from any other relevant resource, including lectures, media sources, and class discussions. 
Be sure to make proper reference to these specific sources; any citations in the body of your essay as well as in the References page itself are required to be in APA format.
Do not use a canned bibliographic program to construct your References, a Citation Generator, or a standard citation provided by the source.  Points will be deducted for missing this criterion. 
This is a research project (e.g., based on fact/objective inquiry), and not an exercise in editorializing (i.e., based on personal opinion or belief, or populated with gratuitous remarks).  Points will be deducted for ignoring this criterion. 
This essay is worth 20% of your course grade.  You will lose points by (a) not following the guidelines above, (b) not showing clearly that youve read the book, and/or (c) submitting a poorly drafted Essay (i.e., grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors; unsupported statements).

(1)  Steve Chapman thinks Kaczynski was on to something when he railed against the technocratic society we would inherit.  As Chase notes, Kaczynski wrote that continued scientific and technological progress will inevitably result in the extinction of individual liberty (p. 52).

(a)  Is it accurate to say that the individual has little power to resist. Technological innovation is a one-way street.  Why or why not?  Can you provide any real-world examples?

(b)  How is it possible that Ted Kaczynskia murderer, a terrorist, perhaps–be correct in his thinking? 

(c)  BTW, is Ted Kaczynski a really smart murderer, a committed environmentalist, a mentally ill person, a terrorist, or something else?

(2)  Before the Unabomber was captured, he murdered 3 people and injured/maimed 23 others. 

(a)  Was Harvard to blame for Teds subsequent path to killing and maiming his fellow citizens? 

(b)  Was justice served by condemning Ted to serve a life sentence at ADX Florence?

(c)  What lesson do we as a society take away from this case?  Are there any policy prescriptions that flow from the case of the Unabomber?

1A) Yes I believe that it is accurate to say that “the individual has little power to resist. Technological innovation is a one way street” because with all the technological developments that have occured over the years other things have gone bad. An example of this would be the impact of automobiles on life, in many parts of the world having a car or using ride sharing companies is a neccesity as walking and riding bikes are not always possible.

1B) Ted Kaczynski may be correct, although he was a murderer and a terrorist he still was an extremely smart person that graduated from harvard. He also was envirmentalist that lived without technology for many years and seen first hand what was happening to our resources.

1C) I believe that Ted Kaczynski could be considered all of those things, although he should not be celebrated his opinions should be more talked about as many of them have been proven true and he should be interviewed before he dies to try and understand what made him think the way he thought in the 60’s and 70’s.

2A) Although Harvard was not to blame for Teds path to killing and maiming of his fellow citizens the experiment that he participated in did have an everlasting impact on his life and may still subconsciously affect him to this day.

2B) Yes, although I do not agree with solitary confinement for long periods of time and believe it to be cruel.I believe that it is a better alternative than the death penalty which is the only other possible outcome of the Unabomber case.

2C) I believe that as a society we face different moral codes and by the brother of the Unabomber telling the FBI that he might know who the bomber was that tested societys moral code. Asking and answering the question “is family more important then your peace” is a difficult task and one that the brother of Ted Kaczynski did in 1995. Im not susre of any policy prescriptions that came from the case although the unabomber attempted to fire his attorneys beofre trial.


All members of the class are required to read A Mind for Murder: The Education of the Unabomber and the Origins of Modern Terrorism (2004) by Alston Chase.  You should read this book with the expectation of writing a 6 to 8-page (i.e., 1,500-2,000 words)
This is an analytical exercisenot a review of Chases A Mind for Murder. As such, your task is to reflect on the material presented in this book in its entirety.  Your essay should demonstrate comprehension of the reading, and contain a critical and thoughtful reaction to the book.  Here are several examples of how you might approach this task: 

I. Focus on an aspect of the reading that you will argue pertains to some issues or ideas have arisen in class.  Does the reading support, undermine, or come into tension with previous issues or concepts?  Explain why it is significant.  Does this book implicate civil liberties in some way?  What (if anything) does it say about terrorism and the Criminal Justice System, and its efficacy for dispensing justice in terrorism cases? 

II. Focus on a particular theme or issue that was raised in the book, and give your own perspective on it.  Be sure to elaborate on your opinion.  What is your thinking based on?  What are the strengths and the weaknesses of the main sides of the issue, as you see it?  Does the book inform the reader about the human costs of the fight against terrorism? 

I am not giving you a specific focus on which to write your paper.  That said, what you write must be related to Terrorism and the Criminal Justice System.  You must give a brief summary of the reading in order to write a good paper, but only summarize what is necessary to write your essay.
Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, and in a Word file.  The length of the paper should be no less than 6 pages–ideally, it should run about 6 to 8 pages long. 
It is also important to avoid vague impressions about the reading.  Be specific–base what you say on something concrete in the reading, such as a quote, a concept, or an argument.  However, do not over quote in your Essay. 
The more thorough you are the better your grade will be at the end of the day.  In that regard, you are encouraged to populate your essay with information gleaned from any other relevant resource, including lectures, media sources, and class discussions. 
Be sure to make proper reference to these specific sources; any citations in the body of your essay as well as in the References page itself are required to be in APA format.
Do not use a canned bibliographic program to construct your References, a Citation Generator, or a standard citation provided by the source.  Points will be deducted for missing this criterion. 
This is a research project (e.g., based on fact/objective inquiry), and not an exercise in editorializing (i.e., based on personal opinion or belief, or populated with gratuitous remarks).  Points will be deducted for ignoring this criterion. 
This essay is worth 20% of your course grade.  You will lose points by (a) not following the guidelines above, (b) not showing clearly that youve read the book, and/or (c) submitting a poorly drafted Essay (i.e., grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors; unsupported statements).

(1)  Steve Chapman thinks Kaczynski was on to something when he railed against the technocratic society we would inherit.  As Chase notes, Kaczynski wrote that continued scientific and technological progress will inevitably result in the extinction of individual liberty (p. 52).

(a)  Is it accurate to say that the individual has little power to resist. Technological innovation is a one-way street.  Why or why not?  Can you provide any real-world examples?

(b)  How is it possible that Ted Kaczynskia murderer, a terrorist, perhaps–be correct in his thinking? 

(c)  BTW, is Ted Kaczynski a really smart murderer, a committed environmentalist, a mentally ill person, a terrorist, or something else?

(2)  Before the Unabomber was captured, he murdered 3 people and injured/maimed 23 others. 

(a)  Was Harvard to blame for Teds subsequent path to killing and maiming his fellow citizens? 

(b)  Was justice served by condemning Ted to serve a life sentence at ADX Florence?

(c)  What lesson do we as a society take away from this case?  Are there any policy prescriptions that flow from the case of the Unabomber?

1A) Yes I believe that it is accurate to say that “the individual has little power to resist. Technological innovation is a one way street” because with all the technological developments that have occured over the years other things have gone bad. An example of this would be the impact of automobiles on life, in many parts of the world having a car or using ride sharing companies is a neccesity as walking and riding bikes are not always possible.

1B) Ted Kaczynski may be correct, although he was a murderer and a terrorist he still was an extremely smart person that graduated from harvard. He also was envirmentalist that lived without technology for many years and seen first hand what was happening to our resources.

1C) I believe that Ted Kaczynski could be considered all of those things, although he should not be celebrated his opinions should be more talked about as many of them have been proven true and he should be interviewed before he dies to try and understand what made him think the way he thought in the 60’s and 70’s.

2A) Although Harvard was not to blame for Teds path to killing and maiming of his fellow citizens the experiment that he participated in did have an everlasting impact on his life and may still subconsciously affect him to this day.

2B) Yes, although I do not agree with solitary confinement for long periods of time and believe it to be cruel.I believe that it is a better alternative than the death penalty which is the only other possible outcome of the Unabomber case.

2C) I believe that as a society we face different moral codes and by the brother of the Unabomber telling the FBI that he might know who the bomber was that tested societys moral code. Asking and answering the question “is family more important then your peace” is a difficult task and one that the brother of Ted Kaczynski did in 1995. Im not susre of any policy prescriptions that came from the case although the unabomber attempted to fire his attorneys beofre trial.


Answer the following question(s) about this week’s reading assignment. Each question or part of a question must be addressed.  Always begin your answer by copying the question. 

1.  Discuss at least three (3) important considerations when determining patrol distribution.

2.  Compare patrol allocation and distribution differences in a major urban city and a small rural community.  What is similar, what is different, and why? 

Ethics in Public Leadership

Ethics in Public Leadership

Examine the 5 ethics models given by Wart (2011) and comment of their attributes. Critique
what it means to be a Spiritual- Servant Leader in public service. Evaluate if ethical codes are
enough for the Christian leader; do Christian leaders have a higher biblical moral obligation?
Finally, apply at least 1 biblical passage to the concept or practice of ethics in leadership. Explain
why you picked the passage and what it means to you.
Write a minimum of 10-12 pages of content (2,500-3,000 words) with a minimum of 10
references. Paper should be in full APA 7 format
Synthesis & Thesis Development
Exhibits a defined and clear understanding of the assignment. Thesis is clearly defined and well-
constructed to help guide the reader throughout the assignment. Student builds upon the thesis of
the assignment with well-documented and exceptional supporting facts, figures, and/or
Command of Subject Matter
Demonstrates proficient command of the subject matter in the assignment. Assignment shows an
impressive level of depth of students ability to relate course content to practical examples and
applications. Student provides comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts in a logical
Thoroughly understands and excels in explaining all major points. An original, unique, and/or
imaginative approach to overall ideas, concepts, and findings is presented. Overall format of
assignment includes an appropriate introduction (or abstract), well- developed paragraphs, and
conclusion. Finished assignment demonstrates students ability to plan and organize research in a
logical sequence.
Writing, Grammar & Spelling
Correct spelling and grammar used throughout essay. Posts contain fewer than 2 errors in
grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Various Topics Link in videos in Instructions

Reflections should be at minimum 250 words providing a description of the webinar/event and the value added to the students educational and professional experience.

Please do 1 Page each of around 250 – 275 words per video Link provided

criminal investigation

A home invasion burglary has been reported to you in which a juvenile female was raped. The victim has been taken to the hospital .The suspect was caught running from the scene and attempting to get into his car. A running computer and drugs are visible on the front seat of the car.  There are four (4) important actions you must take; discuss each of these fully including how the actions should be taken, their importance, and consequences of not taking the actions.

Ethical, Security, and Legal Issuesand Biblical Principlesin the Collection and Management of Information

Answers to questions must be supported with research and citations. It is not unusual, for
instance, to have 34 citations per paragraph in doctoral-level research.
Remember also that writing a research paper, especially at the doctoral-level, requires
you to weave in ideas from numerous sources and then in turn synthesizing those ideas to
create fresh insights and knowledge.
9 pages of content, double-spaced
Must include citations from all readings and presentations for the assigned module and at
least 15 scholarly sources in total Scholarly and Peer Reviewed within the last 5 years
Each paper consists of 3 parts (below) plus an introduction and reference section. To
make it easier for readers to follow your thinking, please discuss the topics in the order
presented above and with appropriate heading.
Current APA 7 format
Topic: Ethical, Security, and Legal Issuesand Biblical Principlesin the Collection and
Management of Information
Answer and discuss the following:
Part 1: From your perspective what are the ethical, cybersecurity, and other risks to the
collection, management, and use of information and technologies overall and in the
public arena specifically?
Part 2: What are some Biblical principles that can help inform and shape your use of
Part 3: How will you help those around you:
1) Prevent the misuse or abuse of information; and
2) Wisely use information and technology for the benefits of all?
Synthesize the above with a Biblical model of government and statesmanship.

Part1: Ethical/Legal Issues and Challenges
Presents the major challenges and threats to the ethical (as well as legal) uses of
informationand suggests guidelines to help prevent unethical uses of data, in general and
especially in the public sector.
Part 2: Cybersecurity Threats and Solutions
Describes the major threats, risks, and challenges to protecting data and summarizes best/next
cybersecurity practices in the public sector
Part 3: Biblical Principles
Summarizes the applicable Biblical principles to guide our collection, management, and use of
information and technologies.

PADM 710

Clarity & Support
Provides organized, logical discussion of content and a thorough use of citations to support

Theory Analysis of The Social Control Theory


1. Identify the origins of the theory
a. Its initial development

2. Examine its meaning
a. Its concepts and how they are related
b. Examine the specific verbiage used by the theorist

3. Analyze the logical adequacy of the theory
a. The logical structure of the concepts and statements independent of their meaning
b. Does it appear to explain behavior?

4. Determine how useful the theory is
a. How practical and helpful is the theory to the discipline?
b. Does it provide understanding or predictable outcomes?

5. What is the degree of generalizability and is it parsimonious?
a. How simply and concisely can it be stated and still be complete?
b. How well does it apply to behavior?

6. Can it be tested
a. Can it be supported by empirical or qualitative data?

Only use Peer review Scholar such as (GOOGLE SCHOLAR), Peer review literature, and .gov.
DO NOT USE websites of .org or .com for this assignment. Make sure you use in text citations often. Masters graduate writing level only!!

Criminal Behavior and Marriage

Some researchers have argued that marriage decreases the likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior more for males than females (on average). Others argue that the effect of marriage varies across subgroups because of differences in cultural expectations. Design a sampling strategy that will allow you to compare the relationships between gender and marriage for three ethnic/racial groups in one US city. Prior research suggests that comparing African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Anglo Americans might be a productive strategy, although you have not made up your mind as of yet. Assume that you can talk to only one member of a couple (one interview per phone call and phone number) and get the data you require.

You have enough money to complete 1500 telephone interviews.

Identify the city you will study. Choose your city wisely given that you need to stratify the sample by race and gender.

Go to the US Census webpage to collect demographic information on the city (not an MSA or CMSA) you will study. Cities must be in the United States and have populations of between 300,000 and 4,000,000.

Go to the US Census webpage ( and access the 2010 census (the decennial census). Within the 2010 census, find a city that meets the population parameters of this assignment. While you are searching for data, do note that the census refers to cities, towns, villages, etc. as Place.

For all the data you use from the Census, you must make a copy of the data (it is usually in table format) and submit it with your assignment. Within your assignment, you must explain in writing, in the appropriate section of your paper, which data/table you used from the Census and why you chose that data/table (i.e. why you chose that particular table with the race data for your city).

For a simple random sample using random digit dialing, how many phone numbers will you need? For your calculations, assume that 50% of the telephone numbers will be working numbers, 70% of the numbers will be residential (non-business) numbers, and your response rate is 70% (which means 70% will agree to participate). For the purposes of this study, do not concern yourself with landlines versus cell phones. Given the focus of your study, what else must you factor into your calculations to determine how many phone numbers you will need? You will need the answer to this question as well as the aforementioned assumptions to determine how many phone numbers you will need to call.

You must also determine the total cost of the survey. If a completed interview costs $75 and a refusal or not-in-universe case (i.e. business number, non-married) costs $7, and a non-working number costs $1, how much will this survey cost?

This study requires you to stratify the sample. Groups that stratify the sample by race will be eligible for a B on the assignment. Groups that stratify the sample by race and gender will be eligible for an A on the assignment.

Keep in mind that when stratifying the sample, the percentages must be made proportionate to 100% and sub-samples need to have an N of at least 100.

When doing your calculations, DO NOT round until you have determined the last number in that calculation. Then, round up for .5 or higher and down for .4 and lower. Keep in mind that you cannot have half a person, half of a phone number, or half of a survey.

Your assignment must be double-spaced with each section of the sampling design clearly designated (i.e. use headings). When you submit this assignment, you must also submit copies of the census tables and/or data you used to complete the assignment.
