Category: Law

Black Lives Matter

Background: #Blacklivesmatter argues that police involvement in the pride parade/march creates an unsafe atmosphere for some communities who have, historically and currently, been victims of anti-Black and anti-LGBTQ police brutality, impunity and use of deadly force. They also hold the view that policing has always served the needs of colonialism, racism and capitalism by relentlessly protecting the state and private property.

QUESTION: What is the political utility of #Blacklivesmatter Toronto & Montreal: (a) holding up Torontos & Montreal gay pride parades and (b) asking the Toronto & Montreal gay pride committees to ban police floats from future gay pride parades as a show of solidarity? Is this inimical to racial justice, rights, liberty, police reform, and police relations with Black and LGBTQ communities? What is the relationship between BLM LGBTQ social movements, state violence, and political development and social policy in Canada?

All essays must have an abstract.  Preparing abstracts will help you develop your topic, theoretical framework and clarify your road map. 

The paper must adhere to the following format: APA style with an abstract for evaluation. Times New Roman 12pt type, double spaced, 1 margins all around, length ten-15 (10-15) pages (feel free to go longer). Please number your pages, staple your work, include your legal name, course title, code, student number and professors name. NB!

Essay submission format: abstract and cover page not counted in your 10-15 pages; one journal article to be submitted along with your essay not counted; references not counted; page numbering; no website citation; academic texts and journal articles only.

All essays are to employ a race, class and gender analysisthis is known as intersectionality.  You will be encouraged to analyze the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of racial (in)justice in diverse contexts within frameworks that recognize the salience of social identities, including but not limited to class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and ability.

A race/class/gender analysis is also known as Intersectionality; it is another way or methodology for studying the relationships among multiple dimensions and modalities of social relationships and subject formations” (McCall 2005). Intersectionality holds that the classical conceptualizations of oppression (Links to an external site.) within society (Links to an external site.), such as racism (Links to an external site.), sexism (Links to an external site.), homophobia (Links to an external site.), and religion-based bigotry (Links to an external site.), do not act independently of one another; instead, these forms of oppression interrelate, or are tied/connected to each other, creating a system or facets of oppression that reflects the “intersection” of multiple forms of discrimination (Links to an external site.).

For more on intersectionality PLEASE READ:
(1) Andersen, M. L., & Collins, P. H. (Eds.). (1997). Race, class, and gender: An anthology (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

(2) Andersen, M. L. (1993). Thinking about women: Sociological perspectives on sex and gender(3rd ed.). New York, NY: Macmillian Publishing Company.

(3) Cho, S., Crenshaw, K. W., & McCall, L. (2013). Intersectionality: Theorizing Power, Empowering Theory, 38(4). (Links to an external site.) Stable URL: (Links to an external site.).

(4) Lorde, G. A. (1984). The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.
In Audre Lorde, From sister outsider: Essays and speeches (pp. 110-113).
Berkeley, CA: The Crossing Press. the-master-s-tools-will-never-dismantle-the-master-s-house.a4.pdf

(5)Cathy J. Cohen, (2005) Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics in Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology, eds. E. Patrick Johnson and Mae Henderson (Durham: Duke UP, 21-51.

(6) Crichlow, W. (2003). Seeking Inclusion. In W. Crichlow, Buller men & batty bwoys: Hidden men in Toronto & Halifax Black communities (pp. 4175). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press

(7) Martin Manalansan IV(1995) In The Shadows of Stonewall: Examining Gay Transnational Politics and the Diasporic Dilemma, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 2.4 (1995): 425-438.

REQUIREMENT: 10-15 pages maximum, employing a race, class and gender analysis, your submission must include: (1) abstract, (2) 1 journal article used and attached to final paper, course books cited from course readings, double-spaced, excluding bibliography and cover/title page.

The Outline For Your Essays
You must include the eight (8) sections/parts/subheadings, think of it as your academic GPS

1) Title (Cover page) page: 1
Title of your paper
Your Banner ID Number (e.g., 100123456).
Institutional Affiliation
Student legal name

2) Abstract: page 2
In 100 words or less, provide a brief summary of what your paper is about. In 100 words or less, provide a brief summary of what your paper is about.
An abstract is a excerpted passage, brief, summary or short statement that describes your paper. It contains for example but not exclusive the theoretical framework, scope, purpose, methodology, results, and contents of the work.

3) Introduction: page3
Define the problem, its nature, scope, extent and importance
Define the terms, theories, concepts to be used and why
State how you plan to add new knowledge to the given topic

4) Literature Review. This is another subheading or section
Discuss the work of prior researchers. This means summarizing the work that others have done (of course, you may have to read additional literature that precedes 2000 to become familiar with the activists, theoretical and scholarly debate in the literature) and find a way to discuss the existing works thematically, conceptually, or methodologically.
How is prior work or theorists relevant to your current literature review?
Provide a synthesis and criticism of existing works (theoretical, conceptual, operational, methodological, and analytical).
What shortcomings (policy, law, procedures) and deficiencies exist in prior works? It is not sufficient to simply inform the reader about the previous works. In other words are the weakness or gaps in the authors arguments and line of thought.
A literature review is a way improving and building upon the work of other scholars. We are in the business of modifying the wheel, not reinventing it.
What remedies can you recommend to improve the existing state of knowledge?

5) Data Methods. This is another subheading or section 
For empirical projects, where did you acquire the data?
How are you planning to analyze the data?
Are there limitations associated with the use of this data and method of analysis?
This section is NOT necessary if you are writing a theoretical/conceptual /policy/review paper

6) Claims/results/findings. This is another subheading or section
What are your main findings/claims/arguments?
What arguments are you making?
What evidence are you providing in support of your argument and claim?
Findings should be presented in thematic categories

7) General discussion and conclusion. This is another subheading or section 
Does your finding/argument contravene or contradict the findings of prior research?
Does your finding support the current knowledge about a given topic?
Discuss the implications of your work for researchers and policymakers
Discuss the limitations of your own work
Discuss what future policy research you would recommend

8) References. This is on a separate page at the end of your paper, under the subheading references.
Use APA format: Please refer to the examples in the Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition, which is adapted by the American Psychological Association (APA) from its Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. (Links to an external site.)

Multimedia activity: Business Organization

Choose Your Business Structure (Uploaded) section of the U.S. Small Business Administrations website.

If you were to start your own business, which business entity structure would you choose? Justify why your chosen structure is the best organizational form.

Explain the following business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and a corporation. In your analysis address the following for each business structure:

-Steps to form
-Personal liability for owners
-Advantages and disadvantages

Your paper must be three to five pages (excluding title and reference pages), and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page.

Multimedia activity: Business Organization

Choose Your Business Structure (Uploaded) section of the U.S. Small Business Administrations website.

If you were to start your own business, which business entity structure would you choose? Justify why your chosen structure is the best organizational form.

Explain the following business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and a corporation. In your analysis address the following for each business structure:

-Steps to form
-Personal liability for owners
-Advantages and disadvantages

Your paper must be three to five pages (excluding title and reference pages), and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page.

Article Analysis on Designing a Process Evaluation

Article Analysis of designing a process evaluation for a program.

An Overview of The Article Analysis (Attached)

The purpose of writing an article analysis is to demonstrate that you have read, understood, and can apply scholarship in the public administration field, especially in program evaluation, and to demonstrate critical thinking abilities. Typically, an article analysis does four things:

1) Provide an introduction
2) Summarizes an articles main points.
3) Analyzes the evidence offered to support the writers main point, taking care to point out where there are flaws in the argument.
4) Reflects upon the significance of the article, its connection to other reading/concepts in the course, and/or its importance in your field, with some concluding remarks


Introduction  (1 paragraph)

state the title of the work, the authors name and the date of publication
outline main ideas of the book and identify the authors thesis
state your own thesis statement and your main idea about the work
The article is an …… because the author (s) … The article title by is ….. and insightful because

Summary (1 page)

briefly outline the main ideas of article
should involve who, what, where, when, why and how
you may also choose to discuss the structure, style or point of view
This article is about… The setting is…
The main …
The theme is…
The author argues that… The research was
The main points are… The authors conclude

Analysis (1.5 pages)

critically state what you like and do not like about the article
explain your ideas with specific examples from the article
assess whether the author has achieved their intended goal
the analysis may look at whether the work is
focused, understandable, persuasive, clear, informative
original, exciting, interesting, well-written
directed at the appropriate audience, meeting the purpose
well researched, with appropriate conclusions, and more…
The analysis is made up of several different paragraphs.

Conclusion (1 paragraph)

restate your thesis in new words
summarize your main ideas if possible with new and stronger words
include a call to action for your reader
You must read this article because … or This article is not useful because”

Administration of Justice Organizations

Since 1963, a series of United States Supreme Court case decisions have clarified that in criminal cases, prosecutors must disclose to the defense evidence favorable to the defendant. This includes information that may be used to impeach the credibility of government witnesses, including law enforcement officers. These decisions mean that police officers who have documented histories of lying in official matters are liabilities to their agencies, and these histories may render them unable to testify credibly.
Part 1: Please write a professional memorandum summarizing the main issues that are involved in the following United States Supreme Court cases. You must have at least 2.5 pages not including your title page.
    Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)
    Giglio v. United States, 405 U. S. 150 (1972)
    United States v. Agurs, 427 U. S. 97 (1976)

Latinx Struggles

I am going to attach a word document. I need 3 questions answered in a 3-page paper. Below each question, I am putting readings that need to be used in the paper. If there are any questions please let me know as soon as you can.

Writers choice

Part I: Research Paper Topic
For this part of the assignment, you will identify one foreign criminal justice system as the topic for your research paper. Explain why you chose this topic, and make certain to include the information below.
Explain the concept of comparative criminal justice.
Identify how a foreign criminal justice system follows the concept of comparative criminal justice.
How does this foreign criminal justice system compare to that of the United States?
This part must be at least two pages in length.
Part II: Annotated Bibliography
For this part of the assignment, provide four scholarly resources that support your topic (two of which must come from the CSU Online Library) and will be used as the basis for developing your research paper. Under each reference, summarize the source and how it is applicable to your research topic on a foreign criminal justice system. Part II should be at least one page in length.

For your research paper assignment, complete a paper of 5-8 pages, not counting your title page and reference page, on a topic that pertains to the criminal justice system. You paper should cover, policing, courts, probation/parole or corrections. You s

For your research paper assignment, complete a paper of 5-8 pages, not counting your title page and reference page, on a topic that pertains to the criminal justice system.  You paper should cover, policing, courts, probation/parole or corrections.  You should further narrow your topic to a certain aspect of the system.  For example, if you decide to write your paper over policing you should narrow it to an aspect of policing like police discretion.  Your paper must be written in APA format using Times New Roman 12 point font with 1 inch margins.  You must use at least 5 scholarly sources ( no wiekipidia).  Your paper is due no later than Friday November 6th and can be turned in at any time during the semester on or prior to that date.  You paper must be submitted through Blackboard and I do not accept late papers.

Discuss the different views (I.e., interactionist, consensus, conflict) that influence how crime is defined. Which do you think is the best definition and why? Your why should be supported with facts. 2. Discuss two strengths and two weaknesses of e

Directions: With the readings from week 1 and 2 in mind, answer each of the following questions.  Be sure to fully answer each part of every question.

1.  Discuss the different views (I.e., interactionist, consensus, conflict) that influence how crime is defined.  Which do you think is the best definition and why?  Your why should be supported with facts.
2.  Discuss two strengths and two weaknesses of each of the various measures of crime.  Which method do you think is best and why?
3. Discuss two ways in which you think we can lessen the dark figure of crime.
4.  Based on your answers to questions 1-3, propose a new way in which you think crime data should be collected. * note- this question involves critical thinking and should be your unique idea.  You should, however, use course material to back up your thoughts.

Group Project Phase 1

Group Project: presented with a problem (see scenario below) involving multiple agencies, each student assumes an agency role and a project role to identify a collaborative, optimal solution. Individually, each student will present an agency description, the agencys perspective and role, and research the available resources. Students will then form groups, and each group will present a collaborative, optimal solution. In the last week of class, each group will present the consequences for not finding or not fully implementing the solution. Throughout this project each student is to assume the character (role play) of the leader of their assigned component agency when dealing with their counterparts from other agencies within their jurisdiction.

Phase 1 Agency Description The student will be assigned one of the following criminal justice components to represent and for which to serve as advocate:

Law Enforcement
Institution-Based Corrections
Community-Based Corrections (i.e., Parole/Probation)
Private Security
The student will submit a 3 page paper describing the function and purpose of the designated criminal justice component and how it interrelates to other components..

My role that I have been assigned is Private Security.