Category: Law

Intermediate Sanctions: Between Probation and Incarceration

Analyze the goals of using intermediate sanctions and the pros and cons associated with them. Then, choose two of the types of intermediate sanctions and determine situations in which each of these two types would be appropriate. Lastly, take a position on whether or not you believe that there is value in their use. Justify your response.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In your discussion, identify the video scenario that you chose. Then, write a cohesive narrative that would go in the narrative section of the report that describes the people, events, and circumstances from the scenario. If the date and time of the incident is missing from the scenario, create this information in order to fully develop the narrative. Then, discuss which aspects of writing the narrative you found easier and/or more difficult and identify any questions or specific areas on which you would like specific feedback.

Six people have been charged with a plot to kidnap Michigans Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, that involves links to a rightwing militia group, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced.  Another seven people were charged with plotting to target law enforcement and attack the state capitol building. The state attorney general, Dana Nessel, announced additional charges under Michigans anti-terrorism law. Seven men, all in custody, are linked to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen.

They are suspected of attempting to identify the homes of law enforcement officers to target them, made threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war. They also planned and trained for an operation to attack the Michigan capitol building to kidnap government officials, including the governor, and to gather information on law enforcement officers to kill them. Nessel said.

Adam Fox, one of the six men who was charged in the plot, was quoted saying he needed “200 men” to attack the Capitol in Lansing and take hostages, including Whitmer.  “Snatch and grab, man. Grab the f—in’ governor. Just grab the b—-,” Fox said during a July 27 meeting recorded by an informant, according to the affidavit. “Because at that point, we do that, dude it’s over.”

The FBI said in an affidavit that the plot to kidnap Whitmer had involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia. The criminal complaint states that the alleged plot involved her second home in northern Michigan.  Several members talked about murdering tyrants or taking a sitting governor, an FBI agent wrote in the document. The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.

The six men charged with plotting against Whitmer were arrested on Wednesday night and each faces up to life in prison. US attorney Andrew Birge called them violent extremists.

What are your thoughts?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In your discussion, identify the video scenario that you chose. Then, write a cohesive narrative that would go in the narrative section of the report that describes the people, events, and circumstances from the scenario. If the date and time of the incident is missing from the scenario, create this information in order to fully develop the narrative. Then, discuss which aspects of writing the narrative you found easier and/or more difficult and identify any questions or specific areas on which you would like specific feedback.

Six people have been charged with a plot to kidnap Michigans Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, that involves links to a rightwing militia group, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced.  Another seven people were charged with plotting to target law enforcement and attack the state capitol building. The state attorney general, Dana Nessel, announced additional charges under Michigans anti-terrorism law. Seven men, all in custody, are linked to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen.

They are suspected of attempting to identify the homes of law enforcement officers to target them, made threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war. They also planned and trained for an operation to attack the Michigan capitol building to kidnap government officials, including the governor, and to gather information on law enforcement officers to kill them. Nessel said.

Adam Fox, one of the six men who was charged in the plot, was quoted saying he needed “200 men” to attack the Capitol in Lansing and take hostages, including Whitmer.  “Snatch and grab, man. Grab the f—in’ governor. Just grab the b—-,” Fox said during a July 27 meeting recorded by an informant, according to the affidavit. “Because at that point, we do that, dude it’s over.”

The FBI said in an affidavit that the plot to kidnap Whitmer had involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia. The criminal complaint states that the alleged plot involved her second home in northern Michigan.  Several members talked about murdering tyrants or taking a sitting governor, an FBI agent wrote in the document. The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.

The six men charged with plotting against Whitmer were arrested on Wednesday night and each faces up to life in prison. US attorney Andrew Birge called them violent extremists.

What are your thoughts?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In your discussion, identify the video scenario that you chose. Then, write a cohesive narrative that would go in the narrative section of the report that describes the people, events, and circumstances from the scenario. If the date and time of the incident is missing from the scenario, create this information in order to fully develop the narrative. Then, discuss which aspects of writing the narrative you found easier and/or more difficult and identify any questions or specific areas on which you would like specific feedback.

Six people have been charged with a plot to kidnap Michigans Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, that involves links to a rightwing militia group, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced.  Another seven people were charged with plotting to target law enforcement and attack the state capitol building. The state attorney general, Dana Nessel, announced additional charges under Michigans anti-terrorism law. Seven men, all in custody, are linked to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen.

They are suspected of attempting to identify the homes of law enforcement officers to target them, made threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war. They also planned and trained for an operation to attack the Michigan capitol building to kidnap government officials, including the governor, and to gather information on law enforcement officers to kill them. Nessel said.

Adam Fox, one of the six men who was charged in the plot, was quoted saying he needed “200 men” to attack the Capitol in Lansing and take hostages, including Whitmer.  “Snatch and grab, man. Grab the f—in’ governor. Just grab the b—-,” Fox said during a July 27 meeting recorded by an informant, according to the affidavit. “Because at that point, we do that, dude it’s over.”

The FBI said in an affidavit that the plot to kidnap Whitmer had involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia. The criminal complaint states that the alleged plot involved her second home in northern Michigan.  Several members talked about murdering tyrants or taking a sitting governor, an FBI agent wrote in the document. The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.

The six men charged with plotting against Whitmer were arrested on Wednesday night and each faces up to life in prison. US attorney Andrew Birge called them violent extremists.

What are your thoughts?

Officer Crime Scene Responsibilities

consider your role as the first responding law enforcement officer at a crime scene. What would be your top three (3) responsibilities when you arrive at the crime scene?  Provide a rationale. Describe the actions you will take at the scene to complete your responsibilities.
Then, respond to the posts of at least two (2) other peers with comments that continue to drive the discussion.

Business Law

Please write out the questions and use complete sentences for your answers. Provide any sources you used for your answers other then the textbook.

1a.  The power of a court to review legislative and executive actions to determine whether they are constitutional is call ____________________________.

b. Describe a recent judicial decision that reviewed a legislative or executive action and provide your source(s).

2.  a. What is the commerce clause?

    b.  How was the 1937 case NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp a turning point for the commerce clause’s interpretation?

3. Explain how each branch of government checks the power of the other branches.

4. Pursuant to the Supremacy Clause, what happens to a state law that contradicts a federal law?

5.  What does the Privileges and Immunity Clause provide?

6.  What is the Bill of Rights?

7.  What rights are provided for under the:

a.  First Amendment

b.  Fourth Amendment

c.  Fifth Amendment

d.  Fifteenth  Amendment

e.  Nineteenth Amendment

8. Watch:

a.  Should Alex Jones be protected by the First Amendment?

b.  Did the social media companies react properly to Joness actions?

China’s policy evolution towards marketization in the field of photovoltaic power generation

This is a dissertation proposal so I have uploaded an example of what it should look like. The main idea behind this paper should go as follows: In this dissertation I would like to discuss the future of PV (photovoltaic) power in the scope of subsidies given in this sector. We are approaching a post-subsidy era in that government policies are slowing down on subsidies due to limited resources as well as imminent price parity nearing those of traditional thermal power generation. There are a number of factors which can contribute to better policy implementation such as financing for private companies as the interest rates are much higher compared to the base loan of banks, delayed subsidies and also other non-technical costs. I will look at the policies and laws which have been enacted and see the impacts which they have on companies in the sector and also the development due to these regulations. My thesis will be set on how ensuing policies may further expand and provide more effective means of PV energy in China.

Prescription Drug Related Deaths Among Celebrities: What Forensic Toxicologist Have To Do With It ?

Instructions: 1. Choose a Celebrity and research one of the following aspects of their death due to Prescription or an Illegal Drug Overdose to write about in the Blog: Cocaine and prescription drugs, Meth Overdose, alcohol and heroin overdose, Prescription Opiods, Fentanyl overdose,  Accidental Drowning, Crack Cocaine and Ecstasy or heroin overdose. ***The Blog Post must be a minimum of 250 300 words***

2. Research your chosen aspect of the case by reading a scholarly article, journals or on the Internet. Look for differing views. Analyze and evaluate the aspect.

3. Post an entry into the blog that includes the following: a. A brief summary of Forensic toxicology.b. List and describe the celebrity case, date, city, and state. Analyze and evaluate the aspect of their death. Defend your position with detailed facts regarding their use of illegal drugs.   d. Describe the role of a toxicologist in analyzing substance evidence and tell why it was important in the case.

4. Cite your references or sources by posting the URL or PDF of the article(s).

21st Century Policing

The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages of text (doesnt include cover page or reference page). The paper should be double spaced and have margins no larger than 1 inch. Use appropriate APA format for all aspects of the paper. You do not need to include an abstract. Be sure to address all aspects of the assigned question. In order to fully address the question for the assignment, you will need to make reference to the textbook.

You should cite where appropriate within the paper and have a reference page. You may use outside resources to complete the paper, but you are not required to. If you do use outside sources, be sure to cite and reference appropriately. Your grade will be based on both the content and format of the paper. The readings in this module (CHAPTER 16 to CHAPTER 19)

The Final Report of The Presidents Task Force on 21st Century Policing contains numerous recommendations for reforms pertaining to law enforcement.  Identify which of the six pillars you think is the most important and discuss why you chose that pillar.  (Pillar 2. Policy & Oversight)

Then, identify the two most important recommendations under that pillar.  Discuss why you chose those two and how likely it is that those recommendations will be implemented. (2.1 Recommendation: Law enforcement agencies should collaborate with community members to develop policies and strategies in communities and neighborhoods disproportionately affected by crime for deploying resources that aim to reduce crime by improving relationships, greater community engagement, and cooperation, AND 2.2 Recommendation: Law enforcement agencies should have comprehensive policies on the use of force that include training, investigations, prosecutions, data collection, and information sharing. These policies must be clear, concise, and openly available for public inspection.)

Text required: Maguire, M. & Okada, D. (2015). Critical issues in crime and justice: Thought, policy, and practice.  2nd ed.

Readings required:
Chapter 16 History of Policing
Chapter 17 Police Theory
Chapter 18 Contemporary Police
Chapter 19 Police Org.
Task Force Report 21st Century Policing

Social Problem Policy Analysis

Identify and analyze a social welfare policy with respect to its effectiveness in addressing poverty and its correlates. Begin by thoroughly exploring the nature of the social problem and then analyze the impact of the social welfare legislation, answering the ultimate question: is it effective? This paper will focus on poverty among the LGBTQ+ community in the United States and if current legislation and programs are effective.

Paper needs to be written in APA format (7th edition), with a minimum of 10-15 peer-reviewed references. It needs to include a title page, abstract, content, and reference page.

Topic: Poverty among the LGBTQ+ community in the United States.

Analyze the social problem (about 3 pages):
1. What? Define the problem: Thoroughly define the social problem drawing from peer reviewed literature. All statements of fact must be supported by one or more citations. If there are varied definitions, include them and explore the differences. For instance, the federal government defines homelessness as people who live in unsheltered locations, such as on the streets, in homeless shelters, in cars. Homeless advocacy organizations use a broader definition to include those living in motels, couch surfing, or doubling up. Therefore, federal counts are lower than advocacy organization counts (by millions), which has implications for funding. This type of discrepancy is important to explore. The questions youll be answering are: what causes poverty?

2. Who? Demographics: Who does the problem affect? You should still begin by providing broader demographics. For instance: In 2019 there were 38 million people in the United States who lived below the poverty threshold (Smith & Davis, 2020), 15 million of whom are children (U.S. Census, 2020). Child poverty has increased significantly in the last xx years (citation, year) in fact, according to most recent statistics available, xx children live below the federal threshold and xx children are considered low income (citation, 2020; citation, 2020). Also consider these demographic factors: region, gender, race, age. Basically, you want to paint as detailed a picture as possible regarding who is impacted by the social problem.

3. Why? Risk Factors: What are the risk factors associated with the social problem? What increases someones chances of becoming poor? These are not causes, but more correlates. Perhaps the research shows that certain ethnic minority groups experience an increased risk for certain social problems, or someones gender or age increases their risk, or perhaps its having a childhood with trauma and abuse. Also consider structural issues, such as a bad economy or a poor school district, racial or gender oppression. All of this information will be in peer reviewed journal articles.

4. How? Consequences: What will happen if theres no government intervention? Increased learning disabilities in children? An increase in crime? An increase in health problems? Increased risk of domestic violence? (sometimes the risk factors are the same as the consequences). All of this information will be in peer reviewed journal articles.

Policy Analysis Section (about 3 pages)

Discuss how TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) addresses the social problem of poverty among the LGBTQ+ community in the United States.
Describe the legislation and related program(s). Youll likely draw from existing policy literature for this portion of the paper, such as policy analysis briefs from nonpartisan think tanks. And then describe the legislation and the program in detail. What is the history of the legislation? How has it changed through the years? How does the legislation define the social problem? The legislative goals will often be included in the legislation and may reference perceived cause(s). What are the criteria for acceptance into the program? What are the benefits? What is the delivery system? How is the program funded? What government agency/ies are responsible for facilitating the program(s)?

Analyze the Legislation
Youll then evaluate the effectiveness of the legislation (Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Act of 1996, for example) and associated programs to determine whether there has been a positive impact on the problem (i.e., reduced poverty). Does the legislation define the social problem accurately? (consistent with the literature). Do the criteria exclude anyone? Are the benefits sufficient? Is the delivery system effective/efficient? Is the program funded sufficiently? Examples may include defining poverty in a way that doesnt account for systemic factors, the federal poverty threshold being too low (again, all based on research you read and then cite), programs that arent funded sufficiently based on needs referenced in peer-reviewed research and/or government stats.

Lastly, make recommendations with possible solutions for making the legislation and/or programs more effective and more equitable (based on your readings and own analysis).