Category: Law

Article Analysis on Program Evaluation

An Overview of The Article Analysis (Attached)

The purpose of writing an article analysis is to demonstrate that you have read, understood, and can apply scholarship in the public administration field, especially in program evaluation, and to demonstrate critical thinking abilities. Typically, an article analysis does four things:

1) Provide an introduction
2) Summarizes an articles main points.
3) Analyzes the evidence offered to support the writers main point, taking care to point out where there are flaws in the argument.
4) Reflects upon the significance of the article, its connection to other reading/concepts in the course, and/or its importance in your field, with some concluding remarks


Introduction  (1 paragraph)

state the title of the work, the authors name and the date of publication
outline main ideas of the book and identify the authors thesis
state your own thesis statement and your main idea about the work
The article is an …… because the author (s) … The article title by is ….. and insightful because

Summary (about 1.5 pages)

briefly outline the main ideas of article
should involve who, what, where, when, why and how
you may also choose to discuss the structure, style or point of view
This article is about… The setting is…
The main …
The theme is…
The author argues that… The research was
The main points are… The authors conclude

Analysis (2 pages)

critically state what you like and do not like about the article
explain your ideas with specific examples from the article
assess whether the author has achieved their intended goal
the analysis may look at whether the work is
focused, understandable, persuasive, clear, informative
original, exciting, interesting, well-written
directed at the appropriate audience, meeting the purpose
well researched, with appropriate conclusions, and more…
The analysis is made up of several different paragraphs.

Conclusion (half page)

restate your thesis in new words
summarize your main ideas if possible with new and stronger words
include a call to action for your reader
You must read this article because … or This article is not useful because”


Senate bill 3809 Military Moms Mental Health ACT (Postpartum Depression)
Need to list the stakeholders for the listed bill above. Must include  ** patient** ( women suffering from postpartum depression)
See specific instructions below. The key stakeholders impacted by Senate bill 3809 Military Moms Mental Health ACT examples are patient(must include) families, children, health care providers, hospitals, social services, researchers, employers, insurance companies etc (anyone affected by postpartum depression)
This is part of a policy paper and I am addressing only the stakeholder section. ***Should be no longer than one page****
Assignment directions:
Do not merely list the stakeholders; clearly address what stake each has in the policy and if they would benefit or be hurt by the legislation. Do not forget to include your patient (or system) population (women suffering from PPD). Identify at least 2 stakeholders who will benefit from the policy and 2 that will be negatively impacted by the policy. On occasion you may have a stakeholder that is both positively and negatively impacted. Use APA 7th edition with scholarly journal citation.

The Operating Budget

The Operating Budget

For Assignment 2, you are to use your current or home state. From your state’s budget, select an agency, program, or department that appears as a budget item. Assume you are the new budgeting and finance administrator for your state. Your first responsibility is to become familiar with the state, the budget, programs, and capital projects. As the administrator, you will be responsible for analyzing and examining the state’s budget.

Write a 45 page paper, titled Part I: The Operating Budget for the (Agency/Program/Department Name) in which you separate the content into sections:

Examine the phases of the submission process for your current or home state. Title this section Submission Process.
Appendix 1F State Budget Office in the textbook lists all state budget offices.
Determine the type of budget format used for submitting your selected state agency or program budget and explain how you identified the budget format used. Title this section Budget Format.
Include the agency’s most recent budget or financial plan.
Assess the revenue sources for your selected state agency or program. Title this section Revenue Sources.
Evaluate 12 challenges in managing the budget of your selected state agency or program. Title this section Challenges.
Distinguish the similarities and differences between the federal and state budget submission process. Title this section Federal and State Submission Process.
Your assignment must follow these requirements:

Include a short introduction (include background information of state) and use the questions as section headers.
Please include at least four references; at least two references must be peer-reviewed.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Analyze the steps required for budgeting.

The Operating Budget

The Operating Budget

For Assignment 2, you are to use your current or home state. From your state’s budget, select an agency, program, or department that appears as a budget item. Assume you are the new budgeting and finance administrator for your state. Your first responsibility is to become familiar with the state, the budget, programs, and capital projects. As the administrator, you will be responsible for analyzing and examining the state’s budget.

Write a 45 page paper, titled Part I: The Operating Budget for the (Agency/Program/Department Name) in which you separate the content into sections:

Examine the phases of the submission process for your current or home state. Title this section Submission Process.
Appendix 1F State Budget Office in the textbook lists all state budget offices.
Determine the type of budget format used for submitting your selected state agency or program budget and explain how you identified the budget format used. Title this section Budget Format.
Include the agency’s most recent budget or financial plan.
Assess the revenue sources for your selected state agency or program. Title this section Revenue Sources.
Evaluate 12 challenges in managing the budget of your selected state agency or program. Title this section Challenges.
Distinguish the similarities and differences between the federal and state budget submission process. Title this section Federal and State Submission Process.
Your assignment must follow these requirements:

Include a short introduction (include background information of state) and use the questions as section headers.
Please include at least four references; at least two references must be peer-reviewed.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Analyze the steps required for budgeting.


Stakeholders section for a particular senate bill review: S. 3809 Military Moms Mental Health ACT
Do not merely list the stakeholders; clearly address what stake each has in the policy and if they would benefit or be hurt by the legislation. Do not forget to include your patient (or system) population. Identify at least 2 stakeholders who will benefit from the policy and 2 that will be negatively impacted by the policy. On occasion you may have a stakeholder that is both positively and negatively impacted.


Stakeholders section for a particular senate bill review: S. 3809 Military Moms Mental Health ACT
Do not merely list the stakeholders; clearly address what stake each has in the policy and if they would benefit or be hurt by the legislation. Do not forget to include your patient (or system) population. Identify at least 2 stakeholders who will benefit from the policy and 2 that will be negatively impacted by the policy. On occasion you may have a stakeholder that is both positively and negatively impacted.


Stakeholders section for a particular senate bill review: S. 3809 Military Moms Mental Health ACT
Do not merely list the stakeholders; clearly address what stake each has in the policy and if they would benefit or be hurt by the legislation. Do not forget to include your patient (or system) population. Identify at least 2 stakeholders who will benefit from the policy and 2 that will be negatively impacted by the policy. On occasion you may have a stakeholder that is both positively and negatively impacted.

Disaster response DB 2

You must create a thread in response to the Discussion Board Forum prompt. Thread must be 250275 words. Clarify the issue being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and experience, and must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives. A minimum of 1 academic/scholarly source is referenced appropriately in each response; cite all sources used.

Disaster research is available to emergency management practitioners from a variety of sources. Which source do you find most valuable and why? Find an article or presentation about a disaster research study from that source. Write a summary about how the study supports your position. Clarify the issues being discussed by relating them to scriptural and biblical principles and personal experience.

Investigations DB 2

You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided topic. Thread is to be a minimum of 250 words, cite at least 2 academic sources, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Acceptable sources include the textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, government sources/websites, and professional association websites. In addition to academic support, you must apply a Chrisitian worldview perspective and integrate Biblical scripture support for the post.


The focus of Field Notes is on how crucial a good set of investigative field notes can be to the success of the criminal case.
How might the availability of many different kinds of technology (e.g., photography, videography, computer imaging) make investigators less effective or even less interested in writing good, quality notes and reports?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing the officer/investigator to use voice activated note-taking and/or taking notes on a tablet device? Consider where the information will be stored. Integrate a Christian worldview perspective to support your discussion.

Short Discussion

Depending on if a defendant is charged, you learned that it could be a violation of the 5th or 6th amendment if law enforcement places an undercover officer or informant in a position to overhear a statement.  Answer the following questions:

Why do you think it matters about incrimination if a person is formally charged or not? Cite any relevant case law or statutes or amendments, if necessary.
Do you think if a cell mate comes forward to law enforcement, after hearing the suspect make an admission and without any involvement by law enforcement, the statement would be admissible or inadmissible? Why or why not?