Category: Law

Law discussion post

Depending on if a defendant is charged, you learned that it could be a violation of the 5th or 6th amendment if law enforcement places an undercover officer or informant in a position to overhear a statement.  Answer the following questions:

Why do you think it matters about incrimination if a person is formally charged or not? Cite any relevant case law or statutes or amendments, if necessary.
Do you think if a cell mate comes forward to law enforcement, after hearing the suspect make an admission and without any involvement by law enforcement, the statement would be admissible or inadmissible? Why or why not?

Video responses and Examining Case Law

Watch the following video and apply your knowledge to the scenario below:
Scenario: A man was at his brother’s apartment when the police arrived. The police flashed a paper that they indicated was a warrant but was actually a court order for an unrelated case and asked to search the apartment. The man allowed the police to proceed with a search and drugs were discovered. The man’s brother (the tenant) was charged with possession of drugs. The defendant (the man’s brother/tenant) contends this search violated his Fourth Amendment rights and should not be admissible due to the Exclusionary Rule. Was the man’s consent valid? Or did he truly consent?

Watch the following video and apply your knowledge to the scenario below:
Scenario: Police received a report that three women in Halloween costumes had robbed a man in his house and stole money and jewelry from him. He lived on an island with only one ferry transporting people back and forth to the city and there was only one more transport that evening. Without getting a warrant, the police stopped all cars waiting on the ferry. In one car, three women were acting nervously when the police peered in their car. The police decided to search their car and found the victim’s stolen jewelry under the front seat. The women were immediately placed under arrest. Was the officers’ warrantless search valid or not? Explain your answer.

Examining Case Law: Miranda v. Arizona, 384, U.S. 436 (1966).
Almost everyone who has watched a crime drama on television can recall at least one pivotal moment, perhaps at the episodes climax, when a suspect is arrested and his rights are read to him. Many Americans can recite these legal warnings from memory, even though few have ever been arrested or interrogated by police officers. Officers have not always been required to inform individuals of their right to remain silent and other legal protections. This was mandated through a Supreme Court decision in the case of Miranda v. Arizona, 384, U.S. 436 (1966), a decision that many in law enforcement said would prevent them from ever gaining another voluntary confession. Though controversial at the time, requiring officers to Mirandize (provide legal warnings to) an individual seems rather clich today.  Read more about the facts of this case at . After reading about this landmark case (and reviewing the video on Miranda posted under “Readings and Lectures”, answer the following questions:

What is the constitutional issue being decided in this case (as delineated by Chief Justice Warren in section I)?
When is it necessary for officers to read an individual his or her rights?
What are the benefits and drawbacks associated with this decision?

Administration of Justice Organizations

Chapter 1 Case Study – The Department of Homeland Security

How does the creation of the Department of Homeland Security affect resources traditionally designated for local criminal justice organizations?
Are there too few resources to fight both terrorists and traditional criminals?
Who should pay the burden for investigating, apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, sentencing, and incarcerating terrorists?
Should Osama Bin Laden have been taken alive?
What are the due process protection questions in light of the creation of the Department of Homeland Security?
Should these due process protections matter in the fight against terrorism?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For your second article critique, find a scholarly research article using the same criteria as your first critique. However, your second article must use a different experimental design than your first critique. For example, if your first study used a classical experimental design (pre-test/post-test with a control group), your second study must be something other than a classical experimental design, such as a time-series or cohort design.

All other requirements remain the same. Again, this must be a scholarly, empirical research article related to your topic and/or research question.

Locate one research article using an experimental design related to your project topic and research question. Read the entire article, not just the abstract. Be sure to write the critique in your own words and cite appropriately. Use APA style (abstract not required). Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the cover and references pages. Further guidelines for writing an article critique can be found herePreview the document.

Research Topic I: “Are There Other Western Countries That Have Found Triaging Calls For Emergency Response Between Police And Mental Health Professionals Helpful In Defusing Potential Deadly Interactions Between Individuals And First Responders?”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need an essay done in the English language and not American English. The subject of the paper is based on 4 questions with the 4th question based on what I have enjoyed about the modules. Each question requires word max at 75 words only. Ideally paper will be written in Oxford style! And I have added the questions and the units.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need an essay done in the English language and not American English. The subject of the paper is based on 4 questions with the 4th question based on what I have enjoyed about the modules. Each question requires word max at 75 words only. Ideally paper will be written in Oxford style! And I have added the questions and the units.

Criminal Justice research paper

Create a detailed outline of your paper, which lays out a summary of the information you will present in your final paper. At the end of Unit 4 on pages 83-87 there is a sample outline for you to generally follow, but I want you to build an outline that conforms with the headings of a policy report. Below I have listed the headings that must be included in your policy report. Following each heading, I listed the corresponding roman numerals from the sample outline (starting on page 83) that correspond to the sections of your research policy report.
Title of the Policy Report
Executive Summary
Context and Importance of the Problem (I – III)
Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Options, and Research (IV – IX)
Conclusion (X)
Policy Recommendations
Reference Page
For writing assignment #2, you should include all 7 headings in the document that you submit, but you only need to construct in outline form the sections Context and Importance of the Problem, Pre-Existing Policies, Policy Options, and the Conclusion.

For each subsection head in your outline, write the last name(s) of the author(s) and year of publication of the article(s) that you are relying on to create those subsections. Also list alphabetically the sources that you use under the Reference Page heading (properly cited in APA or MLA). It’s easier to keep track of them now instead of having to go back later.
Below the Reference Page, insert all of the abstracts that you used in your outline.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I need an essay done in the English language and not American English. The subject of the paper is based on 4 questions with the 4th question based on what I have enjoyed about the modules. Each question requires word max at 75 words only. Ideally paper will be written in Oxford style! And I have added the questions and the units.

Human Trafficking in the Caribbean

Question: Joseph, Henriques and Morris posit that human trafficking is one of the most lucrative forms of trans-national crime. Explain what human trafficking is and how is it practiced within the Caribbean? What role or influence do those trafficked persons from Caribbean countries play in this illicit global market? Illustrate the different types of victims, their characteristics, how they are recruited and the contexts in which they operate. Give recommendations to help combat the issue of human trafficking.

1.    The paper should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman
2.    Double line spaced
3.    1-inch margin all around
4.    References should be in APA Style
5.    All Pages should be numbered (not by hand)
6.    Paper should not be longer than 6 pages. This includes the title page and excludes the reference page

Homeland Security Intelligence

click on the Homeland Security Digital Library (you can also access HSDL from this link: Select two research articles on the same topic. Read/compare the articles and write a 5 page analysis using key concepts specifically address the following:

Are the articles examples of true research why or why not?
What tools of research were used to execute the project?
Do the articles clearly identify the phases of the research process?
Were the author(s) experts in their field?
What perspective did the author(s) take on the topic? In other words, what philosophical assumptions were underlying the research?
Evaluate the content of the articles. Was new information learned? Did the articles leave gaps for future research?

Your essay must be a minimum of 5-7 pages, double-spaced and in Ariel or Times New Roman 12 point font.  Include in-text citations and references in the APA style.  Use relevant course material and at least 3 outside scholarly sources to support your answer.