Category: Law

Partnership Essay

Describe the importance of law enforcement officers building relationships and gaining the trust of community members (young, old, middle age, immigrants, different races, and socioeconomic statuses). Identify some of the barriers police officers face regarding communication emphasis on verbal communication, nonverbal communication, and body language. How would a law enforcement officer handle someone with a disability? What is the importance of the relationship between a law enforcement officer and a victim? Lastly, do you believe the media helps or hurts law enforcement and their relationships with the community?

Discrimination Writing Assignment

Discrimination Writing Assignment:
You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has any cut and
paste material. See Syllabus.
Like all papers youll submit, formatting is: 1 margins all around, double spaced, Times New
Roman 12-point font.
There is 3-page minimum, one page per question. The more work you do, the better your
score. I can tell when a student has done the work and when they have waited until the last
minute to throw something together. Dont be in that latter group.
Question 1:
When employers discriminate against applicants or employees they do so in two general ways: 1)
intentionally, or through adverse treatment, or 2) unintentionally, or through adverse impact.
Research these terms and, in your own words, identify how discrimination that occurs
intentionally differs from discrimination that occurs unintentionally. Give an example each.
Question 2:
Sometimes, it is permissible for employers to intentionally favor a protected classification over
all other protected classifications because the favored protected classification is the only one
that can perform the job. The employer intentionally discriminates against all other
protected classifications. This amounts to legal discrimination! For example, if an employer
needed to hire a surrogate motherthen the employer would naturally need a woman for the
job, since a man could never be a surrogate mother. Likewise, if an employer wanted to hire
a sperm donor, it would be required to hire a man, since a woman could never perform that
job. When an employer intentionally discriminates, it argues that the favored protected
classification is a BFOQ. Research that term and in your own words describe how an
employer may argue that it is necessary to discrimination based on the other protected
classifications identified in Title VII, such as religion. Please note: it is possible to
successfully argue that a BFOQ is necessary for every protected classification except one. In
your paper, identify the protected classification that can never be the basis for a BFOQ.
Question 3:
Much discrimination is based upon stereotypes. Research what this means and in your own
words describe various stereotypes that commonly lead to discrimination in the workplace. What
should an employer to do ensure that stereotypes do not influence decision making?

Discrimination Writing Assignment

You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has any cut and paste material. See Syllabus.
Like all papers youll submit, formatting is: 1 margins all around, double spaced, Times New
Roman 12-point font.
There is 3-page minimum, one page per question. The more work you do, the better your
score. I can tell when a student has done the work and when they have waited until the last
minute to throw something together. Dont be in that latter group.
Question 1:
When employers discriminate against applicants or employees they do so in two general ways: 1)
intentionally, or through adverse treatment, or 2) unintentionally, or through adverse impact.
Research these terms and, in your own words, identify how discrimination that occurs
intentionally differs from discrimination that occurs unintentionally. Give an example each.
Question 2:
Sometimes, it is permissible for employers to intentionally favor a protected classification over
all other protected classifications because the favored protected classification is the only one
that can perform the job. The employer intentionally discriminates against all other
protected classifications. This amounts to legal discrimination! For example, if an employer
needed to hire a surrogate motherthen the employer would naturally need a woman for the
job, since a man could never be a surrogate mother. Likewise, if an employer wanted to hire
a sperm donor, it would be required to hire a man, since a woman could never perform that
job. When an employer intentionally discriminates, it argues that the favored protected
classification is a BFOQ. Research that term and in your own words describe how an
employer may argue that it is necessary to discrimination based on the other protected
classifications identified in Title VII, such as religion. Please note: it is possible to
successfully argue that a BFOQ is necessary for every protected classification except one. In
your paper, identify the protected classification that can never be the basis for a BFOQ.
Question 3:
Much discrimination is based upon stereotypes. Research what this means and in your own
words describe various stereotypes that commonly lead to discrimination in the workplace. What
should an employer to do ensure that stereotypes do not influence decision making?

domestic violence

Joseph lives in a state that permits the use of marijuana for medical purposes. He takes it as medicine each day. During Christmas holidays he visits his mother in New York, which does not permit the use of medical marijuana. He is arrested for the possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of selling. At the time he was arrested, he had two pounds of marijuana in his possession. What are the issues in his case?

M5D1: So Much Can Happen in the Military

Please refer to the attached files containing more detailed information and instructions.

Be sure to answer each question in it’s entirety one by one being as clear and precise as possible.
Write and label each question by number then provide detailed answer under each question.

Chapter 4 – Essay 2

Discuss one of the following statements regarding what you have learned about the criteria of causation and threats to causal inference validity. What cause-and-effect relationships implied? What are some alternative explanations?
a. Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.
b. Capital punishment prevents murder.
c. Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the use of other drugs.

Formatting: Two pages; You must cite the textbook, and provide information about the assignment from it.


All the instructions on how to make the ppt are in the link that is attached below. I have attached the photos for chapter 5. please remember that the textbook is a secondary source, kindly use the additional readings links for exegesis and talk about one topic only

I have also attached an example ppt. Kindly note that this is an example only, do not recreate this but hopefully, this helps make instructions clearer

The Impacts of Institutionalization

The Impacts of Institutionalization The paper should minimally discuss the effects of institutionalization on inmates, the impact on families and communities, and the difficulties faced upon reentry into general society. Emphasis should be placed on various evidence-based programs that have demonstrated positive results, either by lowering recidivistic behavior, and/or providing greater efficiencies within the correctional system. Funding of such programs, as well as gender-specific issues, and the political dynamics of program implementation should be addressed as part of the discussion.

The paper’s length should be a minimum of 2000 words of meaningful discussion (title page and reference page do not count as part of the word count). You are expected to write professionally with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, developing your topic and providing solid examples from our readings, your own research, or your own experiences to back up your statements. The paper must include six references (outside of the course text), with at least two references from a peer-reviewed/scholarly academic journal (peer-reviewed references should be highlighted in bold type in the reference list). You should avoid writing in first person when possible. All papers must be in .doc, pdf, or .rtf format. You must adhere to APA style (although you do not need to provide an abstract). Your work should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around. All papers will be evaluated for originality.

Business Law – “Lawsuit” or “ADR”

Case Study: Frederick is a student at Central Fictional State University (CFSU), and he has a great idea for a new business invention. Frederick’s invention and the business that he plans to found based on it will absolutely revolutionize the market and will make him very rich. He decides to share his idea with a few trusted professors, and he even uses the idea in a research project for one of his classes.

While Frederick is at home over summer break, he discovers, much to his dismay, that his professors have stolen his idea and have opened a business marketing his new invention. Frederick immediately seeks the advice of the local lawyer who has a reputation for being a “scorched-earth” litigator. He advises Frederick that he should sue those professors for everything they’ve got.” Frederick, however, is not sure if he should file an aggressive lawsuit, or if there is a better way to proceed. 

Frederick knows that your business recently completed mediation to settle a lawsuit filed by one of your suppliers. He comes to you for advice on how to proceed. What is your answer to Frederick? In your response, consider whether the decision to file suit or to proceed through some form of alternative dispute resolution is affected by the previous relationship with the professors (can/should you sue a friend, how will the decision impact an ongoing relationship, etc.).  Also, what role could Fredericks faith play in his decision?

Refer to the Assignment Instructions folder of the course for general directions and grading rubrics for Discussion Boards, including requirements for word length, scholarly sources, and integration of a Biblical worldview.

Use the words “Lawsuit” or “ADR” (Alternative Dispute Resolution) in the subject line of your thread to reflect your conclusion. Do not use attachments, as these are cumbersome and inhibit the discussion process.

draft an 11th amendment that you feel should be included with the original ten of the Bill of Rights

Using the information provided in this module, I want you all to briefly review and refresh your understanding of the Bill of Rights, comprising of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. While it’s easy to take a stance of “The actions of the (federal) government don’t really affect me”, the BoR absolutely impacts our lives on a daily basis, so much so that there is likely not a single document within the history of the United States that has comparable impact. A couple of key points that you should keep in mind.
The Bill of Rights (BoR) is one of the critical compromises that allowed our nation to form with all thirteen colonies as members. Members of the Anti-Federalist party (headed by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson to name a few) argued that a federal government would be too strong and could lead to tyrannical oversight. Therefore, the Federalist party agreed to allow the Anti-Federalists to pen ten amendments that would be ratified alongside the United States Constitution.
This was huge at the time. Though the idea of a limited government is commonplace today, at the time the greatest powers in the western (and eastern for the most part) world were hemmed by absolute monarchs or systems in which the ruling person or body was extremely powerful. The idea that a president for instance could simply be voted out and that rule would change hands often without violence was pretty radical.
All of the rights in the BoR are negative rights. You should recognize this term from your text at this point as well as understanding that these rights specifically state that the government cannot  act in a certain way. Keep this in mind because….
I want you, for the purposes of this discussion paper, to draft an 11th amendment that you feel should be included with the original ten of the BoR. This is a “research paper” (Gasp!) in the sense that you should devise a premise (I think that the 11th amendment should have mentioned that the government must not do ___ ), support your premise with rhetoric (logical argumentation that explains why your premise is valid) and external sources (research articles, statistics). The format of the essay should contain these elements:

A very very brief overview of the BoR. You could literally cite the document itself. Don’t waste a lot of time on this.
A proposed amendment
Support for the amendment (your own rationale, lived experiences and external sources)
Discuss how this will actually impact you/us and why you thought that, out of any possible amendment, this was the one to go for
Try not to overthink this one too much. A solid page and a half or two pages should be very sufficent to cover those points. Please use APA style throughout the paper (double spaced, 12pt font, TNR, in text and bibliographical citations in APA format). So long as you make a good faith effort and include all of the grading criteria you should have a solid grade to boost you up!

Grading Criteria:

Paper is logical, reasonable and is on topic.

The proposed amendment is both in line with the other amendments (negative right, focused on the government) and also reasonable in nature (as neat as ending world hunger would be, it’s probably beyond the scope of the United States Federal Government, for example).

Paper is formatted in APA style and contains both in-text citations and a bibliography.

Two external sources are used at minimum.

The page length is at least one and a half pages, double spaced in standard APA style.