Category: Law


First you need to read both socotra case and the client file “The Eurasian Curlew”. Then you have to fill the CREAC paper. I will attach some files that will help you. There is a sample answer in the course packet. Also, there is some photos that will help you in the application part.

Interpreting the Sheriff Offices’ Chi-square

Below is a chi-square and Cramers V statistic from Maricopa Countys Sheriff Offices Annual Report (2014-2015). The tables tests the relationship between whether a driver had an item seized by that drivers race. The chi-square is significant, so a relationship exists.

What does this tell us about the organization? How does the Cramers V weigh in here?

Driver post-stop perceived race or ethnicity
    White    Unknown    Native American    Hispanic    Black    Asian    Total
Driver item seized – No    18747    271    401    5671    1988    569    27647
Driver item seized – Yes    268    2    23    131    47    5    476
Total    19015    273    424    5802    2035    574    28123
Chi-Square    64.29    **                   
Cramer’s V    0.048    **                   
+ p < 0.10; * p <0.05; ** p < 0.01

forensic science


For this question, read the brief summary of the OJ Simpson case and trial present on the Crime Museums (in Washington DC) website. (You may also want to review the background of the entire case.)  Although the OJ Simpson trial took place almost 2 decades ago, it remains a common example of how poorly handled evidence and issues with the chain of custody can greatly influence the outcome of the trial. Remember that the decision reached by the juried trial must be a decision beyond reasonable doubt. A major factor in the accumulation of doubt can come from the handling of the evidence itself.


If you were on the jury, would you believe that the issues with evidence were enough to cause doubt in the prosecutions arguments?  Based on what youve learned in this weeks reading so far, what correct crime scene and evidence storage techniques could have been employed to prevent these issues from happening?

forensic science


For this question, read the brief summary of the OJ Simpson case and trial present on the Crime Museums (in Washington DC) website. (You may also want to review the background of the entire case.)  Although the OJ Simpson trial took place almost 2 decades ago, it remains a common example of how poorly handled evidence and issues with the chain of custody can greatly influence the outcome of the trial. Remember that the decision reached by the juried trial must be a decision beyond reasonable doubt. A major factor in the accumulation of doubt can come from the handling of the evidence itself.


If you were on the jury, would you believe that the issues with evidence were enough to cause doubt in the prosecutions arguments?  Based on what youve learned in this weeks reading so far, what correct crime scene and evidence storage techniques could have been employed to prevent these issues from happening?

forensic science


For this question, read the brief summary of the OJ Simpson case and trial present on the Crime Museums (in Washington DC) website. (You may also want to review the background of the entire case.)  Although the OJ Simpson trial took place almost 2 decades ago, it remains a common example of how poorly handled evidence and issues with the chain of custody can greatly influence the outcome of the trial. Remember that the decision reached by the juried trial must be a decision beyond reasonable doubt. A major factor in the accumulation of doubt can come from the handling of the evidence itself.


If you were on the jury, would you believe that the issues with evidence were enough to cause doubt in the prosecutions arguments?  Based on what youve learned in this weeks reading so far, what correct crime scene and evidence storage techniques could have been employed to prevent these issues from happening?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We are entering New Orleans, LA in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in late August of 2005. The storm has come and gone, the levies have broken, and there are floods throughout the city. Many people have evacuated to sites designated by the citys leadership and are now experiencing the effects of horrendous heat and limited supplies. Police officers, reportedly concerned about the welfare of their families, have abandoned posts throughout the city.

National Guard personnel are inundating the community from all 54 states, and territories creating a force protection requirement of unprecedented proportions. The political leadership of New Orleans and Louisiana are seemingly at odds with federal leaders and agencies. Stocks of supplies that were supposed to be in warehouses have been pilfered and are nonexistent. Thousands of people are on rooftops, porches, portions of highways, and elsewhere awaiting rescue from anybody who will come. Thousands of small watercraft for the city and neighboring states are attempting to make rescues, taking risks and congesting limited routes. Hundreds of hungry, frightened dogs abandoned by fleeing victims are tied to porches or loose. Mosquitoes potentially carrying diseases and pathogens are feared to be multiplying as the waters linger. Gas lines burst and dry portions of the city are ablaze. Looting grows more common and violent. Survivors seem shocked, dazed, and deeply saddened; many have lost everything, including loved ones.

You will use a mixed methods approach to studying one slice of the Hurricane Katrina aftermath.

Select your field of study: criminal justice, emergency management, or homeland security.
Choose the issue that you would like to approach, whether directly from the scenario or as implied by the conditions listed.
Determine what research method designs you will employ to tackle your problem.
You will outline a mixed methods approach, but consider what forms of both quantitative and qualitative you can use to approach your problem.
Remember that you will want to understand the problem fully; collect fresh data and/or consider existing data; interpret findings; and make recommendations to be integrated into policies, programs, or other initiatives as you would advise.
In 1,0001,250 words, draft an outline for your selected research methods and instruments, and present it with at least the following elements:
Problem Statement: Describe the problem fully, using real-world, factual information from credible sources. This portion should be at least 200300 words and properly referenced using APA format.
What are the merits of examining this problem? Explain.
How important is this problem to undertake? Why?
What is the scope of this problem? Explain.
What value or applications might the findings or results have, and how can they be used? Explain.
Provide at least 2 research questions.
Design 1 to go with a quantitative approach to the problem you chose and 1 for a qualitative approach.
Produce at least 2 hypotheses for each research question.
Depending on which primary approach you choose, these may come early or later in your designs (in the weeks ahead); but for now, to solidify the principles, present 2 hypotheses for each research question.
Operationalize all variables for all hypotheses.
You may notice this is easier to do for one approach than another based on your problem. This should give you a clue as to which approach makes more sense for taking on the problem you intend to research.
List, describe, and justify the types of evidence you would collect to test your hypotheses, and support or refute these.
Do your best to make your list thoroughly comprehensive.
Consider at least 2 different outcomes for your research.
Discuss what routes you would take, given a particular outcome.
Consider whether you would rework your research plan, continue on with another method or instrument, scuttle the whole project, or advise policy makers to take certain measures. Explain how these differing potential outcomes could affect your progress or focus.
Compile your responses into your final paper, and submit the file to your instructor.
All sources must be referenced using APA style.

Environmental Law

How much do you already know about social movements? Do you actually believe that current social and environmental issues are truly “fixable”? Why or why not? Do you consider yourself a leader or a member of the grassroots of your social movement/cause? Explain. Do you think it is harder to create or sustain a grassroots base?

My Program Effectiveness is based Why its so hard to start a new life after prison Halfway House

My Program Effectiveness  is based Why its so hard to start a new life after prison Halfway House

the community corrections program you plan to study for your Community Corrections My Program Effectiveness is  Why its so hard to start a new life after prison Halfway House

Going From Prison To A Halfway House

Assignment Description

Part 3: Program Effectiveness (20 Points)

Learning Objectives: This part of the assignment will require you to search for, evaluate, read and synthesize peer-reviewed, published research related to your program, or similar programs of the same type.

Getting Started: You should identify sources that provide information about the effectiveness of the program, which will typically include implementation, process and outcome evaluations and agency reports. It is possible that you will not find appropriate sources about your specific program. If this is the case, you should read articles about the type of program you are studying for your profile and apply that information to your program.

Potential Information Sources: Academic journals such as Criminology and Public Policy, Justice Quarterly, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Punishment and Society and others as appropriate

Requirements: Write a three-page analysis of what is known about the effectiveness of the program. Does it work, and if so for whom and under what conditions? How does the program advance the goals of justice? Are there problematic aspects of the program? The document should be typed in 12-point font, and double spaced with one-inch margins. Include a minimum of four different sources of information. American Psychological Association (APA) citation standards should be used in the written document, and to compile a list of sources titled References. The reference page does not count toward the page total.

Due Date: Submitted in Canvas as a Word document no later than 5:00 PM EST Friday, November 6th

Sentencing in the criminal justice system

The essays should include both analytical and descriptive contents, but the strongest essays will be those that provide more developed analyses. Each essay should include the following:
Identification/discussion of a concept, theory, empirical finding, etc., drawn explicitly from course texts and/or outside academic reference(s).
-Must use scholarly articles. ex google scholar, jstor, ebscohost
-Must be atleast 4 full pages of text

Please cover the topic of sentencing; ranging from mandatory minimums, determinate sentencing, sentencing guidelines,etc. Address the evolution/innovation of sentencing in the CJ system. Why its beneficial or not beneficial to have these guidelines…

Criminal justice reform

The essays should include both analytical and descriptive contents, but the strongest essays will be those that provide more developed analyses. Each essay should include the following:
Identification/discussion of a concept, theory, empirical finding, etc., drawn explicitly from course texts and/or outside academic reference(s).
-Must use scholarly articles. ex google scholar, jstor, ebscohost
-Must be atleast 4 full pages of text

Please cover the current criminal justice reform tactics occurring currently in the U.S.
Address the importance of why reform is needed and how influential it will be on the justice system moving forward