Category: Law

The Gender Gap in Leadership: Barriers and Challenges for Women.

*****do not include the cover page and table content in the 10 pages
The purpose of this research is to discuss the Gender Gap in Leadership: Barriers and Challenges for Women.  But the main question of this research: are women leading in a way that is different than men? the goal is to determine whether gender differences exist in leadership and their potential source. Gender affects leadership in many aspects.  Whether men and women lead in a different way it’s still a highly debated issue. Therefore, this paper will intend to initiate and addresses the leadership gender gap, leadership styles between genders (e.g. Glass ceilings), challenges, and barriers for women to advance into top leadership roles and future.  However, the major effect of gender on leadership is that women are presumed to be less competent and less worthy to hold leadership positions (Eagly, 2001). Understanding these issues will aid organizations to understand women more when it comes to the gender leadership gap. As more women continue to enter the business world and experience the obstacles and elements that men do not face, solutions to these must be found. We hope this study is part of the solution.

Current State of Information Management

Topic:  Current State of Information Management
Must answer:
How is information (data, use of technologies) currently managed 1) in your organization (dont share the name of the organization) and 2) by you in your work and personal life?
Who are the stakeholders helping you manage information and technology in your work?
What information?
Who controls it? 
Which technologies provide the information (data)? o How do you use the data provided to you?
Is it helpful?
Does it make a difference in policy, practice, results?
Is your organization Information Centric?
What model or framework will help you maximize IM and IT where you work?

Must use articles provided; Can add more if needed
The article can be qualitative or quantitative in nature, but it must specifically focus on the public administration context.
Remember to synthesize your research and findings with the required readings and presentations for this week and a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior.
Meaningful and relevant case study is chosen for detailed analysis, study and application.
Concepts from the previous essay, required reading, etc. are applied in a meaningful and thorough way.
Major points are stated clearly and effectively. Clear, logical flow to post; stayed on topic.
Ideas from all the required reading and presentations from the Module/Week and 2 scholarly sources are integrated. Relates topic to Scripture/biblical principles. 
Moves the conversation forward with new ideas, research, and analysis.
Contains abundant citations from required reading, presentations, and 2 scholarly sources.
Minimal to no errors in grammar, spelling, or APA.
Appropriate word count:
825 words for thread

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper should include the following:

    Method for conducting the study
    Results of your research
    Discussion, including possible recommendations

**** Do not Include in the 10 pages
Title Page
    Abstract or Executive Summary
    Table of Contents

Internal Theft: Instituting Package Control Procedures to Protect Organization Assets

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.

Project 2: Legal Challenges Confronting Private Security Operations: Administrative Searches


You accept a position as the Corporate Security Director for ACME Electronics, a company that manufactures different devices for a variety of well-known brands, including cell phones, cameras, camcorders, stereos, computers, tablets, video games, and more.  At any given time, many of these products are fully assembled and stored at the plant awaiting shipment to the vendors.  Also stored at the plant are the expensive components used to manufacture the devices.

During the first week of your new employment, you learn that significant device and component inventory shortages have occurred over the past year resulting in substantial company losses.  You suspect widespread internal employee theft and have begun considering the various physical, procedural, virtual, and other security control options available to address the theft issue.  One of the security controls you contemplate employing is an administrative search procedure, which is often referred to as a package control program.  From your discussions with colleagues in the security profession, you know that some employers have instituted administrative, non-coercive, care taking search programs that have very effectively mitigated internal theft losses.  You believe that such a program would achieve similar results for ACME Electronics if properly implemented at the ACME facility.

You meet with corporate attorneys to discuss the feasibility of initiating an ACME Electronics administrative search program because you know these programs are controversial and sometimes result in significant legal issues with considerable potential for civil lawsuits filed against the company and its security operatives.  After a brief introductory discussion with the attorneys, the corporations Chief Counsel provides you with a case study dealing with the implementation of a new package control system at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York City and asks that you become completely familiar with the legal issues presented in the court case; the legal positions the plaintiff and the defendant advanced to the court; and the courts ruling and rationale, including the important features of the search procedure instituted by the hospital.  The Chief Counsel also asks that before any further corporate group discussions take place regarding the implementation of an administrative search program at ACME Electronics, you evaluate how this court decision might impact your facilitys security operations and how the results of this court decision would be used in any administrative search policy proposals you make to the corporate executives. 

Writing Assignment:  After reading and evaluating Judge Edward Weinfelds opinion in Chenkin v. BELLEVUE HOSP. CTR., NYC, ETC., 479 F. Supp. 207 (S.D.N.Y. 1979), linked below, consider the case in its entirety, particularly the courts opinion, and respond to the following:

(1) Write a strong introduction, first stating the purpose of the paper, then providing a succinct recitation of the significant facts in this case.

(2) Describe the issues related to the search program the court needed to resolve.

(3) Explain the positions that Chenkin and Bellevue advanced to the court regarding Chenkins claim that the hospitals package control system was unconstitutional.

(4) Provide details of the courts ruling and rationale and describe the important features of the Bellevue search procedure cited by the court in rejecting Chenkins claims.     

Based on your understanding of the Chenkin v. Bellevue Hospital court case, in addition to the independent research you complete using at least two additional sources, respond to the following in preparation for your follow-up discussions with the Chief Counsel about the implementation of an administrative search program at the ACME Electronics facility:

(5) As a practical matter, evaluate how this court decision might impact security operations.  Be specific and comprehensive.   

(6) Explain how the results of this case would be used in any policy proposals you make to the corporate        executives.

Court Case Link:,%20N.%20Y.%20C.,%20ETC.#

Note: Other source material relating to different types of workplace searches can be located in the online classroom.  Go to: CONTENT>COURSE RESOURCES>LINKS TO PROJECT 2 RESOURCES.

Formatting Requirements:

Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual in writing this paper.

Paper should begin with an appropriate introductory statement about the topic and a reference page.

You may access the following UMGC website as a reference for APA style requirements:

Paper should be a minimum of 1,000 (minimum) to 1,500 (maximum) words

Double space
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use APA citations for all sources
Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)

Additionally –

Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)
Include your name
Course title and number
Project title
Date of submission

Internal Theft: Instituting Package Control Procedures to Protect Organization Assets

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.

Project 2: Legal Challenges Confronting Private Security Operations: Administrative Searches


You accept a position as the Corporate Security Director for ACME Electronics, a company that manufactures different devices for a variety of well-known brands, including cell phones, cameras, camcorders, stereos, computers, tablets, video games, and more.  At any given time, many of these products are fully assembled and stored at the plant awaiting shipment to the vendors.  Also stored at the plant are the expensive components used to manufacture the devices.

During the first week of your new employment, you learn that significant device and component inventory shortages have occurred over the past year resulting in substantial company losses.  You suspect widespread internal employee theft and have begun considering the various physical, procedural, virtual, and other security control options available to address the theft issue.  One of the security controls you contemplate employing is an administrative search procedure, which is often referred to as a package control program.  From your discussions with colleagues in the security profession, you know that some employers have instituted administrative, non-coercive, care taking search programs that have very effectively mitigated internal theft losses.  You believe that such a program would achieve similar results for ACME Electronics if properly implemented at the ACME facility.

You meet with corporate attorneys to discuss the feasibility of initiating an ACME Electronics administrative search program because you know these programs are controversial and sometimes result in significant legal issues with considerable potential for civil lawsuits filed against the company and its security operatives.  After a brief introductory discussion with the attorneys, the corporations Chief Counsel provides you with a case study dealing with the implementation of a new package control system at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York City and asks that you become completely familiar with the legal issues presented in the court case; the legal positions the plaintiff and the defendant advanced to the court; and the courts ruling and rationale, including the important features of the search procedure instituted by the hospital.  The Chief Counsel also asks that before any further corporate group discussions take place regarding the implementation of an administrative search program at ACME Electronics, you evaluate how this court decision might impact your facilitys security operations and how the results of this court decision would be used in any administrative search policy proposals you make to the corporate executives. 

Writing Assignment:  After reading and evaluating Judge Edward Weinfelds opinion in Chenkin v. BELLEVUE HOSP. CTR., NYC, ETC., 479 F. Supp. 207 (S.D.N.Y. 1979), linked below, consider the case in its entirety, particularly the courts opinion, and respond to the following:

(1) Write a strong introduction, first stating the purpose of the paper, then providing a succinct recitation of the significant facts in this case.

(2) Describe the issues related to the search program the court needed to resolve.

(3) Explain the positions that Chenkin and Bellevue advanced to the court regarding Chenkins claim that the hospitals package control system was unconstitutional.

(4) Provide details of the courts ruling and rationale and describe the important features of the Bellevue search procedure cited by the court in rejecting Chenkins claims.     

Based on your understanding of the Chenkin v. Bellevue Hospital court case, in addition to the independent research you complete using at least two additional sources, respond to the following in preparation for your follow-up discussions with the Chief Counsel about the implementation of an administrative search program at the ACME Electronics facility:

(5) As a practical matter, evaluate how this court decision might impact security operations.  Be specific and comprehensive.   

(6) Explain how the results of this case would be used in any policy proposals you make to the corporate        executives.

Court Case Link:,%20N.%20Y.%20C.,%20ETC.#

Note: Other source material relating to different types of workplace searches can be located in the online classroom.  Go to: CONTENT>COURSE RESOURCES>LINKS TO PROJECT 2 RESOURCES.

Formatting Requirements:

Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual in writing this paper.

Paper should begin with an appropriate introductory statement about the topic and a reference page.

You may access the following UMGC website as a reference for APA style requirements:

Paper should be a minimum of 1,000 (minimum) to 1,500 (maximum) words

Double space
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use APA citations for all sources
Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)

Additionally –

Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)
Include your name
Course title and number
Project title
Date of submission

security management

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.

Project 1: Preparing for a Speech Before a Security Professional Organization

Scenario: You are the Corporate Security Director for a Fortune 500 company and a recognized leader in the security profession.  You accept an invitation to speak at the ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits about the various security operational and other challenges with which organizations are confronted in protecting assets and possible solutions.  Because of your expertise, you are asked to discuss in detail a security director’s various professional responsibilities in todays world, including loss prevention, investigation, administrative, and managerial functions and the critical skills required of a security director to fully succeed in accomplishing the protective mission.  You are also asked to address the importance for a security director to develop strong working relationships with various internal and external entities and provide examples how these associations will promote a successful security operation.

Writing Assignment:  After conducting the appropriate academic research using at least three different sources, write a speech that comprehensively addresses the following: 

(1) Provide a welcome statement and a strong introduction describing to the audience the purpose of your speech.

(2) Identify and discuss the current operational and other challenges confronting security directors and possible solutions to those challenges.

(3) Identify and discuss in detail a security director’s various professional responsibilities in todays world, including loss prevention, investigation, administrative, and managerial functions.

(4) Identify and discuss the critical skills required of a security director to fully succeed in protecting an organizations assets.

(5) Identify and discuss the significance in establishing strong internal and external relationships to meet security operational objectives and provide examples of the individuals and groups with whom partnerships must be forged.

(6) Provide concluding remarks that summarize your presentation and close your speech with an invitation for the audience to participate in a question/answer discussion session.

Note: One or more of your research sources may include interviews with properly documented private sector security professionals in a position to respond to the types of questions required to ascertain the information to write this speech.  Students will identify these individuals and their titles to the course instructor one week before the project due date.  Also, in organizing your written speech, you should consider using short sub-titles (e.g., Operational and Other Challenges and Solutions; Loss Prevention Role; Investigation Role; etc.) for distinct areas cited above so you do not inadvertently omit a project requirement.

Formatting Requirements

Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual in writing this paper. The paper should begin with an appropriate introductory statement about the topic and include a reference page. You may access the following UMGC website as a reference for APA style requirements:

Paper should be a minimum of 1,250 to 1,500 words
Double spaced
12 pt. font
1 margins
Use APA citations for all sources
Include reference page using APA format guidelines (not included in word count)

Additionally – Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count)

Include your name
Course title and number
Project title
Date of submission

Evolutionary Angles

You may have a very different perception about what you thought of how criminal justice agencies are managed than before you took this course.

In 500  words or more, discuss how your perception has changed.  In particularily, how did it change? What do you know now that you have not before and how will it aide in helping you if you have a managerial job in a criminal justice agency?  What are some “red flags” you wil be on the look out for in agencies you apply to or become employed with?  What are some of the key things you will implement in the criminal justice agenct that you feel are beneficial and crucial for the agency to operate successfully?

You will only need to cite if you are taking information about specifics.  If so, please cite in proper APA format, with in text citations and references.

Case Brief

Find four cases from your state that discuss the formation of the attorney-client relationship.  For each case, prepare a one-page legal brief as you learned to do in Legal Research and Writing I.  In case you need a quick reminder, a legal brief identifies and discusses:  Issue, Rule, Holding/Decision and Analysis/Reasoning of the case.  Each case must consider a different issue stemming from the attorney-client relationship.  Remember to use Bluebook format and citations.

Westlaw campus research is the database where students can conduct legal research and not a specific resource it would be like directing them to roadrunner to conduct a search.

Your assignment should demonstrate an understanding of legal writing, as well as the differences between legal writing and academic writing. It should demonstrate thoughtful consideration, a good understanding of the substantive content and demonstrate your ability to communicate information clearly, effectively and in an appropriate tone. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and BLUEBOOK standards for formatting and citation. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion topi- Hierarchy and Discretion in CJ Organizations

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Stojkovic, Stan, John Klofas, and David Kalinich. 2010. The Administration and Management of Criminal Justice Organizations: A Book of Readings (Fifth Edition). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland.  (Chap 10, 11, 18, 19)

Shafritz, Jay M., J. Steven Ott, and Yong Suk Jang. 2010. Classics of Organization Theory (Seventh Edition). Belmont, California: Wadsworth/CENGAGE Learning. (Chap 14, 36)

Archambeault and Wierman 1983; Hoover and Mader 1999-online reading

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Follett, M. (1926). The Giving of Orders. Scientific Foundations of Business Administration (pp. 156-161). The Williams & Wilkins Co.