Category: Law

I Ethical and Legal Issues in Homeland Security

Using the CSU Online Library, select an incident that interests you personally on the topic of public safety or homeland security. This case study must involve an ethical issue that you can examine from the perspective of what went wrong and the reasons why. Discuss it thoroughly.

Once you finish researching the incident, draft a case study that includes the following elements.

Write a short summary of the facts regarding the incident. This summary can usually be done in one or two paragraphs.
Provide an analysis of the case that must address the questions below.
The conclusion of your paper will be a short statement regarding your own thoughts of the incident. This is your reflection and will be based on your personal opinion and perspective. This section should not require more than one or two paragraphs. Process your thoughts carefully, and condense them into several meaningful and concise sentences.
Questions to address in the content section of your assignment:

Critically analyze the incident, and determine its impact on public safety, the unintended consequences of the incident, and the ability of the agency and the individual(s) to adequately perform their duties.
Review any long-lasting implications of the case.
What led up to this incident, and was it something that could have been addressed long before it happened? Who should have been expected to ensure it did not occur in the first place? Would you have handled it differently? Why?
What changes were made, if any, to ensure this type of incident would never recur in the future? Did the changes go far enough? In your opinion, have those changes been successful?
Your case study must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. You are required to use a minimum of one outside source. Your case study and its citations and references must be formatted according to APA Style guidelines.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prompt: Having read about torts, real property and home ownership, choose one of the examples used in the video “Quiet Enjoyment” and explain why these nuisance laws are in place in hopes of limiting the negative affects of the nuisance and maintaining a quality lifestyle. Include a nuisance law (ordinance) in the city of Corona to support quiet enjoyment as an example and to further support your position.

Typology of Terrorism

In this class, you will complete a comprehensive project that will analyze a specific terrorist organization or group. The first part of your project is to submit a terrorist organization (or group you would like to research and write about) to your instructor for approval. You will also provide a brief overview of which type of terrorism the organization or group falls under (religious, political, and/or ideological) and why. You may use the overview as part of the course project introduction.

The overview must be at least one page in length. Please include at least one reference. Adhere to APA style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Discussion: Professional Training and Development Methods

Discussion: Professional Training and Development Methods
Change is a given in today’s organizational life, and one way to cope successfully with this inevitability is the proper training and development of employees. The purpose of employee training is to provide the necessary skills for present tasks, while development prepares employees for the future. By investing in the training and development of employees, you are not only making an investment in today’s workforce but preparing for the future as well.

For this Discussion, review this weeks Resources. Review Chapter 9 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Focus on the training and development methods available to government and non-profit organizations. Identify and distinguish one training and one development method appropriate for use in your Final Project organization. Justify the use of each training and development method.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4
Post a brief description of one training and one development method appropriate for use in a government or non-profit organization. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the training and development method. Justify the inclusion of each method by citing specific examples pertaining to a government or non-profit organization.

Discussion: Salaries and Wages: Direct Financial Compensation

Discussion: Salaries and Wages: Direct Financial Compensation
The system of salaries and wages, or direct financial compensation, provided by an organization vitally impacts its ability to attract and retain talented employees. The design of an organization’s pay system is not a simple matter but one that balances many forces: equity issues, labor markets, an organization’s financial health, and federal laws to name a few. Knowing how to weigh these issues to arrive at a balanced plan appropriate for your particular organization is the mark of a manager well-versed in the skills of human resource management.

For this Discussion, review this weeks Resources.Review Chapter 7 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Pay particular attention to the factors that influence compensation policies. Focus on how the pay system issues and concepts may affect government and non-profit organizations differently. For example, you may wish to discuss the issue of external equity and local government pay systems.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4
Post a brief description of a compensation issue in a government or non-profit organization. Explain how the issue might impact the pay system of the government or non-profit organization you selected.

Final thoughts

EPortfolios represent a valuable tool for learners to collect and utilize tools, skills, and examples relevant to their professional environment. In this blog, you will assess different uses and applications of ePortfolios in your transition to professional surroundings.

1. explanation of how you might use the ePortfolio as you make the transition from student to professional. Include a description of artifacts you might use from your graduate courses as evidence of your knowledge and skills.

2. an explanation of your short- and long-term career goals. Include whether your graduate experience has impacted these goals. Then, explain the most significant thing you learned about yourself in the pursuit of your degree.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1- You worked on this paper before but I downloaded the material for you again in case you want to take a look at them and see what they’re about again. All you need to do is write what was learned in this sentencing exercise.
2- Try not to use more than one cite because they won’t be accepted since he wants us to use the book.

Criminal Profiling for Crime Control

1. TItle of your project

2. Update on your experimental/field study as reference to your project plan and timeline

a) Any experimental test you did

b) Any place your visited

c) Any people you interviewed

d) Data you collected/received

e) Analysis of data – graphs/charts/tables

f) Discussion on results – if data is in favor or contradictory to your proposal, explanation

3. Your next plan for the project development

a) If you are planning to do any more experimental/field study to address item #2(f)

b) How you are going to start writing and organize the paper

Debate: Digital Era Governance is a truly transformational model

Topic: Digital Era Governance is a truly transformational model

-Debate this topic (you are against it – Negation Part)


1- Give a first argument  (1 minute)

2- Negation speech introducing new ideas (30 seconds – 1 minute)    

3- Summary argument (1 minute)

4- Come up with a position as a group

Music Assignment

Criminological Perspectives
Assignment 3 Music Assignment Paper
Due: Sunday November 8th at 11:55pm via Sakai
Value: 75 points
Suggested Length: approximately 2 double-spaced pages per song. This should be
written as a traditional paper.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Margins: 1 inch on all sides of page.
Subheadings: Please use subheadings.
References: cite any sources you are using for this article (Note: there is no need to use
outside sources unless you want to this assignment grading is based on your response)
Rubric: Available via Saki in the submission portal under Preview Rubric
You will select TWO songs (or albums if this fits better) from different genres. Each song
should illustrate a different crime theory or perspective. Songs need to be accessible to me to
listen to, preferably via Youtube or also via Apple Music, Spotify, or Sound Cloud. For each
song, please include the artist, song title, album title (if applicable), and direct link.
The song should have a direct connection to a criminology theory we have discussed in the
course.Social Control Theory, gender-based theories of crime,Feminist Criminology, subculture theories and labeling theory, Anomie Theory and Strain Theory.

The songs should, thus, either include 1) descriptions of criminal or deviant behavior
(starting it, engaging in it, stopping it, etc.) OR 2) provide a perspective about the justice system
(can be supporting it, against it, discussing reform, etc.).
For each song, you will examine how it connects to one (or more) of the theoretical concepts we
have discussed so far this semester. Your paper should address the following information:
1. Summary of the theory (approx. 1-2 paragraphs)
a. Describe the crime theory relevant to the song, including the main components it
proposed. *THIS MUST BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS* – do not copy from the
text or other sources
b. You should not discuss the song in this section simply define and describe the
c. This section helps to set up your response to the next section of the assignment
2. Summarize the theoretical connections (approx. 2-3 paragraphs)
a. How does the song connect to theoretical concepts we have discussed in class?
b. Explain in detail, with examples from the song, how it illustrates the theory.
c. You can include links to the lyrics as well or quote them directly in the text.
3. Policy Implications (approx. 1-2 paragraphs)
a. What could be done to prevent the criminal or deviant behavior portrayed in the
b. How could the justice system be changed based on the perspective of the song?

NOTE: You can (and likely will have to) use music/songs that have expletives, R-rated language, or derogatory words/statements. You are also welcome to censor any lyrics as you see fit. A goal of this assignment is to analyze this messaging in the context of our theories and perspectives towards criminology and criminal justice.