Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a paper in which you explain how various approaches to public management, modes of decision-making and the structure of an organization might affect the ability of an organizations human resource management team to build diversity within a public organization. What other variables might also impact that effort? 

Write a conclusion in which you assess each the effect of each of those three approaches on diversity management in PA.

Must include the following sources and APSA Style:


Milakovich, Michael E. and George J. Gordon.  Latest edition.  Public Administration in America.  Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Shafritz, Jay M., and Albert C. Hyde, eds. Latest edition.  Classics of Public Administration.  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Style Manual: 

American Political Science Association.  2006.  Style Manual for Political Science. Washington, DC:  APSA.  The APSA manual will be posted on our site in the Syllabus folder.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a paper in which you explain how various approaches to public management, modes of decision-making and the structure of an organization might affect the ability of an organizations human resource management team to build diversity within a public organization. What other variables might also impact that effort? 

Write a conclusion in which you assess each the effect of each of those three approaches on diversity management in PA.

Must include the following sources and APSA Style:


Milakovich, Michael E. and George J. Gordon.  Latest edition.  Public Administration in America.  Belmont, CA:  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Shafritz, Jay M., and Albert C. Hyde, eds. Latest edition.  Classics of Public Administration.  Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Style Manual: 

American Political Science Association.  2006.  Style Manual for Political Science. Washington, DC:  APSA.  The APSA manual will be posted on our site in the Syllabus folder.

central park five

CASE STUDY: The Exonerated Five (Formerly Known as The Central Park Five) Case


1) You will require a Netflix Subscription for this assignment. Netflix movies can be viewed on your television, a laptop, or on your iPhone. If you are viewing the movie on your Smart Phone device, you will need to download the Netflix App.

2) Please view the movie, When They See Us (Only available on Netflix). This is 4-part series. You may want to space each episode out to process the content of the film. There is a lot of information and facts to integrate and analyze for your paper.

3) Your assignment is to write a 6 page  paper based on the famous Central Park Five case.  Using the 5 major criminology theories we have learned and discussed so far, I would like you to weigh the different factors of the case and apply the following criminology theories to the story when you think it is relevant:

1) Rational Choice Theory (based on Homo Economicus)

2) Biological Theory

3) Critical Criminology/ Critical Race Theory

4) Life Course Theory

5) Victimology

If you need to refresh your knowledge of these theories, please refer to your on-line materials for this class.

I) For When They See Us: Part I,

In the Spring of 1989, five boys of color were arrested, interrogated, and coerced into confessing to the attack of a woman in Central Park.

Questions to consider:

A) How did Get Tough on Crime (driven by Rational Choice Theory) impact the investigation of this case?

B) What were some of the major considerations impacting the victim in this case? (Victimology)

C) How did Life Course theory impact these five boys  during their interrogation, given that they were teenagers?

II) For When They See Us, Part 2

As the jogger case stirred tensions nationwide, the boys’ families and their lawyers prepared for a bitter legal battle against the City of New York.

Questions to Consider:

A) How would a Critical  Race Criminology perspective view the prosecution and defense of this case? What are some factors to consider?

B) How did media coverage influence this case?

C) Under biological theory, how did the use of DNA impact this case?

III) When They See Us, Part 3

The boys struggled with the difficult reality of life behind bars; years later, Raymond, Antron, Yusef and Kevin returned home as men in a world that has changed.

Questions to consider:

A) How would Life Course Theory describe the impact of wrongful conviction and imprisonment on these boys? What sort of losses and consequences did they suffer?

B) How would Life Course Theory describe the impact of wrongful imprisonment when they came out of prison? What changes did they go through as men. How did losing so many years to prison impact their future outlooks?

C) What sort of unique struggle did Antron have to endure with his father from a Life Course perspective?

D) How about Raymond? Under Life Course Theory, how was Raymond’s life impacted?

IV) When They See Us, Part 4

At age 16, Korey started a brutal journey through the adult prison system; a shocking turn of events revealed the truth of the crime, long ignored.

Questions to consider:

A) How did solitary confinement impact Korey? What were the physical and mental challenges of withstanding solitary confinement?

B) We know that Korey Was not even an original suspect in the case. He was entangled into the case because he went down to the precinct to make sure his friend Yusef was okay. From a Critical Criminology perspective, what would this say about the way Korey got roped into this case?

C) Under Life Course Theory, what are some of the long-term consequences of what happened to Korey?  What kind of struggles does he probably have to face as an adult now?

D) How could Victimology explain Koreys vulnerability in this situation?

This paper must be 6 pages, double spaced, and using Times New Roman 12 pt. font


Law Case Analysis

Read the case and prepare a five-page analysis of the case.  The analysis should include the following:

1.Names and description of the parties

2.Background as to how the case reached the court that issued the opinion.

3.Concise summary of the fact that gave rise to the case

4.Summary of the substantive legal question(s) to be decided, as framed by the Court. Note that often courts rule on procedural or jurisdictional issues before they get to the primary or substantive discussion. You do not have to discuss these unless you think they are relevant to the substance.

5.Summary of how the Court ruled on the primary substantive issue or issues.

6.Brief discussion of whether you agree or disagree with the Courts reasoning and/or decision, and why.

[Monroe Land Investments v Zoning Board of Adjustment and the City of Philadelphia, No. 571 CD (Comm.Ct. 2018).  Addresses the conditions for justifying or denying a special exception under a zoning code]

Business Law Cases

1. Walmart Case (Cheeseman, p. 188)

Please read the case and summarize the facts, and state the decisions of the U.S. district court, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme court in one sentence.

2. whistleblower statute (Cheesaman, p. 189)

Please read the case and briefly answer the critical legal thinking questions at the bottom of the document.

Please do not exceed one page for both case studies. Keep it short and simple and use only your own words. (No plagiarism)
*Please use simple English. English is my second language.*

Cross Cultural Methods of Test Measurements

Twomajor types of psychological tests listed in Chapter 1 of the textbook (Gregory, 2016).  Discuss the following issues as they relate to each type of test.  If you have taken or administered those tests in the past, you may discuss the issues as they relate to your testing experiences, but please dont provide the results of any tests that you have taken!  Note: The PowerPoint slide presentation (Hansen, 2013) may be helpful for an overview of tests and measurements.

1)    Behavior domain sampled by the test ***
2)    Prediction of nontest behavior***

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As all of you are no doubt aware, the introduction of body-worn cameras (BWCs) into law enforcement changed the profession entirely. Many will argue that they are not necessary and are only used as a “big brother” tool to second-guess an officer’s actions. Others contend that BWCs keep officers honest. Additionally, many officers welcome BWCs because it shows that, most of the time, their actions are justified under law and policy.

Take into consideration last week’s module concerning eyewitness accounts. It’s clear and undisputed that eyewitness accounts are not perfect. However, a police officer is a trained, experienced observer whose job it is to both observe accurately and report truthfully. This is why an officer’s eyewitness testimony on the stand is given more credibility than that of a lay witness (and this is included in jury instructions, as well). Now – enter the BWC. Is it not also an eyewitness to an incident, albeit an electronic one? If the officer testifies to a set of observations, but the BWC portrays it somewhat differently, is the officer lying? Is s/he no longer a credible witness? Is it a matter of perspective? And if so, is it the officer’s or the BWC’s perspective that is more credible? These are fundamental questions to evidence and testimony that are still not completely answered in law enforcement and research.

As far as “criminal justice information systems”, BWCs are now a primary tool in policing and provide a trove of information and evidence. Regardless of your career path in the criminal justice field, this topic is well worth exploring. Your assignment is to write a minimum of a 6-page paper on the topic of BWCs (formatting details below). In this paper, you will be addressing the topics listed hereafter in relation to BWCs. Also, for part of the paper, you are going to have to find an officer-involved shooting (OIS) video online in which the officer was wearing a BWC (likely YouTube, but other sources are certainly fine). You will be addressing the following topics as a comprehensive paper:

Topics to Address in Paper:

    History of Devices Recording Police Activity (in-car cameras, BWCs, others)
    Findings of BWC Research
    Potential Benefits of BWCs in Policing
    Potential Drawbacks of BWCs in Policing
    Summary of OIS Incident with BWC (to include a description of the circumstances surrounding the incident, statements the officers made about what happened, and what the BWC showed – it could match or be different than the officer’s account!)
    Relationship of Research/Benefits/Drawbacks (items #3-5) to the OIS (i.e., how did what you find in those items relate to the incident?)
    Summary & Conclusion

Format of Paper:

    Minimum of 6 pages (excluding the Reference Pge)
    Double-spaced, 12-type font
    Numbered pages
    Ensure all topics listed above are addressed
    Cite a minimum of six (6) sources in your paper using APA style (note: I am not the “APA-police” so I am not going to nit-pick if your APA style isn’t perfect; however, you have to make a valid attempt at it!). This does not include your citation for the OIS video. Therefore, seven (7) total citations.
    Separate reference page

Like all of my assignments, I expect you to have informed, thoughtful, and well-written work worthy of a class of this level. So far you have all been doing well with that but I am going to be more particular on these papers than “discussion posts”. Therefore, do your best work as a reflection of you!

Juvenile Delinquency

I need an annotated bibliography page for a paper on Juvenile Delinquency. It requires a minimum of 10 sources, five of which must be scholarly, peer reviewed sources. Must use APA style 7th edition and must be listed alphabetically rather than chronologically. Whomever take on this assignment, I will also like to write the research paper that it coincides with in a couple of weeks. I also have three other sources that I have chosen on my own to be added to the listed bibliography.

The Statutes

The Statutes

Research, review, and analyze Anti-Miscegenation Statutes in the United States and choose two relevant cases. Then, write a 45 page paper in which you:
Analyze and evaluate each case independently by providing the following (about two paragraphs per case):
Facts of the case.
Compare and contrast both cases in regard to the Anti-Miscegenation Statutes.
Analyze how this statute could have influenced Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) and the Fourteenth Amendment.
Explain the significance of this statute to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Research cases, laws, and other legal communications using the case approach to the U.S. legal system to assess legal decisions.

Capital Punishment and it Issues

Jesse James, a 20-year old, was arrested for killing a police officer. As a newly elected prosecutor, you are responsible for prosecuting Mr. James. You announce your decision not to seek the death penalty in this case, but under your states law, the offense charged is considered special circumstances, which would qualify as a death penalty case. Your decision does not sit well with the law enforcement community.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 9001,200 words:
List the various hearings that will typically occur and how the case is affected by each event.
Provide an overview of the various courts in the typical state system where Mr. James will appear and why he is appearing there, from arraignment to trial and the various levels of appeal. Be sure to provide specific information as it relates to any constitutional issues that may be raised at each stage in the process.
What are the potential hearings that might be involved in this case? Be sure to describe them from the time of arrest through appeal.
What are the relevant civil liberties issues pertaining to the 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments present in this case?
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.