Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please watch the following Tedx Talk from Steve Richards and discuss your insights and takeaways from this week’s speaker in a 1-2 page reflection paper (12-Font, Double-Spaced).

Papers must be a
MINIMUM of 1-page long and a MAXIMUM of 2-pages long. Please do you best to concisely
articulate your insights while still thoroughly addressing the topics at hand.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please watch the following Tedx Talk from Steve Richards and discuss your insights and takeaways from this week’s speaker in a 1-2 page reflection paper (12-Font, Double-Spaced).

Papers must be a
MINIMUM of 1-page long and a MAXIMUM of 2-pages long. Please do you best to concisely
articulate your insights while still thoroughly addressing the topics at hand.

Short Discussion

Briefly assess key arguments in support of Affirmative Action in public employment as well as those opposing views. Do they have merit? Do you there is a value to this kind of approach to human resource management and is it more or less important to public sector employment versus private sector employment? Why or Why not?

Public Policy, Policy Cycle, and Policy Theories

Public Policy, Policy Cycle, and Policy Theories

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

–Thomas Jefferson

Policy theories are academic models that seek to understand why some public policies are implemented or not implemented. Those concerned with an analysis of public policy use policy theories to understand the intersection of policy-making and public policy. Whereas there are many, many different policy theories; you will focus on elite theory, group theory, and institutional theory.

Elite theory is premised on the idea that a small group of elites affect public policies. These elites could further understand as political elites (important members of government, Washington insiders), social elites (movie stars, musicians, athletes, etc.), or economic elites (Wall Street, the 1%, etc.).
Group theory is premised on the idea that groups of individuals advocate a common, public policy concern, that then affects public policy. Groups span the political, economic, and social public policy spectrum. Here are a couple of groups that advocate particular, public policies: pro-choice advocates (Planned Parenthood), pro-life advocates (Susan B Anthony List), gun rights advocates (National Rifle Association), and gun control advocates (Everytown for Gun Safety).
Institutional theory is premised on the idea that institutions affect public policies. Whereas government (both in the capacity of federalism and the executive, legislative, and judicial branches) is typically the focus of institutional theorists; other institutions such as corporations, non-profits, political parties, etc., can also affect public policy. It is the collective interaction of these various institutions that results in policy formation. *See the Unit 4 Overview for a detailed example how Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) resulted from an amalgamation of institutional input.
Directions: Using the following outline template, craft a full sentence outline. Lumens Principles of Public Speaking has an excellent example of a full sentence outline. Please include the following:

Select two specific examples of public policy from one of the following fields:
Economic policy
An example of economic policy is U.S. budget deficit spending.
Education policy
An example of education policy is the implementation of national education standards.
Environmental policy
An example of environmental policy is the Clean Air Act.
Foreign policy
An example of foreign policy is how we conduct trade with other countries.
Healthcare policy
An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Welfare policy
An example of welfare policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
For each example, explain how this public policy can be analyzed by one of the following policy theories: elite theory, group theory, and/or institutional theory.
Why is your chosen policy choice better than the other theories?
Support your response with at least two different reasons.
What are the strengths and/or flaws of using this policy theory in your example?
Support your response with at least two different examples.
How does your chosen, policy theory inform the policy cycle in your example?
Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources.
Correct grammar and syntax.
APA format.
Minimum Submission Requirements

Full Sentence outline format utilized
APA formatting (including in-text citations and a separate Reference Page following the outline)
Three sources (including the class text and two additional outside sources)

punishments in the Texas court system

Paper requirements AJ 499:O1

Topic: Punishments in the criminal court system in the state of Texas (different types of felonies and punishment you can get for them through the court system.)

(1) Abstract: should include your research questions, the theory or theories that inform your research, the methods of data collection and analysis to be used, and what you believe you will find as a result of your study . (2) BODY: After you have identified a specific topic, you will then develop your own unique area of discussion and analysis: introduction, literature review, theory and methods. (3) Citations: You must use the APA guide for identifying authors cited in the text as well as the bibliography listing all sources used in alphabetical order. (4) Placement of graphs, figures, or tables: If you use graphs, figures, or tables in your paper, I would prefer that you note their location in the text, [TABLE 1 HERE], and compile all tables at the end of the paper. This is easier for both the writer and the reader. (5) Format: Papers must be type, double spaced, with one-inch side, top, and bottom margins and use a 12-point font. A cover page with the title and your name is sufficient. The minimum page requirement for the paper is 14 pages (NOTE: cover, reference, graphs, figures and, tables pages will not be counted as part of the 14 pages).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1- No need for any Citation as the information and everything needed will be provided by me and uploaded below.
2- I uploaded everything needed for this exercise.
3- Read all the files carefully.
4- Last file is the essay that you wrote me a few days ago. You will need the essay to answer the questions (A-C) after gathering the information needed for this exercise.

Evolutionary Angles

You may have a very different perception about what you thought of how criminal justice agencies are managed than before you took this course.

In 500  words or more, discuss how your perception has changed.  In particularily, how did it change? What do you know now that you have not before and how will it aide in helping you if you have a managerial job in a criminal justice agency?  What are some “red flags” you wil be on the look out for in agencies you apply to or become employed with?  What are some of the key things you will implement in the criminal justice agenct that you feel are beneficial and crucial for the agency to operate successfully?

You will only need to cite if you are taking information about specifics.  If so, please cite in proper APA format, with in text citations and references.

Dealing with Terrorism

Topic: Dealing with Terrorism

After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide at least 1 detailed example for each phase of emergency management as it would apply to dealing with terrorism. Include the 4 original phases (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery), and prevention. You may approach this from a micro or macro level in other words a local, state, regional, or a national level or a combination of them as you deem appropriate for each phase.

DB 4All Hazards vs. Terrorism? 510

Topic: All Hazards vs. Terrorism?

After having read the text and any additional research you choose, explain what all hazards means. Assess how all hazards and terrorism relate or do not relate when viewed from an overall homeland security/emergency management perspective. Should 1 take precedence over the other when it comes to disaster management? Why or why not? Be sure to consider the 4 phases of emergency management when answering this prompt.

DB 3 After Action Analysis and Best Practices Involving Interagency Operations

Topic: After Action Analysis and Best Practices Involving Interagency Operations

After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide an example of either a significant event or incident of whatever nature you choose where the operation was handled in an excellent or poor manner. The event you choose needs to be significant enough in size to have been reviewed and documented in ample writings. A detailed example of a best practice(s) you can point to regarding either a model policy (elements or details) such as mutual aid agreements (MOA) or memorandums of understanding (MOU), etc. that were in place must be discussed. If there was no such document or agreement then so state and provide what elements you think would have made for a good MOU or MOA that would have helped in the event you discussed. If you do not know if a MOA or MOU was in place and used, then assume it wasnt and proceed as such. Consider these things: what protocols or procedures should have been in place or were in place? What training or exercises took place or should have taken place? Did it appear NIMS and ICS where used as needed?