Category: Law

DB 1 510

Topic: Emergency Management Doctrine

Which phase of emergency management do you find most important and why: mitigation, preparedness, response, or recovery? Where should the emergency manager and his or her staff be housed within local government and why there? It is often found in various places such as a stand-alone agency, part of fire or police. What might it tell you based on where it is and the staffing level and resources allocated to the emergency management function? Next, where does an emergency operations center (EOC) and Fusion Center fit into the overall process. Finally, apply at least 1 biblical passage to the concept or practice of emergency management. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you.

Understanding Mitigation and Preparedness

Topic: Understanding Mitigation and Preparedness

Mitigation involves many elements including risk assessment and mitigation efforts, but prevention should come even before mitigation. Preparedness is another one of the four key emergency management functions. Preplanning is part of preparedness as well as response.

You have just been appointed the new emergency manager for your agency. Before you, no one did anything in this area. Your boss calls you in and wants to know where to start and what to do regarding these functional areas. (He or she is concerned with the agency itself, not so much the community or customers you serve at this point.)

Tell us what you would tell your boss and how would you go about this task. Be specific and detailed. 

Your boss is going to move forward based on what you tell him or her. This includes many things such as planning, resources, and budgeting. You only get one chance to get it right with your boss to start all of this off correctly. Be detailed. (For this post, you do not need to cover response and recovery functions.) What does the Bible say about mitigation and preparedness?

500-D01The Homeland Security Paradigm

Topic: The Homeland Security Paradigm

After 9/11, we created DHS and moved way from a Civil Defense paradigm. We also merged FEMA under DHS. This was the largest shakeup and reorganization of the government since WWII.  Since 9/11, the world has changed even more.

What homeland security related law or policy do you find most useful to the cause and why?
Should homeland security include what might be deemed emergency management functions or should it only focus on terrorism, and why?
What do you see as the 3 biggest threats/hazards to our homeland and why?
What does the Bible tell us about such things?

Term Paper: Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Juvenile Justice Administration (CRJU 325)

Term Paper: Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Write a 8-10 page paper (double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, APA style) on the assigned peer-reviewed journal article. Your paper should be a critical evaluation of empirical research, in this case a peer-reviewed journal article from the most recent issue of a leading criminal justice academic journal.

Your paper should address the following:

Section 1 Understanding Juvenile Delinquency (20% of grade): Describe the subject of this research. What are the researchers trying to accomplish with this study? What question(s) are they looking to answer? Explain how the researchers conducted their study. How did they gather data? What type of information did they gather? How does this data inform our understanding of juvenile delinquency? (2 pages maximum)

Section 2 Theories of Juvenile Delinquency (20% of grade): How do theories of juvenile delinquency help us understand this phenomenon? Discuss how micro-level, macro-level, and critical theories can help us understand the changes taking place in the juvenile justice system in response to COVID-19. Be specific. (2 pages minimum)

Section 3 The Social Contexts of Juvenile Delinquency (20% of grade): Discuss the findings from this research. Reflect on the impact of COVID-19 on two of the following: families, schools, peers, or drug use. What conclusions might we draw from this new information? (2 pages minimum)

Section 4 Responses to Juvenile Delinquency (20% of grade): Describe the protocols or procedures that have been adopted in the juvenile justice system during COVID-19. Reflect on changes to two of following: policing of juveniles, juvenile court processing, juvenile corrections, delinquency prevention, or rehabilitative/restorative programming. How do these changes relate to information from the course? (2 pages minimum)

Section 5: – Future Directions (20% of grade): How can we apply this information right now, during COVID-19? How might we use this information to create new juvenile justice policy or processes in the future? What might we study to expand upon current knowledge of this topic? What do you think is the next logical step in understanding this subject? Give your overall assessment of this academic article. What did you like about it? What do you wish had been done differently? (2 pages maximum)

Your paper should be free from spelling and grammar errors, demonstrating college-level writing ability. I expect you to take some time to review and edit your paper prior to turning it in. Excessive errors will result in an automatic loss of 20%. Please seek out assistance at the campus writing center (Links to an external site.) if you need feedback or help with the writing component of this assignment. Citations should follow APA style guidelines. MLA style is an acceptable substitution if used consistently.

TERM: Fall 2020

JOURNAL: American Journal of Criminal Justice

AUTHOR(S): M. Buchanan, E.D. Castro, M. Kushner, and M.D. Krohn

TITLE: Its F**ing Chaos: COVID-19s Impact on Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Juvenile Justice

Any topic (writer’s choice)

150 words minimum. Minimum 2 citations
Demonstrate a full understanding of the topic.

Topic: Cameras in the Courtroom Fourteen federal trial courts are taking part in the federal judiciary’s digital video pilot, which started July 18, 2011, and will evaluate the effect of cameras in courtrooms.
All 14 courts volunteered to participate in the 3-year experiment. Read an overview of the pilot and the history of cameras in the courtroom. United States Courts. (n.d.). History of cameras in courts.

In what ways might pretrial news coverage be damaging to the objective outcome of a criminal trial? Given the emphasis that society places on freedom of the press and freedom of speech, do you believe that judges should be allowed to issue gag rules restricting the ability of trial participants to discuss a case outside of court? Do you think video cameras should be permitted in criminal courtrooms? Why or why not? Use research to substantiate your thoughts and cite your sources using APA formatting.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

150 words minimum. Minimum 2 citations
Demonstrate a full understanding of the topic.

Topic: Cameras in the Courtroom Fourteen federal trial courts are taking part in the federal judiciary’s digital video pilot, which started July 18, 2011, and will evaluate the effect of cameras in courtrooms.
All 14 courts volunteered to participate in the 3-year experiment. Read an overview of the pilot and the history of cameras in the courtroom. United States Courts. (n.d.). History of cameras in courts.

In what ways might pretrial news coverage be damaging to the objective outcome of a criminal trial? Given the emphasis that society places on freedom of the press and freedom of speech, do you believe that judges should be allowed to issue gag rules restricting the ability of trial participants to discuss a case outside of court? Do you think video cameras should be permitted in criminal courtrooms? Why or why not? Use research to substantiate your thoughts and cite your sources using APA formatting.



Research Question: Does castration decrease resedivism rates among sex offenders? Hypothesis: Sex offenders who received any kind of castration will have lower rates of recidivism than offenders who did not receive castration.

Write your research question at the top of the page.
APA format required when citing.
Use at least 6 academic sources (journal/article/textbook) related to your
research question.
Each citation will require 2 paragraphs:
1. A brief overview of the academic journal/article/textbook;
2. How will this specific material help with your research?

  (Write your research question at the top of the page.)

Research Question: Does castration decrease resedivism rates among sex offenders?

Hypothesis: Sex offenders who received any kind of castration will have lower rates of recidivism than offenders who did not receive castration.  5-7 pages

State v. Jackson Annotate this Case 112 Wn.2d 867 (1989)

I need to write a case brief on the  “State v. Jackson” Case
112 Wn.2d 867 (1989). It is super easy stuff, but for my last cases i got 85, so i want to do one of them by professionals, so i can see what i am missing.
‘case brief is State v. Jackson, 112 Wash 2nd 867 (1989).  It must be in the proper format and explain fully facts and rationale.  It should be double spaced and a page to a page and a half.

Forensic Science

Make sure you have read the excerpt from The Killer of Little Shepherds about how Alexander Lacassagne went from basic anatomist to establishing standardized procedures for analysis and training.
1. What kind of biases might exist?
In modern day forensics, one school of thought is that forensic scientists working on the case should know as little context as possible, so as not to influence their reports. The excerpt mentions that Lacassagne told his students the background information about the case before they started their examination. Think about how this approach can bias a forensic scientist.

What kind of biases could this introduce? In other words, how could this influence what the students see on the body in regards to the potential crime committed? What other examples of context might the case investigator share and how might that lead to bias in the forensic scientist?