Category: Law

criminal investigations

You are a detective called to the scene of a homicide in an apartment building. The deceased is a young male who has been stabbed numerous times. The roommate of the deceased man is present in the room, his shirt is covered with blood, and there is a knife on the floor. Uniformed officers are guarding the doors and the roommate. There are four (4) important actions you must take; discuss each of these fully including how the actions should be taken, their importance, and consequences of not taking the actions

Foundations of criminal justice

*Answer the following discussion question:*

“Prosecutors have discretion concerning when to proceed with a case and when to drop charges.  Should a prosecutor drop a case if the victim does not want to testify but other evidence shows a crime was committed?  Use supporting details to make your points.”

Torts against Liability (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Instructions:  In your assigned pairs, complete this case.  For this Case, person A is the attorney for the plaintiff, person B is the attorney for the defense.  You will switch roles in the next Decide the Dispute Discussion Board. 

Based on the case information and in consideration of the posed questions, complete an opening statement that you would present to the court on behalf of your client (minimum 300 words, maximum 700 words).

Do you believe that the family of the child has a viable civil lawsuit against Disney? 

Identify the tort theories of liability and categories of damages that the family might pursue in this case, and discuss each of them, making sure to identify the elements of your causes of action, and claim for damages.

Are there any legal defenses that Disney is able to use in order to mitigate or diminish any possible award of damages?  Likewise, are there any legal doctrines that make it easier for the family to obtain money damages against Disney. 

In providing your initial statement, please remember that you are an advocate for either the family and Disney, and must state whether or not your client will be successful.    In your rebuttal to your partner, you must refute why the opposing party is not deserving of victory. 

Post your statement here for grading, and discussion.  Then find your partner’s original post and respond it it (minimum of two posts).  Your submission  will be graded based on the Decide the Dispute Participation Rubric.

To access this rubric, click the gear icon and choose “show rubric.”

death penalty

What effect did Hurst v. Florida and Perry v. Florida have on Florida’s Death Penalty? What is the state of Florida’s death penalty law after Poole v. State? In your opinion is it better for a defendant’s sentence of death or life to be decided by a jury or judge?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Mid-Term Assignment Book Review:
Zimring, Franklin.  (2012). The City That Became Safe: New Yorks Lessons or Urban Crime Control (Studies in Crime and Public Policy).  ISBN13# 978-0199324163.
Please conduct a critical review of the above book.
The review should not just include a summary of the book. It should also state what the book sets out to do and assess how well the author achieves that goal. You might therefore use the following questions to engage with the book and help you form your critical analysis:
    Objectives: what does the book set out to do?
    Theory: is there an explicit theoretical framework? If not, are there important theoretical assumptions?
    Concepts: what are the central concepts? Are they clearly defined?
    Argument: what is the central argument? Are there specific hypotheses?
    Method: what methods are employed to test these?
    Evidence: is evidence provided? How adequate is it?
    Values: are value positions clear or are they implicit?
    Literature: how does the work fit into the wider literature?
    Contribution: how well does the work advance our knowledge of the subject?
    Style: how clear is the author’s language/style/expression?
    Conclusion: a brief overall assessment.

All papers must be formatted in the APA citation method.  Students will use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for written assignments, as appropriate.  APA guidelines can be found on the John Jay College Library website by accessing this link:

All papers must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 font, double line spacing, justified. Complete in Microsoft Word format.
Length Required: Between 1500 and 2000 words in total.
Grade: This assignment counts as 25% of the overall grade for each student.

Medicaid and Reproductive Health

**No introduction needed**
– What is Medicaid?

– Overview of Reproductive Health (sexual, maternal, infant health, etc)
-Reproductive Health in the United States and how it compares to other developed countries similar to the US
-How does Medicaid effect (positive and negative) and contribute to Reproductive health
-Women’s rights in Reproductive health
-Describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of Medicaid in regard to reproductive health in the US
-Any other relevant information

*Written in a scholarly manner
*Organized in a clear and systematic manner
*Define terms as appropriate
*ONLY use credible sources

various programs created attempting to curb the use of drugs worldwide

There have been various programs created attempting to curb the use of drugs worldwide. Please discuss the various programs in our country and at least two other countries mentioned in the chapter.  What have been the results and what have been the unforeseen problems of some of these programs.  Do you have any suggestions for alternatives to these ideas?

criminal justice

Please answer the following questions in detail and include references if possible thanks

1.  Discuss the purpose of bail.  This well-written answer needs to include a discussion of the Eighth Amendment.

2.  Describe the difference between a lay and expert witness.

3.  What is the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence.

4.  If a defendant is found not guilty of a murder, can he be retried if he confesses to the act after the trial and produces the murder weapon from it’s hiding place?  Explain.

5.  What is the purpose of voir dire.

criminal justice

Please answer the following questions in detail and provide reference if used

1.  Discuss the purpose of bail.  This well-written answer needs to include a discussion of the Eighth Amendment.

2.  Describe the difference between a lay and expert witness.

3.  What is the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence.

4.  If a defendant is found not guilty of a murder, can he be retried if he confesses to the act after the trial and produces the murder weapon from it’s hiding place?  Explain.

5.  What is the purpose of voir dire.

Restorative justice and higher education

This assignment will allow you to further explore programs that are the future of juvenile justice. To begin, access and read the following article:

Keena, L. (2015). Restorative justice and higher education: The interactive classroom. Corrections Today, 77(3), 54-59.

After reading the article, submit an article review summarizing the article. Please include the following components in your article review:

Provide a title page.
Provide a short introduction of the article to include the main idea(s).
Include the purpose of this article.
Provide an evaluation of the article:
Is the main idea important?
Does this article relate to juvenile delinquency; why, or why not?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?
Was it well written, organized, and easy to understand?
Who is the intended audience?
Is the article supported by evidence?
Did the author forget anything?
Your article review must be a minimum of two pages.