Category: Law

Homeland Security

One of the most debated products of the War on Terror is the USA PATRIOT Act at:

Assess this Act on the trade-off between security and civil rights.

Has this Act been effective, equal, and ethical?

Does the Freedom Act of 2015 correct any of these issues?

Memo Writing

NOTE: Narrow the memo down! The memo should be focused on what both countries are doing, or should do, or have failed to do bilaterally and not as individual countries.  Provide in depth and concise information and data, and try to quantify some of the information. You can use the Eightfold path as a guide in writing the memo


Read the case file from Brandl, Criminal Investigations, He Hit Her Until She Fell . . . and That Was Just the Beginning starting on page 363 of your textbook. Then consider if you were the criminal investigator assigned to investigate this case, what interview questions would you have asked the witnesses and why?

With more than two months left in 2020, Kansas City broke its record for homicides Thursday night when two people were killed in separate shootings, leaving 156 victims this year. The total includes seven fatal police shootings.  Throughout the metro, 226 people have been killed as of Friday afternoon, including 42 homicide victims this year in Kansas City, Kansas.

In previous years, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker said she has known about every act of violence in the city. But in 2020, it has been just almost impossible to keep tabs on the relentless number of slayings.

The single-year record in total homicides was previously set in 2017, when 155 people were killed, according to data kept by The Star, which includes four fatal police shootings.  n addition to breaking the homicide record, nonfatal shootings have spiked at an alarming rate. As of Oct. 11, 516 people have been shot and survived this year in Kansas City, compared to 401 by that time last year, according to police data.  By comparison, 2019 ended with 491 living gunshot victims; 2018 with 450; and 2017 with 506.  Baker called the number of living victims this year absolutely breathtaking.  Of them, eight of were under the age of 10. Another 20 were between the ages of 11 and 15. The city is also on pace to break the record for the rate at which people are slain.

Millions of Americans filed for unemployment as COVID-19 closed businesses, creating financial strains. Killings tend to occur in the spur of the moment, and when people are stressed, the chances of violence rise. More people have also been questioning the fairness of the criminal justice system, particularly of the police, in the fallout of the officer killings of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville. When people dont feel that the criminal justice system is fair, theyre less likely to participate, as victims or witnesses, and more likely to take matters into their own hands.  That lack of trust is evident in one of the police departments statistics: about 70% of surviving gunshot victims are not willing to assist detectives.

What are your thoughts on these troubling statistics and mistrust?  Do you feel that there is a need for reform, reconciliation?  What are your suggestions in mending the trust between the community and police officers?

Criminal Justice

As a criminal justice professional, report writing is an important aspect of your responsibilities. For this assignment, you will review a scenario and complete a report commonly found within a particular criminal justice profession.
Review the four (4) options below and choose one option to complete this assignment. For your chosen option, review the associated scenario and complete the provided report template:
Option 1: Law Enforcement Officer
Scenario: Watch and take notes on the video scenario: CJ in Practice Video: Traffic Stop
Report Template: Assume that an arrest is made in the scenario and complete the Arrest Report.
Option 2: Adult Parole and Probation Officer
Scenario: Read the Lindsey Nahol Scenario below:
The defendant, Lindsey Nahol, entered Sparkle Jewelry and asked the sales clerk to show her several pieces of expensive jewelry.  When the clerk turned his back, the defendant slipped a diamond necklace into her purse and walked towards the exit.  When the security guard attempted to stop the defendant, she kicked and scratched the security guard.  With help from the store clerk, the security guard restrained the defendant and held her in a room until the local police arrived.  The local police officer placed her under arrest for robbery.  Ms. Nahol has been in jail for 60 days, and has plead guilty to robbery and assault and battery.  Before imposing sentencing, Judge Fairmont ask for a pre-sentence investigation or report. 
The pre-sentence investigation reveals that Ms. Nahol, now 30, has been involved in the criminal justice system since she was 14, when she was adjudicated for car theft, for which she was placed on juvenile probation.  However, she violated her probation, however, upon reinstatement of the probation, she successfully completed a 36-month probational term.  As an adult, Ms. Nahol has been sentenced three previous times, as an adult, for various crimes including shoplifting, burglary and possession of a controlled substance.  She successfully completed her probation for these offenses one year ago.  Ms. Nahol states that she stole the car when she was 14 because she wanted her friends to think that she was cool and not a nerd.  She states that this is also the reason why she started using drugs.  As for the security officer, during the interview, Ms. Nahol stated that she was defending herself and standing her ground, because the security guard grabbed her first, when he was trying to prevent her from leaving the store.
Ms. Nahol has her high school diploma; she has not spoken to any of her family members in more than a year.  But states that she is very close friends who let her crash at their house anytime she wants.  She spends her time thinking about her future and is interested in earning her degree in criminal justice from Strayer University and after obtaining her degree she wants to be a juvenile probation officer.
The prosecutor has asked for five (5) years in prison, followed by five (5) years of probation.  The defense attorney has asked for time served and two years of probation.
Report Template: Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (Adult)
Option 3: Juvenile Parole and Probation Officer
Scenario: Watch and take notes on the video scenario: CJ in Practice: Juvenile Detention
Report Template: Pre-Sentence Investigation Report (Juvenile)
Option 4: Criminal Investigator
Scenario: Read A Mutilation Murder Case on page 670 of your textbook.
Report Template: Crime Scene Investigation Report
Once you have chosen one of the options above and reviewed the scenario and required report template, complete the report template in which you:
Fill out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario.
Fill out the report in its entirety by making the necessary assumptions and/or creating the facts that are not included in the scenario.
Articulate the circumstances of the scenario in the narrative portion of the report, as appropriate.
Use concise and clear language and an appropriate tone of voice to communicate the factual information effectively.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For your final exam, you will pick TWO of the FOUR questions below and address them in an essay submission of approximately 1,250 words in length (approximately 5 pages of double-spaced and 12 point font of text, not including the cover and reference pages):

1.A critical 21st century challenge will be maintaining and reinforcing the critical relationship between government, military and people specified by Clausewitzs holy trinity a function that has sustained increased pressures from Americas wars and extensive ongoing military commitments. In your analysis, what are the most critical problems (and the sources of these problems) regarding the relationship between the United States government, its armed forces and the people? What remedies do you prescribe to improve the nature of this critical relationship?

2. How would you describe the key features of the emerging global security environment of the 21st century? Which of these do you consider to be the most critical to American national security-and in what ways do they complicate policymaking? What, in your view, are the most important advantages and deficits the United States holds in this security environment?

3. Politics in the United States has been described as an invitation to struggle between the president and Congress, yet the evolution of power has placed the president in a clearly dominant position in national security affairs. What, in your analysis, have been the principle factors leading to executive dominance in national security? What are the most important Congressional roles in policymaking? Are there any instances or areas of policymaking where you would argue that Congressional activity has been detrimental to the provision of national security? Do you agree with those that claim Congress needs to reassert its Constitutional authority in the realm of national security? Why or why not?

4. In the United States, military leaders are not asked by political leaders when and where to go to war, and civilian control of the armed forces has always been a central feature of American democracy; some contemporary observers however argue that there is a developing crisis of civil-military relations. To the extent that this is true, what would you specify as the most obvious manifestations of this crisis? The causes and severity of these problems? How can American society best ensure that the armed forces remain subordinate to civilian authority while retaining the ability to respond to a wide range of security challenges?

criminal justice

1.What does earning “good time” mean?
2.What rights does an inmate have at a parole release hearing?
3.Describe the three categories of executive clemency powers enjoyed by the president and governors.
4.What are the two basic models for administering parole?
5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two basic models for administering parole?
6.Determine which model you think is better. Explain your answer.


A local municipality expects to close its landfill in one year, and it has decided to adopt a thermal technology for the treatment of its municipal solid waste. The city needs your help to choose between a traditional municipal waste incinerator and a pyrolysis unit. As a solid waste professional, you have been hired by the city council to provide an analysis of these two technologies.
You are tasked with preparing an executive summary that compares the two technologies. Your summary should contain the following items:
a short description of the technologies, their advantages and disadvantages, their waste products, and their economics;
the fundamental science and engineering principles of solid waste management that are involved;
the laws or standards that factor into your decision; 
how your decision will affect the population of the community; and
your recommendation and rationale to the city.
Your executive summary should be a minimum of three pages in length.

Criminal Justice: Theory in Practice

1) What factors may influence both true/false positives and false negatives? (e.g., social, psychological, and biological backgrounds, education, etc. (Chapter 4)

2) Given the limited impact of the exclusionary rule on crime fighting and Miranda on conviction rates, what purposes do they serve? (Chapter 5)

3) Discuss the deterrent effect of the death penalty. Does it work? Aside from jail time and fines, how would you suggest we try to deter people from committing crimes? (Chapter 6)

Book: Sense and Nonsense About Crime, Drugs and Communities by Samuel Walker

Medicaid and Reproductive Health

**Questions that need to be answered***
Analyze and evaluate:
-What is Medicaid?
-Overview of Reproductive Health and how it is in the United States.
-Compare Reproductive Health in the United States to other developed countries.
-How does Medicaid effect and contribute Reproductive Health?
-How does Medicaid help and hinder Reproductive Health?
-Any additional information, examples, etc.
-Describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of Medicaid in terms of Reproductive Health in the United States.

Assignment was written in a scholarly manner using AMA 10th Edition or APA 6th Edition format.
Work was free of grammatical and typographical errors.
Organized the paper in a clear and systematic manner.
Defined terms as appropriate.
Demonstrated a thorough understanding of the topic.
Included an effective introduction and conclusion.
Length of paper is approximately 10-12 pages, not including title page, references or appendices
****ONLY use credible sources****

Legal Studies

Answer the following questions. Your answers should summarize the topics covered by the questions. (I do not need the question rewritten on my requested essay paper. Just the number and answer)

1.What is the purpose of the Sexual Offender Registry Board?
Explain the levels of classification?

2.Explain the termination of parental rights proceedings. What must the Court find in order to terminate parental rights?

3. What is a 209A Order? What must the Court find in deciding whether to issue a 209A Order?

4.What are the protections afforded by Chap. 151B? What is a hostile work environment?

5.Explain the duty of care in a civil lawsuit. What factors are considered in awarding damages in a personal injury civil case?

6. What is a preliminary injunction? What must a judge consider in deciding whether to issue a preliminary injunction?