Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Has your understanding of ethics in business changed since beginning the course? What about your thinking on sustainability related issues? Critically reflect on your learning this term and address the following questions and include any other thoughts you have on all we have covered during this course.

What does it mean to you to be ethical?
What role does sustainability have in connection with the way you think about behaving ethically?
Do you anticipate ethical challenges as you go forward in your career?
What resources and tools will you utilize to help you when you face these challenges?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose a company and research how it defines and interprets CSR. In your post discuss these things, as well as outlining one or more of its major CSR efforts. At this point in the course, you are very familiar with outlining a case – you should apply these skills to this discussion. For the company you choose, write up a short case report on the company and how it sees the concept of ‘doing well by doing good.” To see a ranking of large companies who practice CSR, see Sustainable Brands. (2015, Sept. 21). Google, BMW, Disney, Microsoft once again tops list of best CSR reputations.  Please have at least 6 cited references

Discussion Prompt

Some scholars have argued that the best people to help others change are those who have had the same experience, referred to as “wounded healers. ” This could apply to people recovering from addiction, and/or those who are formerly incarcerated. Do people respond better when the person guiding and helping them has walked in their shoes before? Why or why not?

Choose two of the following crime theories groups: Biological Theories, Social Control Theories, Social Process Theories, Social Conflict Theories, Trait Theories, Developmental Theories, Cognitive Theories Answer the following questions: 1. Discuss w

For compare and contrast assignmentsPaste and post the question.In APA formatted paragraphs (in-text cites needed) answer the question posed.References for the whole essay are on a separate page at the end of the paper in APA format.
Answer each of the following essay questions.
Choose two of the following crime theories groups:

Biological Theories, Social Control Theories, Social Process Theories, Social Conflict Theories, Trait Theories, Developmental Theories, Cognitive Theories

Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss what each group is and which theories belong in the groups you have chosen.

              Group 1:

              Group 2:

2. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the two groups.

3. Choose two theories within each group. Compare and contrast the two theories to each other.

Group 1, Theory 1:

Group 1, Theory 2


Group 2, Theory 1:

Group 3, Theory 2:


4. Review this Link (Links to an external site.). Choose two crime typologies. Discuss them to include the similarities and differences. Identify examples of each of the typologies and how they would be used in current criminal justice agencies.


The term paper consists of two parts:

Part 1 – Select a domestic or international terrorist organization that threatens the U.S. homeland and complete a profile of that organization. The group profile should be approximately 50 percent of the final paper and must include a discussion of the group’s ideology, targeting, tactics, capability, and overall goals, analysis of attacks, and any statements or propaganda released by the group. Make sure you have enough information on the group to address all these factors and how it affects the US homeland.

A foreign terrorist group for this project must be on the official list of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) maintained by the U.S. Department of State. In the case of domestic terrorist groups, there is no sanctioned list from which to choose, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has made significant arrests from several groups that would fit the description of a domestic terrorist group. The FBI also names many other groups in congressional testimony. Materials presented in the first module, as well as recent news and congressional testimony, are good sources of information on how to identify domestic groups for this project.

Part 2 – Use the group profile to conduct an analysis of one or more U.S. homeland security policies studied in module 2, to assess the ability of the policy or policies to counter the threat posed by the group profiled. This analysis should begin with an introduction and explanation of the policy, followed by an analysis addressing the breadth of the information (from part 1) gathered on that terrorist group. The policy you analyze should be consistent with the group; for example, if you choose a domestic terrorist group, it would be improper to analyze the Secure Border Initiative and its ability to counter a domestic threat, because the members of the group are already within the nation’s borders. If you find the policy deficient, make specific recommendations for policy change to counter the threat. If you deem the policy sufficient to counter the threat, explain the rationale for your conclusion.

Your finished project, including both elements of the paper, should be approximately 12 to 14 double-spaced pages, not including the cover or reference pages but including the abstract, submitted as one document. Make sure you present an introduction and a conclusion tying together both aspects of the paper.

law enforcement use of genealogy databases

Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced

Document saved as a docx file

Cover Page

minimum of 1,000 words of content
Reference Page with at least five sources 

Research paper about injustices of using the genealogy databases by law enforcement

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a report based on the information below. Make sure you include the things you would photograph and the items you would collect. List them, describe them, and explain the method used to collect and package the evidence. Also. anything you would process and how you would process it. Use the resources from the textbook to make sure everything important is included. This report should be written as if you were the crime scene investigator responding to the scene and writing the report. Feel free to add additional information to the scenario if it helps you out.

There has been a burglary at the Burger King located at 3993 W. Torch Street, Yourtown, Indiana. The burglary was discovered by the manager, Ben Bear, at 0600 hours on June 1, 2008. When he arrived at work he noticed the rear door had been pried open. There was a crowbar on the ground next to the door. He then called 911, and Officer Smith arrived and took the original report. The weather is cool, 64 degrees F with light rain. Dispatch has assigned you to the burglary. You are to meet Officer Smith at the scene. He has secured the scene and is standing by waiting for you. Upon arrival, Officer Smith advises you that the rear door had been pried open to gain entry. The money is kept in a safe, but the perpetrators did not try to open it. Some damage was done in the counter area. Some food is missing but, as far as the manager can tell, nothing else is missing.

Recidivism Rates for Sex Offenders

The paper should be a literature review of the topic, with a minimum of 10 academic studies/articles considered.  None of these can be material that has been assigned as class reading.  The paper should be in correct APA format and will be graded on content, writing style, grammar, and citation and reference format. 

The paper should be a minimum of 15 pages of text.  Text includes only the body of the paper and does NOT include the cover page, abstract, reference list, or any figures or tables (which should be attached  as  appendices  to  the  paper,  not  in  the  body  of  the  paper).    The paper should be double spaced, in no larger than 12 point font and have no margins larger than 1 inch. 

The paper should do a minimum of 3 things:

1. Define or introduce the issue/topic being considered and why it is important to consider this issue/topic

2. Review the research on the issue/topic (minimum of 10 academic studies considered).

3. Describe  the  conclusions  that  can  be  drawn  about  the  issue/topic  based  on  the  research  reviewed.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a report based on the information below. Make sure you include the things you would photograph and the items you would collect. List them, describe them, and explain the method used to collect and package the evidence. Also. anything you would process and how you would process it. Use the resources from the textbook to make sure everything important is included. This report should be written as if you were the crime scene investigator responding to the scene and writing the report. Feel free to add additional information to the scenario if it helps you out.

There has been a burglary at the Burger King located at 3993 W. Torch Street, Yourtown, Indiana. The burglary was discovered by the manager, Ben Bear, at 0600 hours on June 1, 2008. When he arrived at work he noticed the rear door had been pried open. There was a crowbar on the ground next to the door. He then called 911, and Officer Smith arrived and took the original report. The weather is cool, 64 degrees F with light rain. Dispatch has assigned you to the burglary. You are to meet Officer Smith at the scene. He has secured the scene and is standing by waiting for you. Upon arrival, Officer Smith advises you that the rear door had been pried open to gain entry. The money is kept in a safe, but the perpetrators did not try to open it. Some damage was done in the counter area. Some food is missing but, as far as the manager can tell, nothing else is missing.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a report based on the information below. Make sure you include the things you would photograph and the items you would collect. List them, describe them, and explain the method used to collect and package the evidence. Also. anything you would process and how you would process it. Use the resources from the textbook to make sure everything important is included. This report should be written as if you were the crime scene investigator responding to the scene and writing the report. Feel free to add additional information to the scenario if it helps you out.

There has been a burglary at the Burger King located at 3993 W. Torch Street, Yourtown, Indiana. The burglary was discovered by the manager, Ben Bear, at 0600 hours on June 1, 2008. When he arrived at work he noticed the rear door had been pried open. There was a crowbar on the ground next to the door. He then called 911, and Officer Smith arrived and took the original report. The weather is cool, 64 degrees F with light rain. Dispatch has assigned you to the burglary. You are to meet Officer Smith at the scene. He has secured the scene and is standing by waiting for you. Upon arrival, Officer Smith advises you that the rear door had been pried open to gain entry. The money is kept in a safe, but the perpetrators did not try to open it. Some damage was done in the counter area. Some food is missing but, as far as the manager can tell, nothing else is missing.