Category: Law

Social Learning Theory

It is important that you adhere to APA guidelines (this cannot be stressed enough). These assignments will be graded not only on content and application, but also on grammar, structure, and plagiarism. Papers should be typed, LIMITED to 5 PAGES (not including a title page and bibliography), double-spaced, and use a 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Also, writing is an important skill that needs to be demonstrated in this course.

This is graduate-level writing.

For Paper 3, you need to answer the prompt below and fully respond to the question. You need to incorporate the sources provided as well as any other scholarly research that you find is relevant to the topic. All papers are due by the date and time listed in the course calendar.
    Haynie, D., & Osgood, D. (2005). Reconsidering Peers and Delinquency: How do Peers Matter?     Social Forces, 84(2), 1109-1130.
    Brauer, J. R., & Tittle, C. R. (2012). Social Learning Theory and Human Reinforcement.     Sociological Spectrum, 32, 157-177.
    Miller, H. V. (2010). If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Delinquent peers     and susceptibility to peer influence. Justice Quarterly, 27(4), 473-491.

Social Learning Theory
1.    Learning theories have observed extensive development over the past century, and Social Learning Theory has become recognized as one of the leading micro-level explanations for delinquent and/or criminal behavior. For this assignment, you are expected to do the following:
a.    Describe where Akers Social Learning Theory stems from (i.e., the historical background and authors), and discuss the main propositions associated with the Akers theory (hint you should refer to Sutherlands Differential Association Theory).
i.    Additionally, you are expected to specifically discuss what causes crime based on the theory, and you should identify and discuss the key concepts and causal process associated with the theoretical framework.
b.    You are also expected to discuss practical policy implications associated with the theoretical framework that are useful in reducing delinquent/criminal behavior.
c.    Finally, you are expected to draw from current empirical literature which has incorporated tests of the theory and provide a brief overview of the current status of social learning theory within the context of delinquent involvement.

Mythbusters and Null Hypotheses

One of the funniest episodes of the Mythbusters is also one that is full of different experiments and hypothesis testing examples. Adam and Jaime try 4 different techniques for sobering up and make conclusions either busted (i.e., fail to reject the null) or plausible (i.e., reject the null) about each. Do you agree with their conclusions? Which ones do you agree with? Why do you agree or disagree?

part 1:

part 2:

National Gang Threat

The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages of text (doesnt include cover page or reference page). The paper should be double spaced and have margins no larger than 1 inch. Use appropriate APA format for all aspects of the paper. You do not need to include an abstract. Be sure to address all aspects of the assigned question. In order to fully address the question for the assignment, you will need to make reference to the textbook.

You should cite where appropriate within the paper and have a reference page. You may use outside resources to complete the paper, but you are not required to. If you do use outside sources, be sure to cite and reference appropriately. Your grade will be based on both the content and format of the paper. The readings in this module (CHAPTER 9 to CHAPTER 15)

Drawing from the most recent National Gang Report, identify the different types of gangs and compare and contrast their goals and operations.  Which type of gang do you believe poses the biggest threat to the U.S.? 

Text required: Maguire, M. & Okada, D. (2015). Critical issues in crime and justice: Thought, policy, and practice.  2nd ed.

Readings required:
Chapter 9 – Media
Chapter 11 – Gangs
Chapter 12 Sex Crimes
Chapter 13 – Terrorism
Chapter 14 Cyber Criminology
Chapter 15 Comparative CJ

National Gang Threat

The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages of text (doesnt include cover page or reference page). The paper should be double spaced and have margins no larger than 1 inch. Use appropriate APA format for all aspects of the paper. You do not need to include an abstract. Be sure to address all aspects of the assigned question. In order to fully address the question for the assignment, you will need to make reference to the textbook.

You should cite where appropriate within the paper and have a reference page. You may use outside resources to complete the paper, but you are not required to. If you do use outside sources, be sure to cite and reference appropriately. Your grade will be based on both the content and format of the paper. The readings in this module (CHAPTER 9 to CHAPTER 15)

Drawing from the most recent National Gang Report, identify the different types of gangs and compare and contrast their goals and operations.  Which type of gang do you believe poses the biggest threat to the U.S.? 

Text required: Maguire, M. & Okada, D. (2015). Critical issues in crime and justice: Thought, policy, and practice.  2nd ed.

Readings required:
Chapter 9 – Media
Chapter 11 – Gangs
Chapter 12 Sex Crimes
Chapter 13 – Terrorism
Chapter 14 Cyber Criminology
Chapter 15 Comparative CJ

Crimes and Technology

Minimum 200 words, 4 citations, and one engaging question regarding the topic.  APA 6

Topic: High-Technology Crimes
Historically speaking, how have advances in technology affected society and criminal activity?
What new kinds of crimes have technological advances made possible?
Distinguish between new types of crimes produced by advancing technology and new ways of committing old crimes that have been facilitated by emerging technologies.


Respond to EACH question with a 75- to 100-word response.
Incorporate succinct and comprehensive information by a minimum of 2 citing examples of various models, laws, and justice theories for each of your answers. 
1.    What is due process?
2.    Why is due process such a central notion in American criminal justice?
3.    What would the justice system be like without due process?
4.    Would you want to live in a society that did not guarantee due process rights?
5.    How has technology affected due process in the United States during the past century?
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:
    Include a cover page and references page in 10- to 12-point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable)
    Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained
    Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
    Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful
    Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
    Appropriate citation style should be followed
You should also make sure to:
    Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.
    Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level. communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
    Use examples to support your discussion.
    Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite within the body of your paper using APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools.

History of American Court System, State Court System with Hierarchy, Federal Court System with Hierarchy, U.S. Supreme Court

This paper should be four pages, not including cover page or reference page. Papers
should be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font, and in APA
format per the 6th edition of the manual. If you pick any other topic for your paper, you will earn 0 for paper. You need to
give minimum 3 scholarly journal references and must cite 2 cases relevant to your
topic from the book with detailed information. Dont use any internet sources but you
need to use journal articles or text book as sources. If you use only internet sources
4 without in text citation and journal articles and cases, you will not earn A or B in
your paper. Total points for the paper is 10 and it is 10% of the total grade.
Points will be deducted for serious errors and no references, no minimum pages in
your paper and if there is no two relevant cases to your topic.
The topic for the paper is given below in the syllabus. You need to write the findings of
the article or decision of the court to support your writings.

legislation that impact US maritime security

There are two significant pieces of legislation that impact maritime security in the United States. These include the Maritime Transportation Security Act 2002 and the S.A.F.E. Port Act of 2006.
For this assignment, you are to conduct a graduate level Legislative Critique of these two pieces of legislation. To do this critique, perform the following steps:
1.    Obtain a copy of the piece of legislation to be examined (MTSA and S.A.F.E. Port Act of 2006).
2.    Collect and analyze news media reports on the legislation.
3.    Collect and analyze any other critiques of the legislation. (i.e. Think tanks, academics, etc.)
4.    Collect and analyze available witness testimony with regard to the legislation.
To compose a legislative critique, students should compose an analysis based upon the following points:

    Provide a brief legislative history of the Bills. (No more than 500 words)
    Determine if the Bills focus was introduced in the past under a different name and/or format. If so, evaluate why the legislation was discarded.
    Summarize the main points of each bill in your own words (but supported by citation as appropriate)
    Evaluate and categorize the strengths and weaknesses of the individual legislation, then compared against each other.

    Conclude with a final assessment of both pieces of legislation including SPECIFIC recommendations that could be considered to enhance the security framework that has been established. These recommendations need to be as specific as possible JUSTIFY why you believe this should be considered.

Technical Requirements
    Your paper must be at a minimum of 6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
    Scholarly and credible references should be used.
    Provide 5-8 quality references as support.
    Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.


There are three optinal topic to choose, and this assignment need a draft due in Oct-25, and the final paper is due in Nov-22. The specific description of this assignment is in the upload additional materials and please read that carefully. The most important thing right now is the draft with a coming deadline.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Pick a social, cultural, environmental, or economic issue or problem (not COVID-19) affecting a country in Europe, or several countries in Europe, right now and assess it in detail using the following as guides:
Clearly identify the issue (e.g., pollution of lakes in the Austrian Alps or wild dogs injuring villagers in Romania)
Identify the country or countries.
What is the essence of the problem?
What is at the root of the problem?
What different perspectives can you provide to help explain the problem?
Are there diverging perspectives? Different sides or viewpoints? If so, what are they?What are your personal suggestions for helping fix the problem?
Make a connection between this situation and tourism. Is it caused by tourism? Does it affect tourism? Etc.