Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Pick a social, cultural, environmental, or economic issue or problem (not COVID-19) affecting a country in Europe, or several countries in Europe, right now and assess it in detail using the following as guides:
Clearly identify the issue (e.g., pollution of lakes in the Austrian Alps or wild dogs injuring villagers in Romania)
Identify the country or countries.
What is the essence of the problem?
What is at the root of the problem?
What different perspectives can you provide to help explain the problem?
Are there diverging perspectives? Different sides or viewpoints? If so, what are they?What are your personal suggestions for helping fix the problem?
Make a connection between this situation and tourism. Is it caused by tourism? Does it affect tourism? Etc.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Pick a social, cultural, environmental, or economic issue or problem (not COVID-19) affecting a country in Europe, or several countries in Europe, right now and assess it in detail using the following as guides:
Clearly identify the issue (e.g., pollution of lakes in the Austrian Alps or wild dogs injuring villagers in Romania)
Identify the country or countries.
What is the essence of the problem?
What is at the root of the problem?
What different perspectives can you provide to help explain the problem?
Are there diverging perspectives? Different sides or viewpoints? If so, what are they?What are your personal suggestions for helping fix the problem?
Make a connection between this situation and tourism. Is it caused by tourism? Does it affect tourism? Etc.




    What are the facts of the Weinstein case?
    According to the Frontline Documentary, what made Harvey Weinstein invincible?
    According to the Frontline Documentary, what was Harvey Weinstein’s first film?
    Should those who remained silent, like Paul Webster, Quentin Tarantino, or the Media, be considered “accomplices” of sexual assault? Should the Court’s consider Weinstein’s power?

What is your opinion about industrial forest plantations?

  In no less than 150 and no more than 300 words, express your opinion on whether industrial forest plantations are good, neutral or bad, if they have a place in today’s forestry sector, if they can or cannot coexist with natural forests, and/or any other aspect relevant to this discussion.  You must publish your main post before you are able to see those from your classmates, after which respectful follow-ups or replies are welcome (but not required).  Your grade will be based on 1) the quality of your writing (i.e. clarity to convey your ideas), 2) depth of your comments and 3) justification for your arguments (each worth 1 point; up to 1 point will be taken off if the length of the post below 150 or above 300 words).  You will not be judged based on your opinion, but opinions must be sustained with coherent and factual arguments.  You are allowed and encouraged to consult the literature to provide an informed decision, but references are not necessary given that your post must be kept at the big-picture level (you will still be checked for plagiarism so just make sure your post is yours, word by word).  Enjoy!

Right to Nationality

” Please avoid Plarigism, our uni have strick rule with its assignments failer”
Wikipedia Entry to the Right to Nationality with 4 primary sources and 4 secondary sources ‘hyperlinks URL or footnotes” 1000 word
something exactly like this:
Primary sources: ” examples mentioned by our prof”
UN treaty
UN convenient
The judgment of the European human right court
Report by a special reporter

Secondary source: ” I mainly putting examples”
Comment on academics on general comment is a secondary source, a journal, a book like
secondary source, they wanna know what they have to read in Wikipedia entry
focusing on the definitions, who are the stateless person and statelessness, critics, opinions of academics on the journal of European, and so on.

criminal justice

You are an adviser to a newly-elected state legislator with no experience in criminal justice. She has been appointed to the legislature’s Committee on Crime and Criminal Justice and needs an education concerning contemporary issues in law enforcement.
In a memo, explain to her the three levels of law enforcement and tell her how local police and private security personnel have new roles in homeland security.
How must the three levels of law enforcement work together on this mission? Should she press for federal funding for local agencies in doing so? Should local police and private security personnel have roles in intelligence-gathering that may not have a relationship to specific criminal activity?

Study research

I need to write a Study essay.

I plan to study in the US for an LLM and in order to get the scholarship I need to write this following ;

A carefully prepared statement, of no more than two pages, giving
1. The reason why you wish to study or pursue research in the U.S.A.
2. A plan of the work you propose to undertake, the benefits you expect to obtain from such a study or research

I want you to ;

a.    Try to formulate 1, 2 or 3 clear study/research topics or goals, that you can expand on. Make references to the experiences I already have in my resume.

b.    Include references to the universities where I want to study, the classes taught or possible clinics/internships (top ones like Berkeley, Columbia, Harvard..). Make sure to also mention professors that I want to work with, what their specific expertise is and what you want to work on.

c.    Emphasize the output that I want to create. What impact will I have? How will that influence the world around me? What do I want to do once I finished my studies?

Best would be to emphasize on Alternative Dispute Resolution in International Arbitration. Corporate Law too would be great. I have specific experiences in ADR that will be relevant.

The paper needs to be stellar.

Policy Issue

Identify another, different policy issue that impacts or interests you. This policy issue can be at the local or state level, but that you have not already submitted. Research the policy context, implementation, effectiveness, and evaluate it using the criteria laid out in your lesson (and practiced in the writing assignments). Analyze the policy, and then draw conclusions and make recommendations about the policys future and effectiveness. Present your findings to the class by uploading an entertaining PowerPoint briefing, video, Knovio, YouTube, podcast or Prezi presentation (minimum 10 slides with images on each slide) to the Week 8 forum.  Please also upload it to this assignment section by the end of Week 7. If it is accessible via a link, please make sure it is publicly accessible and include it in the text box so I can access. The classroom will only allow 10MB in an attachment and PPT briefings may exceed that. Please plan accordingly.
Remember that this is a major research component of your course and worth 20% of your final grade.  Your bibliography of sources (a minimum of 7) should be the final slide(s) of the presentation but can also be uploaded as a separate document within the assignment folder.

This is my final project subject proposal:
My final project I would to write about the Bail Reform of New York State 2020. As a correction officer it is very important to me as this affects my livelihood. I will also see how this has affected the crime rate in NYS.

This was professor response:
When evaluating the Bail Reform Act, it has to be evaluated against its stated objectives. Assuming crime rate is one, this is fine. If it is not, then you can discuss crime rate associated with the change, but it would be anecdotal. Also, be sure that there is enough data (since this is a 2020 change) to accurately demonstrate a relationship.

Race, Class & Gender Corrections

Please answer both questions in an essay format in ONE WORD Document (number each). Spelling, grammar, and citations should all be in proper format. Make sure to reference multiple readings we covered in class. Answers should not be based on one reading alone, many of these issues are cross referenced.

1) Using Marc Mauers philosophy on Mass Imprisonment explain the ongoing struggles in corrections. Provide examples using other readings from class, how these issues play a role in political platforms.

2)Using class material explain how historical (past)  gender stereotypes play a major role in the way inmates and correction officers are still treated today.

Answer both questions using class material (a must!) and discussions. No outside sources allowed.

PLease number the questions

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please post a question for the discussion.  Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated, thought provoking and open-ended, and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions posed by your classmates

Shafritz, J. M., Ott, J. S., & Jang, Y. S. (2011). Classics of organization theory. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.