Category: Law

Intermediate Sanctions

You should provide an overview of what intermediate sanctions are. Next, provide three examples of intermediate sanctions. Finally, discuss what types of offenders would be suitable for the intermediate sanctions you identified.
    Your written paper should be 2-3 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
    Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
You need to cite at least three sources for this assignment, outside of the textbook. Interactive: Introduction to Criminal Justice Interactive eBook
Kenneth John Peak

Validity of Polygraph Tests/Deception Cues

Hi future writer,
I’ve already selected all 5 empirical articles for the annotated bibliography, all that needs to be done to these articles is:
-properly APA cited
-organized by topic, NOT alphabetical order.
-a very brief description of the article’s topic.
This summary should only make up about 25% of the bibliography.
***The rest of the bibliography should be 1. identifying a sampling issue 2. identifying a methodological problem 3. identifying a gap in the literature.***
I know the description says 3 pages, but like any other annotated bibliography please put each article on a new page. I selected this option because of the word count it entails!

Validity of Polygraph Tests/Deception Cues

Hi future writer,
I’ve already selected all 5 empirical articles for the annotated bibliography, all that needs to be done to these articles is:
-properly APA cited
-organized by topic, NOT alphabetical order.
-a very brief description of the article’s topic.
This summary should only make up about 25% of the bibliography.
***The rest of the bibliography should be 1. identifying a sampling issue 2. identifying a methodological problem 3. identifying a gap in the literature.***
I know the description says 3 pages, but like any other annotated bibliography please put each article on a new page. I selected this option because of the word count it entails!

Legal and Criminal Justice Implications of Pre-Teen Sex Offenders

Hi future writer,
This paper is for my capstone group, where our topic is ‘Pre-teen rapists and their pre-teen victims.’ My subtopic is the legal and criminal justice implications of pre-teen rapists. I have selected and attached 3 reference articles to use in the paper to strengthen the points regarding the legal/cj implications. Please use these articles and cite appropriately.
Thank you!

Cyber Attacks

Following APA format and using Microsoft Word, paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not including the title and reference page. A minimum of three American academic peer reviewed references must be included.

Please answer the following question.

1.    Pick a cyber-attack that has happened within the past 25 years. Analyze the attack, explain its relevance towards cyber security and awareness in whichever practical methods you think are important.

Pfleeger, Charles P. / Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence, and Marguiles, Jonathan, (2015).  Security in Computing, Fifth, Prentice Hall.


Suppose that you are employed by the Alabama Department of Corrections as a psychologist. You are a dedicated employee who advocates for the rights of the disabled inmates. You work overtime, sometimes without pay. But your existing caseload is unmanageable and yet every day you are assigned new cases. One of your patients attempted to commit suicide. You have complained to your supervisor to no avail.

An investigation by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) found that many inmates in Alabamas state prisons, including those with disabilities and serious physical and mental illnesses, face systemic indifference, discrimination, and dangerous life-threatening conditions. Inspections of Alabama prisons, interviews with prisoners, and a review of medical records, depositions, media accounts, policies, contracts, and reports of the ADOC, reveal that Alabamas prisons violate the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (cruel and unusual punishment) and federal law intended to protect people with disabilities.

You know that the allegations set forth in the complaint are factually correct. But you need your job. You have a wife, two children, and a mortgage. You spoke truthfully when you were interviewed by the ADAP. You confirmed that inmates are being denied adequate medical care.

In 2011, in Brown v. Plata, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that depriving prisoners of adequate medical care is incompatible with the concept of human dignity and has no place in civilized society. Deliberate indifference to these medical needs constitutes unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain barred by the Eighth Amendment (

You know that the ADOC is understaffed and that allegations contained in the complaint are true, but you find yourself in a difficult position given that your livelihood depends on employment with the prison. One by one, apply Rushworth Kidders four typologies (i.e., justice versus mercy, truth versus loyalty, individual versus community, and short term versus long term) ethical dilemmas to assess the moral permissibility of the conduct alleged in the complaint. Work through each typology, gathering whatever information is relevant for both sides of the argument. Apply Kidders checkpoints as outlined in the following presentation:  (Disregard slide 11).

Support your writing assignment with two (2) outside scholarly articles. Reference the complaint filed by the SPLC and other articles from their website when relevant.


Suppose that you are employed by the Alabama Department of Corrections as a psychologist. You are a dedicated employee who advocates for the rights of the disabled inmates. You work overtime, sometimes without pay. But your existing caseload is unmanageable and yet every day you are assigned new cases. One of your patients attempted to commit suicide. You have complained to your supervisor to no avail.

An investigation by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) found that many inmates in Alabamas state prisons, including those with disabilities and serious physical and mental illnesses, face systemic indifference, discrimination, and dangerous life-threatening conditions. Inspections of Alabama prisons, interviews with prisoners, and a review of medical records, depositions, media accounts, policies, contracts, and reports of the ADOC, reveal that Alabamas prisons violate the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (cruel and unusual punishment) and federal law intended to protect people with disabilities.

You know that the allegations set forth in the complaint are factually correct. But you need your job. You have a wife, two children, and a mortgage. You spoke truthfully when you were interviewed by the ADAP. You confirmed that inmates are being denied adequate medical care.

In 2011, in Brown v. Plata, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that depriving prisoners of adequate medical care is incompatible with the concept of human dignity and has no place in civilized society. Deliberate indifference to these medical needs constitutes unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain barred by the Eighth Amendment (

You know that the ADOC is understaffed and that allegations contained in the complaint are true, but you find yourself in a difficult position given that your livelihood depends on employment with the prison. One by one, apply Rushworth Kidders four typologies (i.e., justice versus mercy, truth versus loyalty, individual versus community, and short term versus long term) ethical dilemmas to assess the moral permissibility of the conduct alleged in the complaint. Work through each typology, gathering whatever information is relevant for both sides of the argument. Apply Kidders checkpoints as outlined in the following presentation:  (Disregard slide 11).

Support your writing assignment with two (2) outside scholarly articles. Reference the complaint filed by the SPLC and other articles from their website when relevant.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

William Westley

Answer the following questions:
Some occupations develop their own code of ethics. When any occupation develops a code of ethics it is a hint that people in that occupation do things which other people may regard as immoral. There are military codes and even separate military justice systems because people in the military kill other people in various ways. Ordinarily it is considered wrong to kill people. Lawyers develop their own code of ethics because they do things which other people may regard as immoral, such as, defending guilty persons, not revealing when they know that someone is really guilty of a crime, engaging in actions which may be legal but would be considered unjust by others, etc. Doctors have a code of ethics because they also do things which other people may regard as immoral, such as, lying to patients who are dying, performing abortions, not being willing to testify about the medical malpractice of other doctors, etc.
Westley seems to have stumbled onto the idea that police also develop their own code of morality. He did not refer to any official code of ethics subscribed to by police, although such codes do exist. Instead he used his own observations and interviews to construct the code of ethics followed by the police officers in his study. 

Discuss the police code of ethics as described by Westley. Take into account these questions:

1.    Did the police officers recognize that they had a code of ethics separate from the morality of other people?
2.    Did all of the police officers agree to this code of ethics?
3.    Did they expect other people to agree with their code of ethics?
4.    Did officers freely accept this code of ethics or did they accept it under compulsion?
5.    Why was so much stress put on secrecy?
6.    Did their code of ethics enable the police officers to really see themselves as good people?
7.    Why were there such strong reactions to little acts of kindness to other people?
8.    Did their code of morality enable these police officers to be morally certain about their actions or did it create moral confusion in their minds?
9.    What did Westley mean by legitimations? Did he think that the various legitimations were valid?
10.    According to Westley, where and why did these police officers enforce the law?

All papers must be formatted in the APA citation method.  Students will use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for written assignments, as appropriate.  APA guidelines can be found on the John Jay College Library website by accessing this link:

All papers must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 font, double line spacing, justified. Please answer these questions in the form of an essay (do not present them in numbered format).
Grade: 5%

Who Killed Peggy Hettrick?

Read the following library article:
Susan, S. (n.d). For December 24, 2011, CBS. 48 Hours (CBS News). (attached)
Review the details of the Peggy Hettrick case (1999).
For this weeks assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation describing in detail the roles of the judge, the prosecutor, and the defense counsel in the case of Peggy Hettrick.
Create a 1012 slide PowerPoint presentation incorporating the following elements:
    The judge is an elected or appointed public official who presides over a court of law and who is authorized to hear, sometimes to decide cases, and to conduct trials.
o    Identify the judge’s actions in the courtroom and how they apply to the case (minimum 3 slides).
    The prosecutor is the decision-making power of prosecutors is based upon the wide range of choices available to them, in the handling of criminal defendants, the scheduling of cases for trial, and the acceptance of negotiated pleas.
o    Identify the prosecutor’s actions in the courtroom and how they apply to the case (minimum 3 slides).
    The defense counsel is a licensed trial lawyer hired or appointed to conduct the legal defense of a person accused of a crime and to represent him or her before a court of law.
o    Identify the defense counsel’s actions in the courtroom and how they apply to the case (minimum 3 slides).
Cite a minimum of three references consistent with APA guidelines.
    Your 1012 slide requirement is excluding your title, introduction, and reference slides.
    Use one basic slide design and layout.
    Text large enough to be read by your audience (font size 2034 point).
    Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content.
    You may use pictures, charts, and graphs to supplement your material as long as they do not take up the entire slide.
    Use bullets for your main points.
    Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience, and be sure to follow the Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
    Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
    The presentation should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
    Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
    An appropriate citation style should be followed.
You should also make sure to:
    Use examples to support your discussion.
    Cite all sources on a separate reference slide at the end of your PowerPoint and reference and cite within the body of the presentation using APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools.

Computer Security

Please answer the following questions separately and in regards to computer security and cite all scholarly references used:

1.    List factors that would cause you to be more or less convinced that a particular email is or is not authentic.
2.    In your opinion, what are two disadvantages of using physical separation in a computing system. List two disadvantages of using temporal separation in a computing system.

Pfleeger, Charles P. / Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence, and Marguiles, Jonathan, (2015).  Security in Computing, Fifth, Prentice Hall.