Category: Law


Write two I-130 letters to USCIS.
-Two pages straight and direct to the point.

1-Page #1 I-130 Affidavit letter from the petitioner who is a US Citizen stating to relocate with his wife, 1 boy, and 2 girls to the US for better living and education. Have enough savings for 1 year or more once they move to the US. Also has an offer letter to start work as soon as he is back in the US. 

2-Page #2 I-130 Affidavit letter straight and direct from a close family friend that knows husband-wife and kids and other family members for 10 years.

Emergency Management

Write an essay including four pictures with clear captions and citations describing how emergency management has changed over the last 50 years in your community. Compare those years to that of the Post-Katrina era. Be sure to identify your community.

Interview those in your community to determine lessons learned and improvements that have come from major disasters that have occurred specifically since Hurricane Katrina. Has emergency management been affected based on any events? How?

What changes have there been in mitigation? Preparedness? Has your community been involved in any major disasters? Describe the progression towards federal government involvement in disaster response and recovery during this period. Describe the stakeholders, emergency services participants, and how disasters were managed over the last 50 years. Be sure to cite your sources.

Be sure to include pictures that would be useful to your discussion. Some suggestions would be to include pictures of events during the disaster and during the recovery period after the disaster.

Some examples of disaster mitigation actions are building codes, warning sirens, and fire codes.

Your paper should be in APA format with at least two academic sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Please be sure to include at least four pictures with clear captions and citation.

International Law

Just have to write an 11 page paper over international law. I will give the powerpoint slides and notes that my professor has given to us and can use this information to help cover the paper. All you have to do is cover this information on the websites or slides that are given. Thank you so much for everything.

Reading Reflection

Reading reflections should be between 300-500 words and address the following:

1. A brief summary of the main points of the reading

2. Questions you have after reading (you must come up with a question!)

3. Critiques or further discussion of the reading

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What are some major legal issues being discussed in relations to corrections?
Discuss the death penalty. What states is it legal and illegal in? What are the requirements to being sentenced with the death sentence? Provide some case examples.
Is the death penalty/any other major legal issue a proven deterrence of crime? Make sure you discuss both sides of the issues (Ex. states that approve of the death penalty versus states that disapprove of the death penalty)
Include: Title page, Abstract, and Reference Page



12 point font in Times New Roman

Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Judicial Efficiency

The Module Six short paper explores the effect of criminal sentencing regulation on judicial efficiency. Referencing your text and online resources regarding
sentencing guidelines and mandatory minimum sentences, you will consider the relationship between the unique punishment phase of criminal litigation and the
caseloads and workflow of the court system.
Read Chapters 9 and 10 of Judicial Process in America, as well as the following module resources:
Reconsidering Mandatory Minimum Sentences: The Arguments for and Against Potential Reforms
Excerpt from Introduction to Federal Sentencing Guidelines
How Plea Bargains Are Making Jury Trials Obsolete
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Definition: Define mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines.
Purpose: Referencing your textbook and resource materials, explain why we have mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines. What
purpose do they serve?
Opinion: State your opinion as to whether mandatory minimum sentences help or hinder judicial efficiency and defend your position by explaining why
and how they do so.uidelines for Submission: Your short paper must be submitted as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

Draft of Judicial Administration

For Milestone Two, you will submit a draft of the Judicial Administration section of your scenario analysis. Using your assigned reading, course materials, and the
the scenario provided below (the same scenario that you worked on in Milestone One and will use for the final project) you will analyze the impact of judicial
administration componentscalendaring and docketing, and the roles of court staff and litigation participants.
Jed, Herman, and Jane live in Washington, D.C. Jed and Jane entered the local bank and took $65,000. Jed and Herman both used shotguns during the robbery,
though no one was hurt. Jane drove the getaway vehicle. Two hours later, as they headed toward the Canadian border, they were stopped by the police for
speeding and taken into custody. The police determined that Jed and Jane matched the eyewitness descriptions of the robbers. Jane confessed their bank
robbery scheme. Jed and Herman denied their involvement. The police only recovered $25,000 in cash but were unable to determine if the recovered money
was taken from the bank. The police determined that Jed was a convicted felon at the time of the armed bank robbery. The local police and FBI were involved in
the investigation.
The defense attorneys for each defendant (Jed, Herman, Jane) request a continuance for four months to sift through the evidence. The prosecution objects and
argues that the delay would significantly clog the courts already heavy workload. In the alternative, the prosecution argues that if the court grants a
continuance, then the prosecution should be allowed to prolong turning over the remaining discovery. The defense attorneys object and argue that this hinders
their effective representation of their clients and would hinder a prompt resolution. The defense attorneys further argue that their clients deserve a well
prepared and thorough defense. The judge currently has trials blocked over the next 10 months and wants to try the case now.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
II. Judicial Administration
A. Analyze how federal, state, and local courts calendar and docket cases. Are these processes effective in promoting efficiency? Defend your
B. Describe how the calendaring and continuance of this scenario would be handled differently in the state system versus the federal system.
Defend your response.
C. Identify the key role within federal and state judicial systems that most impact process. How does this role aid in creating and maintaining an
efficient and effective judicial process?
F. Determine the impact of the venue on process efficiency in this scenario. Defend your response.
G. Explain how a four-month continuance affects the efficiency of any court under the circumstances presented in the scenario. Defend your

Disparities In Educational Resources Amongst Kids With Disabilities: How Race And Social Class Are Contributing Factors

Week 5 Draft Analysis
This week you will submit your Analysis Plan. This is where you lay out exactly what you will do to accomplish your research objectives. Without planning your analysis, your research will not be research. This section requires a great deal of thought. You may want to refer back to your Research Methods materials. Specifically, you’ll want to address the following elements.
1. Evaluative Criteria What are you considering when you assess the problem and your policy proposals? Along what lines are you measuring indicators of success or failure? How will you define success or failure? This will lead directly into the next section.
2. Research Methodology How does this research work? What kind of research are you doing? How are you operationalizing your evaluative criteria in purely scientific terms, these are your variables. How do you define these? What data are you using to measure them? Justify your choices. Is there another study youre replicating? Are there standard variables typically considered?
3. Potential Outcomes These are similar to hypotheses. What would be the implications of certain outcomes? What are the results you would need to draw each of your possible conclusions?
Helpful Hint: There are many good policy studies out there. It is perfectly acceptable to mirror or replicate an existing methodology AS LONG AS YOU GIVE PROPER CREDIT.

Please use the resources listed below in the analysis (use these resources to focus the argument from the intro I have attached)

Free and appropriate public education (google it)
State DOE report card:
Redding Consortium Reference Material:
Redding Consortium Social Determinants of Health and Education (I work on this group):   
Redding Consortium, Funding 101:
Redding Consortium website:
Rodel Foundation: Public Education at a Glance:
Rodel Foundation website:

also please you factual information from the state of Delaware and cite your information

I have attached both the policy introduction and the policy over view. this assignement is the next step

Assignment: Blog: Capstone Project

Assignment: Blog: Capstone Project
Throughout a research project, insights and knowledge are gained every step of the project. A researcher may learn a variety of things related to the project or from their personal experiences of conducting research. For this blog, you reflect on your personal learning throughout the completion of the Capstone Project, including challenges and areas of proficiency growth.

By Day 3
Post by Day 3 an explanation of the knowledge you gained while completing your Capstone Project. Include how you might apply this knowledge in your future professional career. Then, explain any challenges you encountered and how you overcame them.

Assignment: Blog: Social Change

Assignment: Blog: Social Change
Research is often used to address problems or issues that occur in society. Despite this focus, conducting research focused on such problems or issues does not ensure that the findings will influence social change. For this blog, you explore how you might be able to impact social change through addressing the problem you selected for your Capstone Project.

By Day 3
Post by Day 3 an explanation of how you might influence social change by addressing the problem you selected for your Capstone Project. Include why the changes are significant for public administration, public policy, and/or nonprofit management, as well as implications for future research.