Category: Law

Assignment 2: Capstone Project: Drawing Conclusions and Making Recommendations

Assignment 2: Capstone Project: Drawing Conclusions and Making Recommendations
In research-based projects, conclusions and recommendations are an important part in finalizing efforts and sharing insights gained from the project. For your Capstone Project, your conclusions and recommendations will be based on your literature review and any other information you may have gathered. For this Assignment, you reflect on the literature you found for your Capstone Project. Then, you consider conclusions and recommendations you may develop related to your research questions.

To complete:

Write a 2 page paper that addresses the following:

Briefly describe the problem or issue you selected and the research question you developed for your Capstone Project.
Explain one conclusion you might make, based on the analysis of the literature you found and your proposed research.
With this conclusion in mind, explain one recommendation you might make regarding the problem or issue you identified.

Assignment 1: Blog: Disseminating Conclusions and Recommendations

Assignment 1: Blog: Disseminating Conclusions and Recommendations
After all data are analyzed from a research project, the next step is for the researcher to develop conclusions and recommendations. These conclusions and recommendations not only allow the researcher to make connections to other literature but also to share insights gained with colleagues and stakeholders. For this blog, you consider how to disseminate the conclusions and recommendations that you develop for your Capstone Project.

By Day 3
Post by Day 3 an explanation of how you might disseminate conclusions and recommendations for the problem or issue you identified for your Capstone Project. Be specific and use examples to support your explanation. Include what you might do to ensure that your stakeholders clearly understand your recommendations and are able to effectively implement solutions.

Assignment 1: Blog: Types of Data and Research Methods

Assignment 1: Blog: Types of Data and Research Methods
The choice of [data collection] methods turns on whether the intent is to specify the type of information to be collected in advance of the study or allow it to emerge from participants in the project.
Creswell, 2009

As this quotation suggests, the process of selecting and implementing data collection is a unique process dependent on the goals and questions of a study. The researcher must evaluate each studys intentions, as well as past experiences, to determine the data and methods most appropriate and effective for each study. For this blog, you reflect on the research question chosen for your Capstone Project and how it influences the types of data that might help answer your question, as well as the research methods that would support collecting this type of data.

By Day 3
Post by Day 3 an explanation of the types of data that may help you answer your research question. Then, explain which research method might be best if you were to collect data for your Capstone Project and why. Support your explanation with resources from your literature review that discuss various research methods and analysis.

Federal Bureau of Investigation: Capstone Project: Draft Literature Review

Assignment 2: Capstone Project: Draft Literature Review
After gathering all of your resources and making notes, it is time to start writing your literature review. While this may seem like an easy task after all the work you have completed, it involves tedious analysis of the resources you have found and careful consideration of the insights and findings of each resource. For this Assignment, you write the first draft of your literature review based on the resources and outline you created for your Capstone Project.

To complete:

Using your resources from Week 5, additional resources you have found, and your literature review outline, write a 12 page draft literature review. The literature review should include a minimum of 2025 relevant scholarly articles, research reports, and/or other academic sources. Be sure to follow the literature review guidelines provided in the Machi and McEvoy text.

Reminder: Use APA guidelines for citations and formatting.
After gathering all of your resources and making notes, it is time to start writing your literature review. While this may seem like an easy task after all the work you have completed, it involves tedious analysis of the resources you have found and careful consideration of the insights and findings of each resource. For this Assignment, you write the first draft of your literature review based on the resources and outline you created for your Capstone Project.

To complete:

Using your resources from Week 5, additional resources you have found, and your literature review outline, write a 12 page draft literature review. The literature review should include a minimum of 2025 relevant scholarly articles, research reports, and/or other academic sources. Be sure to follow the literature review guidelines provided in the Machi and McEvoy text.

Note: In addition to the 1012 resources you located for Week 5, you must locate another 1012 resources in order to meet this Assignments minimum requirement of 2025 resources.

Reminder: Use APA guidelines for citations and formatting.

Final Project Overview: Evaluation Design (American Heart Association)

Final Project Overview: Evaluation Design
For your Final Project, due in Week 10, you will demonstrate your understanding of the major topics presented in this course by applying them to a public or nonprofit organization of your choice. You will develop an evaluation design that could be used to evaluate a program, problem, or policy. The evaluation design will address this program, problem, or policy in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. The organization should be within the public or nonprofit sector. The purpose of the Final Project is to apply what you learn about research and evaluation design methods to the evaluation of a program, problem, or policy in the organization. This is merely an evaluation design. You are not required to collect data and implement the research to evaluate the program.

Your Final Project will be submitted in the form of a 15page (not including the title or reference pages), double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. You must complete the following elements:

Create and include a title page with your name, the course name, and the title of the research project.
Write an Executive Summary that briefly describes the highlights of the evaluation design and the program, problem, or policy it is intended to evaluate.
Briefly describe the organization and include a brief history of the organization as well as information about the purpose of the organization.
Describe the program, problem, or policy to be evaluated, include information regarding the purpose of the program, problem, or policy, and explain why conducting this research to evaluate the program, problem, or policy is important to this organization.
Describe the research question(s) and hypothesis(es). Clearly articulate them so that you would be able to answer the research questions using the design you develop.
Explain the evaluation design (i.e., descriptive, associational, causal) that is most appropriate to evaluate the program, problem, or policy. Justify the use of the evaluation design and explain how it can answer the research question(s).
Explain the sampling technique, and justify how this technique will help to answer the research question.
Explain potential ethical issues for this evaluation design. Analyze the implications of the ethical issues and explain how you would respond to them
Explain the findings you would anticipate if you conducted the research and implemented the evaluation design to evaluate the program, problem, or policy. Assure that your explanation is appropriate for your intended audience.
Your Final Project must demonstrate both breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to graduate-level scholarship. It must follow APA Publication Manual guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The project should be 15 pages in length (double-spaced), not including the title page, the Executive Summary, and references.

Be sure to support your Final Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You must use a minimum of 10 scholarly resources.

Cyber Attacks

Following APA format and using Microsoft Word, paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not including the title and reference page. A minimum of three American academic peer reviewed references must be included.

Please answer the following question.

1.    Pick a cyber-attack that has happened within the past 25 years. Analyze the attack, explain its relevance towards cyber security and awareness in whichever practical methods you think are important.

Pfleeger, Charles P. / Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence, and Marguiles, Jonathan, (2015).  Security in Computing, Fifth, Prentice Hall.

Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11 terrorist attacks

Discuss the similarities and differences between the Oklahoma City Bombing and 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, examine some of the lessons that you feel were learned from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Finally, share your thoughts on how the lessons learned can be used in the future. This is a chance for you to combine your personal thoughts with the concepts
that are covered in this unit.

The completed assignment must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. The use of outside sources to support your writing may be helpful, but is not required for this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced using APA formatting; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Impact of Toxic Industrial Chemicals/Materials (TICs/TIMs)

Many forms of TICs have been used during combat operations in wars throughout the world. One of the more memorable uses of a TIC is the use of Agent Orange, a defoliant including dioxin as well as numerous other chemicals, during the Vietnam War with an impact that spans across the past 50 years. The U.S. government and manufacturers of the deadly chemical allegedly sprayed and otherwise disbursed it from planes and helicopters indiscriminately for the express purpose
of destroying the jungle vegetation that served as a camouflage for the North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops opposing the U.S. military. One could easily reason that any chemical that would completely defoliate a 40-foot-tall jungle canopy could equally destroy any other lifeform as well. The Veterans Administration, the U.S. federal government, and manufacturers
have begun actions to accept some responsibility for the health issues left in the wake of this deadly chemical on Vietnamese people and Vietnam War combat veterans still suffering today

Research Agent Orange, and the possibility that the chemical has been responsible for the death and health issues of millions of people during and since the Vietnam War. Based on prior scientific research by the facilities developing and producing this product, what scientific information existed to warn users that the chemical was a hazard to human and animal life either through direct contact, consumption of food products that were contaminated by indiscriminate spraying of the chemical, or through mishandling during manufacture, storage, or distribution of this chemical? Was the chemical intentionally, indiscriminately, disbursed knowing that immediate and long-term effects would impact any human and animal life coming in contact with the chemical? Even in the war in Afghanistan today, our military and political leaders must consider the immediate and long-term impact of collateral damage as well as justification of any weapon of mass destruction, chemical or otherwise. Did such scientific research during the creation of Agent Orange provide any level of risk analysis that provided our military leaders with a projected percentage of collateral damage, which equated to acceptable losses of human or animal life directly or indirectly
related to the aerial disbursement of this chemical? If such risk analysis did exist, did it include long-term impact projections? What effort has the United States government provided to compensate and care for those whose lives have been destroyed by this chemical within the U.S. and the country of Vietnam? Are such chemicals still used in military operations? What should be done for the millions of families across the globe who suffer from the debilitating effects of this
chemical? Is blatant abuse of the distribution of industrial toxic chemicals relevant today?

Please rely on the Waldorf Online Library for access to articles concerning this issue. If the appropriate source is not available through Waldorf sources, please refer to another reliable source such as Google Scholar. Please remember that and other similar sources are not accepted by Waldorf. Write a minimum three-page, double-spaced paper summarizing the effects of the use of Agent Orange not only on the victims, but also on the families and communities in which victims live as well as the citizens of Vietnam.

Your paper should discuss:
signs and symptoms;
time span between exposure and symptom expression;
mode of exposure (injection, inhalation, cutaneous, etc.), prevention, and treatment with statistical data; locality impacts (weather, location, population, etc.);
sociological impacts;
scientific data and research techniques;
technology and development;
and counteraction strategies

Analytical Writing assignment

Carefully review the scenario set forth below.  Unless otherwise stated, assume the precedents and laws to be utilized are for the present day. Your analysis may be no longer than three pages, double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman.

Think of the laws before marijuana was legal my professor is a trump style republican before weed really fully became legal is most states.

Officer B. D. Mann received an anonymous tip that a known fugitive wanted for a felony, I. Dunn Flew, was hiding at the home of Rita Conceala.  Acting on the tip, Officer Mann did a background check on Rita and learned that she was on probation for Solicitation.  Mann then contacted Ritas probation officer, Woody, and told Woody about the tip he had received.  Woody then tried to contact Rita but was unable to reach her.  Woody told Officer Mann about the fact that Rita had given a general consent to all searches by a Probation Officer of her person, house papers and effects as a condition of probation.

            The police went to Ritas room, and found what appeared to be contraband white powder in her toiletries case.  Flew was not there.  The police went into the room next to Ritas and found evidence that Rita had been conducting an extensive call girl operation out of the boarding house.  Rita was charged and sentenced to jail for violating her probation.  Rita was also charged with a new charge of Solicitation.

            Based on the evidence obtained in the room next door to Ritas, the police obtained a warrant to search the home of Irma Hooker.  The police, on the authority of the warrant, searched the home of Irma Hooker, and found evidence: ledgers, bank deposits, records and receipts of the solicitation business.  Among the records were the names of some prominent citizens, including the judge, Royal Hammerdem, who issued the search warrant, and who, it was later learned, did not know Irmas real name or address.  At a subsequent hearing, the court found that the warrant for Hookers home was defective because of a technicality in the form filed: Hookers name was actually an alias and not her proper name.

            The men who were named as Johns were charged with petty offense charges carrying less than 6 months in jail as punishment.  All of these Johns demanded trial by jury and that lawyers be appointed for them.  The court refuses to appoint lawyers for the Johns, and after a trial sentences them to a fine and a 30 day suspended sentence.  The Johns demand a lawyer for appeal, and after denial of their appeal at the intermediary appeals court, the Johns demand appointment of a lawyer for the discretionary appeal to the State Supreme Court.

            Officer Mann also convinced Irma to make contact with the Judge involved, and Irma agreed to wear a wire when she spoke with the judge.  During the conversation with Irma, the judge made incriminating statements about a cover up and obstruction of justice, which Mann recorded from the radio transmissions.

            Acting on other information obtained from Irma, Officer Mann, from the department helicopter flying at 400 feet, observed in a partially covered green house located in the back yard of Mayor, Bob N. Weave, several green, leafy plants believed to be cannabis sativa.  Based on this information, a warrant was obtained and the Mayors property was searched and evidence of drug production was seized.  Police also seized the trash from the street in front of the Mayors house, and in that trash they found records of drug sales and receipts.  The warrant did not include the trash located on the street in front of the Mayors house.

            Mann, acting on further evidence obtained from Irma, placed a radio transmitter on the outside of the telephone booth located outside the police station.  The conversations coming from the telephone booth were recorded by Mann.  One of these recordings was that of the Chief of Police, I.M. Crank, trying to arrange a cover up for the judge involved.  The defendants all wanted to know how a person in their own, other states and the federal government got their jobs and could do practically whatever they wanted to do.  The defendants also wanted to be informed about the various avenues of appeals and what types of things can be appealed should that become necessary, as well as what role that the media coverage and current political climate might play in the judicial decisions.

            After the arrests, the local paper ran a picture of Crank talking to Irma at a time three weeks prior to the arrests.  Based on this picture, the police had probable cause to obtain a warrant to search the local papers files for other pictures implicating Crank with Irma.  Assume the probable cause was valid, and that the police obtained a warrant based on the probable cause to search the newspaper.

            Officer Mann is driving in an unmarked police vehicle, and he sees Hammerdem fail to signal the right turn that Hammerdem made.  Mann really wants to search Hammerdem and his car for evidence, but does not have probable cause.  Mann makes a traffic stop, and after speaking with the judge Mann arrests Hammerdem for the failure to use the turn signal.  Before applying handcuffs to Hammerdem and while Hammerdem is standing beside the car, Mann then searches all of Hammerdems pockets and he finds a check ledger with notations about payments for Irma.  Further, in the car right nex to where Hammerdem is standing, there is a gift-wrapped package appearing to be a present on the floor of the judges car.  Mann opens the present and finds $10,000 cash with a note saying, You know what to do.     

            Based on another anonymous tip, Mann drives by the home of the mayors associate, Richard Bum Osculator.  Mann with the assistance of a geologist friend uses an infrared heat detector to try to learn if an excess amount of heat is emanating from the roof of Osculators condo.  Mann believes that if Osculator is raising marijuana then the heat lamps employed in this plant growing process will cause a significantly higher amount of heat to be lost through the roof of the condo, as compared to the roof of the neighboring homes.  The heat detector indeed does demonstrate that a disproportionate amount of heat is escaping from Osculators roof.  Assume (for the sake for this examination) that, Mann, therefore, has probable cause that Osculator is growing marijuana.  Because Mann has probable cause of a felony being committed, Mann goes to Osculators home and after knocking and announcing his presence, with no response thereto, Mann enters the home to arrest Osculator, who happens to be in the shower.  Prior to the arrest the officer makes a quick sweep through the home to ensure his own safety, and on the bedroom table there is an ashtray with partially smoked marijuana cigarettes, which Mann seizes and keeps for evidence.  Mann also, subsequent to the arrest, finds extensive drug sales paraphernalia in the basement closest of Osculators home. 

Defending Jacob

Listen to or read the book “Defending Jacob” (available on amazon or 

Write a paragraph on your thoughts after each chapter.  Specifically consider the physical evidence and “propensity evidence”.  For this purpose, “propensity evidence” is evidence that suggests that someone is prone to crime.  Specifically, consider whether it is appropriate to use the “murder gene” as evidence to establish guilt.  Back up your opinions about the “murder gene” through research.