Category: Law

Local CJ Experience

This lesson focused on our local criminal justice agencies as well as how the PA State Police can often serve as a local police department as well as the state.

For this assignment, I would like you to in 500 words or more, look back on a local (or a state CJ agency that acted as or aided the local CJ agency) that you have had a personal experience with.  Provided with what you learned so far in this course, how does the agency excel at the service they provide?  What are its challenges? What did you think about the agency before taking this course and what do you think know about the agency since you have had a chance to learn about concepts such as: history of CJ agencies,  communication, motivation of personnel, etc.

If you quote or take any information outside your lived experience and self reflection, please cite accordingly in APA format with in text citations and references.

Criminal Law

1.Why did the 1971 Attica riot become a turning point in corrections and the history of parole?
2.Why did both the left and the right of the political spectrum favor eliminating parole?
3.What are the characteristics of an indeterminate sentence?
4.Why did prison systems operated under the Auburn system become so popular?
5.What led to the decline in the use of prison labor?

IC Structure Changes Paper

IC Structure Changes Paper

In this 2,0002,500 word paper, the student will discuss major changes to the IC and how it affects its mission to support the POTUS. In this paper, the student will: 1) provide a short overview of the major changes the IC has undergone, 2) examine the impact to the IC mission to support the POTUS, and 3) discuss additional changes the student would recommend.

IC Structure Changes Paper

IC Structure Changes Paper

In this 2,0002,500 word paper, the student will discuss major changes to the IC and how it affects its mission to support the POTUS. In this paper, the student will: 1) provide a short overview of the major changes the IC has undergone, 2) examine the impact to the IC mission to support the POTUS, and 3) discuss additional changes the student would recommend.

N7 form

N7 form

*N7- Notice to End your Tenancy for Causing Serious Problems in the Rental Unit or Residential Complex*

5Ws ?How? what? where? why? Does the landlord give this nottice to tenant?

(Include pictures in relation to writing )


Important information :

Names and addresses :

Termination date:

*The rules?*
(Please include how the landlord “by law” can give this nottice to tenants)
And what ways should be avoided by law ?



Example :

Signature :

(On the form the rules)

Service rules:

Next steps:


(The form in itself download it seprate link attachment on here.)

**Any caselaws on n7 nottice ?? Or most recent articles in relation to this n7nottice and how it reflects off of the
New bill 184** .

The following is information in relation to topic:
(On nottice and how its given.)


Find resent Ontario Canada caselaw in relation to topic n7.


Criminal Justice

watch video:

Discuss the video among yourselves. What kind of relationship did Lake and Ng have? What if the police officer had let them go during that botched robbery?  What is your opinion on Ng avoiding trial for so long? How does their background affect how the crime was prosecuted?  Should anyone else have been prosecuted during the investigation?  How do you think the trial would have turned out if Lake was still alive and been able to be prosecuted as well?

media and policy

This assignment encompasses Practice Assignment 2 and Discussion Post 2. This week you will work through steps 1 -4.

Step 1: Review the various Amendments and Articles in the U.S Constitution.

Step 2: Name and define each of the five freedoms outlined in the First Amendment and give examples of ways you exercise each freedom – to the best of  your ability focus on issues of Media, Technology, (Tele)Communications and Information Policy and the upcoming election.

Step 3: Reflect on the interplay of the Freedoms outlined in the 1st Amendment. Answer the following questions:

Do you think any one of these freedoms could exist alone, without the support of the other four?
Would free speech be a powerful right if we did not also have a free press?
How would freedom to petition be different if we didnt also have freedom of assembly?
What are other examples of this interplay across Freedoms?
Step 4: Critically assess how these Freedoms impact you personally, and society as a whole. Answer the following questions:

Given the rate and pace of technological change and current events such as the pandemic, civil unrest, white supremacy and the security of our elections, which of the Freedoms is the most valuable in your view? Why?
Given the rate and pace of technological change and current events such as the pandemic, civil unrest, white supremacy and the security of our elections, are these Freedoms still applicable today? Do they serve their initial purpose?
Are any of the Freedoms outdated, obsolete or no longer applicable? Can you think of an example where on Freedom is at odds with public good, or betterment of society?
Step 5: Summarize and post (due Oct 4) summarize your answers in 2 to 3 paragraphs and post on the Discussion Post 2 Board Your Post should be clear and concise – don’t rant or ramble. Support your claims with examples and evidence and cite any sources that you use to support your claims. Next week you will be asked to respond to at least one other discussion post as part of the Discussion Post assignment.

what you should do is only to complete step 5, I upload a step1-4 essay for giving you a hint.

us constitution:
First Amendment


Find a case on RULE 403, either a federal or a state case with a similar version of the Evidence rule that examines the rule in detail. Answer the following questions about the case:

What is the full citation to the case?
What were the facts of the case? Be brief here.
What was the legal issue(s) the court was asked to decide? What was the Evidence rule at issue?
What was the courts holding and reasoning? Explain this fully.
How did the court apply the evidence rule? Explain this fully.
Does the courts application of the evidence rule seem consistent with what you learned in the chapter in the textbook or in class lectures where the rule was discussed? Why or why not?
Evaluate the courts holding by explaining whether the outcome seems fair. You can compare the holding to some of the examples from the textbook or to the class discussions.
Remember the following for the paper format:

Papers must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font. They must be double-spaced, and should be 2 full pages long (margins should be 8 x 11 and try not to exceed 2 and pages total).
You do NOT need a cover page nor do you need a long caption on the first page. Instead, simply put your last name in the upper right corner of the first page and then begin writing. You do not need a title. Make all of your content count!
Include the full citation to your case in the body of the paper.
Do not use the question numbers and do not repeat the questions in your paper. Just write in paragraph form and be sure to address all the questions above fully.
Be sure to proofread carefully. I will deduct for improper grammar, punctuation, and word usage.

Media Law

Following the Courts decision in the Blurred Lines case, your assignment is to write a one-page paper on this issue: Are Defendants Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke liable for Copyright infringement? Listen to the two tracks again and use the following structure to answer these questions:

A: What elements does Plaintiff Marvin Gayes estate need to prove in order for the Defendants to be found liable for Copyright infringement?
B: What tests will the court use to determine liability?

A: Using the two tests, are the Defendants liable for Copyright infringement?
B: Using each of the three elements, does the Plaintiff prove their case?

You should quote at least one research source and use at least one citation in your paper to support your argument.  Note that Wikipedia, while useful, is not an accepted source. All citations should be in the following format as listed below.
Footnote Style: Author. Publication. Article Name in Italics and Quotes. (Date of Article in Brackets). Article Link.

3.Conclusion: Did the court rule correctly? Why or why not?

4.Correct Spelling & Grammar

Case Study Two

Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Citations should be formatted according to APA style, 3 references

Read case Study below and answer A-E

Case Study Two: Sam Stevens lives in an apartment building where he has been working on his new invention, a machine that plays the sound of a barking dog to scare off potential intruders. A national chain store that sells safety products wants to sell Sams product exclusively. Although Sam and the chain store never signed a contract, Sam verbally told a store manager several months ago that he would ship 1,000 units.
Sam comes home from work one day and finds two letters in his mailbox. One is an eviction notice from his landlord, Quinn, telling him he has to be out of the apartment in 30 days because his barking device has been bothering the other tenants. It also states that Sam was not allowed to conduct a business from his apartment. Sam is angry because he specifically told Quinn that he was working on a new invention, and Quinn had wished him luck. The second letter is from the chain store, demanding that Sam deliver the promised 1,000 units immediately.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Analyze the elements of this case to determine whether a valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store. Support your response by identifying the elements of a valid contract in your analysis.
B. Assume there is not a valid contract between Sam and the chain store. Analyze the elements of a quasi-contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either. Why or why not? Include support for your analysis.
C. Identify the rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant under a standard residential lease agreement.
D. Based upon those rights and obligations, does Sams landlord have grounds to evict? Why or why not?
E. Further, what defenses might Sam raise to an eviction action? Support your response.