Category: Law

Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people?

In this assignment, you will choose one of the following industries to frame your paper:
    The pharmaceutical industry.
    The payday loan industry.
    Cloning for medical purposes.

Once youve gone through the worksheet and answered all the questions you will take that information and write your paper. It will basically be a transfer of information from the worksheet to a paper format.

Do not just turn in the worksheet. It will be sent back for a rewrite.

1.    Choose an industry.
2.    Will you be an advocate for the consumer or the industry?
3.    Develop 3 reasons why you support the consumer or the industry.
    Reason 1.
o    Supporting evidence for that reason.
    Reason 2.
o    Supporting evidence for that reason.
    Reason 3.
o    Supporting evidence for that reason.
4.    Is it possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer simultaneously, or does one always have to prevail?
    Reason 1.
o    Supporting evidence for that reason.
    Reason 2.
o    Supporting evidence for that reason.
    Reason 3.
o    Supporting evidence for that reason.
Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


The question I would like you all to discuss this week is the difference between ethical decisions, moral decisions and legal decisions made by a public administrator. Then create your own scenario. It should be set in a public agency or body in keeping with our public administration focus. Please fill in enough information so your classmate can make an educated analysis, for instance the state in which it occurred and the agency so they can find the code. Dont offer your thoughts on whether the scenario is a situation which would present an ethical, moral and/or legal dilemma. For your responses please answer that question for another students scenario and explain your reasoning. If there is not enough information, note what you would need to make a decision and the person who posted the scenario can fill in the gaps.


1. Gryphon Consultancy is a computer-consulting firm. It spends considerable time and effort recruiting the best personnel from the United States leading technical schools. Gryphon employees sign an initial three-year employment commitment. Dwayne worked for Gryphon, but then he quit and formed a competing company, which he called Syntel. His new company contacted Gryphon employees by phone, offering more money to come work for Syntel. At least 16 Gryphon employees left their work without completing their contractual obligations and went to work for Syntel. Gryphon sued. What did it claim, and what should be the result?
You have most likely heard of the Liebeck v. McDonalds case. Liebeck spilled hot McDonalds coffee in her lap, suffering third degree burns. At trial, evidence showed that her cup of coffee was brewed at 190 degrees, and that, more typically, a restaurants hot coffee is in the range of 140160 degrees. A jury awarded Liebeck $160,000 in compensatory damages and $2.7 million in punitive damages. The judge reduced the punitive award to $480,000, or three times the compensatory award. Comment on the case, and whether the result was reasonable.
Self-driving cars are no longer science fiction. These vehicles are programmed to use lasers, sensors, software, and maps to drive themselves. A handful of states have passed laws allowing driverless technology on the road. But what happens when a driverless car harms someone? Who should be at fault? The passenger? The programmer? The manufacturer?
Congress passed the Protection for Lawful Commerce in Arms Act which provides that gun manufacturers and retailers cannot be sued for injuries arising from the criminal misuse of a weapon. Critics argue that when gun makers market and sell military-style assault rifles to civilians, they should be held liable because these highly dangerous weapons are designed for specially trained soldiers, not the general public. Assume you own a gun store. What ethical considerations would apply to the sale of guns in your store? If Congress had not passed the pertinent statute, what legal theory might make a gun store owner liable for a customers misuse of a gun bought at the store?

Your answer length may vary, but you should have enough to discuss to submit at least a few paragraphs for each question or scenario posed. If sources are requested, you must use MLA style and provide in-text citations and a Works Cited page. When referring to a case cited in the text, you do not need to provide a case citation, merely provide the page number that you are referencing.

Text is Introduction to Business Law, 6th Edition by Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson, and Patricia Snchez Abril


Topic: Environment

Thinkabout two environments you have experienced.

The first environment is one that did not confront the brutal facts, where the people (and the truth) were not heard.
Thesecond environment is one that did confront the brutal facts, wherepeople had a tremendous opportunity to be heard.
Whataccounts for the difference between the two environments? If you do not havethis life experience you are not off the hookyou will need to interview aleader who has these experiences and report on that. What does the contrastteach us about how to construct an environment where the truth is heard? Usingstrong Biblical support, explain how you relate this to your ChristianWorldview? Does your Christian Worldview help you develop this environment? Howdoes this relate to the ethical components of the Meese and Ortmeier text?

ead the case of Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin on pgs. 17-18 in the text and discuss whether or not affirmative action should be recognized in University admissions.

Read the case of Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin on pgs. 17-18 in the text and discuss whether or not affirmative action should be recognized in University admissions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this research project and paper, you may choose any topic that is related to the juvenile justice system or juvenile delinquency. If you have difficulty coming up with a topic, the textbook is an excellent place to begin getting ideas.
The research paper must have a cover sheet with, at a minimum, your name and my name on it. The research paper must be at least 5 pages in length (no more than 8 pages), using 1 inch margins, double-spaced, and either Arial or Times New Roman, 12 point black font.
You must use at least 5 SCHOLARLY references in the research paper. These references must be current (not older than seven years), they must be relevant to your topic and they must be properly cited.
Please cite any reference materials used and include a list of references at the end of your paper. I will not tolerate plagiarism.
I hope you take this opportunity to explore an area of the juvenile justice system or juvenile delinquency that really interests you. If you need help with your topic, just let me know.
This paper is worth 200 points so dont be late! I will not accept late papers.

Bad Hair “Pelo Malo”

You will use a movie and at least four articles to support your critique of an issue discussed in class: (economic, social, political, gender, identity, LGBTQ, and/or cultural rights) affecting Latinx groups portrayal in the media.
    The movie must focus on a specific Latinx group, it MUST be different than your own racial/ethnic group.  Be careful not to pick a documentary or a movie that does not give you enough material for your thesis.
    How is the issue you chose reflected in the storyline? How does it connect to our class lectures?
    Describe the language and images used to portray this group.  Explain how and why they are labeled a minority group, according to the 5 characteristics discussed -DTSAM.
    What kind of stereotypes or assumptions are presented in the movie?  Describe if there are clear examples of prejudice or discrimination.  Anything else worthy of mention?
    Find three peer-reviewed articles (academic journals) which discuss your TOPIC/THESIS, not necessarily your movie. Link the main thesis of your articles: do they support or contradict your thesis, your analysis of your group and its portrayal in the movie. Make sure you find the source of your document. Do not use Wikipedia. DO NOT USE A MOVIE REVIEW.

    7-10 pages, typed, 12 pt. New Times Roman font, double-spaced, APA STYLE, please proofread.
    Provide reference page and quote or paraphrase all work that is not your own.

Criminal Procedure in Motion

Criminal Procedure in Motion
Competencies Addressed in This Assignment
Competency 3: Explain the substantive and procedural interpretation of individual freedoms based on case analysis.
Competency 4: Document philosophical underpinnings and public policy influences associated with U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Competency 5: Communicate effectively in writing.
Legal research serves as a gateway to locate cases that interpret key areas of substantive and procedural criminal law. From there, understanding how to read the case is integral to using the case for guidance on parameters. The issue is the question presented to the court for review. That question is based on whether what took place at the trial can be challenged as incorrect and impacting the outcome of the case. The appellate court, in reaching the decision, includes the law relied on as support for the decision. That includes statutory law, from legislatures, and other court rulings, where prior courts interpreted the law.

Using the HeinOnline legal research database, use the Fastcase search to locate one U.S. Supreme Court case involving a criminal procedure issue. Searching law in your state, locate one case involving any criminal law issue.

In a 35 page paper:

Identify the key facts from each case and the issues presented to the courts.
Describe the laws relied on by the courts in reaching the decisions.
Illustrate the connection between that authority and the way the courts ruled.
Explain the interpretations of constitutional protections based on the decisions.
Describe philosophical underpinnings and public policy influences.
Relate the importance of conducting this case analysis to a criminal justice career.
Be sure to review the Criminal Procedure in Motion Scoring Guide to ensure that you understand the criteria for this assignment.

Use the links provided in the Resources to help you complete the assignment.

M3D1: Psychological First Aid for Disaster Survivors PART 2

Please refer to the attached files containing more detailed information and instructions.

Be sure to answer each question in it’s entirety one by one being as clear and precise as possible.
Write and label each question by number then provide detailed answer under each question.

Teenage Pregnancy pregnancy

Please write the argumentative of this.Thank you.

Think back to your teenage years, or for those of you, who are teenagers, think about your life as it is now. This is a time where school occupies a majority of your time and you spend a good amount of your free time out with friends. Your in the early years of your life just thinking and planning for all the success your going to have in the future and everything you aspire to do. At this age, finding out your going to have a child is the most horrifying news for both girls and boys, yet it happens to about 900,000 teenagers in the United States alone each year (Klein, 2005). Teen pregnancy not only affects the teenager herself, but also the child, the families involved, healthcare professionals, educators, and government officials as they try to accommodate and deal with issues that come with teen pregnancy (Klein, 2005). Although the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the industrialized world, it is a problem all over the globe (Klein, 2005). As drug abuse, teen sex, and alcohol increase worldwide, teen pregnancy is also increasing and will continue to rise over the years (Pros and cons,). Teenage childbearing is a problem. Many of the issues we have in todays society wouldnt be as big of a problem if the number of children born to teenagers were decreased.

Unexpected pregnancy in teens creates socioeconomic issues in the mother, and the father of the child, if he is involved in raising the child. One major affect on the mother is a loss of education. Many teenagers who become pregnant end up dropping out of school because they miss too many classes due to feeling sick or simply because of the way it makes them feel when they get looks from other students (Pros and cons,). The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy reports that only 38 percent of teens that have a child before age 18 have a high school diploma (Teen pregnancy, poverty, 2010). This then leads to financial issues because they do not have the education to qualify for a well paying job. Children are expensive to raise, and as the teen mother and in some cases, the father, attempt to buy all the items the baby needs, they usually run into some money problems. Because of the lack of job opportunity due one or both of the parents dropping out of school, this ultimately leads to financial instability in the parents and the child growing up in poverty. Studies show that there is a 67 percent chance that a child will grow up in poverty if the mother gave birth as a teen, the parents were unmarried when the child was born, and the mother did not receive a high school diploma or a GED (Teen pregnancy, poverty, 2010).

Unplanned childbirth in teens also leads to medical risks and causes problems in the development of the child. Studies show that adolescents younger than 17 years have a higher risk of medical complications involving the mother and child than adult women do (Klein, 2005). Because teen pregnancy is looked down upon by society, many teens who become pregnant are in denial or are scared to tell others, which can lead to some very severe health risks in the child. Low birth weight is very common in children of teen mothers because the mother doesnt gain the amount of weight needed during pregnancy (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). This can lead to organs that are not fully developed which can cause bleeding in the brain, respiratory distress syndrome, and intestinal problems (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). These children are also less likely to receive proper nutrition, healthcare, and cognitive and social stimulation, which may cause them to perform lower academically (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). It has been proven that children of teen mothers have increased risks of developmental delay, academic difficulties, behavioral disorders, substance abuse, early sexual activity, depression, and becoming adolescent parents themselves (Klein, 2005).

Although it may seem like teen pregnancy is only an issue for the mother and her family, it is not. The negative effects of teen pregnancy including, school failure, crime, poverty, child abuse, and neglect are all social problems that effect everyone and would decrease dramatically if teen pregnancy werent occurring (Linking teen pregnancy, 2010) Teenagers having children is not only costly to the family, but it also costs the public sector about 9 billion dollars each year because of healthcare costs, increased welfare costs, increased prison costs and lost tax revenue (Linking teen pregnancy, 2010). So, essentially every taxpayer has a part in paying for all these children who are born to teenagers.

As I have talked about throughout my paper, teen pregnancy is a big problem in society today. There are several prevention and awareness programs out there, but with teen pregnancy continuing to rise around the world, I believe that more can be done to decrease this number. Teen pregnancy causes many problems in families, such as low education, financial issues, poverty, and developmental delay and issues in the children. Children, who grow up in poverty with a teen mother or parents, are more likely to be teen mothers themselves and also grow up in poverty (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). This is an issue because it is one big cycle that seems to keep growing larger, and if further steps are not taken to try and help try and prevent it, that will greatly affect future generations and families to come