Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Darin is experiencing personal financial problems. The amount of income he receives from his corporation is barely sufficient to cover his living expenses, the payments due on his mortgage, various credit-card debts, and some loans that he took out to pay for his son’s college tuition. He would like to file for Chapter 7 liquidation just to be rid of the debts entirely, but he knows that he could probably pay them off over a four-year period if he really budgeted and used every cent available to pay his creditors. Darin decides to file for bankruptcy relief under Chapter 7. Are all of Darin’s debts dischargeable under Chapter 7, including the debts incurred for his son’s education? Given the fact that Darin could foreseeably pay off his debts over a four-year period, will the court allow Darin to obtain relief under Chapter 7? Why or why not?

Case Study

Darin is experiencing personal financial problems. The amount of income he receives from his corporation is barely sufficient to cover his living expenses, the payments due on his mortgage, various credit-card debts, and some loans that he took out to pay for his son’s college tuition. He would like to file for Chapter 7 liquidation just to be rid of the debts entirely, but he knows that he could probably pay them off over a four-year period if he really budgeted and used every cent available to pay his creditors. Darin decides to file for bankruptcy relief under Chapter 7. Are all of Darin’s debts dischargeable under Chapter 7, including the debts incurred for his son’s education? Given the fact that Darin could foreseeably pay off his debts over a four-year period, will the court allow Darin to obtain relief under Chapter 7? Why or why not?

Information Security Vulnerabilities

Please answer the following questions in regards to computer security and cite all scholarly references used:

1.    Consider a program to display on a local retail stores website the citys current time and temperature. Who might want to attack the program? What types of harm might they want to cause? What kind of vulnerabilities might they exploit to cause harm?

Pfleeger, Charles P. / Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence, and Marguiles, Jonathan, (2015).  Security in Computing, Fifth, Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-408504-3

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Please see attached reference for more information.

Hillside Stranglers victim analy6

Relying primarily on Chapters 5 & 6 of Forensic Victimology, complete an analysis of the Situational Exposure and Lifestyle Exposure of two of the victims of the Hillside Stranglers: Lauren Wagner and Yolanda Washington. Please cite to your resources. If needed I can get the definitions of situational and lifestyle exposures.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Investigating death is a job that not everyone can stomach.  As advancement has taken shape over the last 30 years, technology continues to seep into our daily lives.  In public areas, video cameras capture information and is stored on a cloud network, which can be reviewed later.  However, there are some individuals that dont take lightly the government and their ability to intrude on ones privacy.  Two years ago, we learned that Amazons Alexa and your smartv has the ability to record and capture what you are doing in your home.  If it was to solve death or other crimes, should the government be able to use technology without getting a warrant.  For example, your cell phone, smartv, gps in your car, home security system and other related gadgets.  Please write a 3-4-page paper.  The reference page and title page does not count towards the 3-4 pages.

Discuss the legal and ethical issues related to advertising to children. How effective are the current regulatory and legal frameworks? What issues do you still see in this area of advertising and marketing law? Provide specific examples from the advertis

Discuss the legal and ethical issues related to advertising to children. How effective are the current regulatory and legal frameworks? What issues do you still see in this area of advertising and marketing law? Provide specific examples from the advertising world and discuss key cases on this topic. What recommendations would you make for further steps to address these issues?

Use only FT-50 Journals for the research

National Strategy for Homeland Security

Please review the National Strategy for Homeland Security and provide feedback on current practices in relation to terrorism response protocols. Also, examine best practices and what can be improved upon in relation to terrorism response protocols. Think of ways that your suggested improvements could be applied to terrorist attacks that have occurred.

Research Paper Topic

The purpose of this assignment is to help you decide which scenario you want to address and to help you prepare for your research paper in Unit VII. Go ahead and choose one of the three scenarios (see Unit VII assignment and scenario list below) for your research, which must relate to how terrorism, genetic engineering, genocide operations, bio warfare, or
cyber terrorism may affect our efforts to mitigate future attacks globally or internationally, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the use of such weapons of mass destruction in a terrorist attack of this magnitude. Additionally, the paper must address the capabilities and design of future attacks as well as the strategies we must develop to prevent or diminish the impact of such attacks. You are encouraged to truly think outside of the box instead of just repeating previous efforts from terrorist organizations. From the reports of intelligence officers with the Central Region Command in Afghanistan, you can be assured that in addition to infrastructure attacks, terrorist organizations focus their attacks against educational and religious systems that they deem evil from their perspective.

Scenario Two:
You are the head of a Homeland Security Investigative Task Force assigned to mitigate threats or possible terrorist attacks against the port area of San Diego. This includes numerous U.S. Navy vessels as well as a number of oceanic freighters, local fishing vessels, and pleasure yachts. You have received a threat from an unknown source stating that coordinated attacks are going to be launched against military and civilian targets in and around the San Diego area. The threat alludes to the use of nuclear missiles launched from vessels off the coast of San Diego. The source of the threats remains unknown, but intelligence points toward North Korea and Iran.
Your job is to identify the probable source of the threats as well as mitigate the numerous scenarios of attack that could stem from the Pacific Ocean, the Baja, the roadways entering San Diego from all directions, or from within San Diego. No specific terrorist group has given any notice of an attack. You must identify all probable sources from which a nuclear missile could be launched. Since intelligence advises that neither North Korea nor Iran have long range capability, your search must be restricted to the immediate area. Additionally, all you know is that the attack is scheduled to occur sometime this month. Identify all possible sources that could launch a nuclear missile and determine countermeasures that will empower your personnel to defeat the attack or attacks before they occur. Your plan must include a worst-case scenario response plan to enable you to properly respond and deal with the blast effects from the attack should your personnel fail to stop the attack or attacks.

Also, for this assignment, you must include three sources that will be used for researching the Unit VII Research Paper. You are required to submit the scenario topic for your Unit VII Research Paper for approval. Provide a description of your topic and focus of your paper in the form of an abstract (at least 150 words) and provide a list of references you intend to
use in your research

Foundations of criminal justice

“Please read the New York Times article How the Police use Facial Recognition, and Where it Falls Short. It is well-known that scientific advancements have impacted police investigations. When law enforcement uses facial recognition software, is there a potential due process right subject to a violation? Write and post a brief article summary (minimum 4 sentences) supporting the use of facial recognition software by law enforcement and four sentences against its use.

What is your opinion of the death penalty? If you are in favor of it, imagine that you or someone you love is falsely accused of a crime and is facing the death penalty. Would this change your view? If so, how?

What is your opinion of the death penalty?

If you are in favor of it, imagine that you or someone you love is falsely accused of a crime and is facing the death penalty. Would this change your view?  If so, how?