Category: Law


Typing a 11 page paper over genocide. Will upload every thing my professor gave me through notes, power-points, etc. Here are the links and clips and the rest of the information my professor gave me.

All you have to do is type an 11 page paper over the information in these articles, powerpoints, and clips over what is being discussed. Dont have to hit every single thing but just some key points and cover it for 11 pages.

Truly means the world you are helping me.

The Baltimore Area Project

Assignment 2: The Baltimore Area Project
Due: Sunday October 11th

Block formatting
Suggested Length: ~ 4 double-spaced pages.
o Outline format (i.e., similar to how these instructions are set up) is encouraged.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Margins: 1 inch on all sides of page.
Subheadings: Please use subheadings.
References: Use APA citation structure as appropriate. Cite all sources, including links
See rubric on Sakai for detailed information on grading.
For this assignment, you will create a version of the Chicago Area Project for present day
Baltimore. The Chicago Area Project is ground in the belief that neighborhood residents can take
a lead role in the prevention of crime and delinquency through community building and
providing resources. The website for the Chicago Area Project is here:
The Chicago Area Project (CAP) was started in 1934 by Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay to
address issues of juvenile delinquency and youth gangs in the city. The focus on this project is on
the local community as a place for action which was in line with the Chicago Schools
thoughts on using the city as a laboratory. In order to prevent crime from occurring, the CAP
worked with residents and local institutions/organizations to support their reinforcement of
societys conventional values or norms. They viewed juvenile delinquency as an effect of social
disorganization in the community. Thus, the goal was to support the community in developing
social organization by changing the attitudes, sentiments, code, and moral standards of the
neighborhood as a whole (Burgess et al., 1937).
You are tasked with creating a project outline for implementing a Baltimore Area Project
inspired by the Chicago Area Project. I intend for you to approach this assignment with an open
mind of establishing this Baltimore Area Project in the way you would if you had access to
unlimited resources and partnerships. Try to create an ideal version of what you would see the
Baltimore Area Project as including. You can do this city wide *or* select one specific
neighborhood to focus on. Make sure you clearly state your selection at the start of your
You should include the following section in your Baltimore Area Project assignment:
1. A brief description of the Chicago Area Project and their approach to crime
o How was this intended to be effective in Chicago? Review their historical look at
the project here:
o Consider do you think this model would be effective in Baltimore? Why or Why
o What modifications would be needed overall to the approach to effectively
implement this in Baltimore.
2. The mission, philosophy, goal, and objectives for the Chicago Area Project are located
o Modify these for your Baltimore Area Project.
3. The Chicago Area Project includes Community Organizing
o They describe it as: Community Organizing involves identifying local leaders
and supporting their efforts in mobilizing residents to take responsibility for
guiding young people. Working together, community leaders, residents, and youth
prioritize neighborhood-specific issues, seek effective solutions, and identify
available resources to address them.
o Explain how community organizing would fit into your Baltimore Area Project.
o Specifically list who local leaders could be that could mobilize residents to take
4. The Chicago Area Project offers Direct Services
o They describe it as: Direct Services occur through CAP’s network of more than
40 affiliates offering educational, cultural, and recreational programs.
o Here is a list of the affiliates of the Chicago Area Project:
o Explain what Direct Services you would offer under your Baltimore Area Project.
o Specifically list what affiliates in the community you would like to enlist in order
to offer these direct services.
5. The Chicago Area Project engages in Advocacy
o They advocate with neighborhood groups on behalf of their youth for
improvements in schools, juvenile court systems, and employment opportunities.
o Identify specific projects that your Baltimore Area Project could advocate for
around the city
o Identify any neighborhood groups that you think could be beneficial partners to
advocate with
Please note: I do expect there to be some differences in how students approach this project, and
which parts of the Chicago Area Project they think would be applicable to a Baltimore version,
which parts they dont see as relevant, and what new additions they could make. As you contrast
your version, provide justifications for *why* you are either keeping the structure the same or
making modifications.
Your assignment should include many different sources and contents. Please include links and/or
citations to anything you are referring to in the outline (e.g., links to websites or news articles for
affiliates or projects to advocate for). Feel free to include pictures, maps, or other multimedia as
they are relevant as well.
This assignment will require you to some research on the city, neighborhoods in the city, and
community-based organizations that exist and offer local services. The Baltimore Neighborhood
Indicators Alliance here at UB ( collects information on key indicators,
including crime, across the regions of the city if you think these may be helpful. Remember that
as this assignment is focused on the Chicago School Perspective, the approach to crime includes
the ecological perspective, social disorganization, symbolic interaction, and culture conflict.
Your assignment should include justifications that link back to these theoretical perspectives.

Poverty and Domestic Violence

General Guidelines for Writing Essay #2

A major project for this course will be a review and analysis of the literature and a specific problem in criminology and criminal justice which each student will select. Specifically, you should do the following:

Follow these general guidelines. Exceptions are possible,  but  they  must  be  discussed  and  approved  by  the
Instructor  prior  to  writing    Essay #2.

a.    There should be at least two citations related to your topic.Citations that are used in Essay 1 (attached) can be used. In your essay, you will need to cite your references to provide empirical support for any factual statements you make about your problem. 
b.    The more recent the citations, the more likely the work reflects what is happening currently with regard to the problem.
c.    Make  sure  to  paraphrase  information  into  your  own  words,  rather  than  stringing  together
numerous  direct  quotes  from  your  scholarly  references.
d.    Please  give  yourself  sufficient  time  to  write  the  Essay  in  your  own  words.  Evidence 
Of  plagiarism  will  result  in  a  zero  for  this  assignment.

Reference citations should  include empirically and theoretically related articles concerning your topic.  Again, the more recent the citations, the better you can capture the current state of knowledge with regard to the design, methods, measures, sampling, results, and limitations of empirical studies that test the validity of criminaological theories with regard to explaining the problem.

Essay #2  Will  Consist  of    The  Following  –
Title  Page 


1. DESCRIPTION  OF  STUDIES:  (start by saying how many studies you are describing and evaluating, and the theories they have examined).  For each study you describe, include the purpose of the study, sampling, the rationale for, and measurement of, dependent, independent, and control variables, and the results of the study.

2.  LIMITATIONS  AND WEAKNESSES:  Identify  and  discuss  limitations  and  weaknesses  of  the  studies  included  in  the  section  –  DESCRIPTION  OF  STUDIES.

3.  THEORETICAL  PERSPECTIVES:    Identify  and  discuss  those  criminological  theories  that  have  been  used  to  explain  the  criminal  justice  issue  that  you  plan  to  study.  You  should  rely  very  heavily  on  your criminology  theory  textbook,  as  well as  the  empirical  journal  articles  that  you  have  collected  on  your  research  topic.    Be  sure  to  cite  your  references  and  include  them  on  your  reference  list.

Numbered Data collected can only be in whole numbers, no percents, 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussions should be: logical and well-formulated thought-provoking and open-ended and inspire deeper discussion about the significance and applications of the ideas discussed in the assigned readings.  In addition to posting your initial question, you are also required to post a minimum of 2 thoughtful responses to questions

Bohm, R. M. (2006). Article title: McJustice: On the McDonaldization of criminal justice. Justice Quarterly, 23(1), 127-146. Doi: 10.1080/07418820600552576


Health Law Research Paper: Includes references with footnotes
Section 1: Health Care Legislation Topic Background               
  Provide details as to the pertinent health care regulatory environment at either a hospital, public health organization, or clinic where you envison yourself working.  Explain why this law was necessary, and the importance of national or state wide legislation; include statistics and references from peer reviewed journals and articles.

Section 2: Specific Law or Legislation                     
  Describe your chosen health care law or legislation and include why this impacts the administration of this health care setting.

Section 3:  Significance of the Legal Issue                      
  Explain how and why your chosen law or legislation is a significant legal issue facing todays health care organizations.  Give examples.  Include your opinions as well.

Section 4: Reducing Risk and Ensuring Safety                
  Explain how you would reduce risk for the organization in order to reduce legal exposure and increase safety as well as optimize the care environment for patients. 
  Make closing remarks to discuss if the law is effective or not and back up with references; comment on your opinion of the law or legislation.


Please read chapter 6 and review power points.
1- Please summarize any two cases in the chapter. (Cases begin Page 116)
2-Research a recent high profile criminal case (actor, athlete, mogul etc.) summarize the case history and current standing in 2 paragraphs.  Cite at least 2 references.
3- Research the OJ Simpson Murder cases.  Summarize the proceedings in two paragraphs. Explain how OJ can be acquitted for the crime of murder, but found liable in the civil trial? (2 Paragraphs)

All cases must be summarized in the format provided in below.  All portions of the assignments must be separated by number in paragraphs.





Immanuel Kant’s Ethical theory

using 500-700 words discuss Immanuel Kant’s Ethical Theory i.e., deontology and how it may apply to modern policing ethical practices. In doing so, describe the theory of deontology and provide some historical background pertaining to Kant (born 1724 – died 1804). No direct quotes should be used in the response.

Intentional Torts Negligence and Strict Liability

LuAnn Plonski alleged that after shopping at a Kroger Co. grocery store in Indianapolis, Indiana, during afternoon hours, she proceeded to the stores parking lot (where her car was parked), placed her purse in the shopping cart she was using, opened the trunk of her car, and began loading her groceries into the trunk. She noticed that a man was walking toward her. He did not appear to be a Kroger employee (and, in fact, was not a Kroger employee). The man began running toward Plonski, who grabbed her purse and tried to run away but did not succeed. The man grabbed Plonski and her purse. He then picked her up, threw her in the trunk of the car, and began slamming the trunk lid on her legs. When the man looked away, Plonski jumped out of the trunk and ran into the Kroger store. The man then left the scene with Plonskis purse.

In an effort to collect damages for her injuries and the loss of her purse, Plonski filed a negligence lawsuit against Kroger in an Indiana court. After completion of discovery in the case, Kroger moved for summary judgment. Kroger argued that it owed no duty to Plonski and that even if it did owe a duty, there was no breach. In connection with its motion, Kroger provided affidavits from its risk manager and safety manager. Those affidavits asserted that the Kroger store in whose parking lot the incident occurred is located in a part of the city that has a reputation for low levels of criminal activity and that in the two-year period before the incident at issue, there had been only one report of criminal activity occurring on the stores premises. Plonski responded to Krogers motion by citing her deposition testimony and other evidence. The trial court denied Krogers summary judgment request, and the Indiana Court of Appeals affirmed. Kroger appealed to the Supreme Court of Indiana.

How do you believe that the Indiana Supreme Court should rule on whether Kroger owed a duty to Plonski and on whether Kroger was entitled to summary judgment? Post your answers and the legal rationale for your answer.

Plaintiff was standing on a platform of defendant’s railroad after buying a ticket to go to Rockaway Beach. A train stopped at the station, bound for another place. Two men ran forward to catch it. One of the men reached the platform of the car without mishap, though the train was already moving. The other man, carrying a package, jumped aboard the car, but seemed unsteady as if about to fall. A conductor on the car, who had held the door open, reached forward to help him in, and another conductor on the platform pushed him from behind. In this act, the package was dislodged, and fell upon the rails. It was a package of small size, about fifteen inches long, and was covered by a newspaper. In fact it contained fireworks, but there was nothing in its appearance to give notice of its contents. The fireworks exploded when they fell. The shock of the explosion threw down some scales at the other end of the platform, many feet away. The scales struck the plaintiff, causing injuries for which she sues.

In this scenario, do you believe the railroad should be liable for the injuries suffered by the plaintiff? Please post your answer here.

Terry v Ohio case brief

Write a one page brief for Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968). Case is attached.

The basic elements of a simple case brief are as follows:
1. case file
2. citation
3. year decided
4. facts
5. issue or issues
6. court decision
7. holding
8. case significance

General Strain Theory

It is important that you adhere to APA guidelines (this cannot be stressed enough). These assignments will be graded not only on content and application, but also on grammar, structure, and plagiarism. Papers should be typed, LIMITED to 5 PAGES (not including a title page and bibliography), double-spaced, and use a 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Also, writing is an important skill that needs to be demonstrated in this course.

This is graduate-level writing.

Paper 2: Strain Theory

You are expected to incorporate the sources provided as well as any other scholarly research that you find is relevant to the topic you select.
    Agnew, R. (1992). Foundation for a general strain theory of crime and delinquency.    Criminology, 30(1), 47-87.
    Agnew, R. (2013). When criminal coping is likely: An extension of general strain theory. Deviant     Behavior, 34(8), 653-670.
    Merton, R. (1938). Social Structure and Anomie. American Sociological Review, 3(5), 672-682.

2.    Research suggests that homelessness can influence the delinquent activity of adolescents. Drawing from General Strain theory, you are expected to discuss the following:
a.    Identify and explain the main propositions associated with General Strain Theory. Discuss how the theory addresses the issue of homelessness.
b.    Discuss the causal process theorized to underly the homeless and delinquent relationship (i.e., explain the process and what is likely to cause homeless youth to be more likely to result to delinquent behavior).
i.    You should cite any relevant and/or up-to-date research on the topic.
c.    Briefly discuss any relevant policy implications based on what is known about the relationship between homelessness and delinquent activity for youth.