Category: Law

Final Project_ Federal Bureau of Investigation

Final Project
Be sure to review the Final Project Guidelines document from the Week 1 Learning Resources area.

In the Final Project for this course, you demonstrate your understanding of the major topics presented by applying these concepts to a government or non-profit organization of your choice.

For the Final Project, you select a government (FBI) (federal, state, or local) or non-profit organization with which you are familiar. This could be an organization for which you currently work, have worked, know about from others, or have learned about through academic resources and/or media. With this organization in mind, you explore the various topics of the course. As you progress through the readings and assignments think about how these topics pertain to the organization you selected. The Learning Resources, Discussions, and Assignments all assist you in completing each section of the Final Project.

In your Final Project, you analyze and assess the following areas of the organization based on the processes and principles related to human resources management in a government or non-profit organization:

Mission and goals of the organization
Strategic human resource management
Applicable legal and ethical codes
Diversity considerations
Labor unions, privatization and outsourcing
Recruitment and selection methods
Compensation and benefits
Performance management and development
Opportunities, challenges, and trends
For the sections provide your analysis and assessment based on the processes and principles related to human resources management.

The Final Project is submitted in three parts in Weeks 2, 7, and 10:

Week 2: Submit a government (federal, state, or local) or non-profit organization with which you are familiar. Submit no later than Day 7 of Week 2.
Week 7: Submit an outline and annotated bibliography of a 3- to 4-page outline and include 3 annotated bibliographies with a list of the remaining 7 in APA reference format. Submit no later than Day 7 of Week 7.
Week 10: Submit the Final Project (pages). Your Final Project must demonstrate both breadth and depth of knowledge and critical thinking appropriate to graduate-level scholarship. It must follow APA Publication Manual guidelines and be free of typographical, spelling, and grammatical errors. The project should be 1520 pages in length (double-spaced), not including the title page, the abstract, and must include the course resources and at least 1012 peer reviewed scholarly references taken from the Walden Library which are no more than five years old. Submit no later than Day 7 of Week 10.

Discussion: Selection Tools

Discussion: Selection Tools
After a group of potential applicants has advanced through the recruitment and screening process, the human resource manager must select the best applicant from a group of finalists. Selection techniques such as cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, experience ratings, and interviews can assist managers working in non-profit and government organizations.

For this Discussion, review this weeks Resources. Review Chapter 6 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Focus on the selection tools used to hire qualified applicants. Review the article by Llorens and the Exercise 6.2, Barring Discrimination against Unemployed Applicants in the course text (page 207).

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4
Post your response to either question 1 or question 2 of Exercise 6.2, Barring Discrimination against Unemployed Applicants in the course text (page 207). Justify your response based upon the readings and what you have experienced in your government or non-profit organization.

Assignment: Part 2 of the Final ProjectFinal Project Outline and Annotated Bibliography

Assignment: Part 2 of the Final ProjectFinal Project Outline and Annotated Bibliography
As a future leader in government administration, it is essential that you understand the fundamental concepts, principles, and processes related to human resource management. Over the past several weeks, you have explored many of these human resource management concepts.

For this Assignment, you will be completing Part 2 of the Final Project.

The Assignment:

Submit a 3- to 4-page outline of your final project paper.
List 1012 peer reviewed scholarly references selected from the Walden Library databases which are no more than five years old. These should relate to the human resource management concepts from the course. Be sure that these references address the government or non-profit organization that you submitted in Week 2. (You will be using these references to complete the final part of the Final Project due in Week 10.)
Complete an annotated bibliography of three of these references. Be sure to follow APA Publication Manual guidelines.
This will be a graded assignment paper

Discussion: Recruitment

Discussion: Recruitment
Recruitment is necessary to attract qualified applicants to an organization. One recruitment technique entails screening applicants to determine who has the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOCs) to be successful on the job. In any organization, time is of the essence, and cannot be wasted on applicants who are not qualified. One factor that can hinder or hasten the recruitment and screening process is determining whether to recruit internally or externally. An internal candidate might already possess knowledge that a new employee could take weeks to absorb. However, other times it might be beneficial to hire an outside candidate who has a fresh perspective on organizational operations and policies.

For this Discussion, review this weeks Resources. Review Chapter 6 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Focus on recruitment and selection techniques and strategies. Discern the organizational effect of recruiting. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally and externally. Select a government or non-profit organization with which you are familiar.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4
Post a brief description of a government or non-profit organization you are familiar with. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally and externally for the government or non-profit organization you selected.

Discussion 1: Outsourcing

Discussion 1: Outsourcing
One of the most significant developments in public administration over the last several decades has been the privatization of public services. In the United States and some other countries, much of this privatizing has taken the form of outsourcing or contracting out. These developments have important implications for human resource management.

For this Discussion, review this weeks Resources. Review The Case of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission as presented in the article by Coggburn. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of privatization and outsourcing. Think about the impact of privatization and outsourcing on government and non-profit organizations.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3
Post  a brief Discussion of the outsourcing issues that arose in the The Case of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, as presented in the article by Coggburn. 

Digital Regulation

1.      Undertake the following steps:

        Choose a (digital) technology that interests you

o  To assist you, please see the non-exhaustive list provided below

        Identify any issues/challenges/risks/threats to society that your chosen technology poses;

        Identify the ways this digital technology is presently regulated

o  To undertake this part of the exercise, you must apply Lessigs four modalities, but can also rely on additional theories of regulation like Murrays theory of network communitarianism and Laidlaws gatekeeper theory, etc.

        Make a determination whether the regulatory framework for your chosen digital technology is efficient, sufficient, and working.

        If you think the law is too strict, make recommendations for how you would change the present regulatory strategy to enable the digital technology.

        If you conclude that your digital technology is under-regulated, present recommendations as how to constrain your technology through the further development of a further regulatory strategy.

        If you conclude that the present regulation is sufficient, undertake an exercise to identify any potential risks to the digital technology.

        Make a concluding statement as to why/how your regulatory framework will work better than the present.

Examples of digital technologies:

        Intelligent agents (Alexa, Siri), Recommender technology

        Delivery Drones, Personal Robots, Self-driving cars, Smart homes, Smart cities

        Virtual reality/Augmented Reality Wearables

        Algorithms and Machine-Learning Systems

        Facial Recognition Technology

        One class of items from the Internet of Things such as fitness wearables (like FitBit) or smart homes, smart toys, etc.)

3. Inform the course coordinator ([email protected]) who will need to approve the topic. Each will be approved on a first-come-first-served basis. If it is too similar to another students, I will advise you and you will need to choose a different one. When the topic is approved you can move on to the next step.

4. Thoroughly research the topic by looking for and reading information (articles, books, case law, laws, online information, news media). Make a plan for the paper (what goes in, what not; design a structure). You are strongly advised to follow the guidance in Step 1 above.

5. Write your paper. An academic paper is never perfect immediately (unless you are brilliant, but most of us unfortunately are not), so keep editing, deleting, rewriting, etc. Keep discussing the text within the group in order to fine-tune it until you think it cannot be improved. Ask a (near) native speaker to edit your text if you are uncertain about your written English. It does not need to be perfect, but it should be well enough (no big mistakes, clear sentences, logical reasoning) and readers should not have to think twice about what it is you are saying. Do not forget your references! The paper consists of maximum 2500 words, not including references. Students do not have to submit a bibliography if footnote properly.

criminal justice policing

Research Assignment
Currently. there is a movement in America that police reform is needed. Many believe that change must start from the top of an law enforcement agency down.

In Louisiana, there are three major administrative positions ( Chief of Police, Sheriff or Superintendent) that run police departments, sheriff’s offices and the state police. These leaders are either elected by the community or appointed by a mayor or governor. These leaders are in charge of public tax dollars that are between 1 to 120 million dollars a year along with protection the constitutional rights of all citizens within their jurisdiction. Your assignment is the following:

Part One:

Research and Identify the qualifications an individual in Louisiana  needs to hold one of these positions. If it is elected, be sure to include the requirements to run for public office.  You should be looking for the following information :

register voter
criminal record
ethical record
Civic duty
military experience
psychological wellness
physical health wellness
credit score history/financial responsibility
Family and faith composition
Part Two:

You are to identify each leader in the following Cities, Parishes and State and list their qualifications:

Louisiana State Police

Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office

Houma Police Department

Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office

Thibodaux Police Department

Assumption Parish Sheriff’s Office

St. Mary’s Parish Sheriff’s Office

Morgan City Police Department

St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office

Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office

Lafayette Police Department

Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office

Gretna Police Department

New Orleans Police Department

Part Three:

In your research you must provide the additional information:

The size of the department and the responsibilities the department has.
The size of the department budget and where does the funding sources come from.
Who has oversight over the  agency besides the Administrator. ” meaning who do they answer too.”
The methods of selecting employees and promotions.
Is higher education important to them.
What are their goals and objectives.
Part Four:

Question to answer: Does a good Cop Mean they would be a Good Administrator.
Your paper must be in APA format and must be no shorter than 10 pages long. You must have at least 9 agencies you reference in your paper.

Do not take this paper lightly,  you can fail the course by not doing it.

Answer this question:

Does good cops mean they are good administrators.

Writers choice

In this unit, you have learned about the importance of using sources of existing data. For this assignment, you will be the researcher using existing data from the report Prisoners in 2017. The Bureau of Justice Statistics report is based on data from the National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program. You will use this data to discuss the change in the prisoner population in your state as you prepare the corrections budget for the next year. You will want to review the full report. Your presentation should include the items listed below. Include an introduction of your role in the agency. You will want to include your title as well as he agency for which you are completing the presentation. Please be creative with the title. Explain the source of the data (i.e., the NPS). Ensure that you include background information on the NPS, including who collects the data, how often it is collected, and which states report the data. Identify the problem. Explain why it is necessary to gather the information from the NPS. Report the data. Using Table 2, report the following data from your state: number of male and female prisoners in 2016, number of male and female prisoners in 2017, number of total prisoners in 2016, number of total prisoners in 2017, and percent change in male, female, and total prisoners from 2016 to 2017. Using Table 7, report the following data from your state: number of 2016 admissions, number of 2017 admissions, percent change of admissions from 2016 to 2017, number of 2016 releases, number of 2017 releases, and percent change of releases from 2016 to 2017. Analyze the information. Explain how the NPS information will be analyzed in order to help with creating a correctional budget for the next year. Your presentation must be a minimum of nine slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Since you will be using the linked report, it should at least be cited and referenced using APA Style. In addition to the report, at least one other source is required. Any images used must be cited and referenced as well.

Writers choice

nstructions In this unit, we are almost to the end of the course, and you have learned quite a bit about research in criminal justice. In this presentation, which will serve as a summative assessment of your knowledge to date, you will assume the role of a new criminal justice researcher for a city, state, or federal agency (your choice). Since research is not always welcomed by criminal justice agencies for a variety of reasons, you have been tasked with preparing a PowerPoint presentation to explain and validate your researcher role. In your explanation, you will not only want to identify yourself and your position, but you will also want to focus on the benefits of research, the types of research, and how evaluation research can benefit your agency. Consequently, you will want to include the sections below in your presentation. Include an introduction. List your name. Include your title. Identify the agency in which you work, and provide a short explanation of its goals and history. Include background information about criminal justice research. What is research? Why is it important to the field of criminal justice? Detail research methodologies. Include quantitative information. Explanation Steps Provide qualitative information. Explanation Steps Include mixed-methods information. Explanation Steps Provide a comparison of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research. Include evaluation research. Explain how this type of research could specifically benefit your agency. Your presentation should be at least 15 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. All information should be presented on the slide rather than in the notes section. At least two outside sources should be used; one may be your textbook, and one should come from the CSU Online Library. References should be listed on the references slide, and the presentation should include in-text citations where appropriate. Any images used must be cited and referenced.

It needs to be 16 slides not including title and reference page

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Agricultural-Biological-Technology is the future, and a company developing a new gene that would make food more nutritious would have a valuable asset if no other company could use their discovery. Make an argument as to why businesses that develop modified organisms should be able to preserve their property rights by patenting such organisms.

Your argument might include the purpose of a patent being designed to protect the payoffs from investments in this sort of research and development. Then, make a counterargument as to why such organisms should not be allowed a patent. While you should present both sides, you should clearly choose a position for or against and attempt to persuade the reader to adopt your position. Actively incorporate and consider issues related to sustainability (societal, economic, and environmental), as well.

Arguments against might be found on websites such as Greenpeace. Also, be sure to read the United States Supreme Court decision of Diamond v. Chakrabarty.

Please have at least 5 cited sources.The paper must:
states legitimate arguments in favor of the position
states legitimate counterarguments against the position
persuades the reader to take the writer’s position
uses acceptable sources (including laws, legal theories, academic articles, etc.) to support the arguments, particularly the writer’s position. All sources are cited in APA format.
demonstrates a high quality of writing, including the use of clear and concise language