Category: Law

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You must have at least 5 cited sources

If you found a one-of-a-kind prototype of a revolutionary new mobile phone lying on a public beach, what would you do with it? What would be the consequences of your chosen action?
Does the value of a parcel of land come only from the profits it can generate? If not, what makes land valuable? Does it ever have any value that is not recognized by the law? Actively research and address issues of sustainability in this context.
What is the role of governments in regulating the use of any form of property? Why do laws work so well to maintain standard uses, and what would be alternative ways to set boundaries on what businesses could do?
What are some limitations of current law (choose any country of interest) in terms of protecting the use of public and private property from a sustainability perspective?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Explain to a business owner, or a party considering going into business, the importance of having an understanding, at least in general terms, of particulars of Canadian law that interest you and that may affect the success of the business.

Use at least four different examples of potential business scenarios that will have a better outcome if the principal party or parties ( ie. a business owner or a potential business owner ) informs himself, or themselves of the applicable, relevant Canadian law in advance of taking decisions. Give emphasis to the benefits that will arise from being informed of Canadian law to enhance the business scenarios, perhaps from the perspective of cost, or risk management or social utility or any other objective that you consider important. Write in formal English as you would to a business client or professional person. 

Make sure is correct legal citation if you cite ideas from reference or resources.

5 Discussion

This week we have explored the role confusion, or dichotomy of purpose, faced by probation and parole officers. One vivid symbol of this role confusion is the question of whether these officers should carry firearms. What are the pros and cons of probation and parole officers carrying guns?

I suggest you complete the module in the following order:

1) Read Essentials of Community Corrections, Chapter 4, “The Role of the Practitioner”

2) Watch the segment “Adult Probation Officer Recruitment Video” (Links to an external site.)

3) Watch the segment “Stanislaus County Probation Department HD” (Links to an external site.)

4) Read and listen to the Powerpoint presentation:

Module 5 Posted.pptxPreview the document

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Set Up:  You serve as the head of your local community Public Safety Commission.  The jail that is under your administration is falling apart and needs to be replaced, it basically cannot be repaired anymore.  Also, in the community, the Senior High School is in a similar state of disrepair.

It is now coming close to elections and funding for both are on the upcoming ballot and there is only funding for one (1) project and voter’s must decide which one to fund.


In a minimum of 5 pages, draft and support arguments that would support funding of the jail in lieu of the high school.

Since this is a fictitious jurisdiction, you can make up jail populations, trends, community needs, public safety concerns to justify your position.

support arguments that would support funding of the jail in lieu of the high school.

Set Up:  You serve as the head of your local community Public Safety Commission.  The jail that is under your administration is falling apart and needs to be replaced, it basically cannot be repaired anymore.  Also, in the community, the Senior High School is in a similar state of disrepair.

It is now coming close to elections and funding for both are on the upcoming ballot and there is only funding for one (1) project and voter’s must decide which one to fund.


In a minimum of 5 pages, draft and support arguments that would support funding of the jail in lieu of the high school.

Since this is a fictitious jurisdiction, you can make up jail populations, trends, community needs, public safety concerns to justify your position.

Proud boys

Give a short description of what they stand for, and their history.  Do you think the group that you chose should be allowed to do what they are doing?  Take a side and explain if you think what they are doing is free speech or hate speech and should it be allowed to occur.  One last thing, do you think, that either one of these groups could become a terrorist organization.

You must use social media to do this assignment. Please list all urls that you viewed and used to come to your conclusion.  I recommend that you use YouTube to review speeches given by either of the two groups.

Digital Literarcy Assignment in Criminal Justice

News, and news sources, are critical to the way we see the world. How do we determine if a news source is credible and the information is both thorough and accurate? This assignment challenges students to compare online articles about the same criminal justice-related or ethics-related issue from sources that fall into loosely “liberal” and “conservative” websites and which show distance difference in coverage. The assignment combines digital literacy (findings and identifying articles on the same topic from two discrete sources) and critical thinking (analysis of the impact that biased information may have on readers). The final version of the assignment is an expansion of the directions outlined above. You will NOT submit an outline, INSTEAD, in a narrative format, the student should briefly explain the subject of the articles, the areas of commonality, and the substantive differences in their coverage. The student should then address the impact that reading only one of the two articles might have on the average reader. Will the reader fully knowledgeable about the issue? Finally, students should blend the information between the two articles into a complete and true explanation of the issue presented such that the reader is well and thoroughly informed. Students should ensure that copies of the two comparative news articles are included as part of the assignment, and not as an attachment to a separate document. The easiest way to do is maybe to combine the narrative and two sources into a single PDF.

short essay/article

You must find a news article that addresses a contemporary public administration issue and submit it to me via Canvas, along with a short essay of no more than one page double-spaced, discussing the central issue of the article (a working link to your article inserted into your essay is also acceptable). You must outline/explain the central issue the article raises, and articulate a position on the issue. The source of the article must be a credible news source such as a local news station, national news agency or newspaper publications. While political and opinion websites are increasingly relied on as news sources, please stick to traditional news sources such as the Pensacola News Journal, Tampa Bay Times, Miami Herald or nationally recognized news publications such as USA Today, Washington Post etc. Local news channel web articles can also be used. Remember that the article must be a news article and not an opinion piece or editorial. Opinion pieces or editorials will not receive credit.

Emotional Intelligence

Unit IV Article Critique
Police and Community
    Weight: 10% of course grade
    Grading Rubric
    Due: Tuesday, 09/29/2020 11:59 PM (CST)
For this assignment, you will be using the  Online Library to locate an article that discusses how emotional intelligence, intelligence quotient, and/or social intelligence are important to police-community relations.
The article must be a scholarly journal article. Do not use articles from newspapers, news outlets, blogs, websites, or Wikipedia as these sources are not academically acceptable.
When working on your article critique, please keep the following requirements in mind.
    The article must be a scholarly journal article.
    The topic must be appropriate for the course or the audience.
    You should identify whether you are in support of the articles premise or not and why.
    You should then apply a proper analysis, which is predicated upon some knowledge of the topic, and a review of the contravening arguments made by other researchers or experts.
    This is followed by you putting forth your critical evaluation of the premise(s) of the article and your position, supported by the literature.
Some of the questions you should ask about the article include the following:
    What biographical data about the author of the article is important?
    What is the purpose, tone, and format of the article?
    How can the work be interpreted?
    Based upon your review of the literature, is there any information in the article that is inaccurate or incomplete?
    In what way was the article successful? Did the author succeed in what he or she was trying to accomplish?
    How does the author fail? What did you find in your review of the literature that brings you to that conclusion?
    Are there any historical, psychological, geographical, gender, racial, cultural, religious, or sexual considerations that have an impact on the article?
Your article critique should contain the following elements:
    APA title page (p. 1);
    content beginning on p. 2, and there must be a minimum of 3 pages of content, not including the title or references pages; and
    APA references page.
For help with composing your article critique, please view the Article Critiques tutorial. The transcript for this resource can be found within the Notes tab to the right of the presentation


Pick a criminal justice agency that interests you.  In 500 words or more, create a scenario where you are the administration/management of this organization. Describe how you would go about motivating your personnel.  What would your staff look like?  How many people?  What would their jobs be as well as yourself?  How would  you monitor your implementation of motivation among them? What would be some of your challenges in this position?  What would be some of your best resources? The more detailed or  elaborate, the more points.

Be sure to cite APA format with in text citations and references where needed.

End your scenario with how you see your organization in the present day and where it will be in 10 years from now.