Category: Law

motherhood in prison

For this final project you are going to choose one of the provided topics and make a presentation covering this issue in corrections. You can make your presentation in Power Point, Prezi, or make a video. Whatever you think will best get your research across.

There is no minimum requirement per-se, I care more about the QUALITY of your content than the QUANTITY, but I should see that you spent time on the presentation and your topic is well researched and thought out. Using well researched sources, discussing your topic in depth (history, what works/doesnt, future outlook, your opinion on the topic, etc.), including pictures, being creative, and including audio are all ways to ensure yourself a good grade.

Motherhood in Prison

Research motherhood in prison and the challenges faced by mothers and the correctional system

Discuss those problems and how they can be solved

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I will provide 10 articles and I need a one page abstract for each one. Ill provide a copy of a sample abstract and how its supposed to be set up.

2. Tort Law
3.Risk Management
4.Agency Law
5. Contract law
6.Constitutional law
7. Gender Equity
8.EMployment LAw
9. Intellectual Property Law
10.antitrust law

Radiological Dispersal Devices)

Students will discuss RDDs (Radiological Dispersal Devices) and their impact at a major event.
It will be your choice and imagination of which venue or major event to use as an example while discussing RDDs.

Roughly 5-10 pages, 1-in margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Please use Microsoft Word.
APA formatting desired (request assistance if needed);
Title, Abstract, and Table of Contents are preferred sections; Main Body, and Reference pages will be required no matter what. Must have at least 5 academic/scholarly references.

Sample Breakdown of Paper
Table of Contents
What are Dirty Bombs and How are They Hazardous?
What Organizations and Authorities are Involved in RDD Response?
OSHA Compliance
How Will Clean-up Workers be Protected?
How Will Workers in the Surrounding Area be Protected?
How Will Neighbors in the Surrounding Area be Protected?
How Will First Responders be Protected?
How Will Health Care Workers be Protected?
What Can be Done to Secure Radioactive Materials?
List Site Specific Actions Based on Venue
Related Safety and Health Topics

Radiological Dispersal Devices)

Students will discuss RDDs (Radiological Dispersal Devices) and their impact at a major event.
It will be your choice and imagination of which venue or major event to use as an example while discussing RDDs.

Roughly 5-10 pages, 1-in margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Please use Microsoft Word.
APA formatting desired (request assistance if needed);
Title, Abstract, and Table of Contents are preferred sections; Main Body, and Reference pages will be required no matter what. Must have at least 5 academic/scholarly references.

Sample Breakdown of Paper
Table of Contents
What are Dirty Bombs and How are They Hazardous?
What Organizations and Authorities are Involved in RDD Response?
OSHA Compliance
How Will Clean-up Workers be Protected?
How Will Workers in the Surrounding Area be Protected?
How Will Neighbors in the Surrounding Area be Protected?
How Will First Responders be Protected?
How Will Health Care Workers be Protected?
What Can be Done to Secure Radioactive Materials?
List Site Specific Actions Based on Venue
Related Safety and Health Topics

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Every manager has different skills, and specialties of expertise.  It is quite possible that you could be in a situation where you see something that someone else does not see, especially if they are working under you with less education or experience than you.  If a loan officer working under you recommends a loan to a customer, describe (A) when you would authorize that loan, and (B) when you would deny the loan in each of the following cases and give your rationale.

You disagree with your subordinate because you do not think restaurants are good investments in general, so you have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your experience with the market rather than any financial facts.
You disagree with your subordinate because you think medical operations are high risk for legal problems, so you have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your experience with the law rather than any financial facts.
You disagree with your subordinate because you think members of their family are business failures, so you have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your experience with social history rather than any financial facts.
You disagree with your subordinate because you just have a bad feeling about this customer’s ability to repay the loan based on your gut instinct rather than any financial facts.

Ypu must have 5 cited references.

Strategic goals

Describe your rationale for selecting each performance measure and also how it can accurately measure the goals success, and if the elected officials would agree with your definition of success when using these measures. If they would agree, why would they do so? If not, how would you justify your definition of success to them?

administrative law

Please write essays on three topics shown below.

Successful essays will
Cite, reference, and discuss at least one scholarly article and also explain 2-4 websites on the chosen topic.
Discuss court decisions, administrative practices, and other aspects related to public and administrative law.
Be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, citations, or references.
Correctly use Turabian author/date parenthetic citation and reference list style.
Avoid plagiarism.
Show live links for websites.
Have a heading that identifies the topic.
Submit your essays in a single Word file. Be sure your name is at the top of the essays document and that your last name is in the title of the electronic file.

The topics are
1. Federalism: Explore how court decisions shape Constitutional interpretation of the relationship between the national and state governments in the U.S.
2. Public employee speech: Discuss the development of case law (court decisions) that defines the speech rights of public employees.
3. Administrative rule making: Explore concepts and current issues in the administrative process of creating and adopting regulations to implement legislation.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

10th Justice; Employee Arbitration Agreements
Employment laws impact everyone, regardless if you are actively employed or not. As employers continue to control costs associated with claims from employees, employers have commonly turned to arbitration agreements. These agreements normally require employees to waive any right or protection afforded by joining a class action and instead forces each individual employee to take the claims before an individual arbitration. In 2018, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis by a narrow margin of 5-4 that employers could enforce these arbitration agreements.

In your assignment this week please explain why the court got this correct AND explain why the court was wrong. Lastly, if you were the 10th justice how would you vote and why?

This link should provide you with details on the case:

Click on the left hand side under Opinions for full details.

“Are there other Western countries that have found triaging calls for emergency response between police and mental health professionals helpful in defusing potential deadly interactions between individuals and first responders?”

write an article critique of published research which uses one of the forms of experimental design discussed in the book. You will be writing a second article critique later the in the semester, using what you’ve learned from this critique to improve your analysis and writing.


Locate one research article using an experimental design related to your project topic and research question. Read the entire article, not just the abstract. Be sure to write the critique in your own words and cite appropriately. Use APA style (abstract not required). Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length, excluding the cover and references pages. Further guidelines for writing an article critique can be found herePreview the document.

Do not include any direct quotes in your paper unless they are absolutely necessary.

DB 6

Threads in response to the questions must reflect critical thought, relate the course content to real-world applications with biblical perspectives, and cite any sources used. The thread must be at least 250300 words. References will be provided to writer.

Discuss the importance of information sharing to homeland security. What progress has been made? Do barriers to information sharing exist? List any barriers, and provide considerations for minimizing these barriers.