Category: Law

DB 5 replies

You must post at least 2 replies to your classmates threads. The replies must be 100135 words each.

Responding to a classmates post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate, or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions. Original posts will be uploaded to assigned writer.

Choose a sector in the Appendix, and discuss the responsible department or agency. What regulations apply? Are any private sector organizations involved? What standards, guidelines, and protocols does the private sector have? Considering possible threats, could improvements be made to the current standards? How?

Leadership strategies

Based on your readings and class discussions during this semester, write a 10-page research paper, to include a title page, abstract, and reference page for newly promoted supervisors. Discuss leadership strategies, suggestions on resolving common supervisory issues, and give advice about what NOT to do. The topics you read and discussed this semester include a number of points that provide guidance to effective police supervision. The goal of this paper is for you to coalesce what you learned into what you believe would be a great platform for a brand new supervisor in your agency to get started with. Utilize a minimum of three outside sources and use in-text citations per APA standards.

Textbook: Moore and Miller, F. (2017). Effective Police Supervision. (8th ed.)  Anderson Publishing.  ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1138225183, ISBN-10: 9781138225183


Define the term statesmanship and explain its relevance to effective and ethical public administration. 
Evaluate historical models for government administration.
Compare and contrast with American founding principles.
Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above.

Using the MEALs Paragraph development 

The MEAL plan is a way to organize your paragraphs as you write; it helps writers create strong, thorough paragraphs. The letters, “M-E-A-L,” form an acronym that stands for the following:

MMain idea: This is usually expressed in a strong topic sentence.See tips on using a strong topic sentence.

EEvidence: Once your readers are clear what the main topic of your paragraph is, you can use source material as evidence to discuss your topic and promote your academic argument. The word “evidence” is another way to say source citations.See tips on how to best use evidence.

AAnalysis: After giving the evidence, youll want to explain, incorporate, and integrate that evidence by providing some analysis. Analysis is where you can compare, contrast, and provide explanations for the source material, why it is important, and how it relates to your main idea.

LLead out: The lead-out sentence or sentences are where you will sum up what the paragraph discussed and then preview what is coming in the next paragraph so that the reader can smoothly move from one idea to the next.See some other tips on transitional words and phrases.

MUST HAVE THE THE FOLLOWING:citations from all required reading, presentations, and scholarly source material.

Biblical Integration

Provides a nuanced discussion of Biblical concepts as related to the content and assigned questions.

Sources & Citations

All required readings and presentations from the current and prior modules must be cited. At least 20 scholarly sources are used.

Grammar & APA

Limited to no errors in grammar, spelling, APA, etc.

Kent v. United States, In re Gault, and In re Winship

In this assignment, conduct a case study of Kent v. United States, In re Gault, and In re Winship. These three landmark Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) cases significantly affected the due process rights of juveniles.

The case study must include the following components:

You are required to use the sources of information listed in the required readings section of the unit study guide. You may also use other sources of information in support of your analysis.
You are required to submit a separate case study for each of the previously listed cases, submitted as one document.
For each case study, you are required to write at least a three paragraph case overview of the case and a three paragraph summary describing the effects on the rights of the juvenile. You are required to use or follow the Unit V Case Study Template format.
Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Introduction to national security

The techniques and weapons discussed in this module and chapter certainly have the potential to cause severe damage to an information-dependent military operation.  Unfortunately, America is arguably the most information-dependent society, so we are at a greater risk than any of our enemies.  Write a short reaction essay (2 pages double-spaced, 12 point font) on how do we defend ourselves, then?

media and policy

Practice Assignment 2

Due Sept 27

This assignment encompasses Practice Assignment 2 and Discussion Post 2. This week you will work through steps 1 -4.

Step 1: Review the various Amendments and Articles in the U.S Constitution.

Step 2: Name and define each of the five freedoms outlined in the First Amendment and give examples of ways you exercise each freedom – to the best of  your ability focus on issues of Media, Technology, (Tele)Communications and Information Policy and the upcoming election.

Step 3: Reflect on the interplay of the Freedoms outlined in the 1st Amendment. Answer the following questions:

Do you think any one of these freedoms could exist alone, without the support of the other four?

Would free speech be a powerful right if we did not also have a free press?

How would freedom to petition be different if we didnt also have freedom of assembly?

What are other examples of this interplay across Freedoms?

Step 4: Critically assess how these Freedoms impact you personally, and society as a whole. Answer the following questions:

Given the rate and pace of technological change and current events such as the pandemic, civil unrest, white supremacy and the security of our elections, which of the Freedoms is the most valuable in your view? Why?

Given the rate and pace of technological change and current events such as the pandemic, civil unrest, white supremacy and the security of our elections, are these Freedoms still applicable today? Do they serve their initial purpose?

Are any of the Freedoms outdated, obsolete or no longer applicable? Can you think of an example where on Freedom is at odds with public good, or betterment of society?

Budget Management in Government

Please read the files provided.

Provide a summary by answering the 3 questions:
1. Please explain the budget and agency Relations in Government

2. To what extent are the management controls able to ensure that agencies meet the goals set on the budgets.

3. How have these control helped achieve greater efficiencies in government?

500 words

Restorative Justice

Fully describe the purpose of restorative justice
Describe how restorative justice fits into the correctional process
Describe the pros and cons of restorative justice

Final Paper Guidelines:

Write a 3 page research paper, APA format, that addresses the criteria above
An ABSTRACT is NOT required
Your title page and reference page DO NOT count as part of the page requirement
Minimum of THREE peer-reviewed scholarly and/or government sources outside of your textbook
You may NOT cite your textbook
Critical Analysis: In your paper, you must critically analyze your research. Do not overly use direct quotes; instead, summarize your research and cite your source, interpret the findings, and present logical arguments in support of your thesis.
Use subheadings to divide the sections of your paper

Funeral Law and Ethics

The purpose of the case study assignment is to research a court case in which a funeral director has been found liable for a wrongdoing.  There are literally thousands of documented cases that can be found online.  Once you have researched  a case, you will type a summary and critical analysis of the case, and submit it via the SafeAssign link. 

The Assignment
You must write a summary and critical analysis for your researched case study. The assignment should be typed and words should be spelled correctly.  Upon compIetion, I must receive it via the SafeAssign link (simply click on the title “Writing Assignment:  Case Study #1” to submit the assignment), by the end of this module. I will not accept this assignment if it is emailed to me!

Grading Criteria
The summary should be no less than one page in length.  A title page is not necessary, but you should cite your references on a separate page.  Your name, course and section number, and assignment title should be listed on the title page.  Your paper should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, and one inch margins.  Make certain to cite your references.  This assignment is worth 3.33% of your final grade.  A grading rubric is attached. 

Textbook and/or Internet

Criminal Law


1.What has the Supreme Court ruled with respect to sentencing guidelines?

2.How do sentencing guidelines reduce the importance of a PSI report?

3.What are the criticisms of PSI reports?

1.To what extent should a trial judge consider the victim impact statement when sentencing a convicted felon?

2.Consider the current federal sentencing guidelines and mandatory sentencing requirements. Would society benefit from more or less judicial discretion? Explain.