Category: Law

The Nexus of Homeland Security and Terrorism

The Nexus of Homeland Security and Terrorism
You will examine the nexus between terrorism and homeland security. You will analyze the use of all phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery and the subcomponents found in each phase) as much as is applicable as each relates directly to terrorism. Mitigation as it relates to terrorism will be examined and will include risk assessment as well as mitigation strategies both structural and non-structural. Hint mitigation of terrorism can and should be at many levels and in many ways, such as strategically and globally as well as tactically and locally and across a myriad of disciplines. Prevention will also be addressed, and, again, holistically. Preparedness will be addressed, and remember, there are many disciplines that represent the first responder community as well as the larger homeland security community. Response and recovery will be addressed and, once again, there are many groups involved in both phases. The analysis will be written in standard APA formatting using headings and references. A minimum of 6 references are required. The examination must be at least 7 full pages of content. The paper will be submitted through SafeAssign.

Assignment Specifics:
    Minimum of 7 full pages, not counting title and reference pages
    Research-oriented paper in current APA format
    At least 6 sources

Submit by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

Criminal Profiling for crime control

Prepare a thorough and effective plan on Criminal Profiling for crime control. This research project should include the following:

1. Title – Criminal Profiling for crime control.

2. Plan for topic review: How will you do a detail review of the topic and make sure that the issue you are addressing is genuine? How will you know it is worth spending time on this topic?

2. Plan for proposal: How will you develop your proposed idea for practical implementation? What parameters/considerations would you take into account in developing the design or your proposed idea?

3. Plan for testing and data collection: How will you test your proposed idea? How will you collect any data in relation to your proposal? where will you go and/or who will you contact?

4. Plan for data analysis: How will you analyze your data or test results? If you don’t get expected results/data, how will you modify your proposed idea?

5. Plan for writing: How will you start and complete writing? What resources will you take help from to write?

Criminal Profiling for crime control

Prepare a thorough and effective plan on Criminal Profiling for crime control. This research project should include the following:

1. Title – Criminal Profiling for crime control.

2. Plan for topic review: How will you do a detail review of the topic and make sure that the issue you are addressing is genuine? How will you know it is worth spending time on this topic?

2. Plan for proposal: How will you develop your proposed idea for practical implementation? What parameters/considerations would you take into account in developing the design or your proposed idea?

3. Plan for testing and data collection: How will you test your proposed idea? How will you collect any data in relation to your proposal? where will you go and/or who will you contact?

4. Plan for data analysis: How will you analyze your data or test results? If you don’t get expected results/data, how will you modify your proposed idea?

5. Plan for writing: How will you start and complete writing? What resources will you take help from to write?

criminal justice

Select two theories from the following list:

Modeling theory
Attachment theory
Behavioral conditioning
Create an infographic comparing and contrasting your selected theories. Which of the two theories do you feel best explains criminality? Why did you select this theory? Defend your answer academically.


Read How to design a comparison infographic
Open a Piktochart account.
Create a message and answer the questions: Which of the two theories do you feel best explains criminality? Why did you select this theory?
Insert the image (of your infographic), URL, or attach a PDF file to the discussion board.
Refer to M1S4 for an example of a Piktochart infographic.
A  rubric Click for more options rubric – Alternative Formats

has been provided.


1) Consider Kaczynski’s childhood. Which relationships in his family impacted him the most and why? Is there anything that stands out to you about his childhood?

2) Please read the following article:

How did Kaczynksi’s years at Harvard University influence (or not influence) him from a developmental life course perspective?

3) Many have said that “society” is responsible for creating the Unabomber. Depending on your position on this point, why do you think this may or may not be true?


1) This case study should be a minimum of 6 pages of analysis. Please number each page.

2) There should be a reference page (Page 7) at the end of the case study

3) For each page missing, an automatic 10 points gets deducted. So if you submit a 5 page paper, you start out with a 90.

4) Please look out for formatting, proper indentation, punctuation use, grammar, syntax, and spelling errors. 1 point gets deducted for every error.

5) Please take the time to edit your documents before submitting.


Legal Issues For the Police

Select a topic of your choice related to the criminal justice theories in this course and write a research paper. The paper should be double-spaced, 12 points and Times New Roman in font. Your research paper should include the following:

An introduction: (1-2 paragraphs)
Research question: Write one to two research questions that you would like to explore in your research.
Literature review (at least 4 pages): Find at least five peer-reviewed articles and paraphrase important conclusions of these articles related to your research question. Make sure to cite them all using the APA style.
Conclusion: In this section summarize the important points that you found in your research.

Note: DO NOT use direct quotes whatsoever, only paraphrase.

While your paper must have a scholarly tone (e.g. using appropriate grammar and a college-level vocabulary, not using contractions or the first-person or the second person), it should consist mainly of your own original ideas and thoughts. Use the APA style for references.

The focus will be on integrating in your own language the literature available on the topic of your choice. Make sure the articles are peer-reviewed or scholarly articles and not book reviews, book review essays, newspaper articles, or descriptive pieces found on the Internet.

Please submit your term paper through Blackboard. Submit through Turnitin or SafeAssign several times before the due date to check for plagiarism. The originality report should contain less than 20% matching. Otherwise, it will not be graded.

criminal justice

Using your module resources as backing, do you feel that untreated mental illness is something which affects the likelihood that someone will become crime prone?

Many times practitioners are reluctant to label children with a mental illness. Why do you think this is? Should society hold off on labeling a child who exhibits signs of a mental disorder or should we label them early in order for treatment to begin at a young age?

Discussion Board Guidelines: Submit an answer to the discussion board. Each discussion board post will be between 200 300 words long. Refer & cite current resources in your answer.  You will need to respond to two peers postings. Your peer response should be a minimum of three sentences.

A  rubric Click for more options rubric – Alternative Formats

has been provided.

Racial Profiing

In a literature review, you will:
1.    Identify the most relevant research on your topic
2.    Summarize the research
3.    Evaluate the research
4.    Show how the research addresses the overall topic
5.    Identify any gaps in the research

Assignment Guidelines:
1.    Write a literature review according to the assignment guidelines
2.    Min of 10 pages
3.    Min of 20 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles, government publications, or articles from peer-reviewed trade journals
4.    APA format
5.    You must use headings/subheadings to divide the sections of your paper
6.    Review this document on writing the literature review for this course.
7.    Format your paper with the following:
a.    Title page
b.    Abstract
c.    Introduction, body, conclusion
d.    Reference page

I know the instructions say 10 pages and I requested 5 pages but, I am trying to understand how this is supposed to look and be formatted. (ie. format, how to arrange topics, intro, body, conclusion, etc.) I am looking for a good example that follows these instructions so, i know what to do on my own paper for this topic. I attached an annotated bibliography that I submitted on my topic with sources.

Defending Jacob

Listen to or read the book “Defending Jacob” (available on Amazon or  Write a paragraph on your thoughts after each chapter.  Specifically, consider the physical evidence and “propensity evidence”.  For this purpose, “propensity evidence” is evidence that suggests that someone is prone to crime.  Specifically, consider whether it is appropriate to use the “murder gene” as evidence to establish guilt.

Analytical Writing assignment

Carefully review the scenario set forth below.  Unless otherwise stated, assume the precedents and laws to be utilized are for the present day. Your analysis may be no longer than three pages, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman.

            Officer B. D. Mann received an anonymous tip that a known fugitive wanted for a felony, I. Dunn Flew, was hiding at the home of Rita Conceala.  Acting on the tip, Officer Mann did a background check on Rita and learned that she was on probation for Solicitation.  Mann then contacted Ritas probation officer, Woody, and told Woody about the tip he had received.  Woody then tried to contact Rita but was unable to reach her.  Woody told Officer Mann about the fact that Rita had given a general consent to all searches by a Probation Officer of her person, house papers and effects as a condition of probation.

            The police went to Ritas room, and found what appeared to be contraband white powder in her toiletries case.  Flew was not there.  The police went into the room next to Ritas and found evidence that Rita had been conducting an extensive call girl operation out of the boarding house.  Rita was charged and sentenced to jail for violating her probation.  Rita was also charged with a new charge of Solicitation.

            Based on the evidence obtained in the room next door to Ritas, the police obtained a warrant to search the home of Irma Hooker.  The police, on the authority of the warrant, searched the home of Irma Hooker, and found evidence: ledgers, bank deposits, records and receipts of the solicitation business.  Among the records were the names of some prominent citizens, including the judge, Royal Hammerdem, who issued the search warrant, and who, it was later learned, did not know Irmas real name or address.  At a subsequent hearing, the court found that the warrant for Hookers home was defective because of a technicality in the form filed: Hookers name was actually an alias and not her proper name.

            The men who were named as Johns were charged with petty offense charges carrying less than 6 months in jail as punishment.  All of these Johns demanded trial by jury and that lawyers be appointed for them.  The court refuses to appoint lawyers for the Johns, and after a trial sentences them to a fine and a 30 day suspended sentence.  The Johns demand a lawyer for appeal, and after denial of their appeal at the intermediary appeals court, the Johns demand appointment of a lawyer for the discretionary appeal to the State Supreme Court.

            Officer Mann also convinced Irma to make contact with the Judge involved, and Irma agreed to wear a wire when she spoke with the judge.  During the conversation with Irma, the judge made incriminating statements about a cover up and obstruction of justice, which Mann recorded from the radio transmissions.

            Acting on other information obtained from Irma, Officer Mann, from the department helicopter flying at 400 feet, observed in a partially covered green house located in the back yard of Mayor, Bob N. Weave, several green, leafy plants believed to be cannabis sativa.  Based on this information, a warrant was obtained and the Mayors property was searched and evidence of drug production was seized.  Police also seized the trash from the street in front of the Mayors house, and in that trash they found records of drug sales and receipts.  The warrant did not include the trash located on the street in front of the Mayors house.

            Mann, acting on further evidence obtained from Irma, placed a radio transmitter on the outside of the telephone booth located outside the police station.  The conversations coming from the telephone booth were recorded by Mann.  One of these recordings was that of the Chief of Police, I.M. Crank, trying to arrange a cover up for the judge involved.  The defendants all wanted to know how a person in their own, other states and the federal government got their jobs and could do practically whatever they wanted to do.  The defendants also wanted to be informed about the various avenues of appeals and what types of things can be appealed should that become necessary, as well as what role that the media coverage and current political climate might play in the judicial decisions.

            After the arrests, the local paper ran a picture of Crank talking to Irma at a time three weeks prior to the arrests.  Based on this picture, the police had probable cause to obtain a warrant to search the local papers files for other pictures implicating Crank with Irma.  Assume the probable cause was valid, and that the police obtained a warrant based on the probable cause to search the newspaper.

            Officer Mann is driving in an unmarked police vehicle, and he sees Hammerdem fail to signal the right turn that Hammerdem made.  Mann really wants to search Hammerdem and his car for evidence, but does not have probable cause.  Mann makes a traffic stop, and after speaking with the judge Mann arrests Hammerdem for the failure to use the turn signal.  Before applying handcuffs to Hammerdem and while Hammerdem is standing beside the car, Mann then searches all of Hammerdems pockets and he finds a check ledger with notations about payments for Irma.  Further, in the car right nex to where Hammerdem is standing, there is a gift-wrapped package appearing to be a present on the floor of the judges car.  Mann opens the present and finds $10,000 cash with a note saying, You know what to do.     

            Based on another anonymous tip, Mann drives by the home of the mayors associate, Richard Bum Osculator.  Mann with the assistance of a geologist friend uses an infrared heat detector to try to learn if an excess amount of heat is emanating from the roof of Osculators condo.  Mann believes that if Osculator is raising marijuana then the heat lamps employed in this plant growing process will cause a significantly higher amount of heat to be lost through the roof of the condo, as compared to the roof of the neighboring homes.  The heat detector indeed does demonstrate that a disproportionate amount of heat is escaping from Osculators roof.  Assume (for the sake for this examination) that, Mann, therefore, has probable cause that Osculator is growing marijuana.  Because Mann has probable cause of a felony being committed, Mann goes to Osculators home and after knocking and announcing his presence, with no response thereto, Mann enters the home to arrest Osculator, who happens to be in the shower.  Prior to the arrest the officer makes a quick sweep through the home to ensure his own safety, and on the bedroom table there is an ashtray with partially smoked marijuana cigarettes, which Mann seizes and keeps for evidence.  Mann also, subsequent to the arrest, finds extensive drug sales paraphernalia in the basement closest of Osculators home.