Category: Law

Defending Jacob

Listen to or read the book “Defending Jacob” (available on amazon or  Write a paragraph on your thoughts after each chapter.  Specifically consider the physical evidence and “propensity evidence”.  For this purpose, “propensity evidence” is evidence that suggests that someone is prone to crime.  Specifically, consider whether it is appropriate to use the “murder gene” as evidence to establish guilt.


Answers to questions must be supported with research and citations. It is not unusual, for instance, to have 34 citations per paragraph in doctoral-level research.
Remember also that writing a research paper, especially at the doctoral-level, requires you to weave in ideas from numerous sources and then in turn synthesizing those ideas to create fresh insights and knowledge.

12-14 pages of content, double-spaced
Must include citations from all readings and presentations for the assigned module (including the Fischer presentations and readings) and at least 20 scholarly sources
Must include Biblical integration (the Fischer sources will help to that end)
Current APA format


Discuss the following:
Evaluate competing worldview/philosophical perspectives on ethics. 
Discuss the role that ethics plays in the public administration context.
Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above.

Research and read the article by Donald Dripps entitled The Case for the Contingent Exclusionary Rule, from the American Criminal Law Review (Winter, 2001).

esearch and read the article by Donald Dripps entitled The Case for the Contingent Exclusionary Rule, from the American Criminal Law Review (Winter, 2001).  The article is easily found by doing a search through Liberty Library, using LexisNexis. The librarians are always happy to help, as well.

Based on the article and your current level of exposure to the topic of constitutional criminal procedure, outline your position as to how Dripps model would work in the real world.
Refer to Dr. Kahlib Fischers presentation in Module/Week 1. State whether Dripps Model of Contingent Suppression is in any way compatible with restorative justice. If not, how could it be made more compatible?
Provide at least 1 reference and 1 scripture in support of your post.

U.S. Supreme Court case of Adrian Martell Davis v. Washington

For this weeks discussion board, locate and read the U.S. Supreme Court case of Adrian Martell Davis v. Washington, 547 U.S. 813 (2006) No. 05-5224. The case can be found by looking it up through the Liberty University Library, by doing a NexisUni search. You should select Law Review and Journals to do an accurate search (rather than the default News). If you still can’t find it, contact the Library, and they are always glad to help.

Locate and read the U.S. Supreme Court case of Adrian Martell Davis v. Washington, 547 U.S. 813 (2006) No. 05-5224.

Assume the following facts:

After leaving a bar, a woman enters her car in a darkened parking garage. She is confronted by her ex-husband, against whom she has a domestic no-contact order. She attempts to dial 911 from her cellular telephone, but is unable to make a connection. Amazingly, she is able to take a photograph with her phone and send an accompanying text message, asking for assistance to a law enforcement friend. The officer and woman exchange text messages about who is assaulting her and where she is located until the ex-husband flees. The woman is unable to appear at trial and the defendant moves to suppress the statements at his trial for felony violation of the no-contact order.

Given the above facts, and using the Courts rationale for distinguishing testimonial and non-testimonial statements, state whether the text message and photograph should be admitted as evidence at trial and why.
According to Deuteronomy 19:15, One witness is not enough to convict a man accused of any crime or offense he may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses (NIV 1984). In light of that scripture, elaborate how you would change or not change your answer.
Provide at least 1 reference and 1 scripture in support of your post.

Hillside Stranglers victim analy6

Relying primarily on Chapters 5 & 6 of Forensic Victimology, complete an analysis of the Situational Exposure and Lifestyle Exposure of two of the victims of the Hillside Stranglers: Lauren Wagner and Yolanda Washington. Please cite to your resources. If needed I can get the definitions of situational and lifestyle exposures.

Part 1: Identifying a Community Corrections Program

Part 1: Identifying a Community Corrections Program (10 Points)
Learning Objectives: Your goal for the first stage of the assignment is to identify the community corrections program that will be the focus of your semester project. Selecting a specialized, or innovative program intended to advance public safety, justice and the well-being of individuals, families and communities will provide the strongest foundation for the project.
Getting Started: Explore potential programs you will study for the project by consulting a broad range of information sources such as those provided below. It is important to choose a program that interests you because you will be devoting a great deal of time and energy to this project throughout the semester. Any program that fits the definition of community corrections is appropriate, but as the semester progresses you should start to focus on a specific program offered in a particular jurisdiction(s).

Examples: pretrial diversion programs, halfway houses, electronic monitoring programs, reentry programs (provided in prison, after release to the community, or wrap around services that do both), restorative justice programs, problem solving courts, innovative parole or probation practices, culturally competent interventions, gender responsive programs

Potential Information Sources: Websites for non-governmental organizations and non-profit agencies and associations such as: Urban Institute, Vera Institute for Justice, American Probation and Parole Association, Families Against Mandatory Minimums, The Sentencing Project, EXIT: Executives Transforming Probation & Parole; government reports from state or county community corrections agencies, federal agencies such as the National Institute of Justice, or Bureau of Justice Statistics; major print or broadcast media outlets, or The Marshall Project

Requirements: Write a one-page program description, typed in 12-point font, double spaced with one-inch margins. Include a minimum of two different sources of information about your program. American Psychological Association (APA) citation standards should be used in the written document, and to compile a list of sources titled References. The reference page does not count toward the page total.

4 discussion

In 100-200 words, respond to the following prompt:

What stands out to you as the most interesting, surprising, or disturbing aspect of community corrections? You can include links to websites, articles, videos, podcasts, or other information if you would like!


Module 4 examines the topic of assessment and risk prediction. Understanding how these processes fit into the larger scheme of community corrections is important, because assessment and risk prediction guide both determinations of the types of services and programs to provide to people under supervision, and the level of “risk” they present.

We’ll begin by defining what we mean by risk in the context of community corrections.

I suggest you complete the module in the following order:

1) Read Essentials of Community Corrections, Chapter 3, “Assessment and Risk Prediction”

2) Watch the segment “Risk Assessment Tool Helps Probation Officers:

Risk Assessment Tool Helps Probation Officers (Links to an external site.)
Risk Assessment Tool Helps Probation Officers

3) Read and listen to the Powerpoint presentation:

Module 4 Posted.pptxPreview the document

4) Read the article “The Problems with Risk Assessment Tools,” Chelsea Barabas, Karthik Dinakar and Colin Doyle, The New York Times,  2019

Write a ten-page paper on Antifia or the Proud Boys. Give a short description of what they stand for, and their history. Do you think the group that you chose should be allowed to do what they are doing? Take a side and explain if you think what

Write a ten-page paper on Antifia or the Proud Boys.  Give a short description of what they stand for, and their history.  Do you think the group that you chose should be allowed to do what they are doing?  Take a side and explain if you think what they are doing is free speech or hate speech and should it be allowed to occur.  One last thing, do you think, that either one of these groups could become a terrorist organization.

You must use social media to do this assignment. Please list all urls that you viewed and used to come to your conclusion.  I recommend that you use YouTube to review speeches given by either of the two groups.

Write a ten-page paper on Antifia or the Proud Boys. Give a short description of what they stand for, and their history. Do you think the group that you chose should be allowed to do what they are doing? Take a side and explain if you think what

Write a ten-page paper on Antifia or the Proud Boys.  Give a short description of what they stand for, and their history.  Do you think the group that you chose should be allowed to do what they are doing?  Take a side and explain if you think what they are doing is free speech or hate speech and should it be allowed to occur.  One last thing, do you think, that either one of these groups could become a terrorist organization.

You must use social media to do this assignment. Please list all urls that you viewed and used to come to your conclusion.  I recommend that you use YouTube to review speeches given by either of the two groups.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read these instructions and follow them to the letter. Points will be deducted for improper format and not meeting the three-page rule.
A suggested strategy for completing this assignment and ensuring maximum points would be to answer the following questions:
1. What foundations helped shape modern law enforcement (eras of policing)?
2. What law enforcement structures grew from those foundations?
3. What are some new strategies employed by modern law enforcement agencies today?
***Write one page (5 paragraphs) in answering each question. 
Directions: Write a 3 page APA style paper (remember I am looking for critical thinking and discernment of information to equal a unique work of your own, giving proper credit to reference sources).  There must be three pages of content (the title and reference page do not count toward the required number of content pages)!  NO ABSTRACT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PAPER!
Reference requirements a minimum of 3 references are required for this paper (journals and books – no Wikipedia) 
Presentation Style – This paper must be written in APA style (research margin, heading, double spaced and reference requirements, etc.).
*You may use 6th Edition APA Guidelines