Category: Law

Crime Scene Reconstruction

In this crime scene scenario, there are a number of evidence types that you will need to collect. The crime scene is a single-floor house with a burned-down tool shed in the back. There is a mailbox that appears to have been hit by a car backing out of the driveway. It is 90 degrees (F) with 100% humidity.

The items you will collect include the following:

A vial of liquid blood
Stains on clothing that may be semen
A paper packet containing an unknown powder
Fumes from the shed that was burned to the ground, containing a body (the body will be handled by the medical examiner, not you)
Paint transfer apparently from a vehicle onto the mailbox in front of the crime scene
Hair and fiber found on a hammer with what appears to be dried blood.

Describe the methods you would use to pack these items for transport to the lab.
Explain the danger of the evidence degradation due to the environment.
Describe the instrumentation at the lab that might be used to examine the evidence.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Homeland Security Unit 3

If placed in a position of authority within a public safety or homeland security organization, how would you go about ensuring ethical behavior? Discuss how you would ensure your own ethical behavior in addition to those for whom you are responsible within the organization.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Disaster planning

Thinking about what you have learned in this unit about how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responds to disasters or terrorist attacks, do you feel that the DHS could improve their response to these events, or do you believe that it does enough to ensure recovery of communities and individual citizens? Describe why you feel this way.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Disaster planning

For this assignment, you will be applying what you have learned about the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS). To begin, please see the following instructions:

Choose one of the following critical infrastructures from the list below:
energy company;
water company;
transportation company;
police, firefighters, or emergency medical services (EMS);
hospital; or
non-governmental organization (i.e., a commercial facility).
Select one of the following threats that your critical infrastructure will respond to for the purpose of this assignment:
terrorist attack/active shooter incident,
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threat, or
cybersecurity attack.
In this assignment, you will be completing designated sections of an ICS 201 form. The ICS 201 form provides the Incident Commander/Unified Command and General Staff with basic information regarding the incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident. This form also serves as a permanent record of the initial response to the incident. Using the ICS 201 form linked below, fill out the highlighted sections in order to relay the pertinent information about the event to the responding organization:

Include the incident name (p.1).
Provide the situation summary and health and safety briefing (p. 1), which should consist of no less than 300 words and be detailed enough to be self-explanatory since your professor will only have this document available to use in understanding the threat and ICS components being presented.
Include your name, position, and signature (p. 1).
Include current and planned objectives (p. 2).
Fill out the organizational chart for your current organization (p. 3), which should be detailed enough to be self-explanatory in terms of how these positions were filled since your professor will only have this document available to use in understanding the threat and ICS components being presented.
At the bottom of the ICS 201 form (last page), please include an essay of no less than 200 words that describes how an ICS can work as a part of the National Response Framework (NRF) and NIMS to improve the response to terrorist threats or incidents. Any references and citations must be formatted according to APA style and should be listed at the bottom of your essay.

Click here  to access the ICS 201 form.

In addition to the reading assignments for this unit, you may find the following resources to be helpful as you complete this assignment:

Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). ICS organizational structure and elements. Retrieved from organizational structure and elements.pdf

Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). Incident complexity and type. Retrieved from complexity and type.pdf

Note: I know this is not a typical essay, however i added extra pages to compensate for not being an essay. Please let me know if there is any issues. I haved attached the form so you can refer to it
Thank You. 

Unit 5 Typology terrorism

For this assignment, you will compose the literature review section for your course project and compile the work you have previously completed into a single document.

To recap, in Unit I, you selected your terrorist organization or group and wrote a brief overview. In Unit III, you were asked to complete and submit your annotated bibliography. For this assignment, please include your references from Unit III as well as two or more new references.

Be sure that your literature review includes information related to the items listed below.

Include the background and overview of the terrorist organization.
Discuss the type of terrorism the organization or group falls under and why (religious, political, and/or ideological).
Describe recruitment tactics for potential members.
Explore how the online world has affected recruitment into your chosen extremist or terrorist organization.
Please see the following Success Center resources for help with constructing your introduction and literature review:


Literature Review

Your course project thus far should have the following sections completed for submission in this unit:

APA title page with running head,
APA abstract,
introduction (including your thesis statement),
review of literature (including an evaluation of sources and discussion), and
reference page.
Remember that your introduction should capture and focus the attention of your reader, present your topic, give background information on your topic, and present your literature review.

This literature review must be at least four pages in length, not counting the title page and reference pages. All sources used should be cited and referenced properly using APA formatting. To recap, for this assignment, you will create a literature review that directly relates to your course project topic, which requires you to research, select, and read peer-reviewed or academic journal articles. A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles are required for the literature review. Newspapers, news outlets, blogs, or anything from Wikipedia or any of its affiliates are not acceptable. For more assistance, you can view the How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources tutorial from the CSU Online Library as well.

Note: You did the first part of this project earlier let me know if you need more information
Thank You

assignment 1

Should the United States Senate eliminate the Legislative Filibuster? If yes, Why? If no, Why not? What if anything, does the history of the filibuster teach us about the present and future impact of such a decision?

This assignment is a Research Assignment. You must research academic journals, think tank publications,, articles from major newspapers and other reputable sources. (Wikipedia is NOT a credible academic source.)

Along with substantive analysis, your papers should reflect what you believe I need to know based on your comprehensive research and analysis of what you read including opposing points of view. All assignments must be properly sourced and require research beyond the required and recommended readings.

For both assignments, please include:

Cover Page (with your name)
Table of Contents
Substantive history, current facts, analysis
Bibliography (identify ALL your sources)


For all assignments, there are NO PAGE LENGTH OR STYLE REQUIREMENTS. As a graduate student, scholar and public administrator it is up to your discretion to determine how best to inform, teach and display the knowledge you have acquired through your independent research. You determine what is pertinent to include in your research paper based on the knowledge you have acquired through analysis and evaluation.

What have you discovered?
What were your findings?
What did you determine?
What do you think?
What is your plan?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Tell them a little bit about myself. Im 18, Born on December 1st, 2002
-Im willing to learn about criminal justice ever since Ive started watching criminal minds & law & order(svu)
-plans for the future is to have a good education background
-important event in my life are the cancer walks in October because my cousin passed away from it.

Create a paralegal business plan

Owning your own legal business :
Explain what type of paralegal business you would operate?

Include and elaborate on 1-7 listed on table of content  also be creative and create your own (business name )and how you would operate your own business.


1.Executive Summary-
2.Industry Analysis-
3.4Firm Economics-
4.Marketing Plan-
5.Operational Plan-
6.Financial Plan-

Legal Services Business

Owning your own legal business :
Explain what type of paralegal business you would operate?

Include and elaborate on 1-7 listed on table of content  also be creative and create your own (business name )and how you would operate your own business.


1.Executive Summary-
2.Industry Analysis-
3.4Firm Economics-
4.Marketing Plan-
5.Operational Plan-
6.Financial Plan-

Application of Analysis Methods and Techniques

For this assignment, you will apply your analysis to the creation of a management plan from my previous paper assigned to you.

For the purpose of this course, a management plan is an approach to engage action with your topical area of concern based on key analysis of evaluative criteria pertaining to this area of public administration and management. The aim of this plan is to help you organize your insights from your review of the literature concerning how this area can be mitigated or managed more effectively in the practitioner realm.

In this assignment, you will construct a management plan to address the nature of the issue related to your topical area, develop evaluative criteria to judge the merits of your management plan, and apply the appropriate analytical methods to assess the nature of your management plan as related to your chosen theoretical framework. You will also identify and explore the impact and insights provided by other theories as suggested by this analysis, identify recommendations based on the findings of the topical analysis, and provide a conclusion related to your management plan.

Assignment Instructions
In a 1013 page plan, address the following:

Apply an appropriate perspective of public administration to your management plan as it relates to your topical area.
Relate theory and perspective to the topical area.
Identify problem components of the theory in terms of operations. Identify any key issues.
Explore the manner in which the theory is made operational and relate it to an outcome.
Identify alternative strategies to address the topical area from a public administration perspective.
Develop evaluative criteria to judge the merits of the management plan.
Consider the following questions:
Are all concerns related to the topical area addressed?
What are the outcomes?
Does the management plan offer the potential to address issues?
How is quality being measured?
Does the plan improve the effectiveness of this topical area of the project, program, or initiative?
Evaluate diversity and equity considerations related to the nature and scope of the management plan.
Define equity as it relates to your program.
Consider how this embeds itself in management.
Consider how this relates to the plan.
Evaluate the political context related to the nature and scope of the management plan as framed by public administration perspectives.
Consider the implications pertaining to the political context and federalism.
Develop suitable recommendations based on the findings of your analysis pertaining to the construct of the management plan.
Identify gaps based on your analysis.
Identify any innovations that arose through your analysis.

Submission Requirements
Written communication: Your writing should clearly identify where each grading criterion or part of the assignment is addressed. Your points must be logical, substantive, and relevant based on the evidence presented. The writing must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA guidelines: Resources and citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.
Resources: Your ideas must be supported with relevant scholarly sources that are dated within the past five years and are properly cited and referenced in current APA style.
Length of paper: 1013 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page and references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.