Category: Law

NSC Structure Comparison Paper

NSC Structure Comparison Paper.

In this 2,0002,500- word paper, the student will examine how different presidents have structured the National Security Council. Specifically, the student will discuss: 1) how the 2 modern NSC structures are similar, 2) how the 2 structures are different, 3) the strengths of each formation, 4) the weaknesses of each structure, and will 5) develop a proposed structure for the current POTUS.

Boston Marathon Bombing

Analysis and Critique of Major Event Paper

The student will choose a major event (disaster, incident, catastrophe, or preplanned event) involving homeland security (emergency management focus allowed). The student will advise the instructor through email of the event topic for approval. The student will provide an in-depth analysis of the event starting with an overview of the event. The student will analyze the use of all phases of emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, and the subcomponents found in each phase) as much as is applicable to each based on the event. The analysis will be written in standard current APA formatting using headings and references. A minimum of 5 references are required. The analysis/critique must be at least 5 full pages of content. The student will conclude the analysis with recommendations for improvements in any areas found to be lacking.

2 discussion

In 100-200 words, respond to the following prompt:

What are the potential advantages of using community corrections sanctions, as compared to institutional based punishment such as prison? Think about and describe at least one possible disadvantage of community corrections sanctions.

1) Read Chapter 1 “Definitions, History, and Development of Community Corrections,” in the book Essentials of Community Corrections

2) Watch and listen to the following Powerpoint presentation:

Module 2 Posted.pptxPreview the document

3) Watch and listen to the Ted Talk by Bryan Stevenson, “We Need to Talk About an Injustice”

2 discussion

In 100-200 words, respond to the following prompt:

What are the potential advantages of using community corrections sanctions, as compared to institutional based punishment such as prison? Think about and describe at least one possible disadvantage of community corrections sanctions.

1) Read Chapter 1 “Definitions, History, and Development of Community Corrections,” in the book Essentials of Community Corrections

2) Watch and listen to the following Powerpoint presentation:

Module 2 Posted.pptxPreview the document

3) Watch and listen to the Ted Talk by Bryan Stevenson, “We Need to Talk About an Injustice”

introduction to homeland security

Complete this midterm essay examination by responding to four of the following five questions:

1. Is it possible for the U.S. Government to employ dual-use, all-hazards systems to protect U.S. transportation systems and critical infrastructure? Provide an example of a dual-use, security/safety system for both a transportation system and a component of critical infrastructure that would address the risk of terrorism and other non-intentional hazards (either man-made or natural).

2. Is the function of homeland security maintained wholly by the Department of Homeland Security, or is this function shared among other governmental and nongovernmental agencies? Explain your answer and give examples.

3. Do you believe that the Director of the Office of National Intelligence will ever be able to reverse decades of cultural differences and turf battles between the various intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government? Why or why not?

4. Is the U.S. government doing enough to protect the borders of the country? In your opinion, is this the most important element of preventing terrorist attacks within the country? Can you name any shortfalls that exist with regards to border security in the United States that could be exploited by terrorists? Provide references to support your opinion.

Keep the following in mind when completing this midterm essay examination:

1.When developing your answers, remember, you must include (cited) facts to support the major points in your response. Your responses should not include continuous citations without your thoughts and analysis also. Rather, your responses must reflect a balance between facts and your perspective on the points you made.

2. Your responses to each of the examination questions should be a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages in length, double spaced, and written in 11-point Arial font or 12-point Times New Roman.

3. Include the question you are responding to immediately before each answer.

3. Include a title/cover page.

4. Just a reminder: Include some cited references and format them in the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style (6th edition).

5. Submit your exam in one MS Word document and place it in the appropriate assignment dropbox for grading.


One of the most productive initiatives by the NYPD was the development and implementation of CompStat into their decision making.  The use of digital crime and victimization data and mapping.  This was one of the guiding forces behind the turnaround of the crime epidemic in NYC under Commissioner William Bratton.

In your Module Notes under Crime Control Strategies Bureau (Links to an external site.), review the link to CompStat.  Also go to the FBIs UCR (Links to an external site.), and the Bureau of Justice Statistics NCVS (Links to an external site.) pages.

You will research CompStat, the FBIs Uniform Crime Report, and the National Crime Victimization Survey.  Explain how these data sources might be used to develop plans to mitigate or thwart a crime of your choice.

1. Describe the crime and its current prevalence rate in the US

2. Explain the data that you would use from each source in your plan

3. Describe a plan based upon that data you would suggest being implemented

4. Keep in mind the stakeholders, resources needed, etc.

The paper will be at least 1,000 words (4 pages) in length.  APA formatting must be used; 1 margins, double-spacing, title page, reference page, Arial 11-point or Times New Roman 12-point font


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Many police agencies now look at their culture in a new light, developing policies and practices that advance constitutional goals, protect citizens rights, and provide equal protection under the law.

Answer all five questions below. Responses should be at least 250 words each, with examples and citations as needed.

1. Explain how constitutional policing forms the foundation of community policing.

2. Discuss how everyone within an agency, from patrol officers up through chiefs may contribute to police legitimacy, creating a community more willing to cooperate with the police and to accept the outcome of their interactions with the police.

3. Explain how social media is being used to allow a two-way conversation between the police and the community. Give appropriate examples.

4. Some city officials suggest the police should reach out to community leaders, meet with civic organizations in an effort to diversify their administration to enhance and fortify relationships.

5′. Discuss the benefits and/or drawbacks this has for community policing.
Citizen review boards allow citizens to play a key role in investigating and overseeing police activities. However, some argue that civilians are not qualified to judge whether a police officer followed its agencys rules or the law. Take a pro or con stance on citizen review boards and explain the benefit or drawback of their use. Provide examples to support your position.

Exam Instructions

Within your response cite specific examples to support your position. This paper should be 2-3 pages in length

Any topic (writer’s choice)

CRIJ 5340
Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice Management
Term Paper

Select a topic of your choice related to the management of criminal justice professionals and write a 5-6-page research paper. The paper should be double-spaced, 12 points and Times New Roman in font. Your research paper should include the following:

1.    An introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
2.    Research question: Write one to two research questions that you would like to explore in your research.
3.    Literature review (at least 4 pages). Find at least four law review or peer-reviewed articles and paraphrase important conclusions of these articles related to your research question. Make sure to cite them all using the APA style.
4.    Conclusion: In this section summarize the important points that you found in your research.

While your paper must have a scholarly tone (e.g. using appropriate grammar and a college-level vocabulary, not using contractions or the first-person or the second person), it should consist mainly of your own original ideas and thoughts. Use the APA style for references. For example,

Worley, V.B., Vaughn, M.S., & Worley, R.M. (2012). Shocking consequences: Police officer liability for the use of tasers and stun guns. Criminal Law Bulletin, 48(4), 625-654. 

The focus will be on integrating in your own language the literature available on the topic of your choice. Make sure the articles are peer-reviewed or law review articles and not book reviews, book review essays, newspaper articles, or descriptive pieces found on the Internet.

Please submit your term paper through Blackboard. Submit several times before the due date to check for plagiarism using SafeAssign on Blackboard. The originality report should contain less than 20% matching. Otherwise, it will not be graded. Please follow the writing rubric below while writing your paper.

Your assignment is due on September 25th, 2020 at 5:59 p.m.

CRIJ 5340

Assignments with more than 20% matching will not be graded and will be assigned a “zero.” The 20% matching is allowed for the reference section and technical terms.

    0-69    70-89    90-100    POINTS
Content & Development
50 pts
– Content is incomplete. – Major points are not clear and /or persuasive. – less than 3 peer-reviewed articles cited.
– Content is not comprehensive and /or persuasive. – Major points are addressed, but not well supported. – Research is inadequate or does not address course concepts. – Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought. –
3 peer-reviewed articles cited.
– Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. – Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. – Research is adequate, timely and addresses course concepts. – Content and purpose of the writing are clear.
-4- 5 peer-reviewed articles cited.   
Organization & Structure
20 pts
– Organization and structure detract from the message of the writer. – Paragraph is disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.
– Structure of the paragraph is not easy to follow. – Paragraph transitions need improvement.
– Structure of the paragraph is clear and easy to follow.    
10 pts
– Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting. – Paragraph is inadequate/excessive in length. Articles not cited properly as per the APA style; More than 5 mistakes in citation.
– Paper follows most guidelines. – Paper is over/ under word length. – Articles not cited properly as per the APA style; 1- 5 mistakes in citation.
– Paper follows designated guidelines. – Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment. Articles cited properly in the APA style.   
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling
20 pts
– Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. – Language uses jargon or conversational tone; use of contractions and first person.
– Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. – Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone, use of contractions and first person.
– Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. – Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.    

Any topic (writer’s choice)

CJBS 415 Capstone Seminar for BS in Criminal Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Answer the following questions:
1.    Is it justice if a totally innocent person has to pay for the wrongdoings of another person who deliberately has done wrong?

2.    Would Holmes agree that the purpose of the law is to produce justice? Support your answer with something specific in the reading. Include the page reference in proper reference format.

3.    According to Holmes, does the law of liability ever require a totally innocent person to pay for the wrongdoings of another person who has deliberately done wrong? Support your answer with something specific in the reading. Include the page reference in proper reference format.

4.    According to Holmes, what is the purpose of the law? Support your answer with something specific in the reading. Include the page reference in proper reference format.
5.    According to Holmes, why did liability law change so that a person could pay compensation instead of an offender being punished?

6.    According to Holmes, what is the real reason why maritime law uses the legal fiction that a ship is a person? What makes this legal fiction a useful foundation for modern corporation law?

All papers must be formatted in the APA citation method.  Students will use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for written assignments, as appropriate.  APA guidelines can be found on the John Jay College Library website by accessing this link:

All papers must be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 font, double line spacing, justified. Please answer these questions in the form of an essay (do not present them in numbered format).
Due date:
Grade: 5%

Criminal Justice

select a news article from the past 3 months must be at least 300 words or more from a newspaper, news magazine, or Internet site.

1. Article should be related to Criminal Justice: choose an article that relates to Juveniles in criminal justice (police, courts, corrections) in the USA.  ** Political issues and Social Welfare are not considered Criminal Justice issues

2. After carefully reading the article, complete the following questions( see attachment)

3. Attach a copy of the article. (If you attach a link, make sure it takes me directly to the article!! The current event may only be from the past 3 months.