Category: Law

Ordered Liberty

Coming on top of lockdowns, enforced quarantines, and other liberty-reducing measures to deal with COVID-19, some Americans found the Spring/Summer 2020 to be a scary time, rife with incipient revolution and uncontrolled radical change.  Others saw good things happening, as they fervently welcome fundamental, transformational change in American society, no matter how it is brought about. Still others want major change, but change achieved in a nonviolent, essentially consensual and nonthreatening way. In a 1400-1700 word essay, discuss the concept of ordered liberty, i.e., the idea that stable societies strike a balance between being a society of order and a society of liberty.  Apply to these major issues of 2020 the assumptions and concepts of Hobbes and Locke, as well as other approaches, such as the “Order-Disorder Continuum”.

Grading Criteria

Explain all the basic concepts implicit or explicit in the assignment
Apply these concepts to an ethical dilemma
Use appropriate vocabulary

Criminal Case

Research and find a criminal case where communication was missing or non existent.  In 500 words or more, discuss:  Where was the communication missing or incorrect?  How did it affect the case?  Did it affect the outcome of the case? Some examples maybe: Communication missing was on the arresting officer?  Between Officers? Crime scene? Prosecutor?  Defense attorney?  Between the judge and jury?

Assignment 1: Human capital

Assignment 1: Human Capital
Human capital refers to the combined knowledge, skills, and ability of a workforce to perform labor functions and is a vital part of strategic human resource management. Employees, i.e., human capital, are assets that could improve in value with some investment by the organization. Consequently, when an organization’s assets increase in value, the entire organization gains worth. Yet, many employees have resources within them that are rarely, if ever, tapped and used.

For this Assignment, review this Weeks Resources. Review Chapter 2 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Focus on the concept of human capital as it relates to strategic human resource management. Review the “Strategic Human Resource Management” segment on the course media. Think about what makes human resources strategic. Consider how human resources have changed from a largely administrative function. Identify a government or non-profit organization and focus on its use of human capital and strategic human resource management.

The Assignment:

Analyze the impact of human capital on strategic human resource management in the government and non-profit organization you selected. In your analysis:

Explain the mission of the organization.
Describe at least 23 strategic goals or objectives of the organization.
Explain the skills and competencies agency personnel need to manage and implement in the agencys present and future strategic goals, objectives, programs, and services.
Explain the need for review, redesign, or implementation of human capital programs and activities to attract, retain, develop, and motivate the types of employees that will be needed.

US Mexico Relations

Use population projections for US and Mexico and an extrapolation of GDP trends to simulate the GDP growth rate scenarios that would be necessary for the two countries to close their income gap (GDP per capita) over the next 20 years. Display your results in a graph and accompany with a brief write up. is a good source for GDP, GDP Per Capita, and many other variables.  is a source for population projections

Theoretical research/ Criminology

FALL 2020

Theoretical Research Paper Instructions
The purpose of the theoretical research paper is for students to demonstrate their understanding
and competency in applying neo-classical, biological, psychological, and sociological theories to
criminal behaviors depicted in films. Furthermore, students are required to demonstrate their
ability to analyze criminal behaviors in the real world and identify ways in which criminal
behaviors can be prevented by reviewing empirical research.

Watch one of the following films:
1. Zodiac (2007)
2. Dark Crimes (2016)
3. Patriots Day (2016)

After you have finished watching the film, complete the theoretical research paper by answering
the questions in each of the following three sections.
Section 1 (14 points): Summary of the Movie and Offender (1 to 2 double-spaced
Using 1 to 2 double-spaced paragraphs, summarize the movie by describing the offender.
Consider the following questions when completing this section:
1. Who is the main offender (e.g., age, sex, race, family, etc)?
2. Describe the crimes he/she have committed.
a. Who were the victims? Were there more than one victim?
b. How did the offender target the victim?
c. Provide details of the crimes the offender have committed.
Section 2 (31 points): Theoretical Explanations (2 to 3 double-spaced paragraphs)
Based upon the information from the textbook and class lectures, identify one criminological
theory that best explains the deviance and criminal activities as depicted in your film. Students
may select any theories presented in the course materials. A good paper will use specific details
from the film (including names of the characters, descriptions of scenes, specific dialogue, etc.)
to support its premise. Students should give actual examples from the story line to illustrate their
reasoning in choosing a theory. Students must use careful logic and analysis in applying
supporting evidence from the movie to their selected theories.
Consider the following questions when completing this section:
1. Which theory did you select and why that particular theory above all others?
2. What are the premises of the theory you have selected? In other words, briefly
explain how that theory explains crime/criminal behavior.
3. How does this theory apply to your offender? Use specific examples from the movie to
answer these questions.
What individual, familial, and ecological factors contributed to the
individuals perpetrating in the film?
Section 3 (31 points): Criminal Justice System Interventions and Policies (1 to 2
double-spaced paragraphs)
To complete this last section of the theoretical research paper, students must review at least one
empirical (research) study to identify criminal justice system interventions/policies that have
derived from the criminological theory you have selected in the previous section to prevent or
reduce future criminal acts depicted in the film. Please review the list of journals in criminal
justice and criminology.
Students should consider the following questions when completing this section:
1. Describe the criminal justice system interventions/policies that have derived from the
criminological theory you have selected.
a. Provide details of the program or policies in how they attempt to prevent
or reduce future crime. For example, describe the sample, methodology,
and findings.
i. Does the program or policies fit the theoretical explanation of crime as
explained by your theory? How? If not, why not?
2. Describe the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the program/policies.
Section 4 (9 points): Format, Organization, and General Guidelines
1. Your research paper must follow the APA guidelines. This means each sentence must
include in-text citations and all of your in-text citations must be in the reference section
(hint: Per APA guidelines, reference section will start on a separate page).
2. Abstract is not required.
3. Typed using Times New Roman, 12 point font, and have one-inch margins.
4. Responses must be in double-spaced paragraph format and the required number of
paragraph per Section (Do not exceed the limit).
5. Void of grammar and spelling errors.

Criminal Justice: Theory in Practice

Written Response #1
Below, please find Written Response #1 which is worth 10% of the overall grade for this course. There are two questions which have been taken from chapters of the textbook covered thus far. Each question should be at least one (1) page in length and in size 12pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. This means your work should be at least 2 pages in length. Assignment must be uploaded in a Word Document and is due by 11:59PM on Sunday, September 27.

1) Choose a current crime policy and discuss whether or not the policy makes sense.  Is the policy nonsensical? How so? What might be a better policy? Why? What is the best option to implement it?  What consequences might come from the policy intended or unintended? (Chapter 1)

2) Defend the argument that simply hiring more police will not reduce crime. Use findings from the Kansas City and Newark studies. (Chapter 5)

Name of book: Sense and Nonsense About Crime, Drugs, and Communities
Author: Samuel Walker

relevant cases arising in the news such as police use of force, mass shootings, major trials, etc.

write a 4-6-page (not including title and reference pages) double-spaced, argumentative essay (advocate for a position, change, policy, action, or understanding).  may select any topic related to the readings or relevant cases arising in the news such as police use of force, mass shootings, major trials, etc.  wishing to write on a topic outside of these criteria may do so with permission.  Creativity is encouraged. please be thorough, provide good analysis, carefully proofread, and give your best effort.

Lanza v. United States and Heath v. Alabama.

Using and/or Westlaw, locate the U.S. Supreme Court cases Lanza v. United States and Heath v. Alabama. In a paper of at least 3 pages, analyze why the two criminal penalties in each of these cases do not violate the Double Jeopardy clause of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Also in your paper, locate your states arson statute and determine whether arson, in your state, is or is not a lesser included offense of murder. Be sure to indicate citations to the murder and arson statutes in the paper and on the reference page for the paper.

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

Your paper should include a title page and reference page and be in 10- to 12-point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable).
Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified as well as original and insightful.
Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
Appropriate citation style should be followed.
You should also make sure to:

Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date.
Include introductory and concluding paragraphs and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
Use examples to support your discussion.
List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Compose your assignment and save it in the following format: Course#_LastnameFirstname Unit # Assignment (example: LS507_SmithJohn Unit 4 Assignment). Submit your assignment to the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the unit.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The case study is a review of a current homeland security issue and one that affects the U.S. You will prepare five pages not including the cover or reference pages) exploring the issue presented. 

The topic is biotechnology. Please write about this topic as it relates to America and identify homeland security issues.

Cites more than six (6) academic or professional references to support the information presented in the paper. References are correctly cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

Educational law cases

There are two case reports; each require three pages in length.  The total pages once the two reports are done -total six pages.  I have included the webpage links for both cases- where you would include them in in text citations and on the reference page.  Please include the blog in the first case as a reference source and the weblink at the end of the document.  Second case: include weblinks, in text citations, and reference on the last page.


*There one instruction page (uploaded) named : INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TWO CASES.
*There is the document named: 5494.CASE 1. TIMOTHY VS. ROCHESTER …CASE.2..Cedar Rapids Community School District (uploaded); **here are the two cases -write the reports**.