Category: Law

law report

There are two case reports; each require three pages in length.  The total pages once the two reports are done -total six pages.  I have included the webpage links for both cases- where you would include them in in text citations and on the reference page.  Please include the blog in the first case as a reference source and the weblink at the end of the document.  Second case: include weblinks, in text citations, and reference on the last page.


*There one instruction page (uploaded) named : INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TWO CASES.
*There is the document named: 5494.CASE 1. TIMOTHY VS. ROCHESTER …CASE.2..Cedar Rapids Community School District (uploaded); **here are the two cases -write the reports**.


Write a 700- to 1,050 word-paper on any Supermax facility in the country. Address the following security issues in your paper:
Why are supermax facilities important in the prison system? What is their main objective?
What dangers do correctional officers face on a daily basis when working these units?
Why is a Correctional Emergency Response Teams (CERT) so vital in a supermax facility?
How does a cell extraction team keep inmate litigation down to a minimum?
What technologies are used within a supermax facility to prevent prison escapes and deter recalcitrant inmates?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Testing Relationships Among Quantitative Variables

The data type requirement for linear regression analysis is that variables are measured at interval/ratio level. You will explore the relationship among a) one’s own education achievement, b) parents’ education achievement, and c) spouse education achievement. You can find these variables in the data file gss10sdss.sav. They are educ, maeduc, paeduc, and speduc.

1. Watch the “Correlation & Regression: A Model Comparison Approach” (Links to an external site.) video.

Create the correlation table and scatter plot for educ and one of the other three variables (maeduc, paeduc,or speduc) depending on the hypothesis you would like to test.

In your initial post, present your hypothesis with clearly identifiable variables. Report the value of Pearson’s r and the statistical significance. Conclude how well the two variables correlated.
2. To run linear regression, follow these steps:
a. Click the gss10sdss.sav located in Modules > Course Information > Data and Codebooks
b. Information > Data Sets forum and it will load into SPSS;
c. Click Analyze > Regression > Linear;
d. Select the variable educ (as the dependent variable) and one of the other three variables (as the independent/predictor
e. variable); and
f. Create a scatter plot containing a regression line using the graph feature in SPSS.
– Present your independent/predictor and dependent/outcome variable.
– Report how much your independent variable predicts variance in the outcome variable (adjusted R2 and significance).
– Plug the key information in the Coefficients table into the regression equation (Y = bX + a) and  present it to the class. Explain the meanings of the numbers and symbols in the equation.
3. Attach your SPSS output to your initial post.

Please let me know if you need additional information.

Week 8 Case Study

The Scenario:

The Baypoint Group (TBG) needs your help with a WLAN proposal. GHS is a chain of sporting good stores that cater to the sport of soccer. Because GHS has grown in popularity, it now has nine stores in the area.GHS is considering implementing a wireless technology that will link all of its stores through wireless broadband service. The chain would install WLANs in each store and provide its employees with PDAs for better customer service.GHS is unsure how to start this process. They have asked TBG for help, and TBG has turned to you.

This is a short term engagement  that lasts 30 days. As the subject matter expert/consultant, the TBG wants a 4-6 page report at the end of your assignment.

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview of WLAN  fundamentals, security threats, and issues (discuss from a company wide standpoint).
3.0 Detailed WLAN recommendations
4.0 Summary
Section 3.0 should include:

Fundamentals of WLAN technology
Recommendations for WLAN solutions for the new company
Recommendations for implementing your proposed solutions
Practices that you will use to ensure wireless security within the enterprise if (they may hire you long term.) You may make these as sub-sections if you’d
Section 4.0:
This section should be short, a paragraph or two.


– Your submission should be 4 to 6 pages long (not including the title page and the reference page).
– All sections are represented (Sections 1.0 – 4.0).
– Paper is in APA format with proper citations and references.
– 1″ margins.
– In Times New Roman or Arial font, font size 12.
– Utilized correct grammar and spelling.
– Include and cite references as needed.
– The key to this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the topics, not to re-word the text or reference material

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use the Instructions for Case Analyses which is attached  to craft a response to this case, articulating the main issues and ethical dilemma.  Review the assessment criteria below before you begin writing.

Case: The Good Credit Reference

Topic: Insider Information/Trading

People Involved:

Kathy Ryan, Trade Credit Officer, Diversified Consolidated Corporation
Scott Bradley, Treasurer, North Manufacturing
Mike Walman, Credit Managers, Basic Products
Kathy Ryan, a credit officer at Diversified Consolidated Corporation (DCC), had heard rumors that North Manufacturing was in deep trouble. She is responsible for credits to North of approximately $1 million. North always pays on time and is current on outstanding payables to DCC. North, in fact, uses DCC as a credit reference with other suppliers. Nevertheless, Kathy decided a visit to North was in order.

Kathy Ryan and Scott Bradley, Norths treasurer, had developed a good working relationship and went to lunch during Kathys visit. After several drinks, Scott Bradley said: Kathy, were fried. I have to tell you, our financial statements arent fraudulent, but they dont paint the full picture. Not only are we not doing well, but weve been talking to bankruptcy attorneys. If things dont turn around soon, we may file before the end of next quarter. We plan to continue paying DCC promptly because we need all the trade credit we can get. In fact, supplier credit is giving us a chance to come back. Without it, wed be under right now; with it, we might just squeak by. Frankly, if there is any way you can encourage your competition to supply us–do it. Ive told Purchasing to place a large order with Basic Products instead of DCC. If Basic gives us credit, we can pay DCC in full before we file. If we make it through this, DCC will get our business back, but I dont want your career to suffer because of our problems now.

Kathy was shaken by Scotts comments. She knew that if Norths credit went bad she would lose her annual bonus–25 percent of her compensation–and probably any chance for promotion. At worst, she could be fired. Shortly after her visit with Scott Bradley, she received a call from her friend in the Credit Department at Basic Products, Mike Walnnan. Suppliers often share credit information on common customers, so it was not surprising that Mike called. DCCs policy is to provide what they refer to as the prompt payment history for the customer. This includes recent high credit balances, any past-due balance, and how promptly customer payments had been received.

After Kathy provided Norths prompt payment history–which in fact had been good–Mike was enthusiastic. I’m glad to hear that, he said. We just got a huge order to supply them through the end of the year. There are a lot of rumors floating around, but if youre getting paid promptly on that much, I guess it’s OK. Kathy broke in at that moment. “Can you hold the line, Mike? Theres someone at my door. She put Mike on hold, her mind racing. She could suggest that Mike look into other public information sources or contact other suppliers about credit histories with North. That would be within acceptable company practice and almost certainly would send up a red flag for Mike. But who else could supply enough credit to North for DCC to get its money out?

She couldnt keep Mike on hold forever, she pressed the flashing button on her telephone– Mike? What should Kathy say?

Written Assignment Requirements
Submit a written paper which is 3 pages in length exclusive of reference page and that is double-spaced. The paper should cite sources to support your ideas. Be sure to review the assessment criteria below before beginning your paper. Cite at least 5 reference(s) you use in the preparation of your essay using proper APA format..

Any topic (writer’s choice)

MUST CITE 5 Resources

What limits should there be on insider trading? In the USA, Pete Rose was a popular baseball player, and then manager, who was punished for betting on his own team to win. Should Pete Rose be allowed to profit from betting on the success of a team he managed? Should Pete Rose be punished more harshly if he profited from betting on the failure of a team he managed?
In the Enron case, several managers sold all their Enron stock about an hour before it became public knowledge that the company was not worth as much as everyone thought. Should a manager be punished for acting prudently based on knowledge they have discovered honestly only because the general public does not have that knowledge?
Should managers be required to disclose private information they have that might influence the investment decisions of the public?  Also, address the question of timing about the dissemination of information: is it enough to share information on a public website or should a formal press conference be required? 

choose you own topic

Please note that for this assigment you need to do submit 3 times:
Once when you have written 1500 words
Once you have finished 3000 words
Once you are done with the whole paper

11.Academic integrity measures
The University recommends the taking of additional measures to combat the rising incidence of academic dishonesty.  For the research essay, a measure that imposes a minimal burden on you is to submit early drafts of your essay, to show that the essay is indeed your own work. 
once you have written around 1500 words
and again once you have written around 3000 words.
The drafts will be immediately downloaded into a separate file so anonymity is preserved.

Choose one of the following questions:

1.    The Montevideo criteria are an anachronism and irrelevant to the achievement of statehood.  Do you agree?

2.    Are the rules on attribution in the International Law Commissions 2001 Articles on State Responsibility appropriate in the 21st century?

3.    Should there be any conditions or restrictions on a states right to exercise jurisdiction in civil (as opposed to criminal) matters?

4.    In the teaching and practice of international law, article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice seems to be ignored completely.  Is this justified?

As well as the usual introduction, body of essay and conclusion, please include:
the essay title
a table of contents this need not list page numbers or be hyperlinked we just need to see what headings and subheadings have been used
a bibliography, and
page numbers
Please do NOT include an abstract an abstract might be appropriate for journal articles, but not essays

As explained in class, what we look for in any essay are two things: (1) evidence that you understand the law, and the issues involved and (2) your own opinion or analysis of the law or the issues.  What you must avoid is writing an essay that is largely descriptive of the law; all that tests is your ability to copy from a textbook.
6.References plagiarism
As a general rule, you should insert a footnote with a reference in it for everything you say, unless it is your own opinion:
This means you might need to include a footnote for every sentence
The golden rule is that for every sentence you write, the reader knows:
oIs this your own opinion, or
oIs it someone elses opinion or work, in which case whose, and where can it be found?7.References pinpoint
a.You must not refer to any source unless you include in your footnote the exact page, or paragraph, you are relying on this is called pinpoint citation
we will deduct one mark for every reference that should, but does not, include a pinpoint citation
b.You must include full citations, in accordance with AGLC4
c.The reason why we include references in our written work is to direct the reader to the exact source of the statement we are making, or the source of our argument
So a reference which does not include the actual page or paragraph number of the source being relied on is completely useless to the reader

8.References general
a.You must refer to English-language sources only no referring to literature published in a foreign language, even if you provide a translation
b.Do not cite the lecturer or the class slides
c.Do NOT cite sources you find on the internet search the library databases for peer-reviewed journals and books written by highly-qualified authors 
If you do find sources outside those databases, you should cite the source properly, not just the URL where you found the source
d.You must not cite any source unless you have read it yourself
we may ask you to produce your sources, and reserve the right to deduct marks if it is clear that sources have been cited without having been read
e.If you quote a work which in turn cites other work, one option is to omit those further references and add at the end of the quotation, (citations omitted)..


4th,5th, and 6th amendment key elements

Attached you will find the rubric for this paper regarding the key elements of the 4th,5th,6th amendment rights & their impact on criminal procedure by the courts, and police officers. please put in proper apa format including an abstract, conclusion and reference page.

Ethics & Victimology


The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages of text (doesnt include cover page or reference page). The paper should be double spaced and have margins no larger than 1 inch. Use appropriate APA format for all aspects of the paper. You do not need to include an abstract. Be sure to address all aspects of the assigned question. In order to fully address the question for the assignment, you will need to make reference to the textbook.

You should cite where appropriate within the paper and have a reference page. You may use outside resources to complete the paper, but you are not required to. If you do use outside sources, be sure to cite and reference appropriately. Your grade will be based on both the content and format of the paper. The readings in this module (CHAPTER 2 to CHAPTER 8) covered three basic demographic variables related to crime and victimization: age, sex/gender, and race/ethnicity.  After reading this material, identify the two most important issues/problems currently facing our criminal justice system as related to age, sex/gender, or race/ethnicity.  Be sure to address why you think these two issues are important and how these issues/problems should be addressed. 

Text required: Maguire, M. & Okada, D. (2015). Critical issues in crime and justice: Thought, policy, and practice.  2nd ed.

Readings required:
Chapter 2 – Ethics
Chapter 5 – Victimology
Chapter 6 – Juvenile Delinquency
Chapter 7 – Gender
Chapter 8 – Race

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Although analyzing statistical data can be challenging, it is equally challenging to convert these data into a written format. Therefore, in this activity, you will practice the important skill of data analysis and presenting statistical information in a written format. Using the provided datasets of offenses reported, calculate the mean, median, mode, max, min, and range for each of the crimes. The list of crimes includes violent crime total, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, legacy rape, revised rape, robbery, aggravated assault, property crime total, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.

The specific steps are as follows:

Download 1 of the following datasets of offenses from the Uniform Crime Report:
Accomack County Sheriff’s Office
Honolulu Police Department
Los Angeles Police Department
Calculate the mean, median, mode, max, min, and range for each of the following:
Violent crime total
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
Legacy rape
Revised rape
Aggravated assault
Property crime total
Motor vehicle theft
Write 1 paragraph for each of the crimes, where you present the statistical results to the reader in a written format.