Category: Law

Ethical Issues and Punishment for Prosecutors and Defense Attorney

The chances that you will face ethical dilemmas in the workplace is almost certain. This is true for defense attorneys and prosecutors, too. Because of this, it is important to practice proper discretion. How are you going to analyze and solve the ethical dilemmas you face? Read and reflect on the Ethical Dilemmas exploration activities each week to help you complete this activity.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the ethical issues for prosecutors and defense attorneys. Answer the following:

What types of ethical violations and punishments have been associated with prosecutors and defense attorneys?
What are the explanations for prosecutorial misconduct? Provide real-world examples of prosecutorial misconduct. The Jodi Arias case isa great example of a prosecutor stretching the limits of what is proper conduct and what is a clear violation.
Should attorneys be punished more or less than the standard criminal defendants? Explain your answer.

Cite a minimum of 2 references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

*The types of ethical violations and punishments associated with prosecutors and defense attorneys were appropriate and relevant.

*The prosecutorial misconduct was explained correctly and thoroughly. The real-world examples of prosecutorial misconduct that were relevant.

*The answer for more or less punishment for attorneys was clear. The explanation was clearly related to the position and stated logically.

*Rare inaccuracies/errors in the following areas did not detract from the content: grammar, sentence structures, sentence boundaries, word choice

Capturing the Friedmans (directed by Andrew Jarecki, 2003)

Watch the documentary Capturing the Friedmans (directed by Andrew Jarecki, 2003)

In the paper you should formulate your ideas, hypothesis and reflections. In other words, you need to write 5 pages of reaction to a specific theme, topic, or characterization common amongst assigned film and readings.

DO NOT summarize or critic the film. Your focus should be on the major themes in the film.

By using the the assigned readings through out this course, it is expected that you will be able to identify main themes that connect assigned film to the readings. The assignment will illustrate your understanding of the material.

Please type your paper; it should be five typed pages. NOT MORE THAN 5!  Do not forget to incorporate the final film and readings if relevant to your topic.

please only use the following attached sources to do this assignment. Do not use out side sources.

Risk Model

For this assignment, prepare a paper that addressed each of the following:

1. Choose a risk management model (i.e. MSRAM, MRM, CCPM, CMMI, etc.).

2. Choose one government agency and one private OR public sector entity. Implement your risk management model for both entities.

3. Identify the risks for both entities.

4. Analyze the risks for both entities.

5. Evaluate the risks for both entities.

6. Provide a recommendation and solution for both entities to mitigate risk, threats, and vulnerabilities within the organizations.

7. Discuss how security representatives and leadership between both entities should monitor and review your risk management assessment and model plans.

8. Compare both organizations and discuss how the risk management model chosen influenced your assessment. Was it successful? What are the limiting factors? What would you do differently?

Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 8-10 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.


Talk with several people that you admire as a leader about how they learned to be a leader. What advice would they have for you in developing your own leadership competences? Summarize your findings in a 1-2-page paper.

Be sure to link Kouzes & Posner’s The Leadership Challenge to the paper.

Leadership During an Emergency Response

Select a historical emergency response event in the United States, provide a two-page summary, and then provide a 5-7-page critique of leadership in the scenario.
***Event – Hurricane Harvey of 2017***

Questions to consider include the following:
a.  Which of Kouzes and Posners leadership practices was least exercised and what negative impacts resulted?
b.  In retrospect, what could leaders have done to affect a better outcome?
c.  Now, consider yourself in a leadership role during this event, what less-than-optimal leadership tendencies do you think you have to monitor as a leader in this event?
d.  What leadership strengths do you have that would be most useful in this event and how would you tap into those strengths in a practical sense.

Be specific. Be sure to link Leadership Practices with practical examples from the historical event and with practical examples in your proposed plan of action.

Paper must contain the following components:
1.    Your proposal should include the 5 leadership practices from Kouzes & Posner.
          -Model the Way
          -Inspire a Shared Vision
          -Challenge the Process
          -Enable Others to Act
          -Encourage the Heart
2.    Format:
a.    Opening summary of the concept
b.    Scope of the program (what will need to be involved and audience you intend to affect)
c.    Body of the proposal where you develop the vision and leadership practices to enroll us in supporting this program and challenges to overcome
d.    Expected result from this approach
e.    Conclusion and call to action
3.    References backup, support, issues to overcome

Budgeting at the State and Local Levels of Government

Read Chapter 11 of Politics of the Administrative Process.

Review the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) website and review the five critical processes that are used to plan and implement the budget of the executive branch.

Write a 1,750 to 2,100-word paper that addresses each of the following questions and topics:
Identify and explain three special challenges of budgeting that state and local governments face and describe how these special challenges differ from challenges the federal government faces.
Summarize the five critical processes used to plan and implement the budget of the executive branch.
A governments budget is not simply a collection of agencies spending requests. Instead, each governments executive (whether mayor, city manager, county administrator, governor, or president) sets broad targets for overall spending and revenues. Describe how government executives begin to develop the budget.
The first step in the budgeting process is to determine the spending and revenue plans that are then combined in a single document. While the details vary around the country, the process typically includes both top-down and bottom-up methods. Compare the differences between these two budgeting methods.
Although the submission of the executive budget is an important step in the budgeting process, the budget is ultimately only a set of estimates and recommendations. In the American system of government, the executive branch proposes the budget and the legislative branch must approve taxes and spending. Examine the impact of intergovernmental relationships and collaboration on the budget process.
Once the executive and legislature agree on a budget, the challenge falls to the executive to execute the spending plan. While the importance of this stage of the budgetary process might seem obvious, the budget execution process is a delicate balance between ensuring that a programs legislative goals are served and providing adequate flexibility for administrators to do their work. Describe what role the legislature plays in the process of budget execution.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include at least three peer-reviewed references from the University Library.

Submit your assignment.

The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

Use this hyperlink to access the document: “”

Pages 50-65 (The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979: Failure of Intelligence or of the Policy Process?)

Students will be expected to produce a 2 pages report that details the below points

Provide a short summary of the Case (including a short Background)
Identify the events that lead up to the success or failure of the event
If the events concluded as an Intelligence failure, identify if there was one of the following:
-Intelligence Collection Failure
-Analytical Failure
-Policy Failure
Analytical Review
-Identify and discuss the tools that were assessable
-Did the analyst or Intelligence Community have access to the tools or date needed
Lessons learned
-Provide a recommendation or conclusion, identifying the lessons learned and how Intelligence can be used to prevent the events from happening again.

Elements of A Valid Contract


GEL 6.6: Apply research to the field of study.


This following assignment description will prepare you for the next Assignment due in Unit 6.

Cardigan History

The Cardigan family has made a name for themselves in the sweater industry whereby they have designed sweaters for a variety of uses and for a wide target audience ranging from toddlers to business professionals. Cassandra, whom everyone calls Cassie, is the CEO of CARDWARE Inc., Camoni is the spokesperson for the sweater line, and Candie models the lines in the professional sphere. They often use their mother, Camille, as a business consultant for input about various new ideas and marketing because she was the manager and agent of her sons glove company. Cora and Caley, Camilles two youngest daughters from her second failed marriage to Bo Jenkins, are co-office managers of their headquarters located in Silkadonia.

Camille has developed a good network among those in the fashion industry, especially the seamstresses who have been hired by well-known celebrities. One day, Camille spoke with Sonya, the owner and Lead Seamstress for Shazam Clothing Industries. Shazam is a leading manufacturer of unique limited edition clothes in Silkadonia. Camille presented Sonya with her order to sew a limited number (500) of hot pink and black machine knitted sweaters with a matching knit hat. Each sweater was to have a number and Candie Cardigans signature on a label sewn onto the bottom right side of the sweater. The hats would have the same label with matching number to its sweater, but sewn on the right side of the turned up hat cuff. Sonya agreed to make each sweater and hat pair for $100. Camilles plan was to sell each set for $300 thereby making a $200 profit per set. While discussing the type of yarn to be used, Sonyas cell phone rang. Sonya pushed a piece of paper and a color palette towards Camille and whispered write the type of yarn you want used and exact dye lots and I will begin work on this right away. Camille did as requested, but forgot to give Sonya the traditional 25 % down payment. The down payment has always been used to purchase the materials.

Sonya completed production of all 500 sweaters in record time and has presented Camille with an invoice for payment for the same. At the bottom of the invoice, the words, Payment Due Upon Receipt were written. Camille changed her mind about wanting the sweaters and hats, as she decided that the items would not be as profitable as originally anticipated. Sonya now comes to the law firm you work for, P. Strami, and Hammond, Attorneys at Law, and wants to know if she has any recourse. Attorney Strami hands you the following instructions and asks that you draft a memorandum to him incorporating your research.

Dear Paralegal:

Please prepare a 23-page double-spaced memorandum in size 12 Times New Roman font discussing the following in the order presented:

Please determine whether or not a contract has been formed using the basic contract principles of offer, acceptance, and consideration. State whether or not any of the crucial parts of the initial offer may be missing.
Further, please research whether or not Camille and Sonyas prior course of dealings has an impact on the parties communications and whether or not Sonya would be successful against CARDWARE Inc. should a breach of contract lawsuit be brought against her.
Do not forget to provide your legal research within your memorandum. You may use case law to make comparisons, your textbook, and reliable Internet research to provide in-text citations for your work. Do not use Wikipedia.
Prepare your memorandum paying particular attention to the following:

For confidentiality reasons, please prepare an APA formatted cover sheet with your memorandum. Do not forget to indicate which unit the Assignment is for.
Be sure to avoid the use of first person. Instead, convey your research utilizing third person.
Be sure to discuss any ethical perspectives/concerns with regard to the parties’ communications
Keep all font color consistent throughout. If you copy and paste a link and it is in blue, hover your mouse over the link, right click, and select REMOVE HYPERLINK to keep the font color black like the rest of your submission.
Use size 12 Times New Roman font.
Utilize in-text citations. If a reference is listed in your reference page, it must be included within the body of your submission as well.
Prepare an APA formatted reference page.
Proofread your submission for any grammatical or sentence structure errors. Also, please refer to the rubric for this Assignment to make sure you have included that which you will be graded over before placing the same into the Dropbox.
Submit your Assignment in a timely manner.
Do not hesitate to ask for assistance should you need it.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Regional Trade agreements as a policy alternative to the wto and its recent review by india.
Topic: Regional trade agreements as a policy alternative to the wto and its recent review by india.
need help with structuring and references. the document attached is of not much use but highlights the notes made by me during class. the recent review by india is the main part of project and where i need your help most. i will have to extend it to a 5000 word project and so i would ask for you to provide help with references from which i can add. bluebook referencing style.

Strategy Memo on a Initiative against Berkshire Hathaway

Write a strategy memo outlining an activist initiative against Berkshire Hathaway for this fall

Supporting Links and info:

Berkshire Hathaway has investments and ownership stakes in many companies that span the range of issues which will come to the fore during the fall campaigns:  Choose either a subsidiary or an issue.

The latest Zicklin index rated the company at zero on campaign donation disclosure and accountability to the board.

Warren Buffett has a popular personal reputation. Take note of it in your memo. Background information:

You may decide to focus on the company, a subsidiary, Buffett’s individual campaign donations, or any combination thereof.