Category: Law

DB 3

Discuss the contributions to the human side of enterprise as articulated by Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Abraham Maslow, and Douglas McGregor. How does this organizational theory school of thought differ from the classical and neoclassical schools of thought? In your opinion, which school of thought is most applicable for public and/or nonprofit organizations and why?


Classical Organizational Theory deals with the systematic processes necessary to make bureaucracy more efficient and effective. Two scholars (Weber and Taylor) are credited with the development of classical organization thought. What were the basic arguments articulated by each in their contributions to the development of Classical Organizational Theory?

admission essay

The essay should demonstrate graduate level writing competency and should address long term career goals associated with earning a masters in public administration. Discussing passions for public issues or policies is also recommended.

Career goals: commitment to public service, leadership, public policy, and project/program management.

Passion: ambition to become a leader and making an impact on large groups of people.


A fundamental assumption of administrative reformers in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was that politics could have only adverse affects on administration. How valid is that belief? Why? How, and to what extent, do current administrative structures and practices reflect that assumption? Also discuss the contributions of various scholars (at least five but preferably more) to the development of public administration as a discipline.


For each research activity, the student will be required to conduct an Internet search (using the library database) on a specific victimological topic.

A definition of the term with an APA in-text citation.
A 5-10 line summary of the journal article, where students must demonstrate his or her understanding of the main victimological content of the article.
The summary should have an in-text citation (APA Style)
The textbook is NOT permitted for this activity
ONLY use academic peer-reviewed journal articles
Lastly, a full reference of the journal article using APA style formatting must be provided.

Points for the research activity will be evaluated as follows: 25 points (Rubric)

Definition of the term with APA in-text reference and full APA reference. (15 points)

Definition of the term from an academic peer-reviewed journal article with APA in-text citation and APA full reference. (15 points).
Definition of the term with no reference. (5 points)
Definition from a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article (0 points).
No definition. (0 points).
Content: 10 points

Effectively captures the main point of the article and victimological problem. (10 points)
Shows an understanding of the article, but is not clear on the victimological problem. (5 points).
Shows little to no understanding of the article and the victimological problem. (2 points).
Uses a source other than an academic peer-reviewed journal article to summarize, with no understanding of the article or problem (0 points).

Drug Policy

The purpose of the paper is to provide the reader with a synopsis of a problem or critical issue in US crime, what we know about the pre-exiting policies that are causing or contributing to one of the problems or issues, and what alternative policy options are recommended.All information contained in the paper must come from academic sources unless your instructor tells you otherwise. In addition, you should not rely on your own knowledge about the topic. Moreover, you must use a minimum of 10 academic sources when writing your paper. Your paper must be written in APA format and must include citations written in APA format. Failure to include citations constitutes plagiarism. Your paper must include a title page as well as a reference page. Points will be deducted from papers that do not meet the page requirement or that do not incorporate eight academic sources.

The Structural Elements of the Capstone Research Report

Policy reports directly reflect the different roles that the policy analyst commonly plays, i.e. from researcher to advocate. The type of report that you are writing is one from the more action-oriented, advocacy end of the continuum (but that is nevertheless based purely on evidence and not your opinion). Although there is much variation even at this end of the scale, the most common elements of the policy brief are as follows:

Title of the Policy Report
Executive Summary
Context and Importance of the Problem (also called the Introduction)
Pre-existing Policies, Policy Options, and Research
Policy Recommendations
Reference Page

Wrongful Conviction Case Profile

Wrongful Conviction Case Profile 
Description: This assignment is designed to explore the flawed and complicated nature of the U.S. criminal justice system through the stories of wrongfully convicted and exonerated individuals. This paper requires you to act as an investigative journalist or a biographer by selecting a single case of wrongful conviction to examine in depth. The person that you select can be dead or alive. After your subject is approved by the instructor, you will present a detailed paper regarding the facts of the case in conjunction with what we have learned from scholarly research on the causes and consequences of wrongful conviction (examples listed below). That is, cite relevant course material pertaining to the miscarriage/s of justice that led to the false conviction.  
Goal of Assignment: Provide a thorough case profile of an individual who was falsely convicted and subsequently exonerated

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Under what circumstances may a law enforcement officer use deadly
force, and what are the potential consequences of an illegal use of deadly force?  Name several circumstances under which little or no force should be used to make an arrest.

Need citations APA 

Wrongful Conviction Case Profile : Kenneth Adams

Wrongful Conviction Case Profile
Description: This assignment is designed to explore the flawed and complicated nature of the U.S. criminal justice system through the stories of wrongfully convicted and exonerated individuals. This paper requires you to act as an investigative journalist or a biographer by selecting a single case of wrongful conviction to examine in depth. The person that you select can be dead or alive. After your subject is approved by the instructor, you will present a detailed paper regarding the facts of the case in conjunction with what we have learned from scholarly research on the causes and consequences of wrongful conviction (examples listed below). That is, cite relevant course material pertaining to the miscarriage/s of justice that led to the false conviction. 
Goal of Assignment: Provide a thorough case profile of an individual who was falsely convicted and subsequently exonerated. 
Step 1Subject Approval Process: To have the subject of your profile approved, log onto the discussion board called Wrongful Conviction Case Profile. You must have your subject approved; if your subject is not approved, the essay will not be accepted.
Step 2Research Case  Information that must be included in case profile:  Name of exoneree: Crime exoneree was convicted of: Some background about the person you studied, e.g. where theyre from, what their family or personal life was like. Be sure to mention details pertinent to the case. Step 3Write Profile Describe the crime of which this person was accused. How did this person come to be linked to the crime?  How long was this person imprisoned? How does the exoneree describe their experiences in prison? How did maintaining their innocence affect their time in prison? Did it make it more or less difficult? What was life like for this person after s/he was released from prison? How did the label of exoneree affect him/her?
Examples of Miscarriages of Justice Topics to relate to your Subjects Case: 1. Interrogations of Juveniles or the Cognitively Impaired: – Standards for treatment of juveniles or the cognitively impaired in custody – Debates about IQ or developmental stage as an indicator of suggestibility – Vulnerability of juveniles to suggestive interrogation practices, etc. 2. Forensic and/or Junk Sciences: – Crime lab scandals (i.e. FBI) – Forensic uses of DNA (for law enforcement and in court) – Implications of arrestee databases, etc. 3. Access to Effective Counsel: – Different kinds of indigent defense systems and their problems – Measures of effectiveness and tests for ineffectiveness
– Distinguishing strategy from incompetence, etc. 4. The Role of Juries: – Jurors understanding of complex scientific or witness testimony – Unanimity requirements – Implications of different requirements for jury size/note-taking – Dynamics of influence in deliberations, etc. 5. Life after Exoneration: – Physical, social, emotional, health-related, financial consequences – Reparation and compensation schemes – Expungement of record problems faced by exonerees and the consequences – Political will for providing reintegration services, etc.
Requirements Format:  Strict APA format; Essay Style; 3-5 Pagesexcluding title and reference page. No abstract required.  Citations: 73 from assigned material, 5 from your own research. You may use academic books or journal articles, popular books, editorials by journalists, or websites, newspaper accounts, law reviews, judicial opinions, government documents, or journalistic accounts. However, the quality of your citations and the way that you use them will be analyzed and graded for validity and authenticity. 

MY Beloved world

The PAPER is a paper discussing how Justice Sotomayor has impacted the US Supreme Court and how if at all gender/racial/ethnic diversity matters in the judiciary.
APA format with same restrictions as above.

based on the book My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor
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