Category: Law

Administrative Law Case

You must prepare a research paper on the Administrative Law Case below:

Heckler v. Chaney, 470 U.S. 821 (1985)

To prepare your paper, you must first read the FULL case.

Next, research the case by accessing other sources that discuss the case.

Discuss why the decision was or was not correct and why the rule based on this decision should or should not be changed;

i.e. review the decision and discuss whether the rule should be changed and why. 

You must use at least 5 sources and your paper must include in-text citations.

BE AWARE, it is far more difficult to write a quality paper that is shorter in length. To help achieve the highest grade possible, before writing your paper, please assure that you have
1) carefully researched the issue to be studied (at least 5 scholarly or academic resources should be consulted, considering BOTH sides of the issue identified)
2) carefully analyzed the pertinent issue
3) REMOVE any excess or unneeded verbiage
4) clearly, articulately, and concisely addressed the issue raised (this will require considerable time and thought on each students part).

The Research Paper will emphasize CRITICAL THINKING, and will require incorporating into the analysis of the issue identified the various concepts discussed in class, in outside readings, and in the textbook.

Below is the rubric your work will be scored against:

Paper effectively presents research in support of the approved topic. Research is professional, articulate, presented without error and follows the guidelines detailed in the syllabus.

Paper logically and methodically analyzes an approved topic with appropriate research support.

Paper examines theoretical and historical development of law in a manner that is both descriptive and applies directly to the topic selected.

Paper examines the relationships between ethics, policy and biblical principles and is without error and logical in argumentation. Paper effectively describes whether or the decision (law/ruling/case examined) was correct and explains either position effectively.

Mature, scholarly and polished, and has a clear academic voice, including APA standards. Paper is well organized, visually pleasing, effective, professional, and ready to be presented.

Please use following books:

Jerry L Mashaw, Richard A Merrill, Peter M Shane, Administrative Law, The American Public Law System: Cases and Materials, 6th ed (Thomson/West, 2009)  ISBN-13: 978-0314195852  ISBN-10: 0314195858

Peter Strauss (Editor), Administrative Law Stories (Foundation Press, 2006) ISBN10: 1587789590 ISBN13: 978-1587789595

Small claims court

Assignment as follows:

Research about “Rule 4”
– on paralegal scope of practice.
– Make 5 slides 
– You may use pictures to your study aswell in relation to content.
– must be well written
– and presentable

-Concerning “Small claims court” in relation to laws according to “Ontario, Canada.”

Unit I Case Study

Anthropometric Design Exercise
This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts you have learned in the Unit I Lesson regarding the inclusion of ergonomics during the design process. Specifically, you will be using anthropometric data to develop design recommendations.

As a recent graduate of Columbia Southern Universitys Safety and Emergency Services program, you have just been hired as a member of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) staff for Aston Martin Lagonda Automotive Manufacturing located in Gaydon, England. Your first work assignment requires you to work with members of the facilities improvement team to develop design recommendations for new office workstations.

Using the ergonomic design guidelines discussed in the unit lesson and the appropriate anthropometric data from Tables 3.2 and 3.4 in the course textbook, develop a proposal for the new workstations. Your proposal should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page, MUST include a copy of your computations/calculations, and may include graphics to illustrate your design. You are required to use a minimum of two outside sources; one may be the textbook. Your proposal should be written to your management and must include the following two parts:

Part 1:
    a brief introduction that identifies the nature of the work assignment;
    an overview of the importance of including ergonomics in the design process;
    an overview of how anthropometry can be used to address human variability.

Part 2:
Complete the following using the calculation template:
    computations for the dimensions of the following:
o    desk (height only),
o    chair (must include a range of adjustability for the height, the dimensions for the seat pan, and the armrests), and
o    computations for any other office equipment that you would like to include in your design proposal (optional);
    justification for your design decisions by identifying the user population for which you are designing, why that population was selected, the body dimension(s) selected for each computation, and the percentage of the population for which you are designing and why that percentage was selected.
Click here to access a supplemental document containing information necessary to complete the assignment.
Your proposal should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page, MUST include a copy of your computations/calculations, and may include graphics to illustrate

Unit I Case Study

Anthropometric Design Exercise
This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts you have learned in the Unit I Lesson regarding the inclusion of ergonomics during the design process. Specifically, you will be using anthropometric data to develop design recommendations.

As a recent graduate of Columbia Southern Universitys Safety and Emergency Services program, you have just been hired as a member of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) staff for Aston Martin Lagonda Automotive Manufacturing located in Gaydon, England. Your first work assignment requires you to work with members of the facilities improvement team to develop design recommendations for new office workstations.

Using the ergonomic design guidelines discussed in the unit lesson and the appropriate anthropometric data from Tables 3.2 and 3.4 in the course textbook, develop a proposal for the new workstations. Your proposal should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page, MUST include a copy of your computations/calculations, and may include graphics to illustrate your design. You are required to use a minimum of two outside sources; one may be the textbook. Your proposal should be written to your management and must include the following two parts:

Part 1:
    a brief introduction that identifies the nature of the work assignment;
    an overview of the importance of including ergonomics in the design process;
    an overview of how anthropometry can be used to address human variability.

Part 2:
Complete the following using the calculation template:
    computations for the dimensions of the following:
o    desk (height only),
o    chair (must include a range of adjustability for the height, the dimensions for the seat pan, and the armrests), and
o    computations for any other office equipment that you would like to include in your design proposal (optional);
    justification for your design decisions by identifying the user population for which you are designing, why that population was selected, the body dimension(s) selected for each computation, and the percentage of the population for which you are designing and why that percentage was selected.
Click here to access a supplemental document containing information necessary to complete the assignment.
Your proposal should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title page and the references page, MUST include a copy of your computations/calculations, and may include graphics to illustrate

Workforce diversity

Discuss the differences between EEO, AA, and Workforce Diversity. What is the role of the HR director?
Lorens, J.J. (2012, Spring). Uncovering the role of public sector employee associations in addressing issues of diversity and representation. Journal of Public Management & Social Policy. 47-64.

Pay disparities

provide a 5+ page written analysis.
Include the following sources in your analysis:
    At least one peer-reviewed article (required class readings or otherwise)
    At least one government (ex. BLS, GAO, OPM, OMB, Maryland DBM, etc.) or professional report (ex. National Academy of Public Administration, ICMA, IACP, etc.)
2. Pay disparities
Is there a gender earnings gap or pay disparity based on race and/or gender? Be sure to address relevant legislation and court decisions, as well as empirical evidence (e.g. BLS ,Census or other data) to support your arguments.

additional resources not to exclude any you use:

Lewis, G.B., Pathak, R., & Galloway, C.S. (2018). Trends in public-private pay parity in state and local governments. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 38:3, 303-331

OPM: Pay & Leave

Ledbetter v. Goodyear

Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the questions.

Week Three Video Discussion Assignment

What steps can be taken to prevent, reduce and eliminate the extent of sexual abuse in institutions where adults form mentoring and nurturing relationships with adolescents, including schools, sports (athletic) and social organizations (scouts) ?

Hypermasculine institutions such as the military often provide situational opportunities for sexual abuse to take place.  What can be done to reduce the scope of sexual abuse within the military.

3. Would a review of the current regulation sports uniforms on both the high school and college level be a positive step towards reducing sexual abuse and sexual misconduct by those on the periphery of the sports? 

Written Assignment Week 3

Each answer should be written using your own words. Do not copy and paste
from your textbook or an Internet source. Simply copying from the book word-for-word
does not show me that you understand the concepts. If necessary, ensure you cite your
work and add reference(s) as required. This assignment is designed to see if you are
reading and understanding the material from your textbook and class lectures so these
should be the sources you are citing in your work. You should not find it necessary to do
research from additional resources unless the question specifically asks you to do so.
You should not be Googling the answers for these questions.

1. What is the appropriate sentence for a person convicted of possessing child pornography or distributing it for profit? Does it matter if this child pornography involves real children or virtual children?

2.  Should consensual sexual behavior be allowed within prisons? Why or why not?

3. Religious institutions have often been exposed as places where adults have sexually exploited children. Research has shown us that there is usually equal representation of these cases among religions, so why do you think certain religious faiths have been targeted more than others? Please cite cases in your answer.

4. What is SANE? What is the role of SANE in assisting victims of sexual assault?

5.  Who are secondary victims of sexual assault? What issues do they face and how can society assist them with these issues?

Neighborhood Emergency Team

Read the exemplary practice noted on page 16 in Partnerships In Preparedness – A Compendium of Exemplary Practices in Emergency Management Volume IV entitled “Neighborhood Emergency Team Outreach” and following the general guidelines, post your response on what problems you might encounter with this program if these people are called upon to serve in an emergency or used in planning
I reside in Okaloosa County, FL, however, I don’t care what area is being described.  (

Ethics Of Compromise

The goal of the short response pieces is to give you the chance to engage more deeply with an idea from the reading, either in a positive way by applying that idea to a practical context or in a negative way by challenging that idea.  Thus, these will be graded purely on your engagement with the material.
In general, a short response piece should:
    Take an idea from one of the readings assigned that day and explain how it expands or challenges a traditional approach to a policy problem. How would this idea change your practice as a policy leader?  How would implementing this idea change your analysis of a public problem?
    Challenge an idea from the reading with an alternative principle or a counterexample. What is the author missing, and why would that idea change the application of the idea to practical policy problems?