Category: Law

12 Angry Men (1957)

CRIME, FILM AND REALITY (Violence AND Court and Juries)
Film 12 Angry Men

The discussion question should help you to formulate your ideas, hypothesis and reflections. In other words, you need to write two three paragraphs of reaction to a specific theme, topic, or characterization common amongst assigned film and readings.  DO NOT summarize or critic the film. Your focus should be on the major themes in the film. By using the discussion questions, it is expected that you will be able to identify main themes that connect assigned film to the readings. The assignment will illustrate your understanding of the material. site the page and author for your hypothesis. No need to use any other reading other than the ones that where provided.

QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT Do not answer all the questions, use them as to find the major theme as it reflects from the readings attached and criminal justice theories.

1.    Describe the dynamics and personalities of the jury room.

2.    What ideological message does this film convey?

3.    How do the jurors arguments crumble, including those of the racist (played by Ed Begley) and the final juror who holds out for guilt (played by Lee J. Cobb) until the end?

4.    Explain some of the errors of the defendants lawyer. How common are these errors? Would they occur in contemporary death penalty cases?

5.    Using concepts developed by Rafter, was there a justice figure in 12 Angry Men?  How did the plot focus on a typical courtroom film theme:  the difficulty of achieving justice?

6.    Discuss some of the realistic insights about the jury system raised in 12 Angry Men.

7.    Did the defendant have a jury of his peers? (Contrast this to the short story A Jury of Her Peers

8.    Despite its realism, the film is misleading in portraying important rules governing jury deliberations. What were the mistakes?

9.    Why does Rafter believe that there is an absence of critical or alternative traditions within contemporary trial or courtroom films? 

10.    Think about how racism, gender bias, and other kinds of discrimination surface and occur as one has contact with the criminal justice system.  Be able to discuss several of these points and their implications for carrying out the principle of equal justice under law. Where have some of these issues surfaced in films we have viewed? (e.g., Do the Right Thing, Boys Dont Cry, 12 Angry Men etc.).

11.    How does ones social location (status) influence the quality of justice she or he receives? Again, relate these arguments and examples back to short stories and films we have covered in class.

Child abuse or neglect

Research and find a case on child abuse or neglect an use the case to answer the questions.
Please be certain to include a comprehensive summary of the family, including ages, relationships, time frames, etc. These can be actual cases, however, if it is an ongoing case, please protect the confidentiality of those involved. 

Please be sure to include the case summary and use the case that you found to answer the questions

How far is an occupier of premises responsible for their condition to visitors present on the premises

The assignment falls under OCCUPIERS LIABILITY branch of law
The assignment must include a table of contents, an introduction, appropriate headings and subheadings, a conclusion
Must use cases from UK common Law and the Caribbean.
All sources must be cited using FOOTNOTES
High standard of work
No Plagiarism

Business Entity



What is the case?
What are the facts in the case? Provide a brief summary.

What is the legal conflict / issue(s) that is presented?
What is the relevant legislation surrounding this dispute/case?

Has the dispute been resolved or a court decision made?
Do you agree/disagree with outcome?
Do you agree/disagree with the likely outcome?
If yes, what was the legal outcome? 
If not, what do you think will likely be the outcome? Why?

Support your opinion with clear arguments.
Use at least three external sources in your case analysis.
Use APA for in-text citations and your reference page.
No title page is needed.

Shell Corporation


Respond to the following in your initial post. In your opinion

Do you agree with Robert Thomas creation of an LLC to purchase a vehicle? Why/why not.

Should Shell Companies be allowed to exist? Are they needed? Why/why not.

Provide an example of another Shell Corporation and indicate why the company was created and how the person(s) involves benefit from such a corporation.

Label your responses in your post. Although not required, you may wish to use other sources to support your initial post.

Module 7

These weekly reaction papers are designed to test your critical thinking and application skills. Each week, you will be tasked with answering pertinent ethical questions about &/or creating evidenced-based remedies for various forms of miscarriages of injustice. Each response paper must be 300-600 words and clearly and effectively respond to all parts of the prompt. You can be less formal than you would be in a standard research paper, however, write as if you are writing for a public audience. That is, professionally and grammatically correct. You must cite at least 2 of the assigned resources (papers, lectures, videos, etc.) per moduleyou can also cite outside material from your own research. However, outside sources do not count toward your required citations. In-text citations and a reference section are required.
The wrongfully imprisoned who eventually regain their freedom suffer profound economic losses. Studies show that over 90 percent of exonerees lost all their assets — savings, vehicles, houses — while imprisoned. Of those who are able to get jobs after their release, most are paid less than they earned prior to their imprisonment and, when corrected for inflation and unemployed exonerees, the vast majority of exonerees never recover their pre-conviction earning potential. In addition to the vast economic consequences, there are countless more tangible and intangible losses experienced such as mental and emotional health damage, loss of family members &/or loss of relationships with family members, etc. which can never be fully measured, healed, or restored.
Imagine you have just been released from a New Jersey prison after serving a ten-year sentence for a crime you did not commit. Describe a plan of action for the first year you are out of prison. Discuss the specific problems or deficits you might face, as well as the strengths and resources you will draw on to help you with the transition from prison to community. You must identify four real services or resources in your area (can be statewide but try to stay as local as possible) you will utilize to help you in the process of reentry from prison to the community and incorporate these resources into your plan. Provide web links to the resources you choose. 

module 2

These weekly reaction papers are designed to test your critical thinking and application skills. Each week, you will be tasked with answering pertinent ethical questions about &/or creating evidenced-based remedies for various forms of miscarriages of injustice. Each response paper must be 300-600 words and clearly and effectively respond to all parts of the prompt. You can be less formal than you would be in a standard research paper, however, write as if you are writing for a public audience. That is, professionally and grammatically correct. You must cite at least 2 of the assigned resources (papers, lectures, videos, etc.) per moduleyou can also cite outside material from your own research. However, outside sources do not count toward your required citations. In-text citations and a reference section are required.

Despite solid and growing proof of the inaccuracy of traditional eyewitness ID procedures, traditional eyewitness identifications remain among the most commonly used and compelling evidence brought against criminal defendants. Using the material provided in this module and properly cited outside material, describe the process and procedures you would take if you were a detective tasked with compiling a police lineup.
What are some of the evidenced-based procedures you would take to minimize the risk of error and injustice as much as possible? When you describe a procedure you would take, explain why you chose to conduct your investigation in such a waythat is, what errors and injustices are you specifically trying to avoid?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a clear and detailed description of your study/research objectives, and give your reasons for wanting to pursue them Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your future objectives

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a clear and detailed description of your study/research objectives, and give your reasons for wanting to pursue them Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your future objectives

Pozgar’s Case: Code of Silence

Conduct a case review on Pozgar’s Case: Code of Silence answer and these questions:

Describe the ethical and legal issues in this closet drama as they relate to the various characters.

Describe the virtues and values in play.

Describe why you think there was a breakdown in communications between Dr. Caesar and Marcus.

In light of the fact that 70% of diagnoses are made as the result of lab tests, would you expect Marcus to inquire what the lab results had revealed about the patients state of health?

Describe your overall impression of this case, and how you would have handled it if you were Marcus.

After considering yourself in the position of each character in this closet drama, describe which role you would have chosen to play. Explain your choice of character.

How would you describe the culture of the Health Review Council?